posted June 24, 2012 06:46 PM
Canto Twenty
page 1000.."Perhaps Ra will see that this does occur"
"you surely can't mean
that an earthquake is destined or ordained
for my flying mountains !"
.."I speak not of a Nature cataclysm
for the land which lies in the benevolent
of the Sangre de Christo mountain range
will be among those areas which shall offer
should other parts of your planet
need to be more severely awakened
..I speak, instead of an earthquake of Love
and Light
in the hearts of--not those City Fathers
but first in the hearts of those City
who are even now beginning to see the Light
and to inwardly know
how to lead the men they love out of the
where they have so long been lost
in hunting and killing..and dissipation
for it is the feminine 'I' in each woman
who will teach gently..all the children
along with the City Fathers
how one may wisely open the Third Eye"
"now that would be a miracle
truly--to end all miracles, I do believe"
.."truly believe--and it shall be
have Faith, not hope--and you will see
that each citizen there will very soon
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learn the difference between brass and gold"
"Heath, you have made me remember the
strangest thing...
when I once said, in frustration, to Gooober
in our little crooked house, in Colorado...
'oh, Goob !
what in the world are we doing here ?
he answered me
in what was, I thought, a very negative way
for he simply said, with that faint smile of
'waiting for the cataclysms'..then came over
kissed me on the nose, and said 'magic !'
and this has always..somehow, greatly
troubled me"
.."your Higher S-elf can sometimes be--quite
for your teacher was not referring
to a Nature earthquake
as he tried to show you when he said
'magic !'
he was, not wishing, but ordaining
through the power of the 'O' of his Higher
an earthquake of Love and Light
in all hearts there--and just as a Nature
opens up the ground
so will such a Human Nature quake
open up the long sealed shut Third Eyes of
the people"
"yes, I have been quite blind
to have, for all this time, believed
that Gooober would be guilty of imaging
such a negative thought form
oh, I miss him so.. when will he return ?"
.."there are two more lessons you must learn
before you can expect your teacher's return
and of course, you must also complete
Part One of your Happiness you know
the first lesson you must learn
is another fragment of Truth"
"what is this last Truth I must see ?"
.."not the last--only one of the last, for
the present
and this concerns a release"
"a release ? I don't understand"
.."within the Body Temple of the Carousel
you loved before..and a part of whom
you recognized and knew
when your teacher's eyes of silvery-wise
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first gazed on you...
...within this Temple
of the Carousel Bill..he entertained
let us say, visitors..who were not all
and one of these unfriendly visitors
persuaded the Mind connected to this Body
to be, at times, weak--and to hurt
and finally, tragically, to drown in a vodka
this visiting entity was a piece of another
O's Soul
not yet evolved into wisdom
as was the true Owner of that former
Temple....called Bill
and you did call that unfriendly visiting
stranger back
once more
into the present Temple you Goober
it's Owner-Overself 'O' being the same
as the one you recognized and knew--the one
who so wanted to heal
but who was prevented from healing, in the
former Temple
by this very visiting stranger you once
"I called back--I recalled, into Gooober's
this very same unfriendly entity
who visited the him-of-him before ?
oh ! how could I ever have done such a
thing ?"
.."by your old dreams--through remembering
and re-living all your old fears..from
earlier years
which once before fed and activated
and motivated this visitor--or Soul piece
and did not help it evolve--even then
when it was a guest in that former Temple
of the Carousel Bill
for it truly did not belong there
but you encouraged this stranger to remain
by feeding it with your fearing of the
shadows of fears"
"it did not belong there ?"
.."no, it did not--nor does it belong in the
present Temple
guided by the wise 'O' you call Gooober
the same Higher Overself as before..who
still desires to heal
this stranger-entity....or Soul piece
needs a different kind of Body Temple
in which to continue growing toward eventual
this lower-evolved piece of another Soul
during a Saturn-Seven-cycle
formerly wandered into the wrong house,
so to speak
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and in this new Temple of the familiar one
you loved, and lost, then found again
that entity again became an unwelcome guest,
you see
preventing the same wise Overself-Owner
once more..from healing
and even more importantly
standing as a wall..between your sacred
"oh, Heathcliffe ! what can I do ?
what can I do about this visiting stranger
I recalled unknowingly into Gooober's
Temple ?"
.."this visiting stranger no longer resides
"what do you mean ?"
.."this new Body Temple of the one you have
always loved
who was--and is--verily, your own Twin S-elf
is made from a finer etheric substance
than that from which his former Temple was
his present flesh body--its cells and genes
having been directly inherited
from what has been termed the House of David
or the Body Temple of David
there are many other Overself 'O's also
presently manifesting in bodies likewise
inherited from David
due to the need for more Temples
or bodies of finer etheric substance
during this Aquarian Age
so that healing may be swiftly demonstrated
and age-reversal..cell-regeneration..and
other miracles
this is why there are multiple bodies on
Earth today
descended--quite literally
and in actual verity--from the House of
from that finer Temple
and the one you love
who is an eternally inseparable part of your
own S-elf
presently resides in such a Body Temple
therefore, could not long entertain such a
so foreign to his own inner nature
and of necessity--did cast out that visiting
from his flesh Temple..some time ago
for its presence was causing him
to become mentally, emotionally..and
physically ill
and dangerously close
to becoming spiritually ill as well"
"you mean..a fallen angel ?"
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.."I do--and his own 'O' then so ordained
that this entity be cast out during his
recent Saturn-Seven-cycle
which created much physical pain..emotional
and mental the process"
"oh, I am so sorry, so sorry
will he ever forgive me
for all the pain and suffering I've
unthinkingly caused him ?"
.."need you ask this ? he--who taught
forgiveness to you ?"
"yes, I know...within myself, I know
he has already forgiven me
but--where did this poor, lost entity go ?
where is this visiting stranger now ?"
.."because the one you love does not control
the All
but only his own powers, which are great--
but not All
he had no control over the New Temple
the entity he cast out might then choose...
that visiting stranger logically sought--
and found
a similar, nearly identical Temple
as the one from which the exodus was made"
"and..this 'double' or look-alike
then came to me, falsely--as Gooober
himself ?"
.."yes--for what you should, by now,
as reasons related to the Universal Law of
magnetic attraction
this could not be avoided, due to Free Will
but also, this occured for other temperol,
complex causes
of conspiracy, among humans, on a political
related to Gooober's trip on a ship
those who believed they were movers in the
chess game
they played, regarding your relationship
but who were, in reality, only RA's pawns,
you see"
"what you are saying
is not yet completely clear to me"
.."the one you love, after casting out this
Soul piece
which then entered, at a Saturn-Seven-cycle
another Temple of nearly identical
was unable to then control
what occured..because of the Free Will
of the Owner-Overself of the new Temple
by the cast out visiting stranger Soul piece
for, in this new Temple
that lost and wandering piece of another
found itself to also not be at home or
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and in frustrated anger
did subtly incite the 'O' of this new Temple
so similar in appearance to Gooober
to become once more entangled in your Karma
and that of the one you love
by becoming an actor on the stage of the
of your relationship
in ways which are to complex, on both a
and a temporal level
to explain at present"
"it is..becoming more clear"
.."then continue to listen--and truly hear
so that you may grow to know
the terrible destiny of travail which was
nearly not avoided"
"..he that repeateth a matter
separateth very friends.."
.."did you make a comment ?"
"no, I was just..remembering something..
from the Bible"
.."and since that lost stranger entity piece
of Soul
is no more at home where it presently
than it was in the previous two Temples
it therefore..needs to be released
even from its present residence"
"Heathcliffe, I knew
it was a different man..I knew, I truly
did !
and is Gooober, then proud of me
for this knowing ?"
.."of course..for it shows how swiftly
you are now growing
would you not be equally proud of him
if he passed the same test of Love's
involving you ?"
it goes on about how this
entity can still try to
enter Gooober...
soul pieces can really mess
with relationships!!!
All my love, with all my Heart