Topic: Should I spill on my feelings?
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 15, 2016 05:12 PM
The situation is the guy is in a relationship yet there's always been a connection between us, one that is a bit more than friends with benefits. It progressed to a the point where one has to wonder what is to become of this, to continue on as is would mean likely hurting ourselves and others, separating altogether proved very difficult if not impossible, or attempting a relationship with each other with an open and patient mind.So I asked if I should tell him this (im sure he knows but its never been discussed) Hierophant- 10 of pentacles- 6 of wands Editing to add; I just asked what kind of couple would we be, would we be able to work together? Bring out the worst or the best? Would we be able to grow together? Hopefully the phrasing is ok. Its new deck and I'm feeling it out. Strength- Empress- King of Cups IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 71260 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2016 09:00 AM
Those three look good. You, him, and strength.IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 23, 2016 06:41 AM
I think in your first question The Heirophant is speaking of doing things in the traditional way/by the pope. Is this person married? No judgement here, just asking bc the heirophant is The Pope, an officiant at ceremonies. If not married it seems as though someone is in a traditional type relationship, and perhaps it's a bit stale or they are bored of toeing the line. Either way, family is important to them, as 10 of Pentacles speaks to the legacy ones actions leave behind for the future, and this person is also concerned with how they are perceived and received by the community. They want to be the good guy. Typically the 6 of wands is someone returning home, victorious - and being warmly welcomed. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 23, 2016 06:43 AM
*by the BOOK, not the pope! (No sleep, sorry)IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 23, 2016 07:23 AM
Well he is in a relationship but from what he's told me is not really into monogamy. He considers himself polyamorous, but his current relationship is 'monogamous'. Meaning he's not been faithful.So basically don't say anything? IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 23, 2016 07:28 AM
Well, are you looking for monogamy, or to change him? Can you be ok with being just 'one' of the however many?If he isn't into traditional stuff then perhaps the heirophant is saying that you desire a one man/ one woman thing. IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 23, 2016 07:35 AM
Neither really. Quite honestly I've always wondered if I can be faithful myself. Not sure if its due to flirtation or boredom or simply not having found the right person but I know I do want to be #1 to someone. I want that one person I can count on and then whatever shape our relationship takes is one that we work on together. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 23, 2016 04:14 PM
Maybe you could (if you want to) pull some more cards asking what would happen if you did spill the beans, and see the energy around that, at this time. It's all about timing, imo (relationships, that is) and you want to make the best of that.IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 24, 2016 01:55 AM
I asked using 2 decks simultaneously because one deck Ive been using for a while and the other is new (the one I originally asked this question to)old deck: Sun- 4 of discs- The Wheel new deck: 6 of wands- World- Queen of Cups Both of these indicate change and kind of in a major way with the world and the wheel.(I did the spreads one by one but didn't flip over the cards until they were all pulled to avoid bias) Also I was wondering if the original spread was simply indicating me wanting a more normal type of relationship with him...or him wanting one with me? Or perhaps it was saying that would be the only way to get a clearer defined relationship. IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 24, 2016 08:50 PM
I think the first reading is definitely speaking to someone wanting a traditional thing. It came to my mind when I was reading your comments (and I don't mean to sound jaded, I just have learned to say my first gut impresssion) that perhaps he says he's into polygamy and that but it isn't how he actually *feels* know what I mean? It would also be interesting to know if his primary relationship person knows they are with someone who is saying he's not into monogamy? Many times the other person is being told something else, bc,... that's what they need to hear I'm order to stick around.As for the other cards, I can't flip back to your comment bc I'm on a phone, but The Sun sometimes speaks of success and happiness, true, but it also speaks to things coming to light. You had the world there, which is an ending... a cycle that has completes itself. Perhaps if you bring to light the info, something ends. Like the way you two relate. If he doesn't feel the same, maybe he'd be uncomfortable being friends with you? I mean, idk, I'm throwing things our there. Ive spent the last year reading tarot for ppl for hours per day , so I've learned to see both sides of the cards. Even the good ones. But if you can't take it any more and want action one way or another, then go ahead and tell him, at least you'll have it off your chest. IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 25, 2016 04:36 AM
I was actually thinking exactly that. Except he did mention the poly thing, she wasn't into it, he went along with monogamy. Also it's me wondering if being friends is really a good option for long term. IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 25, 2016 05:59 AM
Ugh. I pulled more cards. They actually look really positive to me but now I'm worried about a false positive from asking different ways and too many times. But my mental state has felt different each time. Same thing as before just now specifically asking if it would develop into a romantic relationship between the two of us. Old deck: queen of cups- 9 of wands- 6 of Wands New deck: 8 of pentacle- ace of cups- 2 of cups In the first one I'm actually liking the 9 of wands because to me it speaks about a defensive vulnerability that I definitely relate to. Being so defensive and standoffish because I feel so vulnerable (in general). The bare breasted queen (in my deck) seems to amplify that. I asked again because I felt like this was the one time I was just straight up asking what I wanted to know. Maybe my old deck is applauding just that in the spread lol! IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6361 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted October 25, 2016 04:05 PM
Lol, I know exactly how you feel when trying to get answers! Do you have something a little less ambiguous in terms of interpretation? Like... Runes maybe?? I used to get 8 of pents a lot when asking about my ex. I finally figured that it meant 'this would be a lot of work' But I've also seen it mean that the person in question is currently focused on work and not relationships. You had 4 of pents too, I recall... that one is definitely someone who's closed off. But the rest of the cards seem really good. I wish you luck! !! IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3670 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted October 25, 2016 07:30 PM
I actually got some runes from my trip to Iceland and even got this gypsy witch deck I'm dying to try out. Haven't used the runes because I'm not quite sure how to. But I do want to give it a rest with the same question. Any more at this point and I feel like it's too much. The cards seem to say a lot of work that pays off, which I can deal with. I'm also fairly closed off, I mean he is too, so it's not a surprise that it comes up. IP: Logged |