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Author Topic:   Marriage Spreads

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posted September 07, 2015 04:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Whoa, Orange! Nice interpretation.

Also, just checked my transits for that year:

Tr Pluto opposite n Saturn:
january, september, october

Tr Uranus square Vertex and Sun/Moon-mp


pSaturn conjunct pDESC

Tr Saturn conjunct Sun
february, may, november

Tr Saturn conjunct DESC-ruler Mercury
february, june, november

Tr Jupiter square Vertex and Sun/Moon-mp
january, march, september

Tr Jupiter square Saturn
april, august

Tr Jupiter conjunct Uranus

pMars conjunct nVenus

pMoon square nASC april

no major solar arc activity,

though in august 2018 I am going to have

sa DESC conjunct Vertex and Sun/Moon-mp

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Posts: 6204
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posted September 07, 2015 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

great activities in your charts at that time.

any progressions or SA involving Venus? Venus activation is a must. You do have pMars on Venus, which is great, is there more? This progression kicks in an year earalier, so you will start feeling it at the end of 2016.
My Aries has this right now, one degree away from cojunction.

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 2664
From: Pandora's Box Tech
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posted September 07, 2015 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri, do you feel like an exchange?

Anomaling around since 1911.

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From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 08, 2015 04:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ceri - can we exchange?

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posted September 08, 2015 09:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"any progressions or SA involving Venus?
No, not really. I have had sa Venus conjunct Moon this year (march).

Well in september 2016 I am going to have pMoon opposite pVenus (and pVenus is on the antiscion of Uranus, if that counts anything, not sure yet).
but the progressed moon is so quickly, just a pointer, not really a stable progression.

In march 2016 sa Pluto semisquare n Venus; usually I look for 4th harmonic aspects (though I know that Noel Tyl sais to have an eye on the 8th harmonic ones as well), but there really isnīt anything going on in 2017 at least.

There is a bit going on with Venus in the tertiaries, but it is more this and next year.

this december I am going to have TPSun conjunct TP Venus,

in september 2016 Tp Sun will be opposing n Venus.

in may 2017 Tp Mercury will oppose n Venus

this coming november 2015 Tp Venus will oppose n Sun and Mercury

in july 2016 tp Venus opposite n Venus

in june 2017 tp Venus conjunct n Vertex

it all seems pretty spread out.

"This progression kicks in an year earalier,"
June 2016 actually

"Nodes were also prominent - SA Nodes and Sun were on top of my Mercury-Pluto, so the Nodes activated my 7th house ruler at the same time."
Wow, really strong!

I do not have something like that though, well okay I am having sa Nodes on my natal Vertex/ Sun/Moon-mp, but this one is happening NOW, literally (the peak was on 5th september 2015. lol)

"Saturn was opposite Sun. Mind you, i have that aspect in our synastry with him - my Saturn opposes his Sun, exact!! "
Makes sense.

"it may bring a relationship where your natal Saturn aspects your partner's Sun - what sign is your natal Saturn?"
Well I don`t really see myself with a Cancer, so I guess it would be rather a Capricorn (or even Aries). Truth be told though I am fond of the hard aspects between Sun and Saturn, though usually it is their Saturn squaring or opposing my Sun. in friendships with females it is often their Saturn to my Moon, makes sense I suppose. And I am talking about conjunction, opposition, square, not the wishy-washy aspects.

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posted September 08, 2015 09:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AA and VG,

sure. what is your question?

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Aunt Anomalia

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From: Pandora's Box Tech
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posted September 08, 2015 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd rather do it on a private ground. I'm gonna send you an e-mail.

Anomaling around since 1911.

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From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 08, 2015 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mine was this spread too, would you like me to try one for you? Or do you have a question(s)? I can use tarot(im practising) or cartomancy. You can choose which you would like. Im not home now but will be in about 3 hrs.

Pls don't quote might edit later

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posted September 08, 2015 10:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

not quite sure I understand. Do you want me to do a marriage spread for you?

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Posts: 5138
From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 08, 2015 10:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ceri, yes, would you like me to do one for you or do you have other questions?

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posted September 08, 2015 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To be honest I am more interested in how the trip on 27th/ 28th december will be. or (naturally there will be a performance part of it as well)

and pick the cards you feel more connected to.

I think I am going to do leno for you.

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posted September 08, 2015 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For VG:

MARRIAGE SPREAD (this includes: marital relationship, which means living and loving together and a family)

Will I get married?
yes/no of your choice


Yes, and I think you will have a very nice little family, father, mother, child. lol
Alternatively there will be a strong foundation and also strong sexual chemistry as well as the feeling of freshness and youthfulness.

Do I know the person I am going to marry?
yes/no of your choice

Yes, you do know him. It might be that you know him over a (female) friend, or that you are already in contact with him, could be online as well. or through email

Who is he/she?
1. physical: 2 cards

strong physique. broad shoulders. might have a tendency for overweight if not being careful, probably brown hair. Also gentle facial features, very handsome.
round face

2. psychological: 2 cards

Very curious, communicative, often on the move, but at the same time loyal, committed and devoted. Maybe a little too trusting at times.

3. profession: 2 cards

Teacher or even a doctor.

4. circumstances of First Meeting: 2 or 3 cards

he comes riding in your life all of a sudden and it takes you by surprise. Probably you hit it off very well mentally instantly. Like there is a strong mental spark, but somehow something seems to go wrong. Maybe he (or you) goes missing for a while, or there will be doubts and anxiety creeping in, but no matter what it is it will get resolved and you will start a stable friendship that will develop into something more of course.

Will we have kids?
yes/no of your choice

Yes, you will, probably a boy. However it will take some time until you will conceive.

Will we be happy?
your choice of spread

Yes, you will, however you will be responding very emotionally to each other, and there might be occasional discussions and debates, nevertheless I think somehow that will even represent some sort of turn-on for you.

When do I marry?
timing of your choice
2015 man - you might meet him or have met him

2016 bear - some sort of stable foundation is being layed

2017 whip - no, not a marriage year, you either might have some arguments or being busy having sex with each other

2018 Ring - yes that would be it

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Posts: 5138
From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 08, 2015 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Ceri, it does resonate in that I know someone like that and how our relationship/friendship has developed so far.

Be right back with yours

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Posts: 5138
From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 08, 2015 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri, I used cartomancy

27th december

7C, QH, 10S,AS, 4C

clarify: 2D 2S

Is the performance on this day? Are you going with someone? a female? It looks to me that someone will not want to go, it looks like there will be a discussion, also 7C can represent feeling confined. I think this all might leave you feeling a bit impatient at the end of this day. The clarifiers - 2D can show invitation and 2S can be division, 2D is also a communication card. Also while shuffling the 10S and 5H fell out, it seems that someone might back out or want to, and this might perhaps cause a bit of a fall out. But 4C makes me think you will still go to it - it's a creative card. I hope I'm wrong about the rest though

28th December

10C 2C AS 8H QH

clarify: QC 3D 6C

I think you will be travelling on this day. I think having a conversation, perhaps even about the previous evening. You might want to detach yourself from the situation. The clarifiers also show to me communication with a woman, but 6C at the end tells me it will be resolved, it's a card that shows improvements.

I think the 4C is the performance, as it is a creative card. 4C can also show impatience too.

Let me know if any of this resonates, it helps with card interpretation.

Pls dont quote my posts might edit later

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Posts: 30489
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posted September 09, 2015 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, VG.
Yes, I can see myself wanting to back out and not do the trip. I mean it is shortly after christmas, and curiously I cancelled almost every trip Ihad planned for december, seeing him, I think just saw it through once or twice. NOt sure why this is. So the one not wanting to go would be me

I will go on my own though, so no discussions with females (unless meeting them on the train or in the hotel).

My travelling days will be 27th december and 29th december.
I guess I will be a little anxious on 27t december as the first performance will start on 6 p.m. (an early beginning), and I have a longish trip to there, so I might be nervous if everything will work out, and I won`t be too late and miss it.

Usually I would go there a day earlier, but did not want to travel on christmas day, as I am such a traditionalist, christmas is reserved for the family for me.

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Posts: 2622
From: On the Rings of Saturn
Registered: Nov 2011

posted September 10, 2015 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Julz87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Will I get married?
5 of wands (might be competition for this person?)
High priestess (marriage card?)
Ace of Wands(yes?)

Do I know the person I am going to marry?
Ace of Swords
Knight of Pents
9 of Wands

No-yes? but leaning more towards no?

Who is he/she?
1. physical: 2 of Swords- Fool
tall, light eyes light hair? I have a thing for tall guys.

2. psychological: 5 of Cups-4 of Swords
This person seems very reserved and a bit depressive.:/ Nooo just nooo.

3. profession: 4 of Pents-Hanged Man::Hmm I'm very ambitious man I wish he has a great job/business and is just as ambitious.

4. circumstances of First Meeting:
2 of Pents
Knight of Wands
10 of Pents
can someone help me please interpret this one as circumstance? :/

Will we have kids?
6 of Wands
Queen Pents
yes? I actually have chosen when I want to have a baby 2020.

Will we be happy?
3 of Swords (some heartbreak why though?)
Sun--So overall yes?

When do I marry?
timing of your choice
I first check the year, one by one, and then the month.

ten of cups- 2015- hmm doubtful I don't even know anybody
king of swords-2016
8 of Pents- 2017-work work work
2 of Cups- 2018 Loud and clear lines up with my astrological transits and solar for 2017/2018 marriage year for me

4 of Cups- Cancer month?
Wheel of Fortune fell out.

Could someone help me interpret, please. I can exchange RWD or if you'd like you can pull for me a whole new spread.

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Posts: 18614
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 10, 2015 01:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Julz, I did it with my own cards, I hope that's OK

MARRIAGE SPREAD (this includes: marital relationship, which means living and loving together and a family)

Will I get married?
yes/no of your choice

9 of cups judgment 2 of wands
yes, possibly with a foreigner and/or a powerful man
2 marriages also suggested

Do I know the person I am going to marry?
yes/no of your choice

judgment 2 of swords 4 of cups
no, but you are eager to

Who is he/she?
1. physical: 2 cards

8 of wands 9 of pentacles
with some Virgo and/or Taurus maybe divorced; well financially, elegant and good looking, earthy, passionate, nice hair, dark hair and eyes, latino, maybe a bit overweight, speaks fast; Jupiter and/or Venus in the 5th.

2. psychological: 2 cards

5 of swords 7 of wands
quite the fighter; very ambitious and competitive; possibly a manager of sorts or someone wanting to be in charge; sharp tongue; very protective

3. profession: 2 cards

3 of cups
he may be retired or live off some dividends or a big gain and such; tourism, hospitality, event planner; beauty company; party and events company

4. circumstances of First Meeting: 2 or 3 cards

page of pentacles 7 of pentacles king of pentacles
financial circumstances; maybe in relation to a loan or a bank; autumn suggested; shopping suggested too. you may be with another man when meeting him

Will we have kids?
yes/no of your choice

8 of swords page of cups 7 of cups
yes, I think more than one haha first one could be an unplanned pregnancy

Will we be happy?
your choice of spread

queen of swords 7 of pentacles 2 of wands king of swords

yes, happy, well situated financially, a power couple, solid pair, you will work together too, perhaps even help other people with a humanitarian project

When do I marry?
timing of your choice
I first check the year, one by one, and then the month.

2015 strength
2016 8 of wands (meeting, perhaps)
2017 10 of cups
there you go!
when in 2017?
6 of wands - August

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...


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posted September 10, 2015 01:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
seems 2017 will be one busy wedding year.

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Posts: 18614
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 10, 2015 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, strange haha

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posted September 10, 2015 02:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had a look at the outer planetary transits, that will be there possibly.

for some of it (picking June) there will be a trine between Saturn and Uranus, and around that time a trine to NN. Not sure if that means anything at all though. lol

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Posts: 18614
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 10, 2015 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting, yes. For those near US the Eclipse (total solar) could play a role too), it's the first one visible in 26 years, that would be a first for those reaching a marriage age so...I am not sure if it's significant, but significant events happened to me around seeing the total eclipse. I think there are 3 years in a row of total solar eclipses, I am not sure how common this is? 2015 2016 2017

Of course, it is important to everyone, visible or not.

The eclipse in 2017 21 August is precisely on my Vertex and makes a Fire GT with what you mention, and conjuncts NN, of course but it releases into a Kite, Jupiter 20 Libra

EDIT: wrong Sabian, now look at it

20-21 deg Libra

A Sunday Crowd Enjoying The Beach

now the interesting part, the degree of the Eclipse is 28.53 (Leo), so more like 29. But it will make an exact trine to Uranus 28.24 Aries. Quite interesting.

28-29 deg Leo

A Mermaid Emerges From The Ocean Waves Ready For Rebirth In Human Form

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Posts: 18614
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 10, 2015 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interestingly, Venus that day will be precisely at 24 Cancer, making a perfect semisextile with NN 24 Leo, where the eclipse happens and squaring the said Jupiter/ Uranus opp.

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posted September 10, 2015 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Interesting, yes. For those near US the Eclipse (total solar) could play a role too), it's the first one visible in 26 years, that would be a first for those reaching a marriage age so...I am not sure if it's significant, but significant events happened to me around seeing the total eclipse. I think there are 3 years in a row of total solar eclipses, I am not sure how common this is? 2015 2016 2017

Of course, it is important to everyone, visible or not.

The eclipse in 2017 21 August is precisely on my Vertex and makes a Fire GT with what you mention, and conjuncts NN, of course but it releases into a Kite, Jupiter 20 Libra

EDIT: wrong Sabian, now look at it

[b]20-21 deg Libra

A Sunday Crowd Enjoying The Beach

now the interesting part, the degree of the Eclipse is 28.53 (Leo), so more like 29. But it will make an exact trine to Uranus 28.24 Aries. Quite interesting.

28-29 deg Leo

A Mermaid Emerges From The Ocean Waves Ready For Rebirth In Human Form[/B]

Oh great, it will be on my DNA-Sappho-Musa-etc, opposing my Chiron, squaring my Vertex-ERos-Sun/Moon-mp.

OH and incidentally fall onto the conjunction of Amor-Cupido-NN in the composite. LOL

just can`t help noticing those cardinal degrees.

at least it`s Jupiter, could be worse I guess.

28 Leo is opposing my true BML exact, and on my Parvati. lol

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Posts: 5138
From: Pluto
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 11, 2015 04:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the feedback Ceri, i guess you are the QH here. Looks like you will be really unsure if you should go. There might be some kind of delay too.

Is it possible you decide not to go on 27th but go on 28th? I think there is another person in your spread - 2 two cards. I think there is travel on 28th...

Let me know how it goes

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posted September 11, 2015 05:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, it is still pretty long until then, and one can never say `Never`, but it`s pretty unlikely I would go on 28th december instead of 27th, as I have booked a ticket for 27th; if anything I might go a day earlier or so. Unless of course the train will be on a strike. lol

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