Topic: Emotions, the physical body, and the ether realm
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1474 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted October 11, 2002 04:14 PM
Does the physical body constrict intense emotions from the ether realm, or does the physical body intensify abstract emotions from the ether realm? IP: Logged |
jackiep Knowflake Posts: 312 From: Rio de janeiro, Brazil Registered: May 2002
posted October 12, 2002 12:24 AM
Spiritua I don't know exactly if you are asking a question or if it's just a research Anyway , I will give my humble opinion. The physical body only intensifies physical emotions. The pleasure to eat chocolate,hear a music or even the pleasure of sex. But, our body cannot emphasize, not even intensify ethereal emotions. Those ,belong to our soul. We didn't need a body to feel true emotions. The true emotions last for an eternity without needing a body. By the way...all the emotions are not abstract? I never knew a concrete emotion. I'm sorry if my answer is not in agreement with your question, sometimes I make a great confusion because of the language. Jakie
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chocoholic82 Knowflake Posts: 113 From: Auckland, New Zealand Registered: Jun 2002
posted October 12, 2002 03:01 AM
But can you separate the two? I think you experience them simultaneously... don't know if I understood the question properly IP: Logged |
sesame Moderator Posts: 1338 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted September 23, 2004 01:48 AM
Hmm, would that we could experience feelings from a different realm regardless of understanding the ones from this one. Its like, maybe we feel our own emotions on other dimensions than we understand of our "physical" form.But then aren't emotions energy in motion? So yes, we feel all energy in motion or still. Heaps of Love, Dean. See you all in a week. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 23, 2004 10:16 AM
My thoughts: Emotions and soul are seperate. Emotions work on a lower domain than the soul. Emotions are works of the mind and senses(touch, hear,) A combination of mind and senses gives rise to emotions such as anger, love, etc. When you still your mind and control it thru your intellect, its only then you realize that you are neither a body nor senses nor mind nor intellect. You are that the spirit in a body filled with the breadth of life with a purpose on this earth. Mind is like a noice. Example: When you see a bug you react with "let me kill it before it kills me". Also lets say you are medidating and a thought comes thru your head (I have to buy milk from the grocery store) A real yogi when it sees a snake will not be afraid of it. It will be totally calm. For neither does one kill anyone, nor does one get killed. Its a difficult thing to explain and is a seperate post by itself. Regards, IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 687 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 23, 2004 05:06 PM
spiritua, please explain your perceptions of the astral realm and the emotional realm. what are their purposes? Thank you.IP: Logged |
Gia Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: California Registered: May 2004
posted September 23, 2004 06:29 PM
I'm afraid I disagree with you.Emotions work on the lower domain of the soul? What is that please can you explain? Emotions are works of the mind and senses? Do you mean the brain? Is that not just how we process information? Are you saying the soul is trapped in the body unable to communicate? The soul does communicate but we often choose not to hear. That is why we are asked to look within ourselves for the answers. These are some of the things I think about. "The Kingdom is within you." Is God separate from you or part of you? Is your soul independent from you? The body does manifests emotions from the ether realm. Your thoughts have wings. They are energy in motion just as Sesame said.
Your body is what keep you walking on this earth. However your soul/spirit soars to heights you never dreamed of. Your conscience is part of your consciousness. I guess that my answer to your question is yes on both counts. We are constricted by our physical to some extent because that is how we process our emotions. The intensity will vary on the individual. Gia
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iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 11:18 AM
Gia you are misunderstanding.Soul is the life force with in us. Ofcourse it communicates with body. It is what moves the 180 pound body with ease. Got it???? Why can't a dead body move. Because it has no soul. The brain is originator of thoughts or mind.
Link all this up. I really don't have time to explain. Anyway good luck. Ofcourse salvation is realizing who you are. There fore ask your self , who are you. You are that. Jesus thought exactly that, but he didn't make it clear, because he was frustrated with common man. They hear him but don't believe him. Therefore he never clearly told messages to the people. Only to his disciples he spoke in plain words. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 11:21 AM
Gia you are misunderstanding.Soul is the life force with in us. Ofcourse it communicates with body. It is what moves the 180 pound body with ease. Got it???? Why can't a dead body move. Because it has no soul. The brain is originator of thoughts or mind.
Link all this up. I really don't have time to explain. Anyway good luck.
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iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 11:24 AM
I lost what I typed. May be it wasn't meant to be viewed.I was about to explain why Jesus never told plain truth to masses but encryoted it. Anyway..some other time. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 12:40 PM
Gia, Even the animals have soul like humans.What humans have is something special. Yes you got it. They have spirit.
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peace_23 Knowflake Posts: 32 From: orillia, canada Registered: Dec 2002
posted September 25, 2004 12:10 AM
Yes even the trees are spirits , great powerful spirits!!!! Is love an emotion because thats what holds all this together , right? LOVE IS THE TRUE FOUNDATION wouldnt that mean yes there is emotion coming from the ethers!IP: Logged |
Gia Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: California Registered: May 2004
posted September 25, 2004 12:26 AM
See that's my problem. I don't believe the mind is the brain. I did not misunderstand. I do believe emotion lives outside the body, but obviously is not expressed through a dead body.It is expressed through spirit/ soul, once it leaves the body. I know that to be true because it has been life for 45 years. I believe that animals have souls too, however they are not the same as human souls. Gia IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 25, 2004 01:02 PM
peace23 and Gia, Yes God is love. Sine humans are images of him, he shows love too. I will tell you what God isn't. He is not lust. May be I am wrong. I think humans have 2 selves, the higer, soul has God in it. The inner , the lower self is the body. It is the lower self that seperates a human from realizing that he has God within him. Lust is of the lower self. What you think? In the spiritual world there is no intercourse of the body, because they are lights.
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peace_23 Knowflake Posts: 32 From: orillia, canada Registered: Dec 2002
posted September 25, 2004 06:21 PM
Yes I agree lust is of our concious minds, our soul does not lust for anything or anyone, just desires the best for us. LOVE & LIGHT peace_23 IP: Logged |
Gia Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: California Registered: May 2004
posted September 26, 2004 12:19 AM
Lust is a human expression of longing. You could very well say that the soul lusts to be in union with it's creator. The soul always aspires to reach it's highest potential." My Father and I are one " Gia. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 26, 2004 12:22 AM
Gia, Lust is only Carnal.What you speak of longing starts with a belief, then becomes faith and then you realize the truth. And you are the truth.
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26taurus Knowflake Posts: 10413 From: the stars Registered: Jun 2004
posted September 26, 2004 12:42 AM
I agree 100% Gia. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 4253 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 26, 2004 12:56 AM
Looks around, sees the word "lust", believes she has something to say.....Okay.. I joke around... I am a 14 year old boy stuck in a 27 year old woman's body... BUT.... There is more than physical, more than body to wanting to merge with another human being. Have you ever felt so in love that hugging wasn't enough? You just want to absorb into another person.....To feel what they feel, to be who they are.. it is so hard to express.... Of course there are different levels to this. But to say lust is completly lower mind, or 'under' spiritual evolution in some way, is to miss the boat entirely. Love, lust, sex, wanting, merging.. it is all a continuation of the feeling of wanting to be with another.. thinking bodies are limitations.. it is like we instictively know that this is temporary and in the spirit, there is limitless merging.. an orgasm twenty thousand times what an earthly one is... this doesn't take away desire, it increases it... sure, some people can choose to avoid the possibilities of spiritual connection through sexual contact, but that is just quite sad. What about Tantric sex? What about all the rituals and books devoted to this way of sharing? The body is a sacred temple, and lust , and the urge to unite with a fellow body for the purpose of pleasure.. well, I can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon..... or evening, or morning.. or all of them.... I have been moved by lust... It can be a transformative experience, through the form of body and soul.. an expression.... lust is a precurser.. it is a prelude, a hint, a feeling...... it is certainly not only body.... although that is our conduit. Give me 'carnal lust' anyday, and I will show you a spiritual opportunity. IP: Logged |
Gia Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: California Registered: May 2004
posted September 26, 2004 07:29 PM
Carnal lust is only one expression of lust. It can and often is expressed in other ways.Carnal lust, is fed by the same desire for gratification. It is powered by the same source. It is only expressed differently. Do not think that there is no God in lust. Think about the different forms of gratification. There are many who 'long' and have no belief. We can call a rose by any other name, but it's still a rose. Gia IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 27, 2004 12:06 AM
Hi Pixel, I am not sure if you are married. But whatever it is yours is really a joing made in heaven. If your partner feels the same with you. You are one of the few people who God has joined in marriage even before being born. If you are not married and feel lusts for other or even a thought comes of others you will be guilty of committing adultery so be careful. In your case marriage is where two becomes one. Its not lust. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 4253 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 27, 2004 09:48 AM
Wow, thanks, Iamthat, I will keep those words in mind.Yes, I am married. However, I have had that feeling with others.. transcendance, more than lust.... It is a Scorpio's gift. What about the people who are married more than once? Their love is strong and true. Destined as well.(Or else it wouldn't come to be.). But how can you be so sure that my hubby and I were joined in heaven.... Simply because we know how to go beyond the body to feel a soul experience...? I agree with Gia, in that Lust is longing.. in a sense. Why were we given these feelings if not as a glimpse of what we are and could be.. why resist? Why are you more pure if you are non-sexual? I believe you feel strongly about your words... I believe they work for you.. they don't however, work for me. It's okay, I am glad we are all different. There are different scenarios and safety zones for everyone. There are reasons for everything. Adultery can fal into that category.. but I understand that is an uncomfortable dscussion, so I will end on.... To each their own. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 27, 2004 10:23 AM
Pixel, Heres an excerpt from Jesus's owns words they say: "The law forbids adultery; but in the eyes of law of men, adultery is an overt act, the satisfaction of the sensuous self outside of marriage bonds. Now, marriage in the sight of law is but a promise made by man and woman, by the sanction of a priest, to live for aye in harmony and love. No priest nor officer has power from God to bind two souls in wedded love. What is the marriage tie? Is it comprised in what a priest or officer may say? Is it the scroll on which the officer or priest has written the permission for the two to live in marriage bonds? Is it the promise of the two that they will love each other until death? Is love a passion that is subject to the will of man? Can man pick up his love , as he would pick up precious gems, and lay it down or give it out to any one? Can love be bought and sold like sheep? Love is the power of God that binds two souls and make them one. There is no power on earth that can dissolve this bond. The bodies may be forced apart by man or death for just a little time; but they will meet again. Now, in this bond of God we find the marriage tie. All other unions are but bonds of straw, and they who live in them commit adultery. The same as they who satisfy their lust without the sanction of an officer or priest. Whom God has joined together man cannot part; whom man has joined together live in sin." IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 27, 2004 11:00 AM
Gia, You are right. Why did we become body to experience Gods love. Why are we all not soul. And even when we are soul how do we love that God. What binds us? Is it emotions too? Its getting crazier isn't it. If we are 6 billion people today? Where did the additional 1 billion people come from in last several years? Is that those who are here on earth, had a weak faith in God. They could not hold on. I am thinking that if Krishna(and other avatars) are right when they say . "If once we are born man we remain a man. There was never a time when we weren't man there never will be a time when we won't be a man." So is fall of man really a fall from the realm of human world to this world. Is a soul really sexless?
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pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 4253 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 27, 2004 12:10 PM
quote: If you are not married and feel lusts for other or even a thought comes of others you will be guilty of committing adultery so be careful.
These were your words... I quoted directly from your post.....'even a thought comes of others, you will be guilty of committing adultery so be careful.' That is what I responded to......those words. Committing adultery is now in your mind? Well, in that case, I am sinful!!!!! So are all the men who give me the 'eye'.... so are all the women who read romance novels.... I don't know about that.... What is attraction to another? Is it a pure thing, without 'lust' when you find someone and fall in love and decide to marry? How do those marriage bonds come to be... without first choosing a mate through atraction. Aside from more traditional 'arranged marriages.' It is true that love and the act of love is more sacred within marriage bonds.. but that doesn't mean it is always so. What about the husbands who abuse their wives, or take sex as a form of control, if she doesn't want it..... and.. what about the beautiful committed relationship where the man treats the woman with profound respect and love, but there is no marriage certificate?
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