posted December 29, 2006 08:44 PM
This is quite interesting to me ESPECIALLY since I just pulled this book out on the 26th to read it again because I have been getting signals to reread it. I guess this is my confirmation to get to reading LMAO !OK I HEAR YOU UNIVERSE AND THANK YOU !!
Anyhew... This video sounds as though this is some of
Edgar Cayce's teachings:
The Association for Research & Enlightenment
; as written about in the book by Bruce McAuthur,
"Your Life: Why It Is the Way It Is and What You Can Do About It"
Chapter 12:
Consciously Creating Results with the Master Law of Manifestation.
This book on Universal Laws have been so helpful in my life that I want to share all of them with you.
I recommend EVERYONE to read it.
By the way, don't believe any of them... Test them against your experience to see if there is any validity to them.
That is what I did. Also, know that these laws work on an unconscious level as well as on a conscious level.
The main teaching of Cayce is:
Spirit is the life---> MIND IS THE BUILDER---> Physical is the result.
Basicly, what you think you mainfest into your world.
Here are some other Universal Laws that may be of interest.
Short Synopsis
Like Begets (produces, breeds) Like (this is a Master Law)
This law is basic to our existence. It deals with a like condition begetting a like condition. We know that dogs beget dogs, cats beget cats, apples beget apples, humans beget humans, etc. We can see that. What we don't see so clearly is that our attitudes, feelings, and actions -- by this law -- determine the attitudes, feelings, and actions of others toward us! In other words, what you are "like" is what your life is "like." You beget your life. Therefore, you can tell, by watching what is happening to you in your life, what you are really like. If you don't like what is happening to you, it is a signal to you that you need to make a change. Keep in mind that results don't always manifest immediately in this time based world of ours but they will manifest sooner or later, by law! Like begets like puts us in charge. As we use it for good or for ill each day, we are indeed the pilots, the directors of our lives.
As You Sow, So Shall You Reap (this is the First Law of Increase and is a sublaw of Like Begets Like)
We have pretty clear examples of this law in nature. If you plant a few tiny tomato seeds in your garden, wait patiently and nurture them you can expect to reap not just a few seeds but a bountiful of tomatoes with hundreds of new seeds! So, you and I with our thoughts are gardeners of the world; we are continually planting seeds. What happens in our lives are the fruits springing from those seeds. This law operates on all levels. What we do in the physical we meet in the physical, what we do in the mental we meet in the mental, what we do in spirit we meet in spirit. The true seed is the purpose with which you think, speak, and act. It determines the harvest you will reap. Your heartfelt intention determines the nature of the seed you plant so even when people think they are "getting away with something" they are not. Like begets like.
The Spirit of Your Actions Multiplies the Result (this is the Second Law of Increase and is a sublaw of As You Sow, So Shall You Reap)
Basically this law states that the amount of the increase depends upon the spirit in which you sow. The clearer you are in your purpose, the more sincere, serious, committed and intent on achieving your purpose you are, the more of an increase you can expect. Our powers as humans are limited -- but as we cooperate as co-workers with the Divine, there is no limit to the power available to us. Keep in mind that Like always begets Like so be careful of the spirit in which you sow because results will be multiplied in direct proportion to your intent, for better or for worse!
Like Attracts Like (this is the First Law of Attraction and is another sublaw of Like begets Like)
Like attracts like is a law of attraction, dealing with the attraction between ourselves and other individuals, things, conditions, and places. We all have an aura of energy around us and, like magnets, we tend to attract conditions into our life that reflect our nature. Since the auric field around us relates to the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of our being, we can attract people on any one, two or on all three of these levels.
Opposites Repel (this is the First Law of Repulsion and is another sublaw of Like begets Like)
For the same reason that like attracts like, opposites repel. Two people with different auric field energies will not attract one another. Some of you may be thinking this isn't a universal law because you know many people who are coupled and they couldn't be more different from each other. People have an unconscious desire to be whole and balanced. So at first it may appear that opposites attract but in actuality it is the unconscious, complementary needs of each partner that do the attracting. Even though they may have very different personalities, they will attract each other if there auric energies are similar.
As You Seek, You Attract And Are Attracted To That Which Will Fulfill Your Search (this is the Second Law of Attraction and is a sublaw of Like Attracts Like)
This is a specialized case of like attracts like and applies only when you seek. According to this law what we attract into our lives depends upon what we seek in our lives. This is where having a deeper understanding of your personality can be helpful. If there were no negative influences in your life, what is it that you would want to attract into your life? These laws are impartial. They will work whether we seek something beneficial or something detrimental for ourselves or others.
As You Seek, You Repel And Are Repelled By That Which Will Not Fulfill Your Search (this is the Second Law of Repulsion and is a sublaw of Opposites Repel)
This is a specialized case of opposites repel and applies only when you seek. It is fascinating to realize that through our inherent nature, we set the laws of attraction and repulsion to work in our own lives. The implications of this are mind-boggling!! Universal laws make us TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE for our lives!
I know it is a bit long but I hope this post compels you to invest a small amount of money for a LIFE CHANGING book.
You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a
spiritual being immersed in a human experience.
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin