Topic: January Spreads
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 29, 2016 09:56 AM
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 29, 2016 10:35 AM
ViS Honey BooI was just thinking if we were still on because I aaaam ! IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 29, 2016 01:54 PM
Had your cards - a little teaser, you have 2 Aces, hotdaaamn. Will write up in detail-ish soon-ish. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 29, 2016 03:44 PM
aaahhh....such a major teaser you are ! I have time on my hands, what exactly do you want me to read for? Please, leave me the title of the spread IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 30, 2016 02:06 PM
Right, 'ere I am. The title of the spread is Highly-accurate-1-card-per-month-for-the-next-hopefully-not-so-glum-year ^~^ JANUARY : KING OF SWORDS So, we are ringing in the new year with this severe, yet hot af King whom you may or may not know already. The general vibe of the month is set by this illustrious persona who is not as motivational as efficient. He may tell you to get your shizz together and to own your mistakes and will demand the results in small amount of time. As far as the "wise, knowing" cards of the Tarot go, this one is a cool one to have on your side in the month of overeating and dubious film/show binging. King of Swords in the end turns to be good news about your affairs. To to continued because my simplenote app crashed and I can't copy and paste my already typed, otherwise writ in blood predictions. ^ I lost February - May Shall do it again. I just don't like typing, is all.
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 30, 2016 02:26 PM
Moving on to February and The Hierophant -This hot guy of my deck is here to tell ya "I am the hierophant and I approve this message!" One of the top 3 YES! cards, V usually denotes the world that gets you,Orange.They dig your genius. The boss thinks you're the best thing ever. You're acknowledged,understood,appreciated. The lazy bugs stare at your pic for motivation. The month runs smoothly and the affairs are conducted as they ought to be conducted.(Unless you dabble in crime,obvs.) You could be in company of distinguished,good men as rare as they are.(No Rhett Butler,than.) It'a an awesome month to agitate your causes to the community. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 30, 2016 03:02 PM
Omg That's ought to be a lot of typing for all 12 months. Just short interpret would do it, please. I don't want you to over work your pretty, small fingers. And the King O'Swords is already happening. Lots of sharp verbal exchanges and slaps ..
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 30, 2016 03:06 PM
yeah,K/S could be a male person throwing at you all things from the swords suit. No,no,that's the style of the spread + overall combos.. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 30, 2016 03:09 PM
This is exciting, VenusI bet my January salary that you have a personal planet in Gemini, yes? Which most likely conjuncts my Moon at 11' Gemini, yes? IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 30, 2016 06:31 PM
It is a memorable year ahead of you, methinks. Splash of wands and swords, 2 Aces (!), 2 hot kings, and only 2 majors so the whole shebang isn't overwhelming and outta your hands. Nope. According to Pullen I am somehow strongest in Gemini: H3 stellium, plus domiciled Mercury. I do have Aphrodite at 11°,tho.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 30, 2016 07:23 PM
you know how to build up anticipationIP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 31, 2016 03:32 AM
I stall with style. MARCH:THE STAR
Always a good card to see in this spread; denotes good, calm times to be had by you and those close to your heart. It shows you have quiet confidence and clarity of mind. You're at peace. The month is usually low in activity and shows free time on your hands. You could be going to hometown, homeland ie any place that gives you comfort and security. You're happy and protected. Start dream projects this month, preferably with NM involved. APRIL: 4 OF SWORDS
Another month of smooth/peaceful sailing, but not necessarily to your liking. The communication is down, your net provider is wobbly and the people are draining your mental vitality. Immunity could be compromised; the weather is windless, and dumbs you down. You're a bit lazy but mostly need to chill out. Depending on your professional occupation, the month is excellent for any kind of written work, you're focused: you can dive in and dabble with the issues for days. Could denote your visiting someone who's ailing, or in hospital. Shows people passing away for medical reasons, and funerals in general.
My go-to card when it comes to numerical predictions, woes and bruises dealt threefold. Generally, a sucky month, exhausting and annoying. Your mind frequently goes up in rage and says "ugh, not today Orange". A distressing occurrence that goes on to occupy your mind and makes you obsess about it. Often shows people separating because the 3rd party was involved.
JUNE : KNIGHT OF PENTACLES This Knight pops up for people going back to their work: often women from maternity leave. (Not that I am hinting at anything.) You're invigorated and determined. All sorts of opportunities and news come this way, and there's little to worry about the financial issues. Shows paying your debts, putting down payments, investing and even lending money. The transactions are swift and secure. I don't think this is a particular person, in this instant, but of course it can be.
Regarding these 2 not so nice cards in succession - I will have you know that they don't paint a horrid picture, btw. I dislike that they descend, because this sequence often suggests struggles; I do however think that they show a period with long lasting influence, the one that extends beyond those 2 months.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 81224 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2016 10:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: you know how to build up anticipation
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 31, 2016 12:50 PM
Vi, Thanks for trying to console me regarding the Swords buggers. But April and May will be difficult I know, because I will have Saturn square transit during those two months. 4 of swords is fine but the 3 of swords is ugghh. But I like the knight of Pentacle coming after it. Thanks, sweet Venus. I guess the two aces are coming in the second half of the year then. And let me know what I can do for you. IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6126 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted December 31, 2016 01:47 PM
OrangeI needed to be away from net, but now I'm back for the reading! Let me know for which area you want me to do the reading IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 31, 2016 01:54 PM
Dani,Love, please Let me know your preference too IP: Logged |
DaniPepper87 Moderator Posts: 6126 From: Curitiba, Brasil Registered: Sep 2013
posted December 31, 2016 02:00 PM
Ok Orange.Love for January: Sun - King of Swords - Ace of Swords - High Priest - Page of Pentacles For this month, you'll be shining, as the energies of this new year are around we all. Someone with Libra or Aquarius will be on your spot, and this person will be a nice one. The mind will be very estimulated in the interaction. As like you need to conquer him through the ideas than for the feelings. You will start some nice conversation, and this is the main thing of the month. The feminine side of your soul will be activated too, and mixing all this... you will plant the seed! Things will start to develop, but with Pentacles, you know, slowly... Let me know qbout this reading. I wanna love too. Thanks! IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted December 31, 2016 03:24 PM
Dani, thanks for the spread . I see...lots of arguments, uh huh...Swords and all. here is your spread. I see a transformative month. I dont see love per se but i see a change in your outlook and a new vision. Completely new foundation. The struggles are over, but i can see that you are still on alert and not able to rest, as if trouble may come out of the corner any minute now, that's how stressful you have become. But it's gonna be alright. Death card is featured in the spread and that's the end of the troubles. New things are starting to form on the horizon and i see an older gentleman helping you and supporting you thru your journey.
9 of Wands - The Tower - 5 of Swords - Death - King of Wands IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 01, 2017 10:33 AM
Happy New Year, knowflakes. I hope you're drunk drawing the cards. Dearest Orange, I give you the aces you wanted! (and so accurately guessed,bae) JULY: THE ACE OF WANDS
A most fantastic card to be had in the summer. Shows: you,acting on a whim and wild inspiration, all sorts of wacky plans coming to a fruitful conclusion; denotes good health and good mood. More specifically, it shows a journey. Likely long distanced, even more likely for you to be in a good company.
AUGUST: THE 7 OF SWORDS Heh,the card of kicking somebody's butt. An urgent and strong card that shows conflicts and battles,pulling through and small victories. You pick 'em geezers one by one, one fight at a time. It shows a temporary retreat and a roundabout move to counteract the demands of the world around you. You are fighting for your ideals and you're sustaining the dream, goading the fire to life.
SEPTEMBER: THE ACE OF SWORDS I wonder if you work as a teacher - this card would suit the theme of September beautifully. The ace of clarity and honesty. You know what to do,and whom to hit (verbally). You have the strength of conviction. Ideas just come to you and they are new ideas and they ruffle them feathers: you encounter some opposition but you don't sweat it.It shows period when you can really move on to produce something useful. It sometimes shows people you decide to cut off from your life. Most importantly, the aces show new beginnings. These in particular, sweeping,strong aces that actively work for you,things just don't happen to ya, you make them. You carve new path for yourself. I think it is likely you will move away to some place entirely new. A ridiculously good opportunity. Together,they bring both relief and new motivation. I think that you will at some point look back at 2017 and say "yeah,this is when it all started". We say that this card is good and that one isn't, but when you pair two aces, good,incredible things do happen.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 01, 2017 12:17 PM
You are right, my dearI'm looking for new beginnings in 2017. The first half will be the clearing of old debris, the second will be of establishing new territory. Indeed, I'd like to look at 2017 as when it all started. Thanks, munchkin. IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 02, 2017 03:37 PM
OCTOBER : THE KING OF WANDS Here's the second hot king I was talking about,and bless him,his momma says he's speshul. He has both personality and hustle to roll his magnificent self-brand but do not be fooled,he's capable af. Always busy with something. If you recall,we have a King of Swords situation going on as well. Picture this spread in the shape of the natal chart wheel. Imagine K/Wands in H10 (that's where October card lands). And K/Swords in H1 position,for January. You see, these bad boys are squaring; them fighting men. It's ok to think they are 2 different people. I however think they are not! This is one and the same geezer who portends to have significant presence in your life. In your spread,there are no cups. This suggests no lessons to be had in that area. It suggests confidence about the emotional life and past decisions. Presence is as notable as absence which is not to say you'll off the hook for all things cuppy.
NOVEMBER: SEVEN OF PENTACLES A nuisance of card,shows financial insecurity, saving every cent,going by the book: instead opting for a new way out, you stick to old ways as waiting for the heavens to smile upon you. You're annoyed and workplace people treat you like office's little helper.Period of waiting, persevering ,worrying. Shows love projects that take up a lot of time and consideration as to its marketability. Card of slow,dedicated and careful work.
A hoot of a card to end the year on - people are showing their teeth, are verbally forceful and obstinate(or you are). No agreement in sight,but then again,you're out for a kill not diplomacy. Shows petty disagreements that escalate quickly. On the other hand, your mind is sharp and virile and you are able to thrive in desperate situations.
Now,questions. Are you interested in anything particular? IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 02, 2017 04:40 PM
Thank you so much, Venus de Miloyes, yes, the King o Swords and King o Wands is the same person, has been for the past 2-3 years. A fire sign man with lots of mercury in his chart. No additional questions, you were elaborate enough! Smooches IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 02, 2017 06:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Venus de Milo
. . . . You cold girl. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 6650 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 02, 2017 06:57 PM
she was made of parian marble, okay :-)but...... "Although she is believed to represent Aphrodite, because of her sensual, feminine curves, she might alternatively be the sea goddess Amphitrite, who was worshipped on the island of Milo at the time." two goddesses, not bad IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 02, 2017 07:34 PM
marble,shmarble in the words of immor(t)al Mars in Sco,Taylor Swift -
(Fun fact - Harry S is a Libra riser like meself.)
okay,what shall you draw for moi,be creative,I warn ya.
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