Topic: Prisoners of Love
Lialei Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 30, 2005 11:20 PM
There is something that we all do to one another, whether it be friendships, family or love relationships (especially marriage or long term relationships)...we take that person and freeze them in time in our minds and our hearts. We label them; stamp them with a label of whatever we have decided that they are and we file them away in a box. It's so detrimental to an individual's well-being and opportunity of potential of who they may or may not be. We hence, become prisoners of our Love~ with no room to grow or BeCome with no room for exploration or spiritual evolution with no possiblity of being perceived as the person we are Here in the Now, while forever being perceived as a conditioned perception of what we once were...or even less...what we were once Perceived to Be; a projection which may not even be the Truth. You see it all the time. It is the worst when imposed so early on in children. "She's shy". "He's a wild child." We're labeled from the beginning and this stamped signature is carried onwards by us throughout our entire lives. It seems it is the cause for many (most?) divorces. One spouse has BeCome...has flourished and grown, while the other still clings to that old perception or ideal; the old LABEL of who the other is. Eventually one has to break free or be suffocated by a life-term sentence that will deny them the true Joy that their Heart's know can Be. It is everywhere. It's, sorry to say and see, especially in astrology and there are shades of it throughout this site. (which is only normal to witness, for the amount of traffic here. Not are all this way..and even those who can be aren't always, so no offence meant. We are a microsism of the world in a sense here, so it couldn't be avoided altogether, could it? ) You get to the point where you are leary to even mention your Sun Sign, for whatever labels that might instantly be stamped upon you. Anyway...I guess it is momentously on my mind these days especially. I've freed myself and onto the more wondrous Places where my Soul can Be. I see Glorious Horizons outside of the Box. Was hopeful to hear your own experiences and thoughts. Are you where you want to be with someone in your life holding you back? Lia
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iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 933 From: Edison, NJ, USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 30, 2005 11:43 PM
Just as Evil is found in the most unexpected place. Love comes to you when you when you least expect it. I have tons to say but not at the moment. May be when this thread picks up IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 2297 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted August 31, 2005 02:13 AM
Oh yes! I've felt this SO many times in my life, and my mom LOVES to generalize my personality in sometimes detrimental ways.Growing up I literally had two lives socially. One was school where I had lots of friends, but never wanted to be a part of the 'popular' crowd. The other was at church where, as a teenager, I was one of the most popular. I went to a huge Southern California church (the Crystal Cathedral), and the youth group there was enormous because of how much fun we had (always having activities). It was always a bit heart-breaking returning to school each fall knowing I'd feel confined by the old attitudes people had about me. At the same time, though, perhaps in some sense that is what I needed back then to keep me humble. With my parents, their attitudes and judgments of me have and still do hurt regularly. Even as a young kid in grade school my mom discouraged my idea about becoming an artist as an adult. When I picked up music it was easier for her to deal with since she loves music, but still there was never any stamp of approval on me pursuing a career as a musician. My dad was judgmental of my personality. He didn't and doesn't understand at all the inner workings of my mind, and every attempt by him to motivate me failed pretty badly. Now I understand more about astrology, and that's helped enormously. My dad is an Aries, and most often if there's someone I feel opposite of, it's an Aries. I seem to understand Arien tendencies, but not the way their minds work. Now I understand that that's the way they are, and I don't worry that I'll never understand. May not be my place to understand. My mom's a Leo, and while she's been somewhat insensitive I don't really know what to make of her, because I'm her favorite. My chart says I may be a parent to her. She does like to tell me about her secret goals. IP: Logged |
Lialei Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 01, 2005 02:19 PM
Anticipation, iAm Hope you'll come back here.Thanks so much for your insights, Acoustic God. That's exactly what I was referring to. It's frustrating to be trapped in a mold. And the most frustrating thing is knowing it is entirely beyond you. It comes from Them. And it seems there is nothing that can be done, but just live your own Truth and let them See whatever they will. And hope that someday Your Truth will be realized by them. I wish I had more time at the moment, but hope to return later tonight to reply to you with better Time and Space. Lia IP: Logged |
Svetlana Knowflake Posts: 162 From: USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 05, 2005 04:11 PM
I'm blessed with a partner who, though relactantly, embraced my changes over the years. And changed accordingly, since he couldn't stay the same now that I was different. But as he changed I had again to ajust to a new Him. A so it goes. It's interesting since he was the one to influence my original change since he's affected my life tremendously when we got married. As for my children. I give advise and share my experiences when they ask me to. But I love them and accept them as they are and don't try to change them even if I don't agree with what they are doing or saying. But I do give my opinion ------------------ We are the ones we've been waiting for. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 933 From: Edison, NJ, USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 21, 2005 10:20 PM
Hi Lialei, Am back. I really came close to being with a soul mate. I gave my 110 percent to it. There was great potential in it. But the time wasn't right. I cannot go in to the details. I have been thru 4 relationships so far. As I look back and do some soul searching, I really do not see anyone loving me with the same intensity whatever the circumstances. Theres thousand fold blessings in such a love. I am not assigning weights to each types of love. But what I meant to say is this: Love that stands the trials and tribulations is greatly blessed. I guess, I could never witness such love personally. Don't get me wrong. I do not regret it. I do not believe in love anymore nor in marriage. The only purest love I see is between mother and child. Especially because for 30-40 years even after pregnancy some embryonic cells remains within the mothers womb for each baby. The mysterious connection is there. Ok back to your topic. Yes I did felt a prisoner in love. Theres so much drain of energy keeping the expectations that it leaves you empty. I do not regret those moments. They say you have not led a life until you have fallen in love. It happened to me once. Not any more now. Therefore I chose not to love back anyone until I am absolutely sure of the outcome. No more pain or being a prisoner. They say you cannot choose who you love. Love chooses you. When that happens I would see I know its impossible for someone to expect your partner to speak the same truth as you do. But come on there has to be someone somewhere out there in the midst of 6B people. Even if there is, I choose not to and I hope I chose wisely. May be theres a grand plan for me to choose God alone. Regards, IAT
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Lialei Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 22, 2005 10:33 AM
iAmThat, thank you. well worth the wait. Like reading 2 pages of the same book. I can very much relate to where you are in your now. I loved someone with the intensity you wrote of. Through all trials and tribulations, only more for having survived them and still be together through it all somehow. But...alas, the timing wasn't right in this case either. Everything in the Universe seemed to continually restrict it...but that didn't sway my heart and hope, for there was a magic I knew that was uniquely rare for this world. I felt like he finally let the world win, exhausted with the fierce energy drain in having to believe in forces Unseen. Hard to describe it. But...although I'm extremely romantic and idealistic in Love, believing in it very much, I have come to a place within where I question the institutions and customs of marriage convention lures us to believe. If I am in Love I give All~ Body, Heart and Soul. Is that kind of Love meant to be forced into a mold of obligation and expectation? Never is a word I NEVER use. I believe it closes one off to possibility of blessings one otherwise wouldn't be bestowed... IP: Logged |
Lialei Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 22, 2005 10:36 AM
my baby-son just slammed his hand on the keyboard and posted before I was done. Ah, maybe it's best then to leave it as it is. Hope it made some mind is a bit delirious with exhaustion this morning. IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 2868 From: ireland Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 22, 2005 10:38 AM
I agree Lia........."Never say never"........I said it many times......but proved myself wrong.........ha ha !!! Hope your little on is okay !!! IP: Logged |
Lialei Knowflake Posts: 97 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 23, 2005 10:38 AM
thanks, Sue he's ok, he was just playing. He's a bit like Bam Bam from the years old but the strength of an ox, lol.Yes, never say never. "Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans."~ as the Mystic John Lennon said. I'm a romantic poet. But not quite sure if this romantical ideal is more for other ethereal realms, than the realty of this 3D Existance. Who knows? I remain open and try to be happy with whatever comes my way. I suppose I would be the ideal Mistress at this point in my life...and have had offers since word of my divorce got out (amazing who comes out of the woodwork)... but I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt to satisfy my own desires. Oddly enough I had more empathy about the wive's plight than the men did. Aiy...sometimes sad reflections of humanity. Anyway....cheers to you Lovely Sue. Love your warm energy and don't believe I've told you so yet. Lia IP: Logged |
MAGUS of MUSIC Knowflake Posts: 957 From: poughkeepsie,NY,usa Registered: Jun 2002
posted September 23, 2005 12:32 PM
Wwoo, how did I miss this thread,, just caught it now... Good read so far.IP: Logged | |