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Author Topic:   Edgar Cayce on Human Origins
posted September 03, 2006 11:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Edgar Cayce on Human Origins

People usually demand a beginning, so in the beginning there was a sea of spirit and it filled all of space. The spirit was static, content, and aware of itself. It was a giant resting on the bosom of its thought and contemplating what it is.

Then the spirit moved into action. It withdrew into itself until all of space was empty. In the center, the restless mind of the spirit shone. This was the beginning of the individuality of the spirit. This was what the spirit discovered itself to be when it awakened. This spirit was God.

God desired self-expression and desired companionship; therefore, God projected the cosmos and souls. The cosmos was built with music, arithmetic, geometry, harmony, system, and balance. The building blocks were all of the same material - the life essence. It was the power of God that changed the length of its wave and the rate of its vibration which created the patterns for multitudes of forms. This action resulted in the law of diversity which supplied endless patterns. God played on this law of diversity as a pianist plays on a piano - producing melodies and arranging them in a symphony.

Each design carried within it the plan for its evolution. This plan corresponds to the sound of a note struck on a piano. The sounds of several notes unite to make a chord; chords in turn become phrases; phrases become melodies; melodies intermingle and move back and forth, across and between and around each other, to make a symphony. Then in the end, the music will stop and the physical universe will be no more; but between the beginning and the finish of the music there was glorious beauty and a glorious experience. The spiritual universe will continue.

Everything assumed its design in various forms and their activity resulted in the law of attraction and repulsion. All forms would attract and repel each other in their evolutionary dance.

All things are a part of God and an expression of God's thought. The Mind of God was the force which propelled and perpetuated these thoughts. All minds, as thoughts of God, do everything God imagined. Everything that came into being is an aspect of the One Mind.

The souls of individuals were created for companionship with God (the Whole). The pattern that God used to create souls was the pattern of God's own Spirit. The spirit is life. From the spirit, the mind builds patterns. From the mind, the physical creation is the result. This is how the spirit, the mind, and individuality, became the pattern for souls. This is how cause, action, and effect became the pattern for everything. First there was the spirit (the first cause); then there was the action which withdrew spirit into itself; then there was the resulting individuality of God.

The spirit of the individual existed before their soul was created. The spirit keeps the knowledge of its identity with God. The soul has the ability to experience the activities of the mind in a manner separate from God.

Thus, new individuals issued from God and remained dependent upon God; but individuals were also aware of an existence apart from God. Individuals were given the power to choose and direct their own activity. Without free will, it would only remain a part of the individuality of God. The mind, issuing as a force from God, would naturally fulfill God's thoughts, unless directed otherwise. The power to do this - to direct the force of mind individually from God - is free will. And the record or memory of this freedom is the soul. The soul began with its first expression of free will through the force of mind. The first thought that the spirit generated of free will (i.e., the first diversion of the force of mind from its normal path of unity with God) was the beginning of the soul.

The nucleus of the soul was the balance of positive and negative forces that are equal in power. These forces produce harmonious activities: the positive initiating, impregnating, and thrusting forward; the negative receiving, nourishing, and ejecting. The steps of this evolutionary process are also the stages of the thought process: perception, reflection, and opinion.

Thus, the soul consists of two states of consciousness: (1) the spirit which bears a knowledge of its identity with God, and (2) the soul which bears a knowledge of everything it experienced.

The plan for the soul is a cycle of experience that is unlimited in scope and duration. Through this evolutionary cycle, the soul will come to know the creation in all its aspects at the discretion of the will. The cycle would be completed when the desire of the will was no longer different from the thought of God. The consciousness of the soul would then merge with its spiritual consciousness of its identity with God. Then the soul will return to its source as the companion it was intended to be.

As a companion, the soul would remain conscious of its separate individuality and would be aware of its own free will as it now acted as a part of God, but not diverting its mind because it was in agreement with God's influence on the mind of the soul. Until this state of at-one-ment was reached, the soul would not be a companion in the true sense of the word.

The idea that returning to God means a loss of individuality is paradoxical, since God is aware of everything that happens and must therefore be aware of the consciousness of each individual. The return of the soul is the return of the image to that which imagined it. The consciousness of the individual - its soul record - could not be destroyed without destroying a part of God. When a soul returns to God it becomes aware of itself not only as a part of God, but as a part of every other soul, and everything.

What is lost is the ego - the desire to do other than the desire of God. When the soul returns to God, the ego is voluntarily relinquished. This is the symbology behind the crucifixion of Christ.

The plan for the soul included experiencing of all creation, but it did not necessarily mean participating in all forms and substance. Nor did it mean that souls can interfere with the creation. Nor did it mean that souls are to spin their own little worlds, twisting and bending laws to make images of their dreams.

But these things could happen. The soul was the greatest thing that God made because it has free will. Once free will was given, God did nothing to curb it. However it acted, it had to act within God's reality. By whatever route, the soul will return to God.

The fact that the human body is a speck of dust on a small planet in a universe of galaxies can lead to the illusion that humans are a small creation. But the soul is the unlimited activity of the mind and the grandeur of imagination.

At first there was little difference between the consciousness of the new individual (i.e., soul) and its consciousness of identity with God (i.e., spirit). Souls merely watched the flow of the Mind, somewhat as people daydreaming, marveling at its power and versatility. Then souls began to act itself, imitating and paralleling what Mind was doing. Gradually souls acquired experience, becoming a complementary rather than an imitative force. It helped to extend, modify, and regulate creation.

Certain souls became aggressive with their own power and began to experiment with it. They mingled with the dust of the stars and the winds of the spheres - feeling them - and becoming part of them. One result of this was an unbalance between the positive and negative forces. To feel things demanded the negative force. To express through things (and directing and managing them) required the positive force. Another result of souls becoming aggressive with their own power was the gradual weakening of the link between the two states of consciousness (i.e., spirit and the soul). Some souls became more concerned with and aware of their own creations rather than God's. This resulted in the fall of certain souls to an even lower consciousness. The Bible allegorically refers to this event as the Fall in the Garden of Eden and the revolt of the angels in the Book of Revelation. This event is also the basis for the cosmology of Christian Gnosticism and Jewish mysticism.

To enter into another level of creation and become part of it, the soul had to assume a new, or third consciousness - a physical form. Assuming a physical form is a way of experiencing that level of creation by means of a conscious mind (i.e., the third consciousness). Through the conscious mind, an individual can experience physical consciousness: the physical body, the five senses, the glandular and nervous systems. This transformation of consciousness does not apply everywhere at this level of creation. In other worlds and solar systems, the transformation may differ. One can only imagine the number of these other worlds and the aspects of divine mind which they represent.

When a soul enters into another level of creation and its consciousness, it separated itself temporarily from the consciousness of its own soul, and became even further removed from the consciousness of its spirit. Thus, instead of helping to direct the flow of creation and contributing to it, the soul found itself in the stream and drifting along with it. The farther the soul traveled from the shore, the more it succumbed to the pull of the current and the more difficult was the task of getting back to land.

Planets and solar systems became a temptation to souls. Each solar system had its own course and its own plan. Souls moved toward them through the activity of a constant stream of mind. When a soul leaped into the stream (by immersing itself in the system through which the stream was flowing) it had the force of the current to contend with, and its free will was hampered. It was very easy, under these circumstances, to drift with the current.

Each solar system also represents an opportunity for development, advancement, and growth toward the ideal of complete companionship with God - the position of co-creator in the vast system of universal mind.

Our solar system also attracted souls. Since each solar system is a single expression of the divine, with its planets as integral parts, the earth came into the path of souls.

Each solar system in the universe is like an atom in a universe of worlds. Atoms have quantum levels for electrons to travel around. The sun has "quantum levels" for planets to travel around. The planets of our solar system are physical representations of heavenly dimensions. These levels as a whole are the consciousness of our solar system. There are nine planetary/heavenly dimensions to the consciousness of our solar system. The planet earth represents the third dimension. Earth represents three-dimensional life in our solar system.

The earth is an expression of Divine Mind with its own laws, its own plan, and its own evolution. Souls, longing to feel the beauty of the seas, the winds, the forest, and the flowers, mixed with them and expressed themselves through them. They also mingled with the animals, and made thought forms in imitation of them. Souls played at creating and imitated God. But this interfered with the evolutionary plan of the earth. Thus, the stream of mind that was carrying out this plan for the earth gradually drew souls into its current. Souls had to evolve into the bodies they had themselves created.

This entanglement of souls into physical form was a probability from the beginning. But God did not know when it would happen until the souls, of their own free will, had caused it to happen.

All souls that exist were created by God in the very beginning. None has been made since. This means all souls on this planet, pre-existed before birth. Of the souls which God created, only a comparative few have entered into the experience of our solar system. Many other souls have gone through or are going through a similar entanglement in other solar systems in the universe.

A way to liberate the souls that were entangled in matter was created. A physical form became available as a vehicle for the soul on earth. A way became available for souls to enter the earth and experience it as part of their evolutionary/reincarnation cycle. Of the physical forms already existing on earth, a species of anthropoid ape most nearly approached the necessary pattern. Souls descended on these apes - hovering above and about them rather than inhabiting them - and influenced them to move toward a different goal from the simple one they had been pursuing. They came down out of the trees, built fires, made tools, lived in communities, and began to communicate with each other. Eventually they lost their animal look, shed bodily hair, and took on refinements of manner and habit.

The evolution of the human body occurred partly through the soul's influence on the endocrine glands until the ape-man was a three-dimensional objectification of the soul that hovered above it. Then the soul fully descended into the body and earth had a new inhabitant: the homo sapien.

Homo sapiens appeared in five different places on earth at the same time, as the five races. This evolved human is what the Bible refers to as "Adam". When souls incarnated into physical form, it would bring the divine consciousness (i.e., the spirit) in with it. Cayce referred to this divine consciousness as the "Christ Consciousness" or "Buddhahood" or the "superconsciousness". Christ consciousness has little to do with the personality known as Jesus. It means that a person has attained a complete human-divine unity. This human-divine unity has been attained by many people thus far - one such person was Jesus.

The problem for the soul entangled in flesh was to overcome the attractions of the earth to the extent that the soul would be as free in the body as out of it. Only when the body was no longer a hindrance to the free express of the soul would the cycle of earth be finished. This is the condition of having a perfect unity of the human with the divine.

In a smaller field, this was the evolutionary drama of free will and creation. In a still smaller field, each atom of the physical body is a world in itself where a drama of free will and creation is occurring. The soul brings life into each atom, and each atom is a physical reflection of the soul's pattern.

With the advent of consciousness, humans became aware that sex meant something more to them than to the animals. Sex is the "door" which new souls enter the earth, a door unnecessary in other heavenly planetary/realms. Sex is the only means which trapped souls have of being liberated from their predicament - through the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

The plan for the earth cycle of souls was a limited series of incarnations with periods in between of dwelling in other heavenly dimensions of consciousness. Reincarnation would continue until a soul's every thought and action of the physical body was in accord with the plan originally laid out for the soul (i.e., a human-divine unity, Christ consciousness). When the body was no longer a hindrance to the free expression of the soul - when the conscious mind had merged with the subconscious, the earth cycle was finished and the soul liberated to move on to new adventures. This conquest of the physical body could not be attained until there was perfection in the other dimensions of consciousness that is a physical representation of our solar system. Astrologically, the goal for the soul is to attain a level of consciousness that represents the total expression of the sun and its planets. Whichever level of consciousness that the soul assumes, it becomes the focal point of activity. The other states of consciousness receded to the position of urges and influences.

The human race was fostered by a soul who had completed his experience of creation, attained Christhood, returned to God, and became a companion to God and a co-creator. This is the soul known as Jesus. The first evolutionary transformation of ape-men to homo sapiens is who the Bible refers to as "Adam". This was the beginning of the divine consciousness into flesh on the earth. The soul known as Jesus, was one of the first souls to enter into one of the Adamic races.

The soul of Jesus was interested in the plight of its fellow souls trapped in earth. After supervising the influx of souls into flesh, the Christ soul took form itself, from time to time, to act as a leader for the people.

At first, these souls just slightly inhabited the bodies of ape-men while remembering their true identities as spirit beings. But gradually, after many incarnations, these souls descended even further into physical consciousness and the result was a decrease in their spiritual mentality. They remembered their true selves only in dreams and in fables that were handed down from one generation to another. Religion came into being as a ritual of longing for lost spirit memories. The arts were born which included music and geometry. This knowledge was brought into the world from incoming souls who gradually forgot their heavenly source. This knowledge had to be written down, learned, and taught to each new generation.

Finally, humans were left with a conscious mind that was separated from their own individuality as souls. This individual identity as a soul became the subconscious mind. The individual identity or awareness of the physical world became the conscious mind. The subconscious mind (i.e., the soul) influenced the conscious mind and gave it its stature and quality. The subconscious mind dwelt in the "suit of clothes" that is the physical body and only in sleep is it disrobed.

Conscious minds, left to its own influence, will work out the plans and desires of God. Humans eventually developed theories for what they felt was true, but no longer knew to be true. The result was the creation of philosophy and theology. Humans searched and discovered higher knowledge which they carried within themselves but could no longer reach with the conscious mind. This resulted in the creation of science.

Humans evolved from having an awareness of higher spirit knowledge to having only mystical dreams, revealed religions, philosophy and theology. This evolution of consciousness ultimately reached a plateau and humans generally only believed what they could see and feel and prove in terms of their conscious minds. Then humanity began the struggle of regaining this higher knowledge.

Meanwhile, the Christ soul continued to teach and lead humanity by incarnating as the Biblical characters named Adam, Enoch, and Melchizedek. Enoch and Melchizedek experienced neither birth nor death. Then Christ soul realized after these incarnations that it was necessary to give humanity a pattern by which they could follow in order to return to God. The Christ soul achieved this goal by incarnating as the personality known as Jesus, who became victorious over the death of the physical body by laying aside the ego....Jesus created a pattern for humans to follow. Through the acts of leading a perfect life and becoming unjustly killed, this reversed the negative karma (i.e., the law of God, an eye for an eye) which came from Jesus' first incarnation as Adam.

At present, humanity is in a state of great spiritual darkness - the darkness which precedes dawn. Humanity developed a level of skepticism that reached a point where it forced humans to make conclusions that they knew was intuitively wrong. At the same time, humanity continued their investigation of natural phenomena to the point where conscious awareness disproved all the higher knowledge that souls had in the beginning. The free will of humanity is discovering that all roads to higher knowledge is leading toward the same destination and conclusions. Scientific, theological, and philosophical knowledge, which has no desire to join forces, are approaching a point of merger. Skepticism faces destruction by its own hand.

Humanity is at all times the total of what they have been and done, what they have fought and defended, and what they have hated and loved. In the three-dimensional consciousness of every human, in every atom of the human body, is a reflection of the soul and a crystallization of their individuality. Their emotional and nervous structures, their mental abilities, aptitudes, aversions, preferences, fears, follies, ambitions, and character, are the sum of what humans have done with their free will. This makes every personality, as the earthly "cloak" of an individuality, is different from every other personality.

The law of karma, which is earth's law of cause and effect ("of reaping what one sows") also makes humans different from one another in their joys and sorrows, in their handicaps, their strengths, their weaknesses, their virtues and vices, their appreciation of beauty, and their comprehension of truth. Transgressions that humans make in life must be corrected in life, if not in the same life, then in a future incarnation. The earth's natural law, not the law humanity or God, demands an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

This same law applies to groups of people, as they act together. There is karma for families, for tribes, for races, and for nations. For example, when a nation of individuals started a war in a previous life and are reincarnated, a war will be committed upon that nation. Only when such a nation is defeated in humility by a nation with justice and mercy, will the karma of war be lifted from the defeated nation.

Every person's life is shaped to some extent by karma: their own, their associates, their loved ones, their nation, their race, and the entire world itself. But karma is not greater than free will. It is what a person does with these influences and urges, how they react to them, which makes the difference in their soul development. Because of karma, some things are more probable than others, but as long as there exists free will, anything is possible.

Thus free will and predestination coexist within human beings. Their past experiences limit them in probability and incline them in certain directions, but free will can always "draw the sword from the stone." The combination of free will and predestination means that humans freely choose their own predetermined destiny to return to God.

No soul incarnates without having a general plan for the life to be experienced. The personality that a person expresses in life is only one of the many personalities (i.e., facets of the soul) that a person could express. The mission of every soul is to work on one or several facets of the soul's karma (which can be thought of as the soul's memory of its prior actions). A soul does not choose a mission that is more than it can handle or that is too much for the personality assigned to or chosen by the soul. Some souls can freely choose their own conditions in which to be born and complete their missions. Other souls who have made too many mistakes in past lives and who have become dangerously influenced by worldly desires, are incarnated into conditions chosen by law of karma at a time and under circumstances that are best suited to help them with their karmic debt. Their mission is seldom perfectly fulfilled because of the such a soul's large amount of negative karma. Their mission is sometimes badly neglected.

The circumstances and conditions that a soul chooses to incarnate into is usually made at conception, when a channel for a soul's expression is opened by the parents. When this occurs, a pattern is made by the mingling of the soul patterns of the parents. This sets up certain karmic conditions. A soul whose own karma approximates these karmic conditions will be attracted to the opportunity presented. Since the karmic pattern created by the parents will not be exactly the same the incarnating soul's own karma, the soul must take on some of the karma of the parents.

Conditions other than the created pattern are conditions that the soul must consider when choosing a body to be born with. Such conditions include: the future of the incarnated person's life, former associations with the parents, the incarnation of souls that it wishes to incarnate with, live with, and with whom the soul will have problems to work out with. In some cases the parents are the only reason for a some souls to incarnate. Such a child will be devoted to them and remain close to them. The child then completes its mission by dying so that the child's death can teach the parents very valuable lessons in life and of spirit. In other cases, the parents are only used as a means for which the child can leave home and go about its business in completing its mission.

The soul may actually occupy a fetus as early as three months after conception or even as late as a month after birth. In the latter case, the soul hovers over the infants body since birth to decide whether or not to occupy it. Once the decision is made and the occupation completed, the separation between the conscious mind (i.e., personality) and subconscious mind (i.e., the soul) takes place and the soul record (i.e., memory) of the child begins. The fact that some babies are miscarried does not mean that it was refused as a vehicle for a soul. Just the opposite is true. The opportunity to incarnate was taken away from the soul due to natural forces and this made the occupation of that body impossible.

The personality is a facet of the soul's individuality experienced in three-dimensional consciousness (i.e., body, soul, spirit). The other facets of the soul remains in shadow - in the background. It gives tone to the personality through its urges, appreciations, tastes, avocations, and intuition.

A particular personality of an individual is shaped by three or four incarnations. The emotions and talents of a person reflects these past incarnations. A person's dreams, visions, and meditations are reflections of the soul's experience in other dimensions (i.e., heavenly realms) of consciousness associated physically by our solar system. The human intellect was created from the stars and planets. The intellect is the mind force of the soul which is conditioned by its previous incarnations on earth and its experiences in other dimensions and even in other solar systems. The intellect becomes dimmed or brightened by its recent experiences within the three-dimensional consciousness of the solar system and the experiences within other dimensional realms of consciousness.

Thus, a personality is only a facet of the soul. The soul may incarnate as any facet to express that portion of itself. As a soul approaches its completion of the solar cycle of consciousness, the personality becomes more multi-sided and expresses greater facets of the soul. This is because each incarnation "burns off" negative karma which requires less and less attention. Finally, the personality will become a complete expression of the soul and the cycle of reincarnation is finished for the soul.

As the soul succumbs to worldly desires by abandoning its intellect for sensuality, it becomes more and more one-sided.

When the individual has attained complete human-divine unity, its cycle of reincarnations is finished, the soul is liberated, and the soul then merges with its spirit and, therefore, with God. The soul record (memory) is forever retained. This record is, at all times, is the sum total of what the soul personality has been: all it has thought, all it has experienced; all it has eaten, drunk, and felt through the ages.

Thus, as the soul is subjected to reincarnation, both the atheist and the religionist are correct. The atheist believes the personality does not survive after death. The religionist believes the soul is judged after death by its Creator. Substituting "personality" for "soul", both are expressing the truth. The personality is evaluated after death and then returns to the soul which created it, thereby giving up its own independent existence and becoming once again a facet of the soul. This process is different from the process where the soul merges with the spirit after it completes its cycles of reincarnation.

With each incarnation into the physical realm (the solar system) and the other realms of consciousness, the general plan for perfecting the soul proceeds. Another facet of the soul is assumed and incarnated to experience tribulation in order to reinforce the character of the soul's entire personality.

The trials and tribulations of individuals, groups, nations, and races, are dealt with time and time again through free will until they are solved. Then souls are free to journey to other worlds, or other solar systems, or other universes, or other dimensions of the hierarchy of consciousness.

Quotes from Edgar Cayce

About the Cosmos and Souls

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. How? The Mind of God moved, and matter, form, came into being.

Spirit is life. Mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.

In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is that you worship as God.

For the earth is only an atom in the universe of worlds.

All souls in the beginning were one with the Father. The separation or turning away brought evil.

For man may separate himself from God - the Spirit - but the spirit does not separate from man.

All souls were created in the beginning and are finding their way back to whence they came.

Each soul is destined to become a portion again of the First Cause, or back to its Maker.

The Father has not willed that any soul should perish, and is thus mindful that each soul has again, and yet again, the opportunity for making its paths straight.

Life is, in all its manifestations in every animate force, Creative Force in action; and is the love of expression - or expressing that life; truth becoming a result of life's love expressed. For, these are but names - unless experienced in the consciousness of each soul.

All power, all force, is a manifestation of that which is termed the God-consciousness.

The coming into the earth has been and is, for the evolution or evolving of the soul unto its awareness.

Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is the birth in the spiritual.

Each soul enters with a mission. We all have a mission to perform.

The conquering of self is truly greater than were one to conquer many worlds.

He who understands nature walks close with God.

What is truth? Law. What is Law? Love. What is love? God. What is God? Law and love. These are as the cycle of truth itself.

You grow to heaven. You don't go to heaven.

"All souls were created in the beginning and are finding their way back to whence they came." - Edgar Cayce


The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.- Robert Frost~

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posted September 03, 2006 11:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

The Past Lives of Jesus

According to Edgar Cayce

According to the Edgar Cayce material, Jesus and Adam were different incarnations of the same Christ soul. Eve and the Virgin Mary (Jesus' twin soul) were also different incarnations of the same soul. This karmic connection between Adam and Jesus explains why Jesus was able to pay the "karmic debt" by atoning for the "sin of Adam." This Adam-Jesus connection can be seen in the following excerpt from the Cayce readings:

Question: "When did the knowledge come to Jesus that he was to be the Savior of the world?"

Cayce: "When he fell in Eden." [2067-7]

According to Cayce, many other personalities from the Old Testament and history were also incarnations of Jesus. The Cayce material describes the entire Christian Bible as part of the story of Jesus' long struggle to attain "Christhood" and provide humanity a pattern to do the same. Here is a list of the incarnations of Jesus according to Cayce:

The Incarnations of Jesus Christ According to Edgar Cayce

Amilius Amilius was the first expression of Divine Mind (the logos); the Christ soul before his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 1); the entity that Cayce described living in the lost civilization of Atlantis who redirected the process of human evolution by creating a more appropriate physical form for the influx of souls to incarnate into rather than incarnating into the ape-like human form which souls had entangled themselves in.

Adam Adam was the first "son of man" and "son of God"; the Christ soul after his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 2).

Enoch Enoch was the antideluvian patriarch who journeyed to heaven to receive mysteries.

Hermes Hermes, also known as Thoth, was the architect of the Great Pyramid and the sage who began the Hermetic tradition.

Melchizedek Melchizedek was the mystical high priest and king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem).
Joseph Joseph was the son of Jacob who became the Prince of Egypt.
Joshua Joshua was the warrior who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Asaph Asaph was the music director and seer who served under David and Solomon.
Jeshua Jeshua was the high priest who helped organize the return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah) and who is claimed by Cayce to have compiled and translated the books of the Bible

Zend Zend, also spelled "Zen", "Zan", "Sen", or "San," was the father of Zoroaster who wrote the Zend Avesta and founded the religion Zoroastrianism

Jesus Jesus was the man who attained complete "at-one-ment" as the divine-human unity known as "the Christ"

????? The Christ soul will reincarnate again to be the Messiah foretold by the Hebrew prophets in order to usher in the so-called "Throne of David" (i.e., the kingdom of heaven) on Earth.

According to Cayce, the "fall of man" was an event recorded symbolically in Genesis where souls from heaven first descended to the earth plane to began incarnating as humans. The first wave of souls to incarnate (known in the Bible as "the sons of men") became entrapped in the earth plane accidentally, through their misuse of free will. These events gave rise to legends of the "fall of the angels" and to mythical beasts of the kind described in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings."

The second wave of incarnations (known in the Bible as "the sons of God") consisted of those souls led by Amilius - the Christ soul - who voluntarily became entrapped in order to assist the first wave of trapped souls. They accomplished this by steering the process of physical evolution in a way that created more appropriate physical forms for these souls. Cayce places Amilius on Atlantis, but says that he did not physically incarnate until the human physical form had been created, at which time the Genesis accounts of Adam and Eve begin. Cayce sometimes used the word "Adam" to also refer to the entire group of souls which had accompanied the Christ soul into incarnating into the earth plane and who incarnated as the five races of humanity on five separate continents.

Adam (as the Christ soul) joined his twin soul Eve in allowing himself to be seduced by materiality himself. This is symbolized by his acceptance of "the forbidden fruit." The other sons of God followed his lead and incarnated, and as a result were moved to express their materiality by interbreeding with the "daughters of men" (Genesis 6:1-2) who were the homo sapiens that evolved from ape-men according to Darwin's theory of evolution. According to the Cayce material and Christian Gnosticism, their banishment from the Garden of Eden was actually a great blessing because death and reincarnation are designed to draw our attention away from materiality and the flesh, and toward our true spiritual nature.

Cayce also identified Melchizedek as an incarnation of the Jesus-entity. Melchizedek was the "king of Salem" and "priest of the most high God" who shares bread and wine with Abraham in Genesis 14:18-20. Melchizedek is also mentioned both in the Dead Sea Scrolls (I I Q Melch) and the Nag Hammadi codices (NEC IX 1), where he appears as a cosmic angelic figure similar to the risen Christ. Hebrews 5:10 refers to Jesus "a high priest after the order of Melchizedek." According to Cayce, Melchizedek wrote the Book of Job which contains many unusual verses that Cayce would often quote from while in trance. For example, Cayce stated, "For, as the sons of God came together to reason, as recorded by Job, "WHO recorded same? The Son of Man! Melchizedek wrote Job!"

Cayce also identified the Biblical personality named Enoch to be a Jesus-entity incarnate. Enoch is described in several pseudepigraphal writings as well as some Kabbalistic writings. The modern Bible has a brief mention of Enoch:

"And Enoch walked with God: and he was not, for God took him." (Gen. 5:18-24)

The Books of Enoch describe the fall of the angels into materiality - the beginning of the incarnation of souls from heaven. It also describes Enoch's several heavenly journeys where it is revealed to him the future up until the time of the Messiah. Enoch is also taught traditional topics as angelology and the divine throne-chariot. The Ethiopic Enoch introduces Enoch to a messianic figure referred to as "the Son of Man." The Hebrew scripture known as "Apocalypse of Enoch" describes Enoch transfigured into an angel named Metatron. In the New Testament, Enoch is mentioned in Hebrews 11:5 and Jude 14-15, with the latter passage apparently quoting from the pseudepigaphal Enochian literature. The fact that the Bible itself quotes from the Book of Enoch is evidence that Cayce was correct about the book being a valid source for higher spiritual knowledge.

Cayce also identified the Biblical personality named Joseph (son of Jacob) as an incarnation of the Jesus-entity soul. Accordingly, Joseph's escape from the pit was not only a literal event, but a symbolic anticipation of Jesus' resurrection. Cayce's identification of Joshua, the notorious genocidal leader of Israel in the Old Testament, as an incarnation of the Jesus-entity is a little more difficult to believe. But Cayce viewed Joshua's claim to fame as being the scribe for Moses who "psychically" dictated much of what is attributed to Moses. This interesting bit of information explains how "Moses" wrote about his own death. Another Biblical personality named by Cayce to be a Jesus-entity incarnate is the high priest named Jeshua who helped organize the return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (see Ezra and Nehemiah). According to Cayce, this Jeshua is the one who compiled and translated the books of the Bible. In essence, Cayce identifies all these Biblical personalities to be psychic revelators.

An interesting fact is that "Joshua", "Jeshua", and "Jesus" are really the same name. The name "Jesus" is a Latin version of the Aramaic name Jeshua or "Yeshua." And Yeshua is Hebrew for Joshua or "Yehoshua." Thus, Cayce has assigned the soul-entity Jesus to be incarnations of the three Biblical characters having the same name. Cayce also mentions that Jesus was an Essene who was registered by his Essene school under the name of "Jeshua".

Concerning the so-called "Second Coming" of Christ (which is really not the second, but many) Cayce sometimes interpreted it to be an internal spiritual and psychic event within the individual (see Cayce on the Book of Revelation). On other occasions, Cayce interpreted it to be an actual return of Jesus Christ in physical form. When Cayce gave his prophecies about the massive geological changes predicted to being around 2000 AD, he stated that:

"These will begin in those periods from '58 to '98 when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen in the clouds" (3976-15).

This reading from Cayce suggests that Jesus will appear in the sky and return to earth in bodily form. Cayce stated that Jesus will walk the earth again:

"As given, for a thousand years he will walk and talk with men of every clime. Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a thousand years; for this will be when the changes materially come." (364-8)

The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.- Robert Frost~

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posted September 04, 2006 12:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cayce gave the year of the "entrance of the Messiah into this period -1998." (5748-5) He also mentions that no one knows the exact day of event because it cannot occur "until His enemies - and the earth - are wholly in subjection to His will, His powers." (57491). So this suggests that Jesus return will not be a future incarnation in the flesh since Jesus has already transcended the need to reincarnate.

The Incarnation as Jesus

Two years after Cayce's death in 1945, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Qumran. This remarkable archeological discovery revealed a large amount of information about a religious sect around the time of Jesus referred to as the Essenes and affirmed information provided by Cayce. The word "Essene" is never used in the Dead Sea Scrolls but most scholars accept that the Qumran sect was either identical or closely related to the Essenes of the classical authors such as Josephus and Pliny. According to Cayce, Jesus was an Essene along with Mary and Joseph who was affiliated with an Essene community based on Mount Carmel which was a continuation of a "school of the prophets" begun by Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, and Melchizedek. Cayce described the Essenes as an pious religious community of men and women whose purpose was to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Archeology does not reveal the meaning behind the word "Essene" but Cayce mentioned that it means "expectancy." According to Josephus, the Essenes were known for divination (foretelling the future) which agrees with Cayce's descriptions of them spending their time recording experiences of "the supernatural or out of the ordinary experiences; whether in dreams, visions, voices, or what not" (1472-1). Cayce also mentioned that the Essenes were students of astrology, numerology, and reincarnation.

The Dead Sea Scrolls describe the Essenes as an authoritarian, highly disciplined community that controlled every facet of member's lives. They had to give all their money and property over to the community after a year's probation. Their theology stressed a good versus evil duality. It also describes a conflict between a "Teacher of Righteousness," a "Wicked Priest," and "the Liar." They separated themselves from the outside world in an anticipated final war between the sons of light and the sons of darkness. As for the Jesus connection to the Essenes, scholars believe the idea of Jesus being an Essene does not fit the personality and teachings of Jesus despite the many interesting similarities between Jesus and the Qumran community. For example, scholars believe the Essenes wouldn't have approved of Jesus' bending of the moral standards such as associating himself with prostitutes and tax collectors. It is also believed that John the Baptist was an Essene because of the similarities between himself and the Essene community.

According to Cayce, Jesus' mother Mary was chosen by the Essenes at the age of four to begin intensive spiritual training lasting three years in preparation for the conception of the Messiah. Her election as the mother of the Messiah occurs during a special ceremony in the temple at Mount Carmel in which an angel leads her by the hand to the altar. Remarkably, this Cayce reading agrees with an apocryphal book entitled the Infancy Gospel of James where Mary is presented to the Lord at the age of three when her father Joachim "set her on the third step of the altar, and the Lord God gave grace to her ... and she received food from the hand of an angel." (325) Cayce and the Infancy Gospel of James agree that Joseph was chosen to be Mary's husband by lot. They also agree that Joseph was much older than Mary. Cayce gives their ages at the time of their marriage as thirty-six and sixteen, respectively. Cayce and the Infancy Gospel of James agree that Jesus was born in a cave.

Jesus and Eastern Mysticism

According to Cayce, Jesus was sixteen years old when his education about the ways of the ancient teachers began. First, he traveled to Egypt where, as an infant, Jesus was taken after his birth by his parents to flee Herod as the Gospel of Matthew states. After spending time learning in Egypt, Jesus spent three years in India and finally a year in Persia.

The idea that Jesus had spent his "lost years" wandering Asia did not originate with Cayce. Its first proponent seems to have been the Russian war correspondent Nicholas Notovitch (1858 - 1916), who described his travels in British India in a book entitled "The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ" published in 1894. According to his book, Notovitch was told by the "chief lama" of a monastery that their library contained records of a visit by Jesus in ancient times. The chief lama finally relented to Notovitch's requests to examine the records. From two large bound volumes written in Tibetan, Notovitch translated them through his interpreter as "The Life of Saint Issa: Best of the Sons of Men."

The text begins by summarizing the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, Israel's lapse into sin during the prophetic period, and the subsequent Roman occupation. But God has mercy on one poor couple (Mary and Joseph), whom he rewards by giving them a son, Issa (which is the Qu'anic name for Jesus). All is well until the boy turns thirteen and the parents arrange a marriage for him. Issa "... left the parental house in secret, departed from Jerusalem, and with the merchants set out towards Sind, with the object of perfecting himself in the divine word and of studying the laws of the great Buddhas. [IV. 12- 13]

At fourteen, he encountered the "erring worshippers of Jaine" a reference to Jainism. Then he spent six years studying the Vedas and learned the art of exorcism and intercessory prayer. Issa rebuked Brahmin priests for upholding the caste system. Issa also would violate their customs by giving teachings to the lower castes. He is seen rejecting the authority of the Vedas and Puranas, denying the Trimurti and the incarnation of Brahma as Vishnu, Shiva, and other gods. It is written that Issa belittled idolatry and barely escaped India with his life. In Nepal, he grew proficient in Pali and spent six years studying Buddhist sutras. He condemned human and animal sacrifices, sun-worship, the dualism of good and evil, and the Zoroastrian priesthood. The Zoroastrian priests seized him and abandoned him to the wilderness to be devoured by wild beasts but he escapes anyway.

Jesus the Christ

Cayce made a distinction between Jesus and "the Christ." He said that "Christhood" is the goal which every human should strive for. Jesus was simply the first evolved human to attain it. Cayce referred to Jesus as our "elder brother" and "the pattern" for our own spiritual growth. The Bible states that Christ fulfilled the law and, according to Cayce, so can we. That is the entire purpose of Jesus' teaching. Cayce wrote:

"The law of God made manifest [that] He becomes the law by manifesting same before man; and thus - as man, even as you becomes one with the Father" (1158-12).

Because of Jesus' triumph over "flesh and temptation", Jesus "became the first of those that overcame death in the body, enabling Him to so illuminate, to so revivify that body as to take it up again, even when those fluids of the body had been drained away by the nail holes in His hands and by the spear piercing His side." (1152-1)

In essence, Cayce described the Christ soul as the impelling force and core of truth behind all religions that teach that "God is One."

"I and my Father are one. Then they took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of these do you stone me? They answered him, saying, For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you, being a man, make yourself God. Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law: I said 'you are gods?" - John 10:30-34, Jesus quoting Psalm 82:6 to defend his teaching that God dwells within all human beings.


The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.- Robert Frost~

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Posts: 45
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posted September 04, 2006 02:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mannu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am so glad to find you here in LL

Excellent first post reading of Cayce. That is indeed some valuable treasure. Now back to reading the other posts.

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posted September 04, 2006 03:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Mannu!

It's always good to see you here as well. I read many books on Edgar Cayce... I came across this in the net, I think he is brilliant! Here's the site:

This is the main page:


The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.- Robert Frost~

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posted September 04, 2006 12:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You know what I have noticed..that over time..the probablities change the information somewhat..Just like in Linda's writing of Star Signs..a few things..or answers changed..
that I guess is the human race is ready to receive it!

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posted September 04, 2006 05:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What do you mean?

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posted September 05, 2006 03:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting read.
thank you, silverstone.

Do you believe (entirely) in Cayce's visions?

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posted September 07, 2006 03:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you! silverstone...
Long time Cayce fan here!

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posted September 10, 2006 11:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ggod MOrning!

Silverstone..I mean that probablities change outcomes..and that information changes over our consciousness is ready to receive it!

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posted September 10, 2006 04:38 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Lotus,

So you feel that his information is inaccurate?

The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.- Robert Frost~

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posted September 10, 2006 04:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No..some is accurate and some is not..because of the time frame. ...

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posted September 10, 2006 07:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you mean his notions on Jesus?

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posted September 10, 2006 07:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes, some. ...

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posted November 29, 2018 08:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting Stuff!

All my love, with all my Heart

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posted January 01, 2019 12:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 27, 2019 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 10, 2019 10:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 08, 2019 05:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 01, 2019 09:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually, Cayce's guidance was very clear that Yeshua wouldn't reincarnate as he didn't need to. His source pointed out that the NT was correct, and that Yeshua overcame death, and exists in a unique Spirit state that can fully interact with and be perceived by those of the material realm. Or in other words, he never actually left and has kept the same body image he was born with some 2025 or so years ago.

The reference to 98 actually seems to be referring to one of Cayces Spirit's graduate Soul selves planned reincarnation. There is a reading for Cayce himself, talking about his past life influence in Egypt Ra Ta, and how Ra Ta and a large Soul group incarnated at that time to help humanity.

In talking about that period and the building of the Great Pyramid, Cayce's guidance drops a bomb about Ra Ta and that Soul group incarnating again, and that Ra Ta may develop himself to be in the capacity of a liberator.

Then says that he "enter in" that period to come, or in 1998. The future period that Cayce's guidance most referred to was the 40 year testing/preparatory period from 1958 to 1998.

That Kevin guy from the NDE site needs to do more research and cite and reference more actual readings.

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posted October 02, 2019 10:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oops, accidentally quoted when I meant to edit.

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Posts: 2373
From: A Place on Earth
Registered: Feb 2014

posted October 03, 2019 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

We are all connected
We are all one!

Every choice we make
has an effect on all!

We cannot foretell what
every human shall choose
to do..therefore, nothing
is set in stone..and as
we evolve prophecies shall's truly up to
us, we are co-creating with
God Mother and Father as I
write this to you, from them...

More truths are presented
every day, as we Learn and Grow
to accept the actual Truth...
For instance, the Gospel of
Mary Magdalene, she was equal
to Jeses, she preached as he
did, they were married and had
children...why did the Vatican
withhold this information!?

Linda had the seeders of this
planet correct Osiris and Isis
thus time was then created!

All my love, with all my Heart

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posted October 03, 2019 12:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
" We are all connected
We are all one!

Every choice we make
has an effect on all!

We cannot foretell what
every human shall choose
to do..therefore, nothing
is set in stone..and as
we evolve prophecies shall's truly up to
us, we are co-creating with
God Mother and Father as I
write this to you, from them..."

Very much agree with this, and yet there is also a plan and MUCH work and adjustment that goes into the plan.

Some developed Souls are less freewill prone than the average. Meaning, they come in for very specific purposes and missions, and their Spirit selves are very intensely involved with guiding their material lives.

Such were ones like Ra, Hermes/Thoth, etc.

There are MANY prophecies encoded in the Great Pyramid in symbolic manner, that were given to Hermes/Thoth and Ra by the purely Creative Forces level (these are those who are fully conscious to the Oneness of the Whole, and have all data/information at hand).

While Cayce's guidance often gave relative caveats and outlines such as you did earlier about the future, they also said about the GP and these prophecies that many of them were, have been, and will be accurate down to the individuals and days.

And those who uncover the hidden records in Egypt in the nearish future, might be surprised to find rather accurate descriptions of themselves, even though these were put into place some 12, 500 years ago.

All time is One. There is no real difference between past, present, and future, and yet there is freewill and yes, future can potentially change. But this is more so in the cases of individuals little lives. When there is a larger, bigger plan involved, with a lot of focus from the guidance/helper levels, then things often become more set. There are some things that the Creative Forces do not and will not budge on, and put much care and planning into so that it occurs within certain, more narrow parameters.

Regarding Miriam Magdalene, Cayce's guidance very clearly outlines that Miriam was forced by her family to become essentially a spy among the Jewish and Roman elite by sleeping with them. This of course had a negative and imbalancing affect on her, and Yeshua was indeed involved with the protection and spiritual healing of her as outlined in the NT. Definitely not equals in the vibratory sense, though she eventually grew to become one of his most loyal and spiritually attuned disciples.

Also, Cayce's guidance outlines that it was his mother Miriam that was Yeshua's Twin Soul. Also that Miriam Magdalene and he most assuredly did not have a sexual-romantic relationship, though they both loved each other. Yeshua was beyond the need for such expression, and his kundalini was constantly cycling up through to his Pituitary and back down, which redirects and uses that strong sexual energy to activate the higher centers/glands. It's something I have experienced myself during periods of consistent, deep and expanded meditation, and I'm not on Yeshua's level. More over, he knew the intense challenges ahead of him, and he was nothing if not responsible minded and wouldn't have put a wife/partner through that.

The majority of extra canonical scrolls/writings were written far later than the gospels, which themselves were generally written well after Yeshua's crucifixion.

When both Cayce's guidance and the NT agree on things, then I pay definite closer attention.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted October 25, 2019 05:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: A Place on Earth
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posted October 28, 2019 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ballerina     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

At the time of Edgar Cayce's
reading, he could not have
spoken the truth of Jesus and
Mary Magdalene. It would not
have been good to do so!

The truth is Mother Mary and
Mary Magdalene shared Soul
pieces, both being part of
his twin Soul.
Due to the Mixtus orbis, being
interwoven, connected, from
the original Soul form, to
the separation, split, to the
7 pieces for him
7 pieces for her
The 7 fold Spirit...

Mastership requires gaining
all 7 Soul pieces in one
Body Temple! Ending all the

Mother and Father God only
enter into equal partnerships..
rest assured, they are here
on Earth, each in a body temple!
We can also say, the Son Jesus,
is really the Father
..and Mary Magdalene the Mother..
As was the case with
Isis and Osiris...

The song, what if God was
one of a perfect
example of this reality!

Mary Magdalene has her own
Gospel..she was equal to Jesus.
They were married and had
children. He kissed her on the
lips, for he loved her most...

All my love, with all my Heart

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