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Author Topic:   Path of the Dragon
posted August 23, 2005 03:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 23, 2005 03:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi HedgeWitch,

Thanks for your kind words. Its fun way to exchange and learn.


OK back to the topic of Dragons and Serpents. I will list both postive and the destructive sides. Here goes starting with Rahu and Ketu and what it means to a human.


In the triad of sun, moon, and serpent or cross, it denotes the manifested Logos, and hence is often said to be seven-headed. As such it is in conflict with the sun, and sometimes with the moon; but this conflict is merely the duality of contrary forces essential to cosmic stability.

The dragon itself is often dual, and it may be paired with the serpent, as with Agathodaimon and Kakodaimon, the good and evil serpents, seen in the caduceus. Again the dragon is two-poled as having a head and a tail, Rahu and Ketu in India, commonly described as being the moon's north and south nodes, the moon thus being a triple symbol in which a unity conflicts with a duality.

A universal myth is that of the sun god fighting the dragon and eventually worsting it, which represents the descent of spirit into matter and the eventual sublimation of matter by spirit in the ascending arc of evolution. There are Bel (and later Merodach) and the dragon Tiamat in Babylonia and with the Hebrews; Fafnir in Scandinavia; Chozzar with the Peratae Gnostics; among the Greeks Python conquered by Apollo and the two serpents killed by Hercules at his birth; the fight between Ahti and the evil serpent in the Kalevala; and many other such stories. In the Christian Apocalypse the dragon plays a great part, but it has been often misinterpreted as evil just as Satan or the Devil has been imagined as the foe of divinity and humanity. Cosmologically, all dragons and serpents slain by their adversaries are the unregulated or chaotic cosmic principles bought to order by the spiritual sun gods or formative cosmic powers. The dragon is the demiurge, the establisher or former of our planet and of all that pertains to it -- neither good nor bad, but its differentiated aspects in nature make it assume one or the other character.

The dragon symbol, then, is both cosmic and human in its applications: it may stand for powers of nature, which first overcome man, but which he must eventually overcome, as well as the monad atma-buddhi, which through the manasic principle seeks imbodiment, but needs the help of the still lower principles in order to effect a union with the principles of earth. Cosmologically analogies are drawn between the north polar constellation Draco and one or the other of the great floods, and the word dragon is sometimes used to denote such a flood; for the position of this constellation relative to that of the earth's axis of rotation is intimately connected with cataclysms. The dragon in its higher or superior sense means among other things divine wisdom, especially where the serpent is used for terrestrial wisdom; and adepts or initiates were frequently called dragons. The dragon may be the symbol of a cycle; and the sevenfold dragon may mean the seven minor cycles in a great cycle.


The below describes serpents in the ancient myths at Phoenicia.


Our information concerning the religion of the Phœ;nicians is meagre and mainly found in the Old Testament, in classical traditions, and legends. Of special interest, however, are the votive inscriptions in which a great number of proper names generally construed with that of some divinity are found. Phœ;nician polytheism, like that of the other Semitic nations, was based partly on Animism and partly on the worship of the great powers of nature, mostly of astral origin. They deified the sun and the moon, which they considered the great forces that create and destroy, and called them Baal and Astaroth. Each city had its divine pair: at Sidon it was Baal Sidon (the sun) and Astarte (the moon); at Gebel, Baal Tummuz and Baaleth; at Carthage, Baal Hamon and Tanith. But the same god changed his name according as he was conceived as creator or destroyer; thus Baal as destroyer was worshipped at Carthage under the name of Moloch. These gods, represented by idols, had their temples, altars, and priests. As creators they were honoured with orgies and tumultuous feasts; as destroyers by human victims. Astoreth (Venus), whom the Sidonians represented by the crescent of the moon and the dove, had her cult in the sacred woods. Baal Moloch was figured at Carthage as a bronze colossus with arms extended and lowered. To appease him children were laid in his arms, and fell at once into a pit of fire. When Agathocles besieged the city the principal Carthaginians sacrificed to Moloch as many as two hundred of their children. Although this sensual and sanguinary religion inspired the surrounding nations with horror, they, nevertheless, imitated it. Hence, the Hebrews frequently sacrificed to Baal on the mountains, and the Greeks adored Astarte of Sidon under the name of Aphrodite, and Baal Melkart of Tyre under the name of Herakles. The principal Phœ;nician divinities are Adonis, El, Eshmon, Baal, Gad, Moloch, Melkarth, Sakan, Anath, Astaroth, Rasaph, Sad, and many others. (For the history of Christianity in Phœ;nicia and its present condition see SYRIA.)

Its amazing to learn how in Catholic symbolism the power of a mother God who crushes the head of the Serpent so that there will be life and not destruction.

One can read the story of 'Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico' for more details on how the serpents head is crushed.

Thus also it is said in the Zohar (Kabbalah) that at the beginning of our earthly period, when the elements disputed among themselves the surface of the earth, that fire, like an immense serpent, had enveloped everything in its coils, and was about to consume all beings, when divine clemency, raising around it the waves of the sea like a vestment of clouds, put her foot upon the head of the serpent and made him re-enter the abyss.

Well more on Kaballah - Did you read the Zohar? One may read the story of Jacob and Esau , Isaac's son? More is revealed on the nature of God and Devil.

The story of a man-serpent is interesting indeed. Here goes:

Since eve slept with the serpent....who was simulair to a man at that time....she gave birth to a manserpent.....he had fangs like a snake....and moses hid the secret about the rock that hid abel....the code was that cain bit abel with his fangs and held him til his soul fell out of his body....cain didnt think that abel will loose his body so he felt bad....murder had never happened then....cain fled...had children who were like him...serpent like....they hid from the light(the light of torah which is also a kabbalistic symbol of the sun)because it burned burned there souls. Finally after 150 years abels soul was lost in the spirit realm....hurt because he lost his body too early,,....and when adam had eve again...he made a child of "his own likeness...of his own kind" and finally abel reincarnated as seth.....the name abel and seth has the same numerical its the same soul but diffrant body. The body is of adam and eve....the soul of eve and another. So seth carried the spiritual energy of good...evil....and nutrel power....he was a balanced soul....and out of him comes many balanced souls.

Heres a link to the discussion board. 26885&replies=14

Heres an online version of the book 'The Zohar':

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posted August 23, 2005 07:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


Delphi stands high on the slopes of Mount Parnassus, in the heart of Phocis at the crossroads of important routes of the ancient world. Is one of the most famous cult sites in Greece, renowned throughout the ancient Greek world and beyond as the sanctuary of Apollo and the seat of his oracle. It was at the end of the Mycenaean period that Apollo, Olympian God and guarantor of universal harmony, is supposed to have overcome the old underworld deities. A hymn attributed to Homer tells how, after his birth on Delos Zeus' son came to Delphi, killed the snake Python with his bow and arrow and in accordance with divine law, he went into exile for eight years to atone for the killing of the snake and on his return, he took his place, becoming the god Python, who gave oracles through the intermediary of the Pythia. A festival consisting dramatic and lyric contests were held in the sanctuary theatre, and the stadium was home not only to the athletic games, but also to musical events.

Delphi according to an ancient myth was at the centre of the earth. It was said to have been discovered by Zeus, who, wishing to find the precise center of the world, let loose two sacred eagles from the ends of the earth. They met above Delphi henceforward known as the “omphalos”or world’s navel. But the legend of Apollo’s victory over Python, serpent-son of Ge (the Great Mother Earth), who stood guard over a rock chasm, the Castalia Spring -the vapors from which inebriated men and enabled them to make prophetic utterances –had deeper significance than others.


Pythia: Was she Really Stoned?

"the seat of the oracle is a cavern hollowed down in the depths...from which arises pneuma [breath, vapor, gas] that inspires a divine state of possession".Strabo (c. 64 B.C. - 25 A.D.)

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posted August 23, 2005 07:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow Hedgewitch!!!!

i am in awe of your insight regarding this topic.....
youve cut straight to the heart of what i felt when you first mentioned geodetic accupuncture.....

yes the title "Pythagoras" invokes the name of Apollo, a god who may have been adopted by the greeks from an asian source,and then became one of their prime deities... who slew the python at delphi and was thus known as the Pythian Apollo,......

Apollo was also a god of music, and to slay and cut up the dragon is also a metaphor for dividing the string of a lyre thus again, with the pythagorean comma you have the dragon swallowing its tail.....all the measures of time and space (and global coordinates) are based on this harmonic progression

there was a renowned pythagorean named Fabre D'Olivet (1767-1825) who was said to possess the ancient secret of healing with music.....there were supposedly documented cases but he always retained an oath from the patient not to reveal his method.......

youve actually overwhelmed me with the sheer volume of ideas youve presented,you've really done your homework... i'm going to dig through my library and see where youve led me.......(and make my own dragon.gif)

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posted August 23, 2005 07:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I Have a question.
What do you think, the 3 headed dragon, represents, for some reason, I feel, like it represents fallen angels, Gabrielle, Constantine. I don't know, just curious.

Love and Light

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posted August 23, 2005 09:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A Druid? You mean the ones that light bonfires and burned all those people? Hmmm ... maybe. Would explain a lot.

Got any bedtime stories about Yggdrasil and the Midgard serpent? He's one of my favorites.

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posted August 23, 2005 10:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where's maklhouf btw? He must have something to add.


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posted August 23, 2005 10:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Tink...i think the stories of the druid wickerworks sacrifices are like the stories about witches eating babies at the crossroads on halloween.....propaganda...

julias ceasar wasnt really a historian......

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posted August 23, 2005 10:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Roman gossip? Dunno. Maybe. Goodman didn't think so.

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posted August 23, 2005 10:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Did I miss something, when did we moc=ve to this era, Julius Ceasar, please help me, I'm lost, like Alice, lol

Love and Light

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posted August 23, 2005 11:26 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 23, 2005 11:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 11:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 11:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 06:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you Hedgewitch, i'm still looking into some interesting things you brought up, as well as looking into the more technical aspects of (human) accupuncture......

relax and have fun with your little one
i REALLY appreciate the time youve put into this research, its helped me quite a bit....

see ya....

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posted August 24, 2005 08:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For whatever it's worth I think the acupuncture/sacred sites connection is dead on. It's only practical.

really good stuff, hedge.

No problem about the druids btw. I've been called worse.

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posted August 24, 2005 08:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote least you werent called a "red commie druid" ....

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posted August 24, 2005 09:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Don't give him any ideas

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posted August 24, 2005 09:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 09:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
its on the first page......i had to replace the other cuz the guy was whining about me using the one from his site....

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posted August 24, 2005 09:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 09:49 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 09:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yea it only took me a few minutes last watch the guy from that zen site steal it hehe.....

even though i really only registered that photobucket site so i could start posting doctored photos of bush jr hehe

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posted August 24, 2005 10:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 24, 2005 10:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
actually everything ive posted before i found on the net, but i thought i would start making my own now ...hehe

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