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Author Topic:   My daughter had an encounter with a spirit

Posts: 403
Registered: Jan 2003

posted January 12, 2005 04:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
but I don't believe this was of the good kind..she was at her grandmother's house, spending the night, and she woke up this morning to see what time it was, when she rolled over, the room became very dark, she rolled onto her back and saw a figure standing besider her. Then, the figure laid on top of her, paralyzing her! She said that she couldn't move her head, but was looking down at her body, and she saw the outline of a head and a hand coming up towards her face!

She went into hysterics because it frightened her so badly...she jumped up and grabbed all her things but before she left the room, she said figures were moving all around...

anyone have any suggestions on what she can to get rid of them? She is frightened beyond belief. As am I ...I don't mind ghosts but I don't care for mean ones...

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Posts: 933
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posted January 12, 2005 06:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
Simply ask them to leave and tell them that they are no longer welcome near her energetic field. Sometimes we assume they are mean because various entities blend in and out of our field without us even knowing about it. We just feel drained. Ask them to leave and if they don't then please come back to me and I'll help. How old is your daughter and has this happened in the house before? The thing is you must stand your ground because if they are mean they often feed on fear.


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posted January 12, 2005 06:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSweetHeart     Edit/Delete Message
Hello Gia I was wondering, can you actually attract mean ghost that weren't there before by being afraid?

Good luck Amanda, I hope the ghost leave when you ask them too. That must of been such a scary experience for your daughter, I'm sorry

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posted January 12, 2005 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for enlik     Edit/Delete Message
Hello Amanda,
...very strange and frightening indeed,...
I remember my friend having a similar problem.
We used to live in an old house while still at college. She never felt comfortable being in that place and on a couple of occasion experienced "someones" presence in there... Despite that the rest of us had never noticed anything unusual or felt frightened in any way...
...What helped us and is maybe what you could try yourself as well is to talk to the "others".
Don't be scared and don't feel silly that you will look like someone talking to the "atmosphere"!
Just tell "them" to leave, to go where they belong to. Say to them that you accept them for "who" they are now, that you know about their presence in the house, but you don't agree with it and ask them firmly and confidently to go away. Tell them that this is "your" world and they have their own which you do respect and not trying to disturb in any way. Therefore they should respect "yours". Don't let them to make you feel intimidated and stay really strong!
If you will feel scared to be alone take someone with you and have a lapis lazuli or a clear crystal in your hand or pocket...and think of being in a circle of a beautiful white light that is protecting you from everyone and everything negative. This light is coming from within your heart like from a large ball that is enormously charged with a positive energy.
After this you can "clean" the room or even the whole house with tibetian bells, crystals or hang a sage around the place.
I hope that your daughter is going to be better soon and the house free from an unwanted spirits...
Love and Light and Good Luck!

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posted January 12, 2005 09:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks everyone! She is 14 years old...she has always been very intune to the world around her, and has confirmed that there are about 5 different spirits in the house. She said she was crying and begging it to go away. Actually, she was frantic.

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posted January 13, 2005 02:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
I can go into very deep explanations about why these things are happening right now. To do so may confuse people and make them anxious. We are simply regaining the abilities that we once had. This has an awful lot to do with the way the earths magnetic fields are changing and also the recent earth changes. It will get more intense.

People will start to see things that will both frighten and confound them especially if they have never felt or seen other entities from different dimensions before. I talking about strange animals as well. These sightings will become so common people will wonder what the heck is going on. People will think it's weird and wonderful and psychic, when quite truly it's simply natural and has full explanation.

I thought she was around that age because when teenagers are going through puberty they emit a certain energy that can attract. Fear is the worst thing. You must all stand your ground. Everyone in the house must confirm their space and tell these entities that they must go. You failed to tell me if these entities have always been in the house.


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posted January 13, 2005 05:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Everlong     Edit/Delete Message
Wow Gia, that's really, really fascinating. All of this stuff is.

I had a wee little weird experience about two weeks ago. My grandmother and I were in our hotel room in Madrid (a very old hotel) and she nodded off in her bed. About twenty minutes later, she jumped and sat up very quickly and shouted "JOSEPH!". It was very weird, because Joseph is the name of her son (my uncle) that died last January. I asked her what happened and she didn't know.

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posted January 13, 2005 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Well, actually, Emily's grandmother has a ouiji board. I am not too keen on her using it with my daughter though, but I know that Emily has played on it before with her, matter of fact recently. Anyway, through that, they discovered that there are about 5 spirits that now reside in the house. The lady has been there the longest, as she is from the Civil war time and is looking for her husband and son. This lady has been seen by several family members, as well as my youngest daughter who was there visiting one day. Sarah was playing and saw the lady in the other room. She thought she was just someone visiting, and paid no attention to her.

Now there is a man who is there, and this is the one that frightens Emily so. She has seen him as well, as one night she woke up and saw him staring at her. During the recent board activity, they asked the board if the spirits liked to mess with her and it said yes.

I have prayed about this, as I do believe in the power of prayer, and Emily said she told them to go away. I did tell her to tell them that they were not invited, and to leave.

I do believe that the recent happenings in Asia have stirred an unbalance of energies...and I believe you when you say that things are going to start happening...

thank you all so much! I love this topic!

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posted January 13, 2005 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tigerlily     Edit/Delete Message
Never, never mess with Ouija boards. Tell them to get rid of it immediately. Burn sage and blow the smoke throughout every room in the house while visualizing divine light purifying the space. Ask the Universe to protect them with a shield of divine protective light. Buy frankincense essential oil and add several drops to purified water in a spray bottle and spray it all over the house to raise the vibration. (When you raise the vibration of a space and your own auric field, it clears away lower vibrational entities/energies.)

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Posts: 170
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
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posted January 13, 2005 10:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
I had a weird thing happen to me recently. My grandmother went into a nursing home 1/7/05. While visiting there an elder who lives there approached me. She is too old to communicate and just grunts. She walked right up to me and was staring at me and grunting for about 5 minutes. It was very weird. She was trying to communicate with me on some odd level but could not. Then she put up two fists in a joking way and was motioning like she was fistfighting with me. It was not an angry gesture it was more like she was funning with me. I just started talking to her and eventually she walked away. I felt this was a spiritual experience but the meaning escapes me.

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From: white bear lake, MN, USA
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posted January 13, 2005 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for miss_apples     Edit/Delete Message
I read a lot of books by Echo Bodine and for children who are experiencing scary ghosts she suggests to give them a can of air freshener spray to spray at the ghosts. Of course the air freshener in itself doesnt do anything but it makes the child feel like he/she has a weapon against the the entity which inturn gives them the power to say "Hey get out of here" with the force and will that is needed to get rid of the entity.

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posted January 13, 2005 01:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Great advice Tigerlilly...problem is, these things are not occuring in my own home. The home that it is happening in, belongs to my daughter's grandmother..who incidently is my EX motherinlaw. She wouldn't buy any of that, and wouldn't allow it. Well...I say that, but you know, you never know...I'll suggest it.

Tell me your thoughts on those boards. I have always found them to be troubling. Now, I adore tarots, but, those boards, although a seemingly harmless toy from Milton Bradley, just give me a spooky feeling...always have. I have always sortof imagined them as being a portal for spirits, and sometimes evil spirits, as I will say that I believe in evil spirits. Because of that feelings, I have never been happy about Emily playing with it with her grandma. She never plays with it alone--thank goodness. But, I told her last night to NEVER play with it again. EVER.

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Posts: 933
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posted January 13, 2005 03:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
The problem with the boards is that they are an invitation. Think for a moment what that might mean. For some it's verbal communication but light matter does not talk like we do unless it takes occupancy like in a trance voice channel. So how else then does it communicate? It hooks into that which is your field and it is entirely possible for that energy to follow you from place to place. They can easily be in your own home by now. I'm not saying that is the case, but it is indeed easily possible. I cannot caution enough about these boards. they should ONLY be used by people who are trained in these matters. We spend an awful lot of time clearing energetic fields only to find that two months later they been messing about with boards again and this time the problem is worse. You can invite more and more into your field. Do you understand that this is very dangerous? It is not simply a matter of saying a prayer before you start. It is about knowing how, who or what to attract to your field.

Please keep me posted on what happens. we may need to do something from here. Get rid of the board. I would agree with burning it so that it won't land onto someone else's lap.

If you are interested in getting the proper training then please contact the National Spiritualist Association for more information. I trained with them for over over 10 years and they are truly amazing. I trained with them in London. Find out where your nearest church is. They are all non denominational and most of them will hold free classes.


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posted January 13, 2005 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
Yes there are entities that are attracted to fear. Just like an animal would sense your fear they do too. It's rare that you will even know that these entities are with you. They drain you of your energy. Sometimes I think it's a wonder some people are barely able to raise their heads. It's like the law of attraction. It goes both ways. Positive people create positive energetic experiences but the negative, draining ones.

There are other entities who are stuck in the astral. They are like DVD discs that are stuck playing out one of their realities over and over again. We can help those by talking to them and telling them how they can experience so much more joy by not staying static. Time is not an issue for these entities. They have no idea of time because it simply does not exist as we imagine it does. There is no past, present or future for them only the NOW. It is a NOW that exists in many dimensions.

Hope this helps.


As I said before, people are becoming more aware. That is a good thing. A positive thing. Nothing to fear at all. It's an opportunity for us to understand our place amongst many others and to claim ourselves.

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From: Anchorage, AK, USA
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posted January 13, 2005 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for angel_of_hope     Edit/Delete Message
I have a question. You said ...
We are simply regaining the abilities that we once had. This has an awful lot to do with the way the earths magnetic fields are changing and also the recent earth changes. It will get more intense.

1) are you referring to the latest quake when u says Earths Changes?

2) Have you read the Nasa article on the changes the quake made on this earth?

When I saw the telecast last night on the news my first thought was, we've just opened the door more. Meaning for all this stuff to start being noticed more and more by people who have not experienced this sort of stuff. or even people who have. My self, i've seen spirits/ghosts if u will. Never bad entities, just enough to let me know and others know they were there. I enjoyed it once I got used to it. Lately I've been having dreams of my deceased g-father. which I never have felt any tru connection in dreams such as this one/ And I feel I am truly conversing with him in these dreams.

anyhow - I just wanted to know if you ould explain a little more on that question. And if you dont want to , I am completly ok with that and understand where u are coming from.


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Posts: 933
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posted January 14, 2005 12:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
Yes I am referring to the latest quake. No I have not read the latest Nasa news. I already knew the tilt was coming and also the speeding up. Is that what you refer to?

Since the the 1840's when Greenwich Mean was introduced, by which the world sets it's clocks. It remained pretty stable for a long time. In the last five years and just very recently - the quake, it had to be adjusted yet again for missing time, twice.

I want people to shift gears and to begin to understand that earth is a living biological entity and not just a hunk of prime real estate floating about in space.

We talk about the twelve planets and their influence. How about our influence on them? How about our influence on our own planet?

The planet is speeding up. This has happened before many times. It's not a new experience for the earth, but the fact is it need not have been such a drastic lesson for us at all.

We will not be able to control the unpredictable weather patterns. We must expect floodings, winds of enormous strength and of course earthwakes and erruptions. These events will seem to just crop up when least expected. Millions will loose their homes and others will be forced to relocate.

This is sad but we are not innocent victims any of us. Depending on how you look at this it may even be a blessing. We often learn our greatest lessons the hard way. I know this is disturbing and upsetting, but it's true because our home is what WE make of it.

Cosmic energies surround the earth and although most people think that they are just flesh and bone with a soul that never dies they are much more. We are powerful electromagnetic beings, cosmic energies ourselves and because of this we will start to regain some of the senses that have been hidden in us for eons. The Kingdom truly is within us all and the Master never lied.

To some it will be a great shock to see and sense things they never could. None of it is paranormal at all. There are no miracles other than the miracle of our bodies and our abilities given to us by our creator. I'm afraid it will be an impeccable systems buster for some religions.

I have seen the writings of both Linda and others where they talk of the cycles of twelve. Well, the time is coming where we will not be bound by by the circle of twelve and we will create a reality that stretches in spirals outside of this circle. Think of the sun and it's rays.

It's a wonderful opportunity to cleanse our planet, to learn about our planet, ourselves and our responsibilities to each other. It will be rocky and sometimes sadly painful, but I truly believe it will be worth it in the end.


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posted January 14, 2005 07:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sweetlibra     Edit/Delete Message
Just wanted to share a supernatural experience i had 3 yrs ago.
It was during my university exams.I studied till 4 in the morning and then i decided to sleep till 7.
I was in my friend's room.The door and windows of my room were open.
As soon as i reached to close the window i just looked out of the it and felf scared.
I think i imagined a figure at the far away ground.
Then my dream began.I saw myself as asleep.And that figure(white) i saw came through the hostel gate and reached my door.
It knocked at my door.I was shivering & pretended i am asleep.
Then it passed through the narrow space below the door(like light passes)
It softly whispered my name in my ear
I again pretended that i am asleep.
Then it started shaking me violently.
when it shook the cot, i finally had to get up
then i remember sitting on the floor.
It started saying the story like how it was dead and all.
I heard everything and it went away.
I think it was a good spirit cuz i saw only the white light. And never came to disturb me again though i stayed in that room for one more year.

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posted January 14, 2005 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Emily stayed with her grandmother last night, (her father and I are divorced, he lives with his parents for now, and she has scheduled visits with him) and she said nothing happened. I told her last night that before she went to sleep, she needed to tell it that it was not invited there, she didn't want to know what it wanted, and for it to leave her alone and that meant now, in the Father's name.

I do hope this ends, for her sake.

I'd like to share an experience that I had when I was a very small child. I was about 3 or 4 years old, and my mother had just left our house to go out with a friend of hers. I ran to the backdoor and was looking out and screaming and crying for her. I didn't want her to go, and as I was barely looking out the window of the door, I saw a tiny figure approach the door. It was a little man, he was wearing a black robe with a hood. He came up to the door and started making horrible faces at me and it frightened me terribly. I began to cry even harder and when I yelled for my sister to come see the little man, he cursed at me and ran off.

Of course my sister thought I was making it all up, but I can still see his face to this day and I'm now 34...

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From: Jamaica, NY, U.S.A.
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posted January 14, 2005 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonshine9     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Sweet Libra!
Sounds like you may have had a visitation from an angel!
That's really wonderful!
I heard angels come in all shapes and sizes.
I remember having a dream that I had an encounter with an angel or it may have been my spirit guide, David.I was at a party and I remember himcrossing the room and never taking his eyes off me, he started to communicate his thoughts saying his name was David and I just remember waking up and feeling so filled with love. One thing I thought was unusual about his appearance was he was really huge! His whole appearance his hands his feet and he was wearing a cloak without a hood and not soon after that I remember having a dream about being in heaven. It was really amazing!
About the Ouija board, I'd have to agree with Gia about that Pamela. They're definitely something you would not want to mess with because you just don't know who you're inviting into your house. That's what the Ouija board is basically. Your saying to any entity, come on in!
When I was young I messed with a Ouija board. Never again!
Peace and Love

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Posts: 933
From: California
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posted January 14, 2005 11:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Gia     Edit/Delete Message
We have to stop thinking in terms of just spirits and angels. An angel would not scare a child or curse. It sounds more like a lower frequency earth entity to me. This is where we get all our stories of trolls, goblins and gnomes from. People do see them. In fact as I said before, the sightings of these odd little creatures have increased.

There are spirits and we do have angels and they do take on many shapes, sizes and forms, although they are not seen as often as reported. We have many dimensional entities as well and they normally live unseen in our space. Many of them think we live in theirs of course.


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posted January 14, 2005 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Gia, I'm not quite sure where you misunderstood my most recent post, but, I know that it was not an angel.--however I do see what you are meaning, to think out of the box from just the normal "hey there's a ghost"..that there can be more to the universe than what we see in the movies

I do recognize the difference and I have never felt that it was an angel, as I believe that angels are beings made from God. I also do not believe that once you pass away your soul becomes an angel. That is not written anyplace in the Bible, if it is, I would certainly like to know.

What I saw as a child, was hideous and mean and it scared me so badly that I remember it 30 years later. I have come into contact with angels before and they have never, ever hurt me, only assisted me and brought forth encouragement. I've never seen that little man again, and hope that I never do!

I am glad to know that many share my beliefs of the ouiji board being a portal.

Would anyone care to share their beliefs on what happens to a person's soul when they pass away? This has always baffled me, as far as trying to follow Scripture, as written in the Bible. I guess I've just never had concrete evidence. This is why I consider myself the Rebel Baptist, because I do attend church etc,but I cannot reject all the things that have happened to me in my life that are simply unexplainable, or that fall outside what the organized church preaches...

thanks again everyone for your wonderful advice and comments! This has turned into a great thread! And thank you Gia for your attention to the matter!! You are a wealth of information!

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Posts: 2896
From: The Boundless
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posted January 14, 2005 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
For what it's worth, I don't think Gia misunderstood. She was just differentiating between different energies.

Also for what it's worth...all energies/beings/entities are of God/dess...even horrible nasty little men who would threaten an innocent.

Best wishes for you and your daughter, JustAmanda.

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From: white bear lake, MN, USA
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posted January 14, 2005 01:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for miss_apples     Edit/Delete Message
I think that when we die our soul gets reincarnated. I also believe that eventually after all our earthly incarnations we become spirit guides. Spirit guides are kind of like guardian angels except that angels have never been incarnated into an earthly incarnation (except for earth angels of course) and spirit guides have.

I agree with Trillian that all entites are of God/dess. I personally dont believe in evil ghosts. I believe in ghosts that are in so much pain that they refuse to go to "the light" and they end up causing people on this plane pain because of their pain. Its kind of like someone who is disturbed for one reason or another, sometimes they do bad things but that doesnt make them a bad person.

I also believe that ghosts and spirits emotions are magnified compared to ours. Meaning when they feel sad its like a dibilitating (sp) sadness. I had a dream once that I died and woke up in a "newly spirited treatment center" where angels would help newly deceased spirits learn to control their magnified emotions.

Im really glad JustAmanda that your daughter didnt have another bad experience at her grandmas house.

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posted January 14, 2005 01:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
I hope I didn't sound harsh! I wasn't trying to be if it's the Sag in me I guess...

I am a bit different though, in my way of viewing these things, because all my life I've believed that God made all things, but when Satan fell from Heaven (which incidently the youth pastor at my church disagrees with that thought), he had other angels, such as himself, that followed him, and they became his warriors aka demons. Now, when I dig deeper into myself, I extract this...IF God created EVERYTHING, then, He obviously created the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve, of which, they went along with, which led to the ultimate original sin, their fall from grace, their excile from the Garden of Eden and a life full of disappointments and heartache, not to mention DEATH.

Ok, so, my mind says to me "if THAT is so, then WHY would God, who is Love and light and all things good, create a serpent that is bad and dark and all things evil, to corrupt His children forcing them to make a choice that they shouldn't have had to make in the first place?

Whew...that hurt my brain I said before...I'm the classic rebel Baptist...there are so many things that I do believe and follow in the church...but then so many things that I just don't...I've often wondered if I should look into Wicca instead...because the organization of some things in my religious faith, I just can't seem to grasp...makes me feel stupid too.

by the way, this is exciting to talk about all of these things after years of never speaking it...

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Posts: 21
From: Jamaica, NY, U.S.A.
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posted January 14, 2005 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonshine9     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Gia,
I'm sorry you misunderstood what I said.
I was first talking about Sweet Libra and her story and just merely suggesting to her that she might have seen an angel. Believe me I know angels don't curse and would never even suggest that. I know that they are here to watch over us and protect us.
As far as angels and spirits go I also see BEYOND just angels and spirits. I've had many experiences since I was a little girl and I'm also very Psychic which I believe a lot of us are, we just have to learn to use that gift.
Open up our third eye and believe with the heart mind and soul of a child.
Peace and Love

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