posted March 28, 2016 11:06 PM
I'm still learning/feeling things out but I was wondering if anyone could provide any insight on this combo? I'm pretty stumped on having the Sun and Death in the same spread.I have the Wild Unknown deck and I'm basing my thoughts off of the imagery on these cards.
My initial thoughts:
On Death and 5 of pentacles specifically
- feeling deflated/like you've decided to keep your feelings hidden and bury them. Kind of like a secret crush/admiration but you're not letting these feelings be known due to an outside circumstance "killing" the option to let your feelings be known.
- "Taking your true feelings to the grave"
Now for the Sun
- For some reason I keep thinking of the word nostalgia? (again I'm new here my interpretations might be way off lol..) but personally when I see the sun I just think of "the glory days". Like when you're a kid splashing around the pool with the sun on your back.
- I also think of the Sun as being warm and energizing. The doves illustrated on this card in my deck are flying away from the Sun as if they've gained the energy to go on about their day and start anew/build things/grow/etc.
So maybe the feelings are one of appreciating the "good days" but deciding to keep their feelings to themselves, let things "be". Not rocking the boat or anything so to speak.