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  What is the music of the spheres? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   What is the music of the spheres?
ice Mists
posted January 22, 2003 12:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message

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posted January 22, 2003 02:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Very spooky, indeed, Aphrodite!

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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posted January 22, 2003 03:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Well, I often turn off the sound when watching movies, because I react more to the music/sound than to what I see, and sometimes it is just too overwhelming. I don't recognize I have an ocean inside (??), but I do tire easily from feeling all I feel, or sense. And need some time away from people to "digest" everything and cleanse the filter, so to speak. A good way to cleanse is no music, no radio, no chatter, just maybe the wind, or waves. This is a bit off the subject though, isn't it? Or maybe not.

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posted January 22, 2003 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
You know I think if we're talking music of the spheres I would say the conductor would be the Planet saturn, through Saturn there is structure to sounds and time...rhthym and beat to music.

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posted January 22, 2003 04:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Ahhh.. the Music of the Spheres! I LOVE MUSIC. I too am very sensitive to sounding vibrations. Sometimes I here music in my dreams... especially when I dream about a "certain someone".

Each of us has a unique melody.

*Colors are wavelengths of energy... with violet being the shortest and red the longest.*

Here are the notes of the "physically audible" standard musical scale (music of the spheres that we can here on this level) along with the stone, number and planet and musical note it corresponds to. (*note - I put Vulcan alongside Mercury for now, since they are Twins and too, she is ruler over Volcanic forces, so Orange seems to fit her):

R: - RED, Ruby, 9, Mars, Iron, musical note C
O: - ORANGE, Opal, 5, Mercury/Vulcan, Quicksilver, musical note D
Y: - YELLOW, Diamond, 1, Sun, Gold, musical note E
G: - GREEN, Emerald, 6, Venus, Copper, musical note F
B: - BLUE, Pearl, 2, Moon, Silver, musical note G
I: - INDIGO, Sapphire, 3, Jupiter, Tin, musical note A
V: - VIOLET, Onyx, 8, Saturn, Lead, musical note B

Perhaps with the use of your astrological profile, you can put a little of your "own tune" together. Of course, I'm sure each note would have its own pitch per se.

Love and Light


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posted January 22, 2003 04:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I would appreciate any feedback . . .

I hear classical music in my office. Really beautiful songs, I doubt ever been played on Earth. Clear as day, yet no radio or stereo around. Like a dual, synchronistic awareness I experience. No one else hears it. When certain people walk into the office, the music stops in dead silence. Then plays again when it feels like it.


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posted January 22, 2003 08:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
Aphrodite am I remembering correctly that you are a cappy?
A conductor of music?
Wow it must be amazing for you to hear the music, does anyone else?
Do you know anything about the area of where u work, any history of the area associated with music?
Perhaps you are connecting with something or your office is situated at just the right position for good etheral frequency

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posted January 22, 2003 10:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Hi Eternal what music does Uranus make??

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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ice Mists
posted January 22, 2003 11:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message

Pisces is connected with the sea and Moon rules our emotions
Moon in Pisces is like an ocean of feelings?

drinking lots of water may help the cleansing, i use visualization to assist the process, violet light is extremely effective, i'm able to purify my feelings, memories and "let go" with violet

Aphrodite do you think you are being haunted (i'm kidding)

have you tried recording the music and see if it plays, do you have any inexplicable feelings toward it?
you can be picking up vibrations from a past period

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posted January 23, 2003 02:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Hi Donna...

being influenced by my Sun sign's plan-et Uranus... I wonder too what color and such it is linked to. I do know that it's higher numeric vibration is 22... which of course reduces to 4. Perhaps Ultraviolet is its color vibration... and then there may be other colors (unheard of) all the way to Pluto and Pan-Horus. We all know there are colors we cannot see with physical vision, so how can they be named at this allotted time? Perhaps Neptune or Pluto, or Pan-Horus for that matter, is Infrared and there are colors in-between not so-named yet(Neptune and Pluto with infrared being representative of Pan-Horus). Of course too, when I think of Uranus, I think of Blue-Green... A DEEP Blue-green.... Pluto, I think of brown or a DEEP muddy red mixed with brown.... and Neptune, a BRIGHT, bright GREENISH color... like NEON Green... who knows right now? I don't quite yet, but would love to re-member. I think the music of the spheres are those wonderous beautiful combinations of colorful vibratory notes the MASTERS of the MUSIC of the Spheres composed of "not so long ago" in an imaginary past... I mean, you have chords that are harmonious with one another and some that are discordant as well. Maybe a "sharp" of one note doesn't balance well with a "flat" of another. As has been stated before there are discordant melodies that play throughout the universes... sometimes these are the ones that set into motion certain combustions throughtout these same universes... just some musical thoughts.

you know... speaking of "harmonious" and "discordant"... it could explain why some music resonates with us and some we just can't stand to listen to - could have something to do with what we vibrate to physically and Spiritually.


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posted January 23, 2003 03:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Hi Everyone

Lots of wonderful thoughts on this string. I can totally understand what many of you are mentioning here. I too hear music compositions play through my mind, complete in every way, yet they are pieces I've never heard before. I write & play music, but I have never been able to capture one of these songs I hear, most are just too complex with many, many instruments/parts. I hear them in dreams and briefly in moments awake.... weird.

Aphrodite : That is quite amazing! I agree with what Quinnie & iceMists said. So, what are your immediate thoughts on what you are experiencing? Sounds very cool


Eternal : Did you get the color/note info from Star Signs? I have been very interested in this area of music since I read Linda's chapter on it....

Speaking of which, if anyone is interested, I have a deep desire to "compose" someone's chart. I've never done it before, but using the knowledge in Linda's book, my understanding of Astrology, and help/knowledge from the knowflakes here, I'd like to try one. I would do my own, but I really want to know if the chords and melodies produced by someone's chart actually "speak" to that individual. I know LL would appreciate it more than one of my friends, so I'm offering it here first.

So, if someone is interested, let me know and you can send me your birth info. Oh, and since I would probably seek some advice from LL knowflakes, I would need you to be ok with sharing the info with others

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posted January 23, 2003 04:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I got the colors from studying ALCHEMY, which lexi's into HEAL ME, HEAL MY ACHE.

*Star Signs helped me as well*

I have much more I'll share at an "allotted time", concerning colors, wavelengths and vibrations - OUR MUSIC OF THE SPHERES... or should they be called "THE VIBRATIONS OF OUR SPHERES"... AND MUCH MUCH MORE???


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posted January 24, 2003 01:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Cool Eternal!

Yes I often wonder about colors I am not seeing? What do they look like?! It's hard to imagine it because I imagine in colors I know.

I would love to hear a composed chart. What a great idea!!

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted January 24, 2003 01:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I am not familar with the history of my office site. It's okay. I am enjoying the music, as it doesn't scare me. I haven't tried taping it, but I will when I hear it again.

Oh, no I am not a Capricorn Sun, though it is my moon sign. I work in finance.

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posted January 24, 2003 03:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message
So..... are you volunteering? Can I compose your chart?? Let me know pressure though.

That sounds wonderful! I can't wait to receive the knowledge and insight you will share about this. You have always been like a treasured water well to me at this site Thank you.

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posted January 24, 2003 04:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message

You have just brought tears of joy to my eyes... straight from the heart.

So you delve into astrology? My stats are listed under the forum ASTROLOGY. Boy do I desire answers!

Anyway... Thanks for the kind words.


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posted January 24, 2003 09:12 PM           Edit/Delete Message
OH Pearly I would love it but I don't know that I am worthy
Just let me hear one - whoseever you do! I would love it!!

I mean, if you really want, you can do mine but I feel so selfish to say that!

Let me know if you want my info. If not don't feel bad, I know many people will like to hear their charts!!!

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted January 25, 2003 05:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message

You are SO worthy! What are you talking about! That would be perfect!

I would love to compose your chart. It is kind of a test/research thing to see if the result matches you. Since it is a first one for me I would like to get insight about your chart from others here, so I will probably list your some of your aspects or planet/house info so I can talk about it... but I wouldn't have to actually list your birth can email it to me, I have my email listed.

Anyway, if you want to do it...Yay!! I'll await your email

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posted January 25, 2003 05:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message
A little off the subject, but the other day I was having a music lesson, playing the Telemann viola concerto, third movement. My teacher commnented that maybe I had been alive during the Baroque period (a compliment, and a joke about reincarnation) and I said "That would explain my aversion to vibrato!"

So did that make any sense at all? didn't think so. Anyway, if Pearly wants to compose more than one chart (might take multiple tries to get really good at it ) I'll volunteer!

Hello everybody, I used to be QueenofSheeba. Love you too!

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posted January 26, 2003 09:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
Aphrodite, I don't know why I thought u had a cappy sun! But Moon in capricorn could also be a musical conductor, whereas Aquarius is the musical composer....

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posted January 27, 2003 01:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Oh, okay. That's what you meant

I thought you meant that I was an actual music conductor holding a wand, hehe.

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posted January 27, 2003 02:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
You mean Like a magician?
lol well u could have that latent in you, is Mercury or Gemini strong in your chart?

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posted January 27, 2003 03:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Like a Magician

Yes, Mercury is strong in my chart. Why?

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posted January 27, 2003 05:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message

Mercury is the magician...
"Like a dual, synchronistic awareness I experience"
U said .... what sign is Mercury in in your chart?

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posted January 27, 2003 06:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message

Gemini rules my 12th house, and Mercury is in Aries in the 10th conjunct Venus, sextile Moon, and trine Jupiter. If one uses wide orbs, then it conjuncts Mars 8 degrees away.

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