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Author Topic:   The Pleiades
posted May 03, 2007 08:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 03:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here's an interesting article:


By R. A. Boulay ©1990

Editorial Comments By Roberto Solàrion ©1997


Chapter 5



"I shall establish a savage. Man will be his name. Verily, savage-man I shall create. He will be charged with the service of the Gods, that they might be at ease." Sumerian Creation Epic

One of the oldest fragments of Sumerian mythology describes conditions on Earth as the alien astronauts or Anunnaki arrived and before they had descended to build the cities of Mesopotamia. It tells of a time when the face of the sun and the moon could not be seen, when the Earth's surface was watered profusely and the clouds descended down to the Earth's surface. It was then, as the tablet states, that "the reptiles verily descend."

[Comment: If, as Sitchin postulates, the Planet Earth/Tiamat was located farther out from the Sun at the time of Nibiru's arrival in this system, in what is referred to today as "the asteroid belt," and if only later following the collision of Nibiru's moonlet with what is today known as the Pacific Ocean, then this could well be a description of climatological conditions on that "original Earth."]

In the epics of Mesopotamia, Man's creation was secondary and even incidental to the creation of the universe and to the colonization of this planet by the alien visitors. After the astronauts had landed, the recovery of the swamps and the building of the cities commenced under the leadership of Enki. All the cities built had a specific purpose, seemingly to support the mining operations which culminated in the metal-processing center at Badtibira. The building of the cities, the constant repairing and rebuilding of the canals and dikes, the mining operations, all required considerable effort on the part of the sons of An.

It is with this background that Man arrives upon the scene. Man's creation was conceived and executed not as an end in itself or as a natural development of the civilization of Mesopotamia. Rather, man was created as an expedient to satisfy a group of discontented aliens. Man's purpose was to serve the gods; he was made to ease the burden of the gods and to assume the laborious and distasteful tasks being performed by the increasingly unhappy and rebellious Anunnaki. Man was meant to be the breadwinner, the laborer, and the caretaker of the gods.

The Scriptures speak of the work done in the garden of Eden before Man was created. It was the serpent who performed all the work that later Man had to do. Besides the farming, the serpent-gods also mined the minerals as they "supplied Elohim with silver, gold, gems, and pearls," thereby revealing one of the main activities of the serpent-gods before the advent of Man.


The difficulties of their children below did not go unheeded by the gods in the orbiting space ship. Earlier vegetation was so luxuriant that they did not have to produce much of their food, and they literally lived off the land. With the change in climate and environment, they now had to grow much of their own food. At this they were not very proficient.

One of the Sumerian myths, The Dispute Between Cattle and Grain, describes the early attempts to ease the suffering of the Anunnaki. As the poem relates, the sons of An did not know how to grow grain, to bake bread, nor to make garments. They ate plants from the field like the animals and drank water from the ditch. [Comment: If this is true, can you believe it? :-)] As long as vegetation was abundant, they had no problem feeding themselves; but as the land began to dry out and numbers increased, they had to look to other means of gaining sustenance. It was necessary for them to grow their own food.

This myth describes attempts in the "Creation Chamber" of the space ship to devise means to provide them with grain and meat. Two goddesses are created to teach them methods of growing their own food and of raising animals - Lahar, the Cattle Goddess, and Ashnan, the Grain Goddess.

These goddesses tried to teach the Anunnaki the arts of agriculture and animal husbandry, but with no success. Then realizing that this experiment was a total failure, the gods in council decided to take a drastic step - to create a primitive worker. Thus, for the sake of the welfare of the Anunnaki, "Man was given breath."

This myth seems to relate to a later period of the Anunnaki, about 100,000 years ago when the lands no longer supported the huge vegetarian reptiles and the desiccation of the land had brought the evolution of the meat-eating dinosaurs and large mammals. The myth indicates that the Anunnaki were now meat-eaters by requiring the introduction of animal husbandry.

Thus, the gods assembled in the heavens decided that the best way to alleviate the suffering of their children on Earth was to produce a new creature. The chief god An decreed that a savage be created, and "Man shall be his name." It would be charged with the service of the gods so that they might have their rest. Since the previous experiments in the space ship did not turn out successfully, it was decided to commission Enki, working with the Chief Nurse Ninkhursag, to produce a primitive being. This new creation, called a "lulu" by the Anunnaki, was to be the first primitive man.

Enki and Ninkhursag conducted a number of experiments in the Abzu, Enki's floating laboratory near Eridu, all aimed at the creation of a primitive worker. In one of these myths the creation of imperfect types is described.

Ninkhursag fashioned sex different varieties of individuals from "clay," but these all turned out to be abnormal and were utter failures. The best of these was described as being weak and feeble in body and spirit. She gave the creature bread to eat, but he refused it. It could neither sit, nor stand, nor bend its knees. They eventually gave up and decided that this creature was a complete failure. Finally, after much trial and error, Enki and Ninkhursag found a working formula.


At first there was much trial and error. Finally a successful method was found. Using a group of primitive female animals, presumably the apewomen, the eggs were fertilized by young astronauts, then extracted and reimplanted into the wombs of fourteen birth goddesses.

This procedure is described in the Atrahasis Epic, which deals with the creation of Man. The story discloses that "fourteen wombs were gathered together," impregnated with the "essence" of the gods, and as a result, seven males and seven females were created.

While the process was successful in producing a viable primitive being, it had one major drawback as shown by subsequent events - the creatures produced were clones and could not reproduce themselves. The fact that both sexes were produced, seven males and seven females, suggests that the intent had been to make them capable of reproduction. For some unknown biological reason the process failed in this.

In this manner, primitive man or Adam was created, a combination mammal-reptile hybrid. The procedure used by the Sumerians is reflected in Genesis where it states that the image of God was imposed on the "clay," the basic genetic material just as in the Sumerian tablets. God's essence is mixed with the malleable clay of the earth - the apeman. In the cuneiform accounts, the clay is mixed with the essence of the gods and upon this creation they "bind upon it the image of the gods." In both cases, it should be observed that Man is created in the image of his god.

The question arises, therefore, where did this genetic material come from that produced the mammal characteristics for a hybrid?

Neanderthal Man had been on the scene for hundreds of thousands of years as the result of a slow process of evolution. It was presumably this apeman that was used in the experiments of the Anunnaki. This apeman is described vividly in the Gilgamesh Epic as the wild man who is "converted" into a civilized being to then become the companion of Gilgamesh in his many adventures.

Called Enkidu, he is a wild creature that feeds on grass and lives among the animals. In the epic, an unhappy hunter complains to Gilgamesh who is then king of the city of Uruk. Gilgamesh is told that this creature wears no clothes, and he is covered with hair. He is intelligent enough to fill in the pits which the hunter had dug to catch wild animals. This wild man also frees the game from the traps. He lives with the animals, runs with the gazelles, and shares their drinking places.

This wild creature is presumably the Neanderthal that is mated with the reptilian Anunnaki. From this combination it was hoped to produce a hybrid that was more adapted to the changing environment. The desiccation of the Earth and the changes it was bringing to the flora and fauna made it necessary to produce a primitive worker.

The Adam of the Bible was not the Homo sapiens of today. He was what one might call "Homo saurus," a hybrid mammal-saurian creature that was to become our ancestor and the first step in the creation of modern man. In just a few years, Man had taken a quantum jump in evolution. He had suddenly evolved from the wild apeman to a hybrid that would become a new species known as Cro-Magnon Man.

The hybrid that was created probably looked reptilian since he was created in the image of his gods. Genesis is very specific about this, for it states, "then God said 'I will make man in my image, after my likeness.'" Adam was thus created in both the image or "selem" and likeness or "dmut" of his creator. The use of both terms in the Biblical text was meant to leave no doubt that Man was similar in appearance to the gods. It is this likeness, or lack of it as we shall see, that is at the root of many of the admonitions of the Bible and the Sumerian literature.

Later, as Man intermarried with his species, the reptile strain deteriorated, and he became more mammal-like and less and less reptilian in appearance. The mammal genes dominated the reptilian genes, and Man became more "human" and less god-like. It explains man's "sinful" nature and his "fall" from grace. Original sin was man's deviation from the basic original reptilian or godly pattern. It also explains why man was forbidden to make any likeness of his gods.

Through biological manipulation, the Anunnaki or Nefilim took an existing apeman and gave it part of their divinity, their saurian blood. Some of the Scriptures confirm the fact that biological experiments were conducted on Earth and that some of these got out of hand. These experiments seem to have been done routinely by the Nefilim, who not only possessed advanced technical means in transportation and communications, but in the biological sciences as well.

[Comment: John Baines, in the recently revealed secret Hermetic knowledge of The Stellar Man, states that these Nefilim petitioned the "higher gods" to be granted the status of "creator gods" themselves. There was much argument among the higher creator gods about whether to allow the Nefilim to have this ability. Eventually after much dissent and argument, they were given these powers; but they remain on the lowest rank of all the "creator gods" of the Universe. We Cro-Magnons are their first product. They are charged by Universal Law to "take care of us."]

In the First Book of Enoch, the crimes of the Nefilim on Earth before the Deluge are disclosed in detail. Dated to the Second Century BC, this book had lost its importance in the Western Church by the Fourth Century AD, and only in the Ethiopic Church is it still considered canonical. Originally in Hebrew and Aramaic, it was translated into Greek and and then into Ethiopic where it was preserved and not found again by Europeans until the 18th Century. It is the oldest of the three pseudepigraphic books attributed to Enoch and parts of it have been found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

According to the First Book of Enoch, the Nefilim were given the mission of bringing the beneficial arts and crafts to Mankind. But what started out as a laudatory endeavor soon turned sour.

The Nefilim began to teach man the martial arts, the "making of swords, knives, shields, and breastplates." They also taught man the forbidden sciences of "incantation, alchemy, and astrology." But the worst of the crimes they were accused of was that of toying with genetics, that of "changing man into a horse of mule, or vice versa, or transferring an embryo from one womb to another." This practice of re-implanting an embryo into another womb is quite similar to the activities described in the Sumerian creation epic. It appears that the Nefilim or Anunnaki were well acquainted with genetic manipulation and selective breeding.


Genesis makes the point repeatedly that before the Fall, man was naked while he occupied the garden of Eden. It was not until he ate of the forbidden fruit that he realized that he was naked and put on clothing. Other ancient religious sources substantiate this condition of Man, but they also reveal the reason why he was naked. According to the Haggadah, the bodies of Adam and Eve "had been overlaid with a horny skin," and moreover, of Adam it was said that "it was as bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment." Adam thus had the outward appearance of a reptile, with its scaly and shiny skin. It was for this reason that Adam and Eve did not wear nor did they need clothing for protection or for comfort.

The Book of Genesis also makes it clear that Adam did not sweat in the garden of Eden before the Fall. That was his punishment for eating the forbidden fruit, for he was told "by the sweat of your face shall you earn your bread." Adam did not sweat before the Fall for the simple reason that sweating is characteristic of mammals and not reptiles.

As long as they remained in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve did not propagate. The Sumerian tablets explain why - because they were "mules" and could not reproduce their own kind. The incident which the Bible refers to as the "Fall of Man" was his acquiring the ability to procreate by taking on many of the traits of mammals. It is explicit in Eve's punishment that she is to bear the pangs of live birth like a mammal.

The final genetic change was done by Enki. It was unauthorized and caused much dissension among the gods and remained an issue festering between Enlil and Enki. Enki is remembered as the Creator, the defender, and the benefactor of Mankind. Enlil despised Mankind as an abomination and a deterioration of the saurian strain. He is remembered as a cruel and vindictive god and the one who brought on the Deluge.

Primitive man or Homo saurus was placed in the garden of Eden to grow food; for as Genesis says, "The Lord planted a garden in Eden, in the East, and placed there the man whom he had formed." Since Man was created in Enki's Abzu at his headquarters city of Eridu, and it being in the westernmost part of the Mesopotamian plain between the two rivers, it would appear that the fertile area east of Eridu would be the garden of Eden. Coincidentally, the Sumerians called this area E-DIN or "the home of the righteous ones."

According to Jubilees, Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden to till and reap it. "He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, and gathered fruit and food." The duties of Adam are described in similar terms in one of the Babylonian versions of the creation of Man: it was his duty to maintain the canals and water courses and to raise plants in abundance in order to fill the granaries of the Anunnaki.

Until the event known cryptically as the Fall of Man, primitive man cohabitated the garden of Eden with the serpent-gods, and together they did all the necessary work. This work force, apparently, was not sufficient to do the essential work and a modification was needed to make the Homo saurus more efficient. In order to provide for a larger work force, it was decided to provide the Adam or "lulu" with a reproductive capacity.


The event which Biblical scholars refer to as the Fall of Man begins with Adam and Eve who have been placed in the garden of Eden by the deity to till and to tend it. Among the many delightful things to eat were the fruit from the two trees in the middle of the garden: "the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and bad." Adam and Eve are told,

"You are free to eat of any tree of the garden, except only the tree of knowledge of good and bad, of which you are not to eat. For the moment you eat it, you shall be doomed to death."

Then the Scriptures add laconically "the two of them were naked, the man and his wife, yet they felt no shame." Later, when they ate of the forbidden fruit, the immediate and only result was that "then the eyes of both were opened and they discovered that they were naked."

One wonders why all this emphasis is placed on nakedness. It is as if the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden was a dramatic way to explain how mankind came to wear clothes. It is obvious that the wearing of clothes was merely a manifestation of something else, the acquisition of "knowing" or knowledge.

The Hebrew stem "YD" that is used throughout Genesis means not only "to know" but more specifically "to experience." As applied to connubial relations, the stem "YD" means to know sexually, that is, to have sexual relations. In fact, it is applied not only to normal marital relations but also to clandestine conduct, even to homosexuality, and to sex among animals.

Thus, by achieving "knowledge," man acquired some sort of sexual fortitude or prowess. The knowledge that was withheld from man was of a more profound and serious nature than just being aware of his nudity. It was something good for man, but something which the creators did not want him to have. As long as Adam and Eve lacked it, they lived in the garden of Eden without offspring. Having obtained it, Eve was condemned to suffer the pangs of childbirth. The tale of Adam and Eve is the story of a crucial step in Man's evolution: the acquiring of the ability to procreate like a mammal. In achieving this, however, Man had to forfeit some of his saurian heritage, his co-called divinity.


Genesis sketchily describes the physiological changes that resulted from the punishment of Adam and Eve. As their chastisement, Eve will have to suffer the pain of child-bearing while Adam will have to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. Logically, it would appear that heretofore Eve did not produce live young, nor did Adam sweat.

[Comment: In connection with this entire discussion by Boulay, you are referred for more detail to the following:]

Other religious sources reveal some of the changes that were brought about by this momentous event. In the section on the Creation of the World, the Haggadah explains what happened in the garden after the pair partook of the forbidden fruit:

"The first result was that Adam and Eve became naked. Before, their bodies had been overlaid with a horny skin and enveloped with the cloud of glory. No sooner had they violated the command given them than the cloud of glory and the horny skin dropped from them, and they stood there in their nakedness and ashamed."

It is clear here that their nakedness had to do with losing their "horny skin" and their "cloud of glory."

Similar descriptions are found in the old Rabbinical legends. Describing Man before the Fall, it was said that "his skin was as bright as daylight and covered his body like a luminous garment."

Later, when Eve ate of the apple, the immediate result according to these sources, was that "at that moment all the adornments God had given Adam's bride fell away from her, and she saw that she was naked."

This luminous and bright skin was their "cloud of glory." Other legends state that the change brought about by the Fall was that "the brightness of his skin, which had covered him like a garment, disappeared."

The nakedness that is emphasized so much in the ancient documents is related in some way to some sort of protective outer skin that was luminous and shining, the so-called cloud of glory. Man's nakedness was in losing this protective horny hide or skin or, in other words, his reptilian or divine appearance. Henceforth, Man would have to wear clothing to protect his vulnerable mammal skin. Man would now begin to sweat as a mammal, a physiological function not intrinsic to reptiles.


The Book of Genesis makes it abundantly clear that Man was originally created in the image of his god:

"And God created man in his image: in the divine image created he him, Man and Female created he them."

Since Adam of Genesis and the "lulu" of the Sumerians were created in the image of the serpent-god, shouldn't traces of this fact be found in some of the ancient Scriptures? Indeed, it is reported in the Gnostic version of the Creation of Man. One tract describes Eve's reaction in the garden of Eden:

"She looked at the tree. And she saw that it was beautiful and magnificent, and she desired it. She took some of its fruit and ate, and she gave to her husband also, and he ate, too. Then their minds opened. For when they ate, the light of knowledge shone upon them. when they put on shame, they knew that they were naked with regard to knowledge. When they sobered up, they saw that they were naked; and they became enamored of one another. When they saw their makers, they loathed them since they were beastly forms. They understood very much." (emphasis added)

Thus, a fitting description of Adam and Even and their creators would be as follows:

They had a scaly or horny hide; this hide was shiny and luminous as is seen in some reptiles; they did not sweat which is the province of mammals; they did not wear clothes since they were unnecessary; they had a pale green skin or hide.

The evidence for the color of their skin is found in the Haggadah which describes how Adam was created from dust taken from the four corners of the world.

"The dust was of various colors - red, black, white, and green. Red was for the blood, black for the bowels, white for the bones, and green for the pale skin."

Had Adam been a Homo sapiens, the color of dust used for the skin presumably would have been pink or brown.

Homo saurus or reptile-man was probably much larger and taller than modern man. Many of the ancient sources refer to him as having the stature of a giant before the incident in Eden. For example, Rabbinical records disclose that "Adam, who had been a giant, diminished in stature to the size of an ordinary man."

The antediluvian Patriarchs and the Sumerian kings were part saurian, were apparently very large men and stood out physically among the hordes of mankind. The Rephaim, the descendants of the Nefilim who lived after the Deluge, were also giants; and like the antediluvians, their span of life seems to have diminished as the saurian blood became more and more diluted with time.


While there were two trees in the garden, only the tree of knowledge was taboo. Apparently, Man had access to the tree of life or immortality since it was not forbidden to him. Now that he had achieved the ability to procreate, the Biblical deity worried that he could also partake of the tree of life and thereby achieve immortality:

"What if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever? So the Lord God banished him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he was taken. He drove the man out and stationed east of the garden of Eden the cherubim and the fiery ever-turning sword, to guard the way to the tree of life."

According to the Scriptures, there was no turning back for Man. He had now taken the decisive step and achieved "knowledge" and could start the mammal race known as Mankind or Homo sapiens. In obtaining this, however, he had to give up long life or immortality. The two were mutually exclusive as indicated in the Book of Genesis. Man could have retained his divine form and long life but remain a mule at best, a sort of limited Homo saurus.

Seeing that Man now required clothing for protection against the elements, an apparently sympathetic deity "made shirts of skins for the man and his wife, and clothed them." This generous deity, however, probably had other reasons in mind, for as the Haggadah reveals, the clothes were made of skins sloughed off by the serpents.

[Comment: According to John Baines in The Stellar Man, any race of Creator Gods, such as these Saurians, are responsible under Galactic Law to see to the well-being of the creatures that they may choose to design and bring to life. Therefore, it was required procedure for these Nibiruan Saurians to create a new "outer skin" known subsequently as "clothing" for the Adamu and Eva and all their subsequent descendants. These Nibiruan Saurians had no other choice.]

Was this done to remind Man of his serpent origins? It was an ironic way of impressing on man's memory that he originated as a saurian and that he existed at the tolerance of the serpent-gods. This theme reoccurs time and time again in the later relations of Man with his saurian gods and was formalized in the ritual of circumcision. [Comment: which was undoubtedly a socio-political and cultural rebellion against the covered male genitalia of the reptiles, as well as later on against the practices of the Ancient Greeks, whose culture was greatly influenced by the Nibiruan Prince Utu, or Sun-God Apollo of the Greeks.]


While no Sumerian myth has been found thus far that parallels the Fall of Man as related in the Old Testament, there is one poem which tells of a story that is probably the source of the Genesis account.

The Tale of Adapa was found in the archives of Egyptian kings at El-Amarna, as well as in the library of the Assyrian King Asshurbanipal. Ostensibly, it was universally known in ancient days. It main theme, like that of the Gilgamesh Epic, is Man's squandering an opportunity for gaining immortality.

Adapa was a model specimen of the Homo sapiens created by Enki in the Abzu. Like the Adam of Genesis, Adapa had achieved knowledge but not immortality. The tale begins with the statement:

"With wide understanding, to him he (Enki) had given wisdom, but eternal life he had not given him."

Enki had trained Adapa to do specialized chores for his household: he procured food for the table, did the baking, and prepared and tended the dinner table at Enki's water palace. As the story unfolds, one day Adapa was out in his boat fishing to obtain food for Enki's table, when the "southwind" came up and swamped the boat. Adapa cursed the wind and, as the story states, "broke the wing of the southwind."

This is a curious phrase indeed, and in view of another Sumerian poem seems to be the wing of an aircraft. In the Myth of Zu one of the weapons unleashed against Zu and the one that finally defeated him was the "southwind." Its context makes it sound like an unmanned winged craft of some sort. In Adapa's case he seems to have disabled it accidentally.

[Comment: Something just occurred to me as I am typing. Doesn't this whole book read a little bit like a "brief" that a government official would prepare for a government agency? One wonders if Boulay was ordered to compile this "government report" for the Defense Intelligence Agency, for which he was employed.]

Meanwhile, up in his "heavenly abode," the chief god An is worried that the "southwind has not blown over the land for seven days," and asked his vizier to investigate. When he reported back that a mere mortal had disabled the southwind, An was furious and angrily summoned Adapa to his space ship to give an account of himself. Enki, who was not only Man's creator but quite often his defender and benefactor, briefed Adapa on how to act in the presence of the great god.

Adapa is told how to reach the heavenly ship of An. In the account, Enki "made him take the road to heaven, and to heaven he went up," obviously taking a shuttle from Sippar, the space city. He is warned that he will be offered the bread of death: "thou shall not eat it." He will then be offered the water of death: "thou shall not drink it," warns Enki.

Adapa was ushered into the presence of the god An who asked him pointedly why he had broken the southwind. Adapa explained that he was catching fish for his master's table. The sea was like a mirror until the southwind came up and overturned his boat, thus indicating that his boat was swamped by the blast of wind from the apparently low-flying "southwind.

An was impressed by Adapa's intelligence and moreover by the fact that he had learned "forbidden things," that is, information that was privileged to the gods and their semi-divine children. He further questioned Adapa on why Enki had disclosed the "plan of heaven and earth" to a worthless human like him. Furthermore, An asked why Enki had made a "shumu" for him.

The chief god wondered what to do with Adapa now that he knew the road to the gods, since he had travelled from earth to heaven in a "shumu," a journey only allowed to the gods. In this sense, the Sumerian word "shumu" obviously refers to a rocket ship or shuttle to reach the orbiting ship in the heavens. This term is discussed later. (Chapter 11)

To continue the story of Adapa, it was decided to have him join the ranks of the gods by providing him with the bread and water of life. In this way, Adapu would achieve immortality and become like one of the gods. Actually, it would mean reverting back to his reptilian nature. This may be why he was forewarned by Enki who did not want his creation tampered with.

When Adapa refused the food and water of immortality, An wanted to know why. Adapa told him of the warning of Enki which infuriated An, and he sent down a messenger to chastise Enki. An finally relented, however, but it was too late for Adapa; symbolically, Man had missed the chance of achieving everlasting life.

Adapa returned to Earth, a trip during which he saw the wonders of space, "as Adapa from the horizon of heaven to the zenith of heaven cast a glance, saw its awesomeness."

Adapa was ordained a high priest at Eridu, and he was promised that henceforth the Goddess of Healing would also tend to the ailments of Mankind. But what is more more important to the story of Adapa as a parallel to that of Adam in Eden is that it was decided by the gods that he, like Adam, would be the ancestor of Mankind. An decreed that as his destiny, Adapa would be "the seed of Mankind."

The food and water of life are often portrayed on Sumerian cylinder seals and murals. The gods are sometimes shown with a pine cone in one hand and a water bucket or "situla" in the other hand, representing the food and water of eternal life or immortality.

The sad story is that Man could not have the best of two possible worlds, mammal form and long life. It explains why man's lifespan shortened progressively as each generation diluted the saurian gene further. The gods were unhappy with the deterioration of the saurian traits and in the years to come would not let Man forget his choice. It echoes throughout the chapters of the Old Testament as "the weakness of the flesh."

The further Man evolved from his saurian origins, the less he remembered of it. Through a long process of selective amnesia, abetted by a secretive and self-perpetuating priesthood, Mankind has succeeded in denying all knowledge of his saurian ancestry.

[Comment: Is this a sad and pitiful story, or what? Looking back on it from the Twentieth Century, I am almost relieved that it turned out this way - in the long run. These "saurian gods" have, by now, lost complete control over our ultimate evolution as mammalian "men" and "women." Never again would we acknowledge them as "gods" or "goddesses." Now, in a way, they mean nothing to us.]


It is our thesis that our ancestors were reptile forms who came to Earth from another planet long ago to obtain certain metals. Finding the climate benign, they founded a colony in Mesopotamia. As the climate changed, as shown by the demise of the dinosaurs, it became unbearable for the Anunnaki. It was then decided to produce a primitive worker more suitable to the climate. The result was a Homo saurus, half apeman and half reptile. This creature, however, could not reproduce itself.

To solve this labor problem, the Adam or "lulu" was given dominant mammal characteristics, and the result was the first Homo sapiens.

In terms of evolution, modern man appeared on the scene some 40,000 years ago as if by magic. Homo sapiens, or Cro-Magnon Man, was not an apeman, and so different from the form it replaced as to require a quantum jump in the process of evolution.

It is the perplexing problem of the "missing link" that has baffled evolutionists for over a hundred years. Is it possible that the so-called missing link will never be found? And more importantly, if this missing link is ever discovered, it will most likely be in the ruins of the ancient civilization of the valley of Mesopotamia.

Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year....
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost

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posted May 04, 2007 03:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is a portion of the text from Thoth, the ancient Egyptian figure of legend, ~ about serpents.

The following is an extract from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

(I'm uncertain of the age of the text but is an interesting accompaniment about the Reptilian race).
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.

Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.
Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men.

Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year....
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost

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posted May 04, 2007 06:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And Homosapiens have within their brains;
the base brain; or The Reptilian Complex; First brain; Primal Brain.
Our Foetal stages have an Amphibian/Reptilian stage.
Large heart, flippers, tails and so forth.
Like a tadpole or embryonic Reptilian, the human body begins in water/amnionic fluid; which has a similar salinity as the Ancient seas of Earth and the PH ratios of Egg albumen.
The hemoglobin of the reptilian is also red like homosapiens, and again the salinity consistant with the salinity of the ancient seas of Earth with corresponding iron and copper etcetera ratios.
The slitted pupil of the eye as opposed to the rounded, occurs in reptilian, amphibian and mammilian.
But not in birds.
The bone density of homosapiens and reptilians is similar.
So are our spinal configurations.
Our toenails and fingernails bear a common developement.
Hair and scale are similar in their proteins.
Joint configurations are the same.
We are not jointed like many other mammals; but like the Reptilian families.
The hand of a lizard, frog, or toad is much as ours.
Several species of Reptile bear live young. New studies also indicate that some of the saurians may have bore live young and some may have been furry. Think of the Platypus.
It is a perdect example of a crossing.
Bill like a duck.
Feet like an Amphibia, fur like a mammal, and it nurses its young. Yet it lays eggs even though it is a mammal.
Like some reptiles is it also venomous.
The Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. It is the sole living representative of its family (Ornithorhynchidae) and genus (Ornithorhynchus), though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record.

The bizarre appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed mammal baffled naturalists when it was first discovered, with some considering it an elaborate fraud. It is one of the few venomous mammals; the male Platypus has a spur on the hind foot which delivers a poison capable of causing severe pain to humans.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 08:02 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I haven't read it all yet,

my thoughts...

there is but One Heaven
there is but One MOther and Father God
the 2 in 1, separate, but never separate
in the beginning from the center...
all souls were created, from desire and spark
Mind Over Matter M O M and Dad formed Our
true living Spirit, Energy super-imposed
snowflake individuality, 2 in 1
just as they were

together all equal Our Energies Created
worlds created different species, each
governed by Universal Law-Karma
you get what you give
you reap what you sow
an eye for an eye, eventual karma
what you have done, so shall be done onto one life or the next

off track, clickety-clack
each race human or alien is still
having Soul, nothing can change that
God created all equally

there we mistakes made, but all naturlly
super, magical, one creation was half man/
half animal, this did not work well, so
an end cycle, a new creation
perhaps this One, as I feel a Dragon Heart
surfacing, reptilian, the dargon heart always tied to a human one, a gurantee, that each other half would find one another
they came from the other side, through
the milky way pleiades, the galactic center
not insect/incest, this last one, created
a blending a bond
each race has good and evil, all have both poles,
balance is required
harmony with
the music of the spheres

we were made in their image, God only enters
equal partnerships, we are God and God is Us
each pair a representation...
but remember
this is the world of Illusion
created Matter

we are truly our Soul, we never die
the body shell does. ...

this world is what we make it,
now we must question why
Ego Greed Lust POwer have taken Over

AS Man diminished the Role of MOther and Wife
daughter, he set the scales off balance
for She is Master with Him
and He with Her

the human form as it is now, has been here
for at least two creations...we are not experiments, we chose Our life here, each One, and we chose the one presented that would fulfill Our Purpose. ...

It's all very simple, as long as man continues to complicate it, then understanding, will not be found

The Truth is unraveling, the relics
being discoverd, the tablets, the
books, the simple TRUTH

A Dawn of New Understanding

ALL for One and One for ALL
ALL is connected, no One is
excluded. ...

the key.
LOve and Forgiveness

LOve is ALL
in the Light
Alchemy of
a Pure Heart. ...

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posted May 04, 2007 08:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's all very simple, as long as man continues to complicate it, then understanding, will not be found

And you do complicate it.
Not everyone is speaking the same lingo as you are.
Are we speaking at least "some" of the same?
I cannot tell.
Your words and labels confound the meanings.
Just as the religious speak and New age speak do.
Babel doth florish.
Until we speak within the same vernacular;
no common ground will be easily found.
God, Lord, Mother, Father, Great Spirit, etcetera.
What light?
Some ephemeral light?
Light of knowlege?
My truth, your truth, their truth....
What is Truth?
Opinion, theory or fact?
The meaning of words is different to many folks.
And so confusion ensues.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 08:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am Guided by MOther and Father
who art in Heaven,
trying to explain simply
the Light the Spark

Mind Over Matter
Universal Mind
all Connected

LOve and Reverence for ALL. ...

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posted May 04, 2007 08:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you get what you give
you reap what you sow
an eye for an eye, eventual karma
what you have done, so shall be done onto one life or the next
And by that belief structure, the payback cycle will NEVER end.
An eye for an eye...
Getting off the Karmic "Payback Wheel".
Walking one's talk of peace.
Karma v/s Free Will.
A balance, a choice.
We can end the cycles.

If one goes out and hurts someone else because they've been hurt by that other, then that accrues another "debt" that they will have to repay at some future point in order to balance the energies they have misused, by lashing out again rather than forgiving. It is an unending cycle that only choice and free will can put an end to.
But even then...the person you owe or if you were the wronged party, you or they... can negate the debt and stop the payback cycle.
That is what "turning the other cheek" means too. Not to be hit again but to turn away and refuse to play the game.
And during every second of every day, We have Free Will. WE are free to choose our behavior, our reactions. Our free will could cause us to choose to act in a negative unloving manner, or it could cause us to choose to act in a positive and loving manner. In Essence....Karma and Free Will co-existing in a balance.
If one only follows Karma then the payback cycle continues. Two wrongs do not make a right. We have the free will to say no to the Karmic cycles of payback, and to not incur any new Karmic debts.
So I like to say......"get off the cross, they need the wood"....or "get off the wheel and walk your talk".
Feet can climb but a wheel cannot.
Feet can take us off the familiar paths, but the wheel must stay on the road.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 08:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
we've already gone over this, to end the cycle
simply Forgive, if you forgive from your end, the cycle ends, take the hurt and pain,
and Forgive and Love
with compassion and understanding
Peace-Heaven on Earth. ...

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posted May 04, 2007 08:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Again the differing of labels and lingo.
A glossary or definitions need to be given.
Yours are not mine.
I am Guided by MOther and Father

1.Who are they?
who art in Heaven,

2. What/where is this Heaven?
trying to explain simply
the Light the Spark

3.Light? Spark? Creation?
What do those words mean in your mind?
Mind Over Matter

4. There are many interpretaions for that.
What is yours?
Universal Mind
all Connected

5. Too many definitions for that.
So again, your concept of what all that means in your mind.
LOve and Reverence for ALL....

6. What do you mean? And is this for only those you agree with?
Things must be put into a vernacular, a common ground.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 08:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fayte, you are just trying to complicate,
what I wrote simply, I have been here for
two years, and explained what I mean,
Sorry, but I'm done playing games with

In the Light

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posted May 04, 2007 08:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
you get what you give
you reap what you sow
an eye for an eye, eventual karma
what you have done, so shall be done onto one life or the next

Then you said:
we've already gone over this, to end the cycle
simply Forgive, if you forgive from your end, the cycle ends, take the hurt and pain,
and Forgive and Love
with compassion and understanding
Peace-Heaven on Earth....

Which do you believe?
Which would you choose to do?
You are...
I think"....saying whjat I said.
Are you?
Quoting myself:
And by that belief structure, the payback cycle will NEVER end.
An eye for an eye...
Getting off the Karmic "Payback Wheel".
Walking one's talk of peace.
Karma v/s Free Will.
A balance, a choice.
We can end the cycles.

If one goes out and hurts someone else because they've been hurt by that other, then that accrues another "debt" that they will have to repay at some future point in order to balance the energies they have misused, by lashing out again rather than forgiving. It is an unending cycle that only choice and free will can put an end to.
But even then...the person you owe or if you were the wronged party, you or they... can negate the debt and stop the payback cycle.
That is what "turning the other cheek" means too. Not to be hit again but to turn away and refuse to play the game.
And during every second of every day, We have Free Will. WE are free to choose our behavior, our reactions. Our free will could cause us to choose to act in a negative unloving manner, or it could cause us to choose to act in a positive and loving manner. In Essence....Karma and Free Will co-existing in a balance.
If one only follows Karma then the payback cycle continues. Two wrongs do not make a right. We have the free will to say no to the Karmic cycles of payback, and to not incur any new Karmic debts.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 09:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fayte, you are just trying to complicate,

I am still trying to see from your point of view which to me is still laden with labels and ambiguities. I do not know for sure where you are coming from or who/what your labels appy to.
what I wrote simply, I have been here for
two years, and explained what I mean,

You have not, at least to me, not said it simply.
Who are Mother and Father? The Divine Androgyne? Two separate entities? The creator? Isis and Osiris? WHO??????????
So many things you say still do not have a clear meaning/definition, to me.
Sorry, but I'm done playing games with

I am NOT playing any games Lotus.
I am honestly trying to find common ground. I cannot learn from you, if indeed there is a thing to learn, and you be a teacher....
If I do not know your language or mindset....
how can you expect me to learn or understand?

So, are you a teacher or a preacher?

I can learn from a teacher. But a preacher only gets angry when a student asks questions the preacher cannot answer. But a true teacher will be happy that the student is asking him questions! And a wise master teacher, if he does NOT know the answer....
Will tell the student....
"Shall we endeavour to explore this together and find the answer?"
Do not assume I am playing games Lotus. If you cannot, or do not want to answer this student's questions....
Then say so, and I will deem you only a preacher, and most likely move on to find a teacher, and leave you to preach to those who want told, rather than those who sincerely wish to learn.

In the Light

What Light?
And so on that question....
I shall go for now.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 10:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
PS. What do you mean by "Light Language"?

Hi! Fayte M, I was refering to this...

The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a "language of Light". Known to the ancients as HIBURU. It is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form of Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.

Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light. The "keys" Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic "Power of the World". The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.

As the ancient texts declare, "If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the language of the gods." DNA, the ancient cabalistic "Tree Of Life" portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of Thoth/Enoch suggests this "language of Light", the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.

The knowledge of Thoth/Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form, as the Bible tells us, "we may become greater than angels". The Egyptians record stories of the "Star Walkers", occasional individuals who, like Enoch, travelled "beyond the Great Eye of Orion" and returned, to walk like gods amongst men. Despite the bleaching of semi-divine beings from modern consciousness, could it be possible, as the ancient texts insist, we are destined to "become as gods"? are the Mayan "Lords of Light" and the Egyptian/Tibetan "Shining Ones" really a higher form of human or a hybrid (alien god/man) ?

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posted May 04, 2007 10:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank You Charlotte
Very interesting.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 10:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks! for those links, I had not read them before.

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posted May 04, 2007 10:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are welcome Charlotte!
It sounds like you may be speaking too in part, of the Ancient writing of The Phoenicians.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 10:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lotus, I'm going to go check out silverstone's post about the Spinx and what you wrote, will get right back to you...

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posted May 04, 2007 10:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Phoenician Alphabet
Used as early as the fifteenth century BC at Byblos, the Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 letters, and vowels were not indicated. The Phoenician alphabet descended from a North Semitic script, and it changed only in letters’ shapes. The Phoenician alphabet spread quickly with the help of Phoenician trade, which reached as far as the Mediterranean. Over time, three major alphabets evolved from the Phoenician alphabet. These alphabets were the Greek, the Hebrew, and the Arabic alphabets.
As you can see here;
Hebrew was not the first language.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 04, 2007 12:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Charlotte... there's more here on the Sphinx, also, in Universal Codes.

Good stuff, Fayte and Lotus

Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year....
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost

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posted May 04, 2007 08:30 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fatye, I know that you know, what I am talking about, how many posts do I have, how many times, have I explained the same things over and over? I M tired of your twisted tactics, your highly intelligent, and to pretend you don't have any idea about what I am talking about, well, enough said!
If you want to ask me one question at a time, and not a ridiculous one, for things I've stated time and again, I will be glad to answer you. ...

Thanks for re-posting the language of Light, that is for all, for in each begninning we knew truth and we knew we were all connected, and the cause and effect of our actions, well understood. I'll go see you in yellow wax, sphinx string...

Thanks, I would really like to hear what you think!

LOve and Reverence to ALL... .

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posted May 05, 2007 01:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry LH...
But you still confuse me.
I think I understand why you believe what you do, but I still do not understand why and who and what you mean.
I really am not trying to be funny.
I honestly want to know what you "got" and how you came to your conclusions.

~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~
~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~
~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~
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posted May 07, 2007 08:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Fayte, I have stated over and over again, what I am talking about, perhaps you are not reading what I have written???
There is no need to read between the lines, it is written simply for all to understand!

LOve and Reverence to ALL. ...

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posted May 23, 2007 11:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 30, 2007 10:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Charlotte, miss you dear!
I really would like you to watch this video,
and tell me what you think, it's called
Mythical Call

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