posted August 20, 2015 08:58 PM
One weekend my girlfriend came over and said that she was crying a lot and not to think she had a black eye. I see her 3 days later and say "you look like you got hit", she said my mom asked the same thing; at that time she said maybe it was my make up or something. #1 I did a pull and asked why her eye looked like it got hit. I pulled the Seven of Wands, witch reading really made my heart beat very fast seeing what it meant. After seeing that I asked her about it saying that I pulled that card and wanted to know what really happened. She says nothing happened and that she’s light skin and it’s my red veins. I have been with her over a year including when I was out of state working for 3 months, and I have never asked if she got hit or anything before, there were no visual indications.
So now we have 3 reasons 1, a week ago she told me she was crying a lot because she was talking to her mom having a heart to heart about her mom's struggle growing up. The Second time was last night when she said it was probably her make up or something, witch this is a girl that does not use makeup on a regulars basis she just started a job I’m not sure if she puts it on for work. The third is today, saying that it's because she is light skin and it’s her red veins.
#2 I then had to ask the tarot if she was lying or not, and I pulled the Queen of Swords. Now I'm looking for a yes or no answer and I'm a rookie at this so I used as a reference and Queen of Swords was in the maybe list; something that stood out with this card was Queen of Swords represents hard choices that need to be made and made soon.
#3 I still did not have my yes or no answer so I pulled a card for clarification and I pulled the Judgment card, immediately I thought man this is the reason I'm doing this, and on the website ( it was listed as a yes card.
Now there is a lot of synchronicity in regards to the cards I pulled and the general topic of the question. I would appreciate if there is someone at a more advanced level that may be able to decipher a deeper truth to what the tarot is actually communicating to me. Is my girlfriend telling the truth or is she lying to me, or is there something else the energy is trying to communicate on a higher level that is going on to actually make me ask the question in the first place.
Quick Info
Why does her eye look like she got hit-#1 Seven of Wands
Is she lying to me, yes or no-#2 Queen of Swords
Is she lying to me, yes or no clarification-#3 Judgment