Topic: Path of the Dragon
Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 08:39 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 08:48 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 09:20 AM
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Bluemoon unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 03:27 PM
WOW, Hedgewitch! That is quite a Magical place. SOoooo Beautiful!!!IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 03:36 PM
HedgeWitch,Thanks for all that, it is very enlightening. Love and Light IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 03:59 PM
Hedgewitch you've got me spyralling all over the place...... did you know dragons are one of my favorite subjects!!???!! IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 04:50 PM
Dracos As Above, So Below.......the ouroborus who circles the earth at the equator is tilted ~66.55 degrees on its axis away from the sun.......but that, back when most of these ancient sites were built, dracos contained the pole star, used to navigate around the globe..
******* Draco the Dragon: star group that twists between the constellations of the Great Bear and the Little Bear. Its star, Thuban, found within the body of the dragon, was once the pole star. Draco's strange, winding shape can be explained if Thuban and the rest of the sky is precessed back to their respective positions in the time of ancient Egypt. Draco's body joins with that of the snake held by Ophiuchus, which in turn connects to Hydra. Hydra delineated the celestial equator, and Ophiuchus' serpent followed the equator until it intersected the meridian of the fall equinox. It then bent in a right angle and followed the meridian at the base of Draco's tail until it marked the zenith with the pole star at Thuban. The upper coils and head of the beast wrapping about the pole star. By astronomical chance, the Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail marked the positions of the lunar nodes, those points where the paths of the solar and lunar orbits intersect and where solar and lunar eclipses may occur. The Dragon's head refers to the ascending node, the Dragon's tail the descending node. In several cultures, an eclipse was attributed to the disappearance of the moon or sun as they were swallowed by a dragon. The fact that the stars of this circumpolar constellation never set plays an important part in its mythologies.
****** Book of john
3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly things? 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven. 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 04:59 PM
Thanks Petron,You guys are fascinating me. Love and Light IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 07:24 PM
Lots of tasty stuff here. Fantastic!But one thing doesn't jive for me ... "However, the dragon/serpent motif acquired a totally negative connotation when the Hebrews invaded Canaan and enforced exclusive worship of their fiercely patriarchal god Yahweh. From this violent overthrow of the goddess-worshipping cultures associated with the Earth-loving serpent, grew the image of the dragon as an emblem of Evil, of the torrid temptations of carnal Nature." "In Europe, owing to the Judaeo-Christian prejudice against the Earth-Mother-Goddess-Serpent aboriginal archetype, the dragon has been portrayed as the enemy: Nemesis, agent of Satan, Lucifer's earthly form, the Worm of Hades. Statues and paintings abound that show the Archangel Michael, and later St. George, slaying the dragon of pagan beliefs." I think possibly he is confusing his serpents/dragons. I think this serpent/dragon that Michael is slaying is the one often named Typhon. A very different dragon then the one associated with ley lines and such. In esoteric myth, serpents and dragons are so commonly used metephors it's inevitable that there would be some confusion. There is a lovely painting out there of Thoth slaying Typhon. Manly P Hall in the Secret Teachings maybe? Eleanore?  I believe Linda mentioned somewhere in Gooberz that there were 3 distinct serpents. Dunno. Just a thought. IP: Logged |
iAmThat unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 07:34 PM
Well let me share my insight coming from a different culture. Its interesting that in the passage of John, Jesus is said to have retold things of heaven and how Moses raised the serpent. I think , he was referring to the event in the Book of Numbers (chapter 21). Here God unleashes snakes on the Jews and Moses interecedes. God tells Moses to build a statue of a serpent and every person bitten by the snake must approach it and look at it to be saved. Was Jesus referring to the effect of Dragons head/tail in the sky(heaven)? Was it Gods way of telling people to appease these deities? Indians calls the dragon head, Rahu and the dragon tail, Ketu. Indian astrologers pays lots of importance to north node (Rahu) and south node (Ketu). These are the 2 virtual planets in ones horoscope. That is they do not exists (as they are simply moons ecliptical points that gives rise to solar and luna eclipses), but still plays a powerful role in a mans destiny. Heres the link describing how the demi-god was immortalized in heaven. Very interesting indeed. Appears there is Karma and Grace and by believing in Jesus we are absolved of our Karma's and escape the cycle of birth and death here on earth. Just as the Jews in Moses times looked at the statue of the serpent and were healed of snake bites. Would we be healed by believing in Jesus. Was it destined by our Father-Mother in heaven that it be so? Did Jesus really had to experience death (Dragon head and tail/Rahu/Ketu)) as a sign of humbleness and homage to them? It proves that even God is bound to his creation. Well just believing in Jesus is not enough. Following in what he taught is important too. That is paying attention to whatever we do in our everyday lives. Be it harming mother Earth? Wasting food, by throwing it in garbage when it could have fed thousands of starving children in Africa? Everything is Gods plans. We need to be patient and see it unfold. He really didn't abandon us, a thought I had struggled with initially. Interesting indeed. IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted August 21, 2005 08:44 PM
what struck me to include that passage was the fact that moses, thoth, hermes, and others have all been associated with a serpent staff, whether it be two entwining serpents or a single serpent on a staff .yes, both have slightly different meanings but all these examples are closely connected, and even healing rituals were integrated with their astrological symbolism back then........that particular passage is probably more connected to this constellation...... ******Ophiuchus Transit Date of principal star: 15 June There is some disagreement over the origin of this constellation. Apparently it was once known as Asclepius, who was the Greek god of medicine. One such reference was made in the writings of Eudoxus, in the fourth century BC. Eudoxus (c400-c347 BC) deserves to be better known. He may have been a member of Plato's Academy, and it is possible he was its head for some time. Eudoxus was a prolific writer of scientific subjects, and thinkers such as Euclid incorporated much of his work into their own. He mapped out the constellations, and the result became the main star reference for hundreds of years. Among other feats, he divided the sky into degrees of longitude and latitude and devised a better calendar. He was also a well known geographer and mathematician, but it was his work on astronomy that he is principally remembered. Later Greek stories arose about Carnabon, a king of the Getae, who killed a famous dragon, or even of Heracles, who (you might recall) killed Draco. Thus the story of the man and serpent came to represent a host of individuals, but most authorities now seem to opt for Asclepius, or Aesculapius, which is the Latin equivalent of the Greek god of medicine. Son of Apollo and a nymph called Coronis, Asclepius was taught medicine by the centaur Chiron. (His mythology also arises from Thessaly, where the stories of the centaurs originated.) Asclepius became the Argonauts' surgeon, sailing with them on the ship Argo, and he managed to bring back to life a number of people, including the son of King Minos of Crete. It was after Asclepius tried to revive Orion, bitten by the scorpion, that Pluto began to complain. He argued to Zeus that if Asclepius had his way he would rob Pluto of the entire population of Hades. Zeus agreed; they couldn't permit men to be immortal. So he sent a thunderbolt to end Asclepius's life. Zeus later put Asclepius in the heavens along with the Serpent. The serpent has long been a symbol for renewed life. While the cult of Asclepius began in Thessaly, temples were built throughout Greece, especially near healing springs. Around 300 BC the cult arrived in Rome. Ancient sculpture typically shows the god bare breasted, attired in a long flowing cloak, and holding a staff with a serpent coiled about it. This is perhaps the forerunner of the modern medical symbol of the caduceus. The constellation Ophiuchus is thus found in the midst of the Serpens. The southern part of Ophiuchus dips into a very dense portion of the Milky Way, resulting in a great many deep sky objects. The Bayer stars of Ophiuchus are fairly bright, five of which have a magnitude brighter than 3.0. The brightest star, alpha Ophiuchi, is better known as Rasalhague, meaning "Head of the Snake Charmer". This is a rather close star, at 54 light years away, and a celestial neighbour of Ras Algethi (alpha Herculis), which lies to the WNW five degrees. Ophiuchus has a half-dozen or so visual doubles, and even more star clusters. In fact Ophiuchus has more globular clusters than any other constellation. The region encircling rho Ophiuchi is also of some interest. This area contains several dark clouds and nebulae that show the active formation of stars.
Hermes is also one of my favorites , he was "the spirit in the stone heap" and marked the boundaries and the roads across the land (the meridians??) its still good luck to put a stone on the cairn when you pass by some are simply milemarkers erected by the romans, but there are some so old they were there when the greeks arrived and were written about by homer......
heres a good sacred sites index
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amisha121877 unregistered
posted August 22, 2005 01:46 PM
speaking of dragons:has anyone ever read the following books?: Beowulf Grendel Puff the Magic Dragon The Little Girl and the Dragon Neverend Story
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 22, 2005 03:14 PM
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Petron unregistered
posted August 22, 2005 07:21 PM
Merlin's Cave Useful Information Image: Tintagel Castle and the cave below. Location: 5km South West of Boscastle, Cornwall. Tintagel Head, 800 m walk from the town Tintagel. Steep track down to the sea. Location by UK Streetmap Open: caves: no restrictions castle: Apr-Sep daily 10-18, Oct daily 10-17, Nov-Mar daily 10-16. Fee: caves: none castle: Adults £2.90, Concessions £2.40, Children £1.50. Classification: sea caves. Light: none, not necessary but usefull. Dimension: Guided tours: Bibliography: Amy Hale, Alanm. Kent, Tim Saunders (): Inside Merlin's Cave, Address: Tintangel Visitor's Centre, Tintagel, Tel: +44-1840-779034 Last update: $Date: 2004/05/11 08:02:54 $ History Description 1930s extensive excavations by Radford. Image: View from Tintagel Castle to the next head to the north. Tintagel Castle is, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth in his History of the Kings of Britain, written 1139, the birthplace of King Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon and Queen Igraine. But this is just legend. There is no evidence to either prove or disprove this story. According to the archaeologists, this place was a Roman settlement and military outpost, most likely called Durocornovium. There was some kind of monastic settlement here in the 5th or 6th century, maybe the stronghold of a Celtic king. This would seem entirely possible, as the site would have made an impressive fort and would be almost impenetrable to any enemies attempting to storm the headland. A finding during an 1998 excavation increased the possibility of a connection with King Arthur: a slate of 20 by 30 cm with the inscription ARTOGNOV, the Latin version of the British name Arthnou. Its from the 6th century, which is most likely the time when Arthur lived. This castle fits the legend very well, because of another fact: Merlin's Cave below the castle. Merlin is said to have lived in a cave below the fortress of Tintagel while King Arthur grew up, to be his teacher. In one version of the legend, Arthur was found by Merlin washed ashore in a cave below the castle. Below Tintagel Castle a fault or a layer of weaker rocks crosses the Tintagel Head, the castle is built on. It also crosses several other heads to the north and south, as can be seen from the castle. The rocks were eroded by the sea and so several irregular sea caves were formed, all in one row. Two caves are easy to access from the footpath to Tintagel Castle. Both are high enough to walk through, both are going through the whole head to the other side.
Merlin is said to have been born in Carmarthen, which means "Myrddin Town." He is said to have been the child of a human mother and an incubus, or demon. As such, he had no father in the traditional sense. This condition came in useful when Vortigern was having trouble building a tower on Dinas Emrys. His seers told him to sacrifice a boy who had no father; Merlin was produced but instead told his own prophecies (Geoffrey's Vita Merlini). He correctly predicted that the tower was built on an underground pool and that underneath the pool were two dragons fighting: one red and one white. This was to symbolize the Red Dragon of the Pendragon (Uther and Arthur) and the White Dragon of the Saxons; Merlin's Prophecies said that the Red Dragon would drive out the White Dragon.
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 12:45 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 01:11 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 02:16 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 02:55 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 04:13 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 04:47 AM
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Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 05:47 AM
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TINK unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 09:44 AM
"Oh my", indeed.  IP: Logged |
Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 10:25 AM
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 12:36 PM
I am crying with Joy, from all the resoanting truth here, thank-you so much. I't all there, just waiting for us...Love and Light IP: Logged |
Hedgewitch unregistered
posted August 23, 2005 03:08 PM
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