Topic: The Secret of 13
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 01, 2011 04:19 PM
Thanks! And you're welcome! abcd efg!I came in as lotusheartone in July of 2005.. ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 09:49 PM
Lotus Here is what I Agree to-Lotus or Others dont have to agree to it at all. But these views are not merely mine..I have come to accept these views of others as more correct...and more closer to my heart. The Answer is pretty Long-But is essential to Understand in depth the meaning behind it- America, The Reincarnated Atlantis. We are all in a quest for truth...Whether we agree or not to certain views is secondary and Hence our views tend to differ as we all are searching for nothing but The Truth."Over twelve thousand years ago, when the continent of Lemuria sank beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean, about 25,000 Lemurians, part of those who escaped and survived, went to live underground, underneath Mt. Shasta, to the city they named Telos. The project of building this underground city was started several centuries prior to the sinking of the continent. The Lemurians and the Atlanteans knew for a few thousands of years ahead that their continents were doomed to eventually sink, and they painfully prepared for it. Telos was prepared to save 200,000 people but only 25,000 actually made it on time to the underground city before the land sank underneath the waves." They are the people of InnerEarth!After suffering God's indignation. Why and How did they become a Reason for Gods Wrath? Most people are familiar with the rebellion of Satan wanting to be like God and wanting to be worshipped as God. For his sins of rebellion and pride, he lost his rulership over the planets he resided over and lost his place in heaven as a high ranking archangel. What most people do not realize is that the rebellion of Satan's, leading 1/3 of the angels to try to usurp God's authority, and the rebellion of the Watchers are two separate events. The Watcher's were not a part of Satan's rebellion; they created their own rebellion against God by deciding to leave their first estate which was heaven, and go to the earth to cohabitate with human women. The church has covered it up by leaving Enoch out of the canon version of the Bible, and then manipulate the meaning "sons of God." They mistranslated Sons of God, (angels of God) creating some ridiculous theory suggesting it to mean Sons of Seth.Enoch was one of the greatest Prophets of God to have ever walked the Earth. In his lifetime he wrote 365 books. We have one of them. Where are the others? Are they lost or being kept hidden? It is in Enoch where we first learn about the rebellion of the Watchers, the angels assigned to watch over and guard over the earthEnoch then continues to discuss a deal he makes with fellow Watchers to all commit the same sin. IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 09:50 PM
In verse 7, it says that there were 200 chiefs on the summit of Mount Hermon, which is located on the border of Lebanon and Syria and stands over 9,000 feet high. They agreed to come to earth and cohabitate with women. These 200 chiefs were each in charge of tens of thousands of other Watchers. So how many fell with them.We do not know, maybe they all did. That would put the number into the hundreds of thousands that fell from heaven and came to earth. If we trace this legend back to Ancient Sumeria we are confronted with a disobedient God named Enki. Enki was a God of the waters and is some times depicted as being part fish. The Gods in Sumeria were depicted as having great horns, the symbol of their Lordship. Here we have the Quinotaur beast represented by Enki all the way back to the first known civilization. This quinotaur is traced back to atlantis in the Book Merovingian Mythos. In Genesis5-24GOd says to enoch-Go speak to the Watcher of Heaven, who have sent you to intercede for them. Tell them: You should intercede for men, and not men for you. Why did you leave lofty, holy Heaven to sleep with women, to defile yourselves with the daughters of men and take them as your wives...?’After God’s rhetorical admonition against his lustful yet loving angels He said to Enoch, “As for the Watcher who sent you to intercede for them, tell them: ‘You were in Heaven but the mysteries were not revealed to you. You knew worthless ones, and in the hardness of your hearts you revealed these to women, and through these secrets women and men work much evil [on] earth.’ Say to them, ‘You have no peace.’ Returning to Genesis chapter six, after the sons of God took human wives, verse four continues: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” However the King James version erroneously translated the Hebrew term nefilim as “giants,” and shem as “renown.” If the original words are used the verse reads: “The Nefilim were upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabitated with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto them. They were the mighty ones of Eternity — the People of the shem.” Nefilim stems from the Semitic root NFL, “to be cast down.”[8] The first line of Genesis 6:4 means Those who were cast down were upon the Earth. They were the fallen angels! Thus Alchemical Knowledge came fromalchemical knowledge came from fallen angels sexually attracted to human women! The Offspring of These fallen angels and Humans were known as Demons or nephilim! ‘damned and worthless’ works of nature, the secrets of metals, the virtues of plants, the forces of magical conjurations, and ‘all those alien teachings that make up the science of the stars’ - that is to say, the whole corpus of the ancient magico-hermetic sciences-was revealed to men by the fallen angels." Here we can understand how the myth of the fall applies: the angels were seized with desire for ‘women.’ We have already explained what ‘woman’ means in connection with the tree and our interpretation is confirmed when we examine the Sanskrit word shakti, which used metaphysically to refer to ‘the wife’ of a god, his ‘consort,’ and at the same time to his power." So is it easy to undestand that the angels were prey to the desire for power and in mating fell to earth. The powerful race of the Titans, the Nephilims, were born from this union. They are, in the Book of Baruch, called glorious and warlike. They awoke in men the spirit of heroes and warriors and invented the arts. The word root chema, from which alchemy and chemistry derive, turns up for the first time in order to refer to a tradition of this kind.IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 09:51 PM
Here "women" has two meanings. One is the biological, sexual being and the other meaning is "power." Obviously the Fallen Angels would gain power by mating with women, creating a new race of beings. This is exactly what they did.These angels were prey to the desire for power and, in ‘mating,’ fell - descended to earth - onto an elevated place (Mount Hermon). From this union were born the Nephilim, a powerful race (the Titans- says Giza Papyrus) , allegorically described as ‘giants’ but whose supernatural nature remains to be discovered in The Book of Enoch: ‘They need neither food, nor do they thirst and they evade [physical] perception. They wanted to become GOD's. "The Nephilim, the ‘fallen’ angels are nothing less than the titans and ‘the watchers,’ the race that the Book of Baruch calls, ‘glorious and war like,’ the same race that awoke in men the spirit of the heroes and warriors, who invented the arts and who transmitted the mystery of magic What more decisive proof concerning the spirit of the hermetico-alchemical tradition can there be than the explicit and continuous reference in the texts precisely to that tradition? We read in the hermetic literature: ‘The ancient and sacred books,’ says Hermes, ‘teach that certain angels burned with desire for women. They descended to earth and taught all the works of Nature. They were the ones who created the [hermetic] works and from them proceeds the primordial tradition of this Art.’ The very word chemi, from chema, from which derive the words alchemy and chemistry, appears for the first time in a papyrus of the Twelfth Dynasty, referring to a tradition of just this kind." Of course First we should know THE WILL of God our creator.We should never try to be superior to him. In this quote God recognizes the divine dignity of Adam that he has won, and after that implicitly refers to the possibility of transferring his achievement to the rank of universal power and immortality. God, however, did not want this. He wanted to assure the purpose of the human when he put in him the diverging elements of body and soul. About the domination of the two natures, body and soul, we find in the Corpus Hermeticum the following words, "Man loses no worthiness for possessing a mortal part, but very much on the contrary, mortality augments his possibility and his power. His double functions are possible for him precisely because of his double nature: because he is so constituted that it is possible for him to embrace both the divine and the terrestrial at the same time." No god leaves his sphere to descend to earth whereas man ascends to heaven and measures it. Also, "The soul of man sees much more deeply than the angels, because it sees as much of heaven as of hell." And because of that man lives in grave danger in this world. So now coming back to lemuria and Atlantis and Other fallen cities. Those who went underground, the survivors of these cataclysms, were able to gradually, little by little, develop a way of life underground that was far superior and wondrous than what surface people were subjected to. At the time, various bands of marauding extraterrestrials came to dominate and prey on the people of Earth who were struggling to survive as peacefully as they could. The extraterrestrials were not the only ones who caused a lot of negativity on this planet. The majority of the people of Earth themselves had fallen into a very low level of spiritual denial. They were also warring and preying viciously among themselves. Love, compassion and true brotherhood had become something of the past, forgotten by most people of Earth´s population. Mankind, in many areas, regressed to the level of cavemen and warring savages.found it easier to live underground than to be subjected to the harshness that existed on the surface. It is that simple of an explanation.It was not only harshness of the weather that made life difficult on the surface, but also the harshness of how humanity had come to treat each other.One must understand that it was out of necessity, rather than an enjoyable choice that originally forced the Lemurians and other underground dwellers to select to live inside the Earth. By doing so, they also joined and received some assistance from those beings from the Inner Earth who had been living underground for much longer periods time; for some, hundreds of thousands of years, who had vacated the surface to live underground for very similar reasons in other eras of Earth´s history.Following the sinking of the continents, people of Earth did not learn their lessons well, and many continued in their ways of darkness, greed, control and warring. When the continent of Atlantis sank under the waves of the Atlantic ocean, it is my understanding that the disturbances caused to the body of the Earth was even greater than the disturbances caused by the sinking of Lemuria. The story of "Great Flood" that the bible talks about is really one of the phases we know of the sinking of Atlantis.
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 09:53 PM
This is how they are enticing us with their call and decieving us---Life underground had much more security, stability and peace to offer then than life on the surface. Until today, this fact has remained the same. We, on the surface, are still living in duality, and the Inner Earth people have evolved to a level that we can hardly conceive with our human mind. The underground population, in general, has reached such a high degree of spiritual development that they have truly reached an ascended master consciousness, and our ways of life on the surface is not at all enticing to them. I can venture to say that they want to have nothing to do with the way we live. To them, it is too primitive!They have learned the total mastery of energy in every aspect of their lives. In the subterranean cities, there are those who have evolved to a fifth dimension consciousness and those who have evolved to a fourth dimension consciousness, while retaining an immortalized body that is totally free of the human limitations we are still subjected to on the surface. All of them live in a kind of wondrous paradise they have forged for themselves over the thousands of years they have lived underground. Our ways of life here is very far remote from theirs. They consider us still very primitive in our ways of living, we way we structure of our societies, our governments, our legal system, our educational system and our healing modalities with the cut, burn, and poison system, etc.
Comparing to them, we, on the surface, are like toddlers still in diapers or savages in the jungle. They do not judge us, they still see us as their brothers and sisters; but they are certainly not interested to partake our ways of life. When we are ready to listen to them, accept them as our teachers without killing them, when we are ready to integrate their ways of life, they will come out to help us build for ourselves on the surface, the wondrous type of life they have forged for themselves inside the Earth. "The day of their emergence to the surface will bring our liberation"!!! These fallen angels are striving to come up to repeat their cycle of supremacy over god!--- To practise sorcery and to claim that man is superior to god and his all other creations. Just like the atlanteans and egyptians and all the secret societies who practise hermetic magic to win over God our Creator. They are planning again even after their banishment from heaven and outer surface of earth- to forge a new civilization of human beings on this planet who will equal the attainment and mastery that the survivors of these civilizations have reached.Hence these souls are reincarnating In America! And call for Unity among Brotherhood!And spread the word to know that -if we all bind together to do it, very quickly, our two civilizations will unite again "physically", in a grand celebration of Love and Light.
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:05 PM
More about the use of Hermetic science- It is being used for corrupt and evil purposes.It is a weapon of Power which is being misused in order to be equal to god! Let us Consider ATLANTIS and LEMURIA- There must be a reason for both of them to suffer God's Indignation. Lemurian Age took place approximately between the years 4,500,000 BC to about 12,000 years ago. Until the sinking of the continents of Lemuria and later of Atlantis. Lemuria was really the cradle of civilization on this planet, the “Motherland” who assisted in the eventual birth of many other civilizations. Atlantis came about at a later time. The continent of Lemuria thrived in a state of paradise and magic for a few millions years. Eventually, as a result of wars between the two major continents, great devastations took place on Lemuria and on Atlantis. Twenty five thousand years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria, the two highest civilizations of the time were battling each other over “ideologies”. They had two very different ideas about how the direction of other civilizations on this planet should go. The Lemurians believed that the other less evolved cultures should be left alone to continue their own evolution at their own pace according to their own understandings and pathway. The Atlanteans believed that all the less evolved cultures should be brought under sway and controlled by the two more evolved civilizations. This caused a series of thermonuclear wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. Later on, when the wars were over and the dust had settled, there were no winners.During these devastating wars, people who were highly civilized stooped to quitelow levels, until they eventually realized the futility of such behaviors. Ultimately, Atlantis and Lemuria became the victims of their own aggression, and the homelands of both continents became greatly weakened by those wars. The people, through the priesthood, were then informed that within less than 15,000 years their continents would sink completely. In the time of Lemuria, California was part of the Lemurian land. When the Lemurians realized that their land was destined to perish, they petitioned the Shamballa-the-Lesser.the head of the Agartha Network, for permission to build a city beneath Mount Shasta in order to preserve their culture and their records.
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:06 PM
Okay So they thrived on magic- The magic that they thrived on was none other than Hermetic Science-Hermetic science is the merger of Egyptian magic with science according to the Hermetic axiom 'as above, so below'. Hermetic science, which will take over the field of science, manipulates the forces of nature in order to bring man into the realm of the spiritual world and under the control of Satan. In the Golden Age , the Hermetic Sciences of sorcery, magic and divination will be taught and practiced in order to produce demonic miracles, e.g., Harry Potter books/movies. Demonic miracles will be universally received as signs from God. Hermetic science is presented as the ancient wisdom of the Egyptian god, Hermes/Thoth, but is in fact demonic power acquired from Satan. "The tradition of magic...has its legendary Grand Master in Hermes Trismegistis, who gave to it its official name of Hermetic Science." 26:153"HERMETICIST. -- From Hermes, the god of Wisdom, known in Egypt, Syria, and Phoenicia as Thoth, Tat, Adad, Seth, and Sat-an..., and in Greece as Kadmus, The kabalists identify him with Adam Kadmon, the first manifestation of the Divine Power, and with Enoch. There were two Hermes: the elder was the Trismegistus, and the second an emanation or 'permutation' of himself; the friend and instructor of Isis and Osiris. Hermes is the god of the priestly wisdom..." (H. P. Blavatsky) - 195:xxxiii (Vol I) The Egyptians derived their Hermetic tradition from the demonic gods of Atlantis! " would appear that the civilisation which we know as Ancient Egypt was the result of a pre-planned and carefully controlled experiment in human civilisation, the organisation and knowledge for which had been carefully prepared over many thousands of years. The original knowledge was given to the first sages of Egypt by the 'Gods', and those sages are themselves said to have come as colonists from Atlantis during the last few thousands of years of that 'Titanic' period of man's development. In other words, there was a sacred tradition of wisdom knowledge handed on from the past via a line of sages or high initiates, that was said to have come from the great Atlantean sage, Enoch (as he was known to the Hebrews), or Thoth (as he was known to the Egyptians), who 'walked with God' and was raised up into the highest heaven to become the Messiah or Teacher of all mankind. He, in his turn, had received a sacred tradition of wisdom knowledge via a line of sages stemming from Adam, the first incarnate man, who had been instructed by God after his fall from Paradise." The Hermetic sorcerers of Egypt imitated the miracles of Moses. And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. Exodus 7:10-12 And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments... - Exodus 7:20-22 "The tradition of MAGIC... was formulated, developed and preserved by the religion of Egypt...[I]t's official name [is] Hermetic Science." - 26:153 Hermetic magic was performed by occult groups during the Middle Ages. "Merovingian kings were noted sorcerers ..." - 29:171 "On the whole their [the Cathars] faith was very similar to its Manichean, Paulician and Bogomilian roots: its chief ingredients were Gnosticism and Hermeticism." - 336:42 "Yet of all the branches of the Roman Catholic Church it was the Jesuits who were most like the Rosicrucians. The Renaissance esoteric influences behind the formation of the Jesuit Order have not yet been fully studied. The Order made great use of the Hermetic tradition in appealing to Protestants and to the many other creeds which it encountered in its missionary work. The Hermetic and occult philosophy of the Jesuits received a tremendous formulation in the work of Athanasius Kircher, whose vast work on Hermetic pseudo-Egyptology was published in 1652 and who constantly cites with profound reverence the supposed ancient Egyptian priest, Hermes Trismegestus ... "Through their common attachment to Hermetic tradition, the Jesuits and the 'Rosicrucians' were thus foes with a love-hate relationship through a kind of similarity. We have seen that in the furore the Jesuits tried to draw over Rosicrucian symbolism, suggesting that the two Orders were the same, and manufacturing similar emblematics. So the issues could become confused."Science was blended with Hermetic magic (cloaked as religion) to produce demonic miracles, euphemistically called 'Hermetic science'. "Rosicrucian vision was therefore both traditional and radical, both theological and scientific... It looked forward to an age when religion and science would work hand in hand."
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:09 PM
"....Madame Blavatsky explained the influence of magic on history: 'What is one to do, when in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them? ... or almost invariably the more simple, the more silly, and the more gross the phenomenon, the more likely it is to succeed." (Edith Kermit Roosevelt, "Between the Lines: The Universal Theocratic State") - 28:49 Hermetic magic forms the basis for psychology, positive confession, meditation, philosophy and holistic medicine. "...Michael Harner of New York's Academy of Science, explains that the religion behind Holistic medicine is in fact ancient SHAMANISM revived." - 14:120 "Those in the I AM groups... 'decree',... which is the repetition of 'positive confessions' to create what is being spoken." - 14:99 "...meditation in any form is the harnessing by human means of God's divine laws. (R)epeat the words, 'I am, I am' many times over,... TM.., is not ... necessarily anti-Christian." - 7:131-2 Hermetic magic is becoming required reading in secular and religious schools. "Omega, a New Age Institute for holistic studies lists Madeleine L'Engle as a faculty member. This organization features such courses as: shamanism, out-of-body experiences or astral projection,... fortune telling, earth worship,...homosexuality." Hermeticists plan to reform civilization according to Egyptian magic via the Rosicrucian plan to reform science and religion. "From the beginning the Prieuré de Sion has been committed to Hermetic magic (a type of black magic...portrayed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead)." - 77:79 Giordano Bruno as he wandered through Europe had preached an approaching general reformation of the world, based on return to the 'Egyptian' religion taught in the Hermetic treatises, a religion which was to transcend religious differences through love and magic, which was to be based on a new vision of nature achieved through Hermetic contemplative exercises. TRIBULATION PERIOD Practitioners of Hermetic magic will perform miraculous signs and wonders during the Tribulation Period. And He said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in My name, saying I AM Christ. - Lk.21:8 For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. - Matt.24:24 Men will refuse to repent of their witchcraft during the Tribulation, thereby incurring God's judgments of the Great Tribulation. ... neither repented they of their... SORCERIES Rev.9:20-21 IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:10 PM
GREAT TRIBULATION / GOLDEN AGEThe Antichrist and False Prophet will be high adepts of Hermetic magic, displaying all the power of Satan and counterfeiting the miracles of the Two Witnesses. And then shall that Wicked be revealed... Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: II Thes. 2:8-11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him... And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. - Rev. 13:11-14 And I saw three UNCLEAN SPIRITS like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. for they are the spirits of DEVILS, WORKING MIRACLES... Rev.16:13-14 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image... - Rev. 19:20 Hermetic science will return the world to the pre-flood occultism taught by fallen angels. "In his book on Bacon, Paolo Rossi has shown that it was out of the Hermetic tradition that Bacon emerged, out of the Magia and Cabala of the Renaissance as it had reached him via the natural magicians. Bacon's view of the future of science...was directed towards a return to the state of Adam before the Fall, a state of pure and sinless contact with nature and knowledge of her powers. This was the view of scientific progress, a progress back towards Adam, held by Cornelia Agrippa, the author of the influential Renaissance text book on occult philosophy. (De occulta philosophia III, p. 40)... The German Rosicrucian writers hold similar views about the return to the wisdom of Adam and the millennial character of the advance in knowledge which they prophesy...concerned with magico-scientific advance, with illumination in the sense of enlightenment." - 46:119-120 "Adam was lord on earth to rule and control it, teaching his subjects the first arts and sciences." - 93:24 "The Angevins [Rene d'Anjou was the Angevin monarch] were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels." - 306
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:12 PM
PERSONAL APPLICATIONHermetic science is a euphemism for black magic. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. I Tim. 6:20 Performance of miracles is no guarantee that God is working through a spiritual leader; sound doctrine is the true test of any spirit. And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. - Is. 8:19,20 Satan and his ministers actually "transform themselves" into angels of light, apostles of Christ and ministers of righteousness... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. II Cor. 11:13-15 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. - I John 4:1-3 evil spirits can persuasively masquerade as ministers of righteousness, the elect must look beyond outward appearances and exercise their spiritual senses to discern between good and evil. In ancient pagan mythology, Saturn ruled over the pre-Flood kingdom of Atlantis and became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. "Chronos, or Saturn, Dionysos, Hyperion, Atlas, Hercules, were all connected with 'a great Saturnian continent;' they were kings that ruled over countries on the western shores of the Mediterranean, Africa and Spain. One account says: 'Hyperion, Atlas, and Saturn, or Chronos, were sons of Uranos, who reigned over a great kingdom composed of countries around the western part of the Mediterranean, with certain islands in the Atlantic. Hyperion succeeded his father, and was then killed by the Titans. The kingdom was then divided between Atlas and Saturn --Atlas taking Northern Africa, with the Atlantic islands, and Saturn the countries on the opposite shore of the Mediterranean to Italy and Sicily.' (Baldwin's Prehistoric Nations," p. 357.)...
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rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:12 PM
Double post.IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 01, 2011 10:22 PM
Lotus I Hope You dont get bored reading my Stuff!I did'nt mean to scare you with these long posts. Please ignore if it does'nt make any sense. As I said earlier whether one agrees to it or not is immaterial. This is just a response to lotus and solely what constitutes my opinion.IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 12:36 AM
rajji,I read it all, and was not bored, I LOve information.. There are some key things that resonate with me, and others things that do not. I'm re-Minded of the Tibetan Monks chanting... This is the World of Illusion... and, now I understand this. ... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 01:03 AM
There was something I had forgotten about 13, and it just came to me...A turtle's shell has 13 sections.. Re-Minding us that Our Soul is living in a shell, and 13 the God Number.. is a sign, of Mastership, through Our Mother...I believe! ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 02, 2011 01:13 AM
Thanks Lotus! You understand me and I understand you and that is what matters. In this process of sharing our views I feel Im growing everyday and my perspectives are come closer and closer to truth. I will also put forward my opinions on 'The Painting-Lilith'.IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 01:22 AM
rajji, You're welcome! It Matters, because it's On Our Minds. ...Ggod-Nite, Sweet Dreams, Or is it Ggod Morning, Rise and Shine, for you? Either way it's Ggod  ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 02, 2011 05:49 AM
"hmmm, this link above if it works, is Lilith, by Michaelangelo...the serpent is half women... Was father God in the garden alone, no, this World of duality tells us, Mother God was there also... In Michaelangelo's painting of Creation and the Garden of Eden...It is Called Lilith...the image I gave a link to at the beginning of this topic, she is a woman, and half serpent, Adam's 1st. wife, he would not meet her in the middle, he took over, wanted to have control, she fled, She Understood the Universal Laws.. that supposedly Adam, (but, was he really Adam?) Refused to abide by....The Feminine Essence... was abandoned, forgotten, and layed to rest... For Man took Over... and Hid her has a monster, something evil.. the one that made Adam fall...this is false! And why two creation stories In GenISIS..?? For the True Mother was hidden, forsaken, and Forgotten." First I would like to start with genesis- Genesis I: 27 reads: "And Elohim created Adam in His Image, in the Image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis II:18 and 22 read: "And Yahweh said, 'It is not good for Adam to be alone. I will make a fitting helper for him.'...And Yahweh fashioned the rib that He had taken from the man into a woman; and He brought her to the man." Today, we know that Genesis I and II are simply two separate Creation stories. Genesis II derives from a Sumerian story, while Genesis I is a later creation of the Hebrew Priesthood (created by the Deuteronomic School around 700 BCE). However, to people who were quite determined to take the Scriptures as ultimate Truth, such a contradiction was not welcome at all. It demanded an explanation that reconciled both stories. The creation of Adam - William Blake. Eve is not present here but the serpent is there from the beginning with God before both man and the animals. Although in the later Genesis 1 account, the serpent is part of God's good creation, with the animals, in the Eden myth the serpent lies outside God's frame of reference. Armstrong (1996) asks "Was the serpent part of the original tohu vo-vohu that survived the creative ordering? Divergences between the Creation myths of Genesis 1 and 2, which allow Lilith to be presumed as Adam's first mate, result from a careless weaving together of an early Judaean and a late priestly tradition. Lilith typifies the Anath-worshipping Canaanite women, who were permitted pre-nuptial promiscuity. Time after time the prophets denounced Israelite women for following Canaanite practices; at first, apparently, with the priests' approval-since their habit of dedicating to God the fees thus earned is expressly forbidden in Deuteronomy xxIII. I8. Lilith's flight to the Red Sea recalls the ancient Hebrew view that water attracts demons. 'Tortured and rebellious demons' also found safe harbourage in Egypt. Thus Asmodeus, who had strangled Sarah's first six husbands, fled 'to the uttermost parts of Egypt' (Tobit viii. 3), when Tobias burned the heart and liver of a fish on their wedding night.
The verse from Genesis I was thus explained as a veiled hint to the entire Lilith affair. Genesis II:20 even helps back this up: "And the man gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to all the wild beasts; but for Adam no fitting helper was found." The animals of the Earth had been created for the strict purpose of being helpers to Adam, and Lilith was among them. But, Lilith had failed, and no other beast came even close (apparently Lilith was the only animal enough like Adam to be a candidate at all). The female, even before original sin, is assigned the role of help meet, a domestic utility, although also a partner. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast,bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn,found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. Now, enters the passages from Genesis II. God put him into a deep sleep, removed one of his ribs, formed it into a woman, and closed up the wound, Adam awoke and said: 'This being shall be named "Woman", because she has been taken out o f man. A man and a woman shall be one flesh.' The title he gave her was Eve, 'the Mother of All Living''Just as the Unity of God was divided in two (the separation of the Waters by the Firmament) to create the Universe, so too was mankind created by the separation of the Archetypal Man into "its" two halves—male and female. Thus, woman was separated from man, and Adam Kadmon became an unbalanced creature—a human. This imperfection finally led to the Fall, the manifestation of the Human Race from Archetypal to the Actual. The woman was called Eve, which literally translates as "Life." Mankind was given Life, and the rest is history. The next seen in the Scripture is where Yahweh breaks down and decides to chance separating Adam into his two halves of male and female. Now Lilith was the first wife of Adam, well before the creation of Eve. She had been created along with him to be his helper, as the Torah states "Male and Female He created them." Explanation number one is perhaps the best—Qabalistically speaking. As we know, Adam was created to perfection. He was created in the perfect image of "Elohim." Of course, God is not seen as being either male or female, but as both at once. Even the Name Elohim is a feminine word (Eloah—Goddess) with a masculine plural suffix. Thus, if God is male and female, the mother and the father, then Adam (which translates as "Mankind") must also have originally been male and female in one. To be otherwise would have been to be unbalanced, and thus imperfect. And thus was Adam's perfection, said to be even greater than the Angels. In fact, in this view, Adam was not a human at all—but a Cosmic Being known as Adam Kadmon. He was the Archetype upon which humans would later be based. This is what adam alludes to when he says to lilith that he was the image of elohim and not she. As she and other animals were made in the same manner using filth and sediment instead of pure dust which he was made from. However, Lilith was not so suited as a companion for Adam. There was little on which they could agree In his attempt to mate with Lilith, Adam demanded missionary position. However, Lilith refused. "We were created equal, and thus we shall make love in equal positions." Adam replied that he, being the Image of the Elohim, would not stoop to such a level as to be equal to Lilith, who was simply one of the many beasts of the field She was created as his helper, and that is how she would remain.Lilith, however, was far more than Adam had imagined. She went straight away to Yahweh, and used her prowess of seduction upon Him. Yahweh, known for his soft heart toward women, was finally lulled into revealing His sacred Name unto her. Thereupon Lilith pronounced the Divine Name, and flew away from the Garden and Adam forever. She took residence within a cave upon the shores of the Red Sea, where to this day she finds Her shelter Within. She accepted the demons of the world as her lovers, and spawned many thousands of demon children in only a short time. It is thus that the world became populated with demons, and how Lilith came to be called the Mother of Demons—wife of Asmodeus, the King of Demons. In this aspect, she was called the Younger Lilith. Adam, meanwhile, found that he regretted wishing Lilith away.She tormented him in his dreams and made him defile himself. He went to Yahweh and stated his case for the return of Lilith. Yahweh agreed that a creature of Eden should not so easily depart that realm, and dispatched three Enforcer Angels to retrieve her. These three, Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangeloph, soon found Lilith within her cave, and demanded her return unto Adam by order of Yahweh. If she refused, they informed her, they would slay one hundred of her demon children each day until she decided to return. Lilith exclaimed that even this fate was better than returning to Eden and submission to Adam. As the Enforcers carried out their threat, Lilith also made a terrible proclamation. In return for the pain delivered upon her, she would slay the children of Adam. She swore to attack children, and even their mothers, during child-birth....So It ends here. Now supposing Lilith was made as an image of God Like adam, Why would she flee from heaven in the first place?She would have been more understanding.Even if she fled she would have not seduced Adam by giving him wet dreams sucking out his energy. And lastly she could have returned back to adam when God summoned his angels for her.
Now God,Undismayed by His failure to give Adam a suitable helpmeet, God tried again, and let him watch while he built up a woman's anatomy: using bones, tissues, muscles, blood and glandular secretions, then covering the whole with skin and adding tufts of hair in places. The sight caused Adam such disgust that even when this woman, the First Eve, stood there in her full beauty, he felt an invincible repugnance. God knew that He had failed once more, and took the First Eve away. Where she went, nobody knows for certain. Finnaly It appears thatb God made eve from adams Rib-It delighted adam and he pronounced her as Woman! Now coming back to lilith,There is no wonder if she should go back to the Garden of Eden to cause the downfall of adam who was created in God's image, by seducing eve. She might have taken the help of satan as well who caused temptation.
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rajji unregistered
posted September 02, 2011 05:51 AM
Lilith as Serpent is not limited by her functions in Eden, but also as other important figures such as Blind Dragon and Leviathan.There are many passages that define Lilith as Serpent. The most obvious passage, says Lilith as the Serpent had an affair with Eve before she had intercourse with Adam. This is the most expressive passage relating to Lilith that contains a description of being both a Serpent and using temptation. Bacharach, 'Emeq haMelekh 23c-d - "And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness. And the Serpent seduced Holy Eve, and enough said for him who understands. An all this ruination came about because Adam the first man coupled with Eve while she was in her menstrual impurity -- this is the filth and the impure seed of the Serpent who mounted Eve before Adam mounted her. Behold, here it is before you: because of the sins of Adam the first man all the things mentioned came into being. For Evil Lilith, when she saw the greatness of his corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin." However, Lilith being described with male qualities capable of intercourse with other women is also explained as Lilith being joined with Sammael as one being and both being a part of the temptation in the Garden of Eden: Moses b. Solomon of Burgos - "Both Samael, king of the demons, and Lilith were born in a spiritual birth androgynously. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is an epithet for both Samael and Grandmother Lilith (e.g. the Northerner). As a result of Adam's sin, both of them came and confused the whole world, both the Upper one and the Nether one." Another quote that describes Lilith and Sammael as androgynous: Zohar Sitrei Torah 1:147b-148b, Jacob's Journey "The secret of secrets: Out of the scorching noon of Isaac, out of the dregs of wine, a fungus emerged, a cluster, male and female together, red as a rose, expanding in many directions and paths. The male is called Sama'el, his female is always included within him. Just as it is on the side of holiness, so it is on the other side: male and female embracing one another. The female of Sama'el is called Serpent, Woman of Whoredom, End of All Flesh, End of Days. Two evil spirits joined together: the spirit of the male is subtle; the spirit of the female is diffused in many ways and paths but joined to the spirit of the male." IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 02, 2011 05:53 AM
Lilith and Sammael also have intercourse through a "snake" like intermediary also. Treatise on the Left Emanation - "You already know that evil Samael and wicked Lilith are like a sexual pair who, by means of an intermediary, receive an evil and wicked emanation from one and emanate to the other. [...] The heavenly serpent is a blind prince, the image of an intermediary between Samael and Lilith. Its name is Tanin'iver[24] The masters of tradition said that just as this serpent slithers without eyes, so the supernal serpent has the image of a spiritual form without color--these are "the eyes." The tradiationists call it an eyeless creature, therefore its name is Tanin'iver. He is the bond, the accompaniment, and the union between Samael and Lilith. If he were created whole in the fullness of his emanation he would have destroyed the world in an instant." The Treatise goes on to describe Lilith as the Blind Dragon itself: Treatise on the Left Emanation - " I found written in the name of an ancient traditionist and in the name of the perfect Hasid of blessed memory that Lilith is also Taninsam. They said that this name is based on the serpent who is in the image of an intermediary between Lilith and her mate." Not only is Lilith Blind Dragon, but is also Leviathan: Treatise on the Left Emanation - "In that day the Lord will punish with His great, cruel, mighty sword Leviathan the twisted serpent and Leviathan the tortuous serpent"--this is Lilith--"and He will slay the dragon of the sea" (Isaiah 27:1). As there is a pure Leviathan in the sea and it is called a serpent, so there is a great defiled serpent in the sea in the literal sense. The same holds true above in a hidden way." IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted September 02, 2011 05:59 AM
Lilith and Sammael are also described as serpents of two qualities; the Slant Serpent and the Torturous Serpent.Moses Cordovero, Pardes Rimmonim 186d - "And about this mystery it is written, And on that day the Lord with His sore and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the Slant Serpent, and Leviathan the Tortuous Serpent, and He will slay the Dragon that is in the sea (Isa. 27:1). Leviathan is the connection and the coupling between the two who have the likeness of serpents. Therefore it is doubled: the Slant Serpent corresponding to Samael, and the Tortuous Serpent corresponding to Lilith...." Lilith can be intrepreted as governing the aspect of consciousness of the Sammael/Lilith androgyne. The intermediary, Blind Dragon, may be seen as symbolic of the Kundalini serpent energy that is both energy and conscious Will to use in witchcraft and magick. Sammael may be seen as the physical aspect of the androgyne, and Lilith is the air, spirit, or soul of the great Serpent. Most of all, Lilith is the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge, and the Tree's own Kundalini that flows up through it's branches like a wellspring of undefiled wisdom. Hence God warns adam and eve about The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which is an epithet for both Samael and Grandmother Lilith (e.g. the Northerner)Lilith is called the Northerner, because Out of the north the evil breaks forth.Thus both Samael, king of the demons, and Lilith were born in a spiritual birth androgynously.
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Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 12:13 PM
rajji,I'm still reading, it's nice I have something to look forward to , knowledge! Thanks! from one of your above posts... Divergences between the Creation myths of Genesis 1 and 2, which allow Lilith to be presumed as Adam's first mate, result from a careless weaving together of an early Judaean and a late priestly tradition. Lilith typifies the Anath-worshipping Canaanite women, who were permitted pre-nuptial promiscuity. Time after time the prophets denounced Israelite women for following Canaanite practices; at first, apparently, with the priests' approval-since their habit of dedicating to God the fees thus earned is expressly forbidden in Deuteronomy xxIII. I8. Lilith's flight to the Red Sea recalls the ancient Hebrew view that water attracts demons. 'Tortured and rebellious demons' also found safe harbourage in Egypt. Thus Asmodeus, who had strangled Sarah's first six husbands, fled 'to the uttermost parts of Egypt' (Tobit viii. 3), when Tobias burned the heart and liver of a fish on their wedding night. ____________________________________ In my Heart this doesn't resonate with me. and there's some other things... This World was made for opposites, polarities..yin and yang The First couple were simultaniously Created,'s that simple... All these discrepancies that come up, you'll notice, is to put the woman down, when I read this stuff I feel assualted for my-Self and all females, for the way we have been represented is mostly false. To Unveiling ISIS, She's in a crisis, and has been, since the beginning of Time... When we came to Earth, because we destroyed Our Planet, just like we are doing NOW! Do you remember reading in Gooberz, about that planet, Linda called it Maldek.. MALDEK lexi A DEAL MADE MAKE A DEAL MALE LEAD, MA MAD, LAME lol, those are fun! ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 12:21 PM
Gosh, rajji, the rest of that post, just put all the blame on Lilith, can't we see how Out of Balance that is ?They were created equally, for God only enters into equal partnerships.. even Lilith states this simple case.. yet, even NOW, today, we cannot accept the simple Truth... She's a monster, she's filth, a hisssssing serpent... Ggod GOD..Unveil the Truth, Please! still reading, hehe
------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 02, 2011 12:30 PM
I believe we were adrogyne on the planet we destroyed, and that to come to Earth.. we had to make a deal, and be split in two.. and carry Our Karma forward into this world..when split in two, like is written about Lilith and Sammael, one would be good, and one would be evil, for the polarities, that this World is Created Under The Unversal Laws, that are Immutable! Really, it's all very simple.. and ALL are EQUAL.. .. 50/50 We must ALL Meet in the Middle. ... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 06, 2011 01:25 PM
Cybele, Magna Mater... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 07, 2011 01:25 AM
Friday the 13th occurs when the thirteenth day of a month falls on a Friday, which superstition holds to be a day of bad luck. In the Gregorian calendar, this day occurs at least once, but at most three times a year. Any month's 13th day will fall on a Friday if the month starts on a Sunday.Isn't that interesting? When the Month starts on a Sunday, there will be a Friday the 13th... Sunday, the day God rested..interesting! O, and 3 times a year, the trinity... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged | |