Planet_Soul unregistered
posted December 06, 2005 05:39 PM
You know, that was the first tiem I had ever mentioned that here. I rarely talk about it, mostly I write about it in my journals. The other night, I had a conversation with a friend who had a smilar experience. I told her about my insecurities with my school job due to the position of authority I have with the kids. The kids are around the age I was at the time, and I tend to get intimadated by my own personal power. My friend adviced for me to talk about my feelings more, that she used to be permissive (like me) and things got better when she began to not be ashamed it happened and talk about it honestly. That conversation was like a breathe of fresh air. Some days are better than others, and on I continue as long as I am no longer afraid. IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 06, 2005 06:15 PM
Fayte, you just expressed perfectly the reasons I see threads like this too be of significance for peaples emotional well being... Below is a link to an essay I already wrote when in the middle of a debate on the necesity of having this and others here,, it descirbes what I find too be the second most imprtant reason this is needed after the matter of emotional well fare- Medical [wich does closely tie into the soul , as even Linda Goodman was aware of]- IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 06, 2005 06:18 PM
BBaaaaaahhhh, forget the link, the thread this is from has far too much poison of ignorance for me to connect it too this one. So cut and paste it is - ""No if I was thinking with "my little head" I would have thrown alot of "juicy provocative dialog" in there..
that was all very much from my hearts passions, stemed and gathered from the knowledge and awareness on the subject Ive acumilated over so many years of extensive cureous searching, and experience. this will all be in everyday medical journals, and text books before too much longer. It doesnt take too much research to show how medicaly ignorant it has been too keep young boys especaily from knowing the details and potentials of their sexual anatomy.. And in the least our societys teachings of "abstinance is the best policy" alone has been horificly emotionaly traumatising for our young woman as well. Atleast these of my points Ive been triyng to elaborate for a long time --goes well beyond anyones opinion of point of view. Its logical medical and spiritual truth. Just as we all need to breath air, and continualy drink water to live.""""""" IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 06, 2005 06:23 PM
And as far as some of the kinkyer talk weve had in here,,, There should be a line we all agree not too cross [even I have no choice to recognise that, even if I dont want too !] However for the most part,, our dialogs have served the healthy purpose of not only perhaps brightening up one anothers day with some fun, and frisky complimenting,,, but I think would also be good for adults and children who arent used to be so sexualy open... If not just too see what its like, and whats on other peaples sexual minds.. All of this I have shared in, and openly participated in ,, knowing even I am not comfortable enough with alot of my "close too home freinds" too say half of these things.. If not just for fear of them taking me the worng way,, and in their ignorance looking at me in a different light for only the wrong reasons. IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 06, 2005 06:31 PM
And if anyone reading this thread now hasnt covered the entirety of this thread form its start many months ago- alot of the medical knowledges I was talking about most necesary for young boys and girls well beings has been posted in the first 10 or 15 pages here.IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 03:55 AM
wow, it's really been months now, hasn't it? I agree, Magus and like I said elsewhere,I believe there was always, for the most part, Heart here and good intent. As with everything, there is a potential for good or bad in it. But, I do believe, that when you began this topic here it was in hope to expand people's perceptions, to educate and also to dwelve into the psycho-analysis of what our sexual desires can show us about ourselves. Or the magick in the healing and transformative powers of tantric sex. Is that not spiritual? There were changing moods of the moments. Sometimes just for fun. Sometimes breaking on through, kind of like jolts to awaken people. When I brought up the 3-some thing, it was truly with the intention to understand and learn something from it. Yes, it happened that I was approached. I didn't seek it out. The reality is that these kinds of things DO happen to people. Sometimes out of the blue. And, psychologically, spiritually, there are so many questions that can be explored about search for understanding. It didn't go there ultimately, but hey, I tried. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Spirituality and Metaphysics are far-ranging and unlimited topics. Truly if your seeing in a Spiritual way, then even the most mundane topic has meaning. What I'm not understanding is the exclusiveness of saying something has its place and another doesn't. ALL has its place. The moment you place boundaries or any kind of rights and wrongs or shoulds or shouldn'ts on Spiritual Evolution, then the point is being missed altogether. Because its an Individual Journey that only THAT Soul will find on its own and in its own way through whatever Magically Transformative means that Soul is meant to. Maybe so, maybe not, but how could we say whether so or not so? Or where or how or when? That being said, I also believe its good to be cogniscient of the Space here and the readers, as we post. And to be grateful for having this Space as well. IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:52 AM
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fayte.m unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 11:36 AM
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AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7897 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 07, 2005 12:15 PM
Here here! IP: Logged |
Solane Star Newflake Posts: 0 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2011
posted December 07, 2005 02:08 PM
I'm feeling so much love here!!! IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 03:53 PM
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Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 05:46 PM
pehraps if thase sexuly reperssed relijous nuts tauht there childrun responsuble waiys to have secks with animuls, then maybe their woodnt not be trajedees like this...!!!!******** SEATTLE - A Seattle man died after engaging in anal sex with a horse at a farm suspected of being a gathering place for people seeking to have sex with livestock, police said Friday. The horse involved in the incident was not harmed, and an autopsy of the unnamed man concluded that “the manner of death was accidental ... due to perforation of the colon,” a police spokesman said. “The information that we have is that people would find this place via chat rooms on the Web,” said Sgt. John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff’s Department. Story continues below ↓ advertisement Although sex with animals is not illegal in Washington state, Urquhart said that investigators were looking into whether the farm, located in Enumclaw, 40 miles southeast of Seattle, allowed sex with smaller animals that resulted in animal cruelty, which is a crime. “If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” Urquhart said. Copyright 2005 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. ****** manee heer ever have had seks with a whorse? IP: Logged |
salome unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 06:00 PM
'n IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 06:44 PM
Petron- twats the matter pooky ? Still mad about my sugestions of the inferiority of the general communication skill [useing that term very loosly] of you an our freinds down in GU ? A little upset that all you have on me is my poor spelllllllllllllllling ? Or are you just upset that no one here shares your affinity for romancing horses and sheep ?
Or simply dissapointed that your lame atempts to have me kicked outa here didnt work ??? Dont worry sweet cheeks,, Im sure your pall TINK will be back to pester me first chance she finds, soon enough. IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 06:57 PM
Tink has nuthing to dew with this....did i mentiun hur?.....duz she ever post in this thred>? are yoo tryun to drag hur intu this?thus is the seks thred isunt it? i thot maybee yoo cood inform mee on the relutiv merits and majikull tekneeks cunserning beastee-aluty....
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MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:00 PM
I wont even justify such a pathetic atempt to mock who and what I am with an answer. So just keep runnin your mouth- please. IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:02 PM
She may have nothing to do with this,, but seems to me you would be better off leting her take over what ever vandeta you have against me,, she may not have yet been as creative or efficiant as I originaly gueesed she owuld have, but she certainly showed a better knack and tongue for it then you.IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:05 PM
cood yoo refraze that pleeze?IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:12 PM
do yoo meen their is sum limut too whut yoo cunsider distastfel cunserning thu duhskriptun uv tha issuance uv boduly flewids? IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:21 PM
No, I dont rifraaazei. Especiayl for someone who doesnt want too hear me out in the first place. an Yis, naterily I believe in limits on whats healthy sixuely when it cuuuummmmssssss teu what or who to sharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr buderly fluerds wihhhtttttt. So you can sit on yer case, and rotate, till it hurts, and sure- drink the juice and flewerdeees of a horse or goat for all I care. - I wont even bother you if you did, as you already know well - doesnt meen I wouuuld recomend it. [kids reading this- please, dont do sheep or chickens, just because you want to make a point too someone in the most childish of manners] IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:34 PM
whell i ekspekted yoo too informe us as too why there shood be limuts to whut is partaken uv with the plezures of hta flesh between consenting adult beingz?IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:42 PM
how can I inform anyone of what the limits would be between two consenting individuals- when that it entirely up too them ? As far as my limits,, thats personal too me is it not ? Shut your face, and either join in, or back off and perhaps I would unfold some more of my sexual self here with time. IP: Logged |
Petron unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 07:46 PM
well yoo just got dun sayin their ar limuts ....and not to 'do' sheep....i thot yer masturful self wood be abul too artikulate why not? butt know yoo say yoo kant say?? witch is it? IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 08:39 PM
Simply that I dont care for the partaking of a sheep in my explorations through ecstacy. And if someone else wants too- Im not going to judge them, nor stop em.- At the same time I wont recomend it. Any more of your stupid and insulting questions Pooky ? IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC unregistered
posted December 07, 2005 08:41 PM
And sure Id be able to articulate my personal reasons for why not- but that would be a waste of my time [even more then you are]. Just like bothering my self with the bickerings and masterdebates down in GU would. IP: Logged |