Topic: Future Partner Spreads
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:18 PM
Dani, for you Who is going to be the father of your children?
1. will you (personally) have children? - 2-3 cards or your yes/no method FOOL Yes 2. where you meet him KNIGHT OF CUPS
Near water, at a river, maybe a sandy beach with some rocks in the background, so it could also be the ocean. Alternatively in a situation that is emotionally drenched, creative, maybe at a lecture of poems, a theatre play etc. 3. his physical description JUDGEMENT (clarifyer: WORLD) Whoa! He must look completely stunning! Tall I think, a very commanding and appealing presence. Looks a little stern maybe.
4. his psychological description TEMPERANCE very balanced, artistical as well, diplomatic, calm, always trying to be fair and bridging differences 5. his job HIEROPHANT A priest? LOL something to dowith the temple? Alternatively, a spiritual authority or a teacher. 6. his feelings for you MAGICIAN Magnetically attracted to you, but this is an attraction of the mind (or to your mind) as much as to your body. 7. what kind of father he is EMPEROR (hey, girl, why all these majors? )
he is the man in the house! He is the breadwinner and controlled and disciplined. Something he will teach his children as well, but at the same time he will be a little authoritative but also fair. They will be well protected. 8. overall card for you as a couple HANGED MAN You will stand out as being different. Maybe people would not have thought of you as a couple before you get together. your relationship will also make you change both your lives and perspectives quite strongly. Spiritual couple, there is a lot processed between the two of you that others are not aware of.
9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot) Star Either 17 ( ) or two. I go with 2 I say two because there are two jugs on the picture. 10. children gender - after you determine children number, pick a card for each to determine gender King of Swords - boy, very intellectual, reasonable but also a bit controlling Hermit - boy, more spiritually inclined and a seeker, rather withdrawn.
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:25 PM
Thank you, Dani. "1. will you (personally) have children? Sun - Oh yeah! And the indication of one little boy!! He will be your mr little sunshine! " Interesting, Orange also pulled the Sun for me (well if I get out of my tower that is).
And well many years ago I was having dreams of children, or more precisely, one boy. Though I still doubt I will have a biological son. "2. where you meet him 7 of Cups - Hahahahahah!!! I saw Mr. Sag here.... At the concert, where your imagination went through the clouds..." hahaha, lol no comment "6. his feelings for you High Priestess - Ah! He sees you as someone sacred, secret and he respects you a lot! I see the adoration of a saint in this heart, as someone he can't touch, or this saint will loose her place!!" Funny enough, this card often comes up when I ask about how MR Sag saw me (at certain occasions). occasionally it will also be the Queen of Cups (or sometimes Queen of Wands, but Highpriestess is much more frequent - must be my glasses. lol) "8. overall card for you as a couple Strength - Ok, seems like to be a couple, you'll have to battle for it. A lot of force will be used between you to make a good marriage..." A wonderful card for a couple/ marriage! The combination of very different qualities and temperaments. Oh and of course another title of this card is "Lust".
"9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot) Page of Wands - One boy..." Ah and he will be a fire sign as well!!!
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:32 PM
Enneline, my love Who is going to be the father of your children? 1. will you (personally) have children? - 2-3 cards or your yes/no method empress 4 of cups queen of cups Yes. The spread suggests unexpected or long sought pregnancy and a little girl. Or two little girls and the desire for a little boy that may not be accomplished. Or simply two girls and a dreamer, spoiled boy hahahaha Let’s see.2. where you meet him Hanged man hermit WoF Haha that was tough When visiting someone on a death row? Just kidding hehehe Well when you least expect it and already decided will be single for the rest of your life. My definite answer for this combo is this: during a holiday away from home. No doubt about it, in my mind. 3. his physical description Emperor 8 of cups He is a mature man, tall and or big or imposing. Very imposing. Authoritarian, fierce looks and physique. Something earthy. Artist, poet writer the same guy!!!!! The guy I got for you, OK? Something important in his 1st house which makes him stand out. 4. his psychological description 9 of swords knight of swords I see virgo here, and someone who worries a lot. He may have trouble sleeping even. No wonder, if he is a poet or artist lol he is very verbal and usually tries to overcome his more fearful nature by appearing dashing, by posing in a fierce warrior, especially with the sword of words lol very sharp tongue. He likes to move all the time. Agitated fellow. When he is upset, he moves and talks a lot and picks fights. 5. his job 4 of swords Definitely artist, planner. His job involves long gestation periods. Therapies, such as aura or massage or tourism or caring for people also indicated. Bureaucracy too. 6. his feelings for you King of cups knight of pentacles knight of swords Awwww you are everything to him. He is every man for you: lover and father of your children, family man, your partner and best friend standing beside you, your knight in shiny armor 7. what kind of father he is Star He mesmerizes the children, he is a model to them. He knows how to tell them stories and share the magic of life with them. Sometimes he could be distant though, caught in his mind pursuits. But he will be a star to the children. 8. overall card for you as a couple 10 of cups Wonderful, harmonious family. You will both be great parents and be happy all of you as a family. Delicious card! 9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot) 2 of wands 2 babies 10. children gender - after you determine children number, pick a card for each to determine gender Magician ace of cups One boy, one girl First the boy, then the girl So the first spread actually shows you – the empress – with the boy (4 of cups) – oh,boy, he will be spoiled hahahaha and then you will have a little girl QoC Well done! For me of course hahahahaha I think I did a pretty spread! Blessing to you!
------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Abc333: For LeeLoo:I'm sorry if this card reading doesn't seem accurate, I tried my best. 1- where you meet them: Page of Swords: A place where a lot of communication, thoughts and ideas take place. 2-what he does (for a living): 3 of Wands: either does freelance work or is a writer or a combination of both. 3-qualities: Strength: a person who has inner strength and determination to meet and get through all obstacles. 4-weaknesses: Page of Wands: Indecisive and/ or pessimistic 5-physical description: 6 of Wands: Stands tall and proud, attractive with a sporty look. 6-his opinion of you when you meet, how he will see you: 5 of Wands: Curious but unsure. 7-your opinion of them when you meet, how you see them: the Devil: immediate attraction, but slow to trust. 8-what he will feel for you: 6 of Cups: Joy. A happiness that is comparable to the innocent and playful happiness of childhood. The phrase "you make me feel like a kid again" comes to mind. 9-what you will feel for them: 8 of Pentacles: A feeling of building a stable foundation for the future. 10-best side of the relationship: Queen of Wands: Kindness, generosity and wisdom. 11-challenges in the relationship: 10 of Swords: potential of betrayal or unhappiness/ anxiety in the relationship could severe the ties. 12-advice for improving the relationship: 3 of Cups: a break from the relationship may be needed and space should be given for the indiviuals to grow. Stay optimistic, the re-establishing of the relationship is a good possibility. 13-when you meet them: the Fool: it will be unexpected and spontanieous. possibly taking place during the season of Spring. 14-long term vs short term prospects (potential duration): Death: a card associated with change, an association that may not be permanent. 15-outcome of the relationship: 2 of Pentacles: a choice will need to be made.
This sounds pretty good, thank you Devil could mean someone giving a strong Pluto/Saturn vibe. Death could be "for life' or a relationship not mean to last. Your 2 of pentacles suggests the second option, but I would have probably drawn a clarifier on that. You forgot the combinations do you want me to try to interpret them for you? I see you are a pretty good, I would love to see your vision on those ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Abc333: I have Uranus in my first house conjunct my ASC and Saturn. Uranus also opposes my Venus and sextiles my Mars.
I got you hahahahaha IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 02:44 PM
thank you leeloo I'll let you know definitely IP: Logged |
Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 555 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted July 09, 2015 03:02 PM
I did forget to do the combinations of the cards and just realized this a few minutes ago. I'll be honest with you, I'm actually not good at doing the card combination stuff, I'm too overly analytical. The phrase "can't see the forest through the trees" is an accurate depiction of my methods. I am very sorry, you are definitely welcome to do the combinations of what I drew if you like. Like I said, I have a hard time trusting my own capabilities when it comes to tarot, especially when doing readings that are not physically in person.Thank you for doing the reading for me, by the way. I greatly appreciate it. Usually when I do readings in person for friends, they tell me they're amazed by how eerily accurate they are. That's the opinion of others though, my own opinion tends to differ. In regards to my reading, you mentioned meeting potentially in November but that this could already be someone I know. 13 years ago in high school I met my now ex fiancé during the month of November. He was very uranian and sagittarian, held great interest in things such as astrology, meditation, dream interp, etc. There were a few other things that seemed to remind me of him as well. Also, I am in no way criticizing your reading but I would like to add that I probably won't be doing any overseas traveling as I don't have the finances for it nor do I own a passport. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:03 PM
Enneline, Ok, the interesting part here: confession time!! lol I've known my future since I was a teenager, I am only watching it unfold, ever since. So the fun part for me in these spreads is to watch gifted people picking right cards for my past and future.1. will you (personally) have children? - 2-3 cards or your yes/no method -> 6 of pentacles falled. So someone will be begging you to have his children? Then I pulled again: 6 of pentacles again, 4 of pentacles and lovers (clarifier 7 of cups). I would interpret as follows: your man will want to have children with you but you won't be too sure but then love overcomes your doubts. To be honest the lover cards could also meant that you choose to be alone with your partner. Another possible interpretation: look at that: 1 person is being begged by 2 persons. So maybe it depends on the partner you choose? Also, the 6 of pents can show that you will be taking care of foster children I just drew 6 of pentacles for pregnancy today, in PR! so amazing! with your spread, I realized what it actually means. 6 of pentacles is a card of DISTRIBUTION. in a pregnancy spread, it most likely shows "distributing" yourself, so it is a fertility card, spreading yourself, giving to the world. it is a yes card, clarified by the 4 of pents, which stands for "certainty" plus "womb'. together, they make the 10 of pentacles, the card for family, but also later in life pregnancy. I think the 6 of pentacles here together with the Lovers shows the presence of "two fathers", which is my lifelong prediction, which I believe here is shown in the 7 of cups (prediction) Also, I've always known I will have foster children too. Spot on! 2. where you meet him -> knight of wands (6 of wands clarifier) and gipsy oracle says death: on a funeral? During an important project and while being dead... hmmm...this is hard. I need to think about that the same prediction all the girls gave with Leno: the Cross. It suits both gentlemen, if they are who I think they are, two knights as well 3. his physical description shamanic oracle: weasel! hahahaha and page of swords So i guess he is young looking, slim, blonde with beautiful eyes and not too tall. [/b] not blonde, but as the page shows, a brown/auburn haired, actually two brown haired guys. Page od swords is Gemini Mars, or Gemini in the 3rd. One has Gemini Mars, the other has Gemini Venus, in the exact same spot in my chart, the perfect one. Both slim and not tall. 4. his psychological description -> moose (protection and strength), bear (calm and strength) and 6 of wands and ecclesiastic. so he is not that outgoing but ambitious and has some inner strenght in himself and he can be very protective. I think both moose and bear show that. the ecclessiast and the totally amazing! both overprotective, yes 5. his job queen of swords and gift. Author? Could also be a therapist, someone who preaches and or someone who really does someting for society by communicating the preacher and the teacher 6. his feelings for you -> 6 of wands, loss, peacock and bear Really to have conquered you, fear to loose you again and admiration for your looks and all his feelings are strong 7. what kind of father he is -> strength and stork (fantasy and unison) a dad who would be really hands on but also who loves to play with his children and gets along great with them both adore children, wonderful fathers. stork in leno is the best parent, together with bear 8. overall card for you as a couple 2 of swords and bat (journey in the realm of shadows). I think the 2 of you love to be with themselves and indulge yourself in spiritualiy this goes perfectly with Tulipe's Coffin: highly intimistic couple. 9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot) -> 3 of pents. Okay, 3 children 10. children gender - after you determine children number, pick a card for each to determine gender okay, the first one: 8 of wands - i think it is a boy the 2nd = 3 of cups - i think it is a girl the 3rd = king of wands - again a boy as I said, my palmistry mark Just letting you know how gifted you are! believe in your psychic gifts, they are real! Thank you again. Brilliant spread. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:06 PM
luckily I saw the end of your message, abc. well not having a passport now doesn't mean you won't have one in the future. also, there are other variations for the 6 of swords I described, and it doesn't have to be a foreign trip. I am sorry, I didn't see the rest of your post ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6166 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 09, 2015 03:08 PM
My reply for you disappeared Ceri...Thanks for the reading, I promise to give feedback if I find this wounderful guy soon IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:08 PM
oh, it's still here, when I posted my last message I saw it gone. We often repeat the same type, a reason why our future partners resemble our exes ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6166 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 09, 2015 03:11 PM
Ceri, I now remember that Emperor, Fool and Judgement cards ALWAYS appear in the spreads people do for me (I once was with a tarot reader in person)... Very nice cards for meditate on...IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:18 PM
ah, thank you, LeeLoo. "both adore children, wonderful fathers. stork in leno is the best parent, together with bear" but you know i pulled the stork from the shamanic oracle and there it means fantasy and unison IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Enneline: ah, thank you, LeeLoo. "both adore children, wonderful fathers. stork in leno is the best parent, together with bear" but you know i pulled the stork from the shamanic oracle and there it means fantasy and unison
Yes I know but Stork in the animal world, as a totem/symbolic animal, is known as a symbol for "parenthood", great parent, it represents the ideal parent. Not just in Leno. It is a worldwide symbol of parenthood. Maybe "fantasy" in this context of parenthood means "ideal parent" and unison, perfect harmony with children and between parents, similar to your 10 of cups.
------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
Abc333 Knowflake Posts: 555 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted July 09, 2015 03:30 PM
I just remembered that transit Jupiter is supposed to conjunct my natal moon this upcoming November.IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 03:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Abc333: I just remembered that transit Jupiter is supposed to conjunct my natal moon this upcoming November.
This could be it, Abc usually spreads show the next November, not just "a" November. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:24 PM
Dani, Who is going to be the father of your children? 1. will you (personally) have children? - 2-3 cards or your yes/no method world king of cups 4 of pentacles clear yes, boy suggested 2. where you meet him 3 of pentacles church reunion. gathering of people. collective project. humanitarian project. 3. his physical description WoF outer planets in the 1st. he looks exotic and cosmopolite. perhaps the signs depicted on the wheel. and maybe lighter hair. 4. his psychological description 4 of pentacles again so he is the father in the first spread typical earth here: reliable, stable, stingy lol 5. his job 8 of swords 50 shades of grey! he is a BDSM bondage dominator! prison guard! he could be a therapist too or a procrastinator, the rich guy I drew with leno 6. his feelings for you empress you are the one and everything, his Empress. suitable for our moon, babe! 7. what kind of father he is 2 of cups so loving and caring and tender and gentle and motherly 8. overall card for you as a couple page of cups you will be a couple of old lovebirds. romantic, sweet, tender and childish. 9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot) hanged man fell! one 10. children gender - after you determine children number, pick a card for each to determine gender 9 of cups a very loving and happy boy. he will like sugar too much though hahahahaha ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:37 PM
Leeloo, wanna exchange with me too? IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6166 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 09, 2015 04:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Dani, Who is going to be the father of your children? 1. will you (personally) have children? - 2-3 cards or your yes/no method world king of cups 4 of pentacles clear yes, boy suggested King Arthur with the Graal in his hands!! 2. where you meet him
3 of pentacles church reunion. gathering of people. collective project. humanitarian project. Well, no one can complain about this one, as you girls keep on pulling this for me, I think I'm gonna to pray a little more!! 3. his physical description WoF outer planets in the 1st. he looks exotic and cosmopolite. perhaps the signs depicted on the wheel. and maybe lighter hair. Or he can be a foreigner too. Some time ago I got this impression, and once a friend of mine told me: that's why you got easily the french and greek language. Ow, a Greek God for me is nice, we'll have Percy Jackson's kind of son and he will go to the camp! Hahaha!! (I must stop reading fic) 4. his psychological description
4 of pentacles again so he is the father in the first spread typical earth here: reliable, stable, stingy lol I see Taurus strong here. As 4 of pentacles is a very earth card, he seems to work a lot too to bring his little one the money to be raised. So cute! 5. his job
8 of swords 50 shades of grey! he is a BDSM bondage dominator! prison guard! he could be a therapist too or a procrastinator, the rich guy I drew with leno Now you almost got my heart out from my mouth! I have a secret not too secret to be dominated in bed (hope my mother doesn't read this). The rich one, yes!! 6. his feelings for you empress you are the one and everything, his Empress. suitable for our moon, babe!
Better for his own benefit! Hahaha! 7. what kind of father he is 2 of cups
so loving and caring and tender and gentle and motherly So good here. As I didn't had a loving daddy by my side, it is just that I want for my family. 8. overall card for you as a couple
page of cups you will be a couple of old lovebirds. romantic, sweet, tender and childish. I love to play as a child with many of my friends, but I guess that the play with him will lead to another place than the dance floor 9. how many children you have (pick a card from 1 to 5 with Leno or Tarot)
hanged man fell! one 10. children gender - after you determine children number, pick a card for each to determine gender 9 of cups a very loving and happy boy. he will like sugar too much though hahahahaha Sweet as a candy! Ok, nice card here, and I sense that being the wish card here, is my soo much wanted boy. I once heard a baby laughing by my side when I was almost sleeping... so maybe it is you, my little one???
Thanks a lot for the reading, I learn a lot, you come with many different things and it gets very funny to learn tarot or leno with you IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:46 PM
Which spread, Ceri?IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:48 PM
Arthur! You're so right, Dani! I forgot about that wow that's lovely!------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6166 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted July 09, 2015 04:53 PM
I want to name my son Arthur, to continue the kingdom of his father quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Arthur! You're so right, Dani! I forgot about that wow that's lovely!
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:53 PM
The king is mine! Back off, girls! Lady Guinevere does not like to share (unless it is her own affections of course. )IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:54 PM
leeloo, maybe the future partner spread with tarot? IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 09, 2015 04:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: The king is mine! Back off, girls! Lady Guinevere does not like to share (unless it is her own affections of course. )
Yours is Lancelot, remember? hahahahaha tell me which spread, Ceri, I want to watch a movie soon The future partner with Tarot? or the babymaking spread? ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... AstroMandala Summer Readings IP: Logged | |