Topic: What Would Jesus Say?
Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 04, 2007 12:06 PM
If you cry out for me, your cries will be the sound of my footsteps hastening to you. When you forget my presence, it is I who am cast out. Stone me and I must leave your city. But, my child, the very instant you relinquish your weapon, know that I am already at home upon the throne of your heart. Hush, my dear one, and feel me near you. While you weep and bemoan my absence, I am weeping for you and clamouring upon the door of your heart, so you might hear me, and, hearing, rejoice in my homecoming. Be comforted!, for it is I, your honored and beloved Lord. Hearken!, for I bring you the greatest of news. I desire only that you might acknowledge my blood in your veins, and your right to my throne.See the universe is for you. When you rise from your chair, Lazarus is risen from the grave. When you lift a cup, Magdelene is lifted from obscure degredation, to stand beside the Redeemer, a symbol of His Love. I would give myself to you everywhere and in all things. My love for you is boundless, as are the measures of my love. You pray, "Lord, do not disdain me,". Know you not that it is I who prays, as I do all things? Your prayer is but the fractured echo of my own. Brokenhearted, I lament, "My child, do not disdain me! Why do you disdain me?" My eternal lover, hush. Do you not remember how we loved? We were two, and we became one. This was our triumph, not our tragedy. Look upon me now. Am I not comely? My beloved, how can I give more of myself to you? I contain you and am contained within you. What more would you have of me? Whatever it is, believe that it is yours. Fix it in your mind, and you shall have it. Imagine your desire, and as you breathe, I am preparing it for you. If it is a lovely woman, know that, at this very moment, she is with me, learning the ways to make you happy. I knew that you would like her. I have been preparing her from the begining, for you, just as I have been preparing you for her. But this is a great mystery. I have told you that I do all things. Believe me, for this is both true, and conducive to an appreciation of my full presence. Do not trouble yourself with the contemplation of this truth. All is well, and everything is accounted for. All things tend toward perfection and rest. Because this process is occurring as quickly as it possibly can, there is really no evil in the world. If there were ever a neglected opportunity to do good, this would be evil. But there are no neglected opportunities in the universe, as nature observes a perfect law of conservation. If you suspect that you have seen a neglected opportunity, think again. How closely did you look? There are many things to consider. Many things prevented the moment from being opportune, and all that could be done was done. I assure you, all things are necessary; those which you term "good", and those which you term "bad". And, although I am more than happy to spend eternity explaining this matter to you (there will always be more to explain than there is time to explain it in), you may also choose to take my WORD for it. Have a little faith in me. Do you laugh when I say that I am in small things, like the lifting of a cup? I am in your laugh as well. I am the one laughing, for I am already revealing the profound method to my seeming madness. Have you looked for me in the cup and not found me? Ahh, but you have already drunk my wine, my blood. After all, I made you look! You laughed because the cup is small. Already, I am teaching you to distinguish between the small and the great; the lifting of a cup, and the lifting of a person. Will you laugh when I say that I am in the lifting of a person? Think of how I lifted Magdelene. Whenever you lift your cup, drink to her absolution, and the absolution of the world. In this way, I am with you, and you are with me, for you remember me, and my memory is my spirit. In the daytime, my Lord sings to me a new song, and I shall listen well. The words and melody shall be light and warmth to me in the night. I sing to my Lord the song my Lord sang to me. - Stephen Wallace Coltin ("hsc") (inspired by the works of Eva Bell Werber)
"Be not afraid for your progress. Do not try to interpret, through writings, My Law for you, for after all, if you busy yourself to know the Law and keep it not, wherein lies the profit? It is well! Come again as a little child, for as such have I guided you thus far down the path which leads to the freedom and glory of your soul."
- "Quiet Talks with the Master" by Eva Bell Werber "I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details." - Albert Einstein
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 9529 From: piopolis, quebec canada Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 04, 2007 12:10 PM
Discovery Channel tonight at 9:00 P.M.the discovery of Jesus and Mary's tomb... the magdelene's real name and she was the says so, on her tomb... She raised him UP. ... other than that, what you wrote is beautiful... 
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Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 04, 2007 12:30 PM
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 9529 From: piopolis, quebec canada Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 04, 2007 12:38 PM
I'm re-reading my post, and it sounds a little harsh, that was not my intention, write so beautifully, and you are really talented... you're welcome... Great Work! IP: Logged |
moiraHISbeloved Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Registered: Mar 2007
posted March 07, 2007 10:50 AM
What would Jesus say? Has anyone looked him up lately? He's been back for several years.......also he has been speaking to me alot lately (actually he has been speaking to me for years!) and Jesus speaks to that sweet girl Akiane (binary child genius)....the poetry and words that opened this thread are beautiful but they are kind of sad and melancholy too... Jesus is fun and upbeat and really likes to laugh. =0) IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 08, 2007 09:47 PM
Thanks for sharing, Moira. The writing I shared is my own interpretation of how I imagine Christ might speak to a person who is suffering and doubting. I dont think such a person would respond to a jocular Christ, and I doubt Christ would take that approach. The tone is fatherly and compassionate. I looked at the site you shared, and one of the first things I noticed was "Christ" threatening retribution, lol. I think that is a direct perversion of His message. Karma belongs to the Law of Moses, which observes the works of men (if they are good, or if they are evil), not the Law of Christ, which sees only the Spirit, and consists of perfect understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and grace. Christ came to save the sinners, not threaten them with retribution. He saw sin as a sickness, and love as the cure. He did not see it as a free choice which ought to be punished. In any case, I'd say talk of retribution is a heck of a lot less fun and upbeat than what I wrote, wouldn't you? ------------------ 'Would you know your Lord's meaning in this thing? Know it well. Love was his meaning. Who showed it to you? Love. What did he show you? Love. Why did he show it? For love. Keep yourself therein and you shall know and understand more in the same. But you shall never know nor understand any other thing, forever.' - Julian of Norwich
'My friends, how desperately do we need to be loved and to love. When Christ said that man does not live by bread alone, he spoke of a hunger. This hunger was not the hunger of the body. It was not the hunger for bread. He spoke of a hunger that begins deep down in the very depths of our being. He spoke of a need as vital as breath. He spoke of our hunger for love. Love is something you and i must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self-esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. We turn inward and begin to feed upon our own personalities, and little by little we destroy ourselves. With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others.' - Chief Dan George 'Judgment is the antithesis of understanding, and hatred of evil is the craftiest and least well-known of vices, so easily is it mistaken for love of good.' - Heart-Shaped Cross 'What keeps most people from suffering very much is lack of imagination.... Everything great that we know has come from neurotics. It is they and only they who have founded religions and created great works of art. Never will the world be aware of how much it owes to them, nor, above all, what they have sufferred in order to bestow their gifts upon it.' - Marcel Proust 'In the psychopathic temperament we have the emotionality which is the sine qua non of moral perception; we have the intensity and tendency to emphasis which are the essence of practical moral vigor; and we have the love of metaphysics and mysticism which carry one's interests beyond the surface of the sensible world. What, then, is more natural than that this temperament should introduce one to regions of religious truth, to corners of the universe, which your robust Philistine type of nervous system, forever offering its biceps to be felt, thumping its breast, and thanking Heaven that it hasn't a single morbid fibre in its composition, would be sure to hide forever from its self-satisfied possessors? If there were such a thing as inspiration from a higher realm, it might well be that the neurotic temperament would furnish the chief condition of the requisite receptivity.' - William James IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 08, 2007 10:24 PM
Here's an excerpt from one of the "letters", which proves they are fakes:"Here were a tyrannical Dictator and a sect of people of the same mental and moral level - their spiritual vibrations, despite all the prayer and outward religious show, were as dark and dense and low as it is possible to attain in your world today. Hussein and these unruly people deserved each other." What is being said is that Saddam and the Iraqi people are equally corrupt, and that there is no greater corruption on this earth than that exhibited by Saddam and the Iraqi people. Not only is the author condemning an entire nation of people, and denying that there are worse things to be than a citizen of Iraq, he then goes on to say that they "deserved" what they got! Ha!! This is supposed to be the voice of the Christ??? 
NEXT!!!! IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 Knowflake Posts: 1144 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted March 08, 2007 10:30 PM
I fully agree with you, HSC. I just went to the site, and while I'm sorry to offend anyone, that was not the voice of Christ. If it was, I would know it.
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thirteen Knowflake Posts: 819 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 09, 2007 01:44 PM
I read the letters too. I don't buy into them as authentic. I do feel there is great learning in them however. I mean wouldn't the claiming to be Jesus in itself be an act of ego?
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Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 09, 2007 06:35 PM
thirteen -If it is true, it is not ego to say so. False modesty is as ego-driven as arrogance. In any case, this person is not claiming to be Christ, but to be a channel for Christ.
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Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 09, 2007 06:44 PM
I wrote to "The Recorder", and shared my concerns, and here is part of what she wrote to me:"I am meeting many, many people who know Christ on many different spiritual levels. Hundreds have thanked me for bringing the true Christ to them - because Christ has spoken to the level to which they belong. I was trained over 40 years to understand the LEVEL TO WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO MINISTER... I accept that you and Eva Bell Werber are in contact with Christ on a highly spiritual level... Each level is right for whoever attains it." She is openly admitting to me that the teaching she is giving is a distortion of Christ's teaching, and is tailor-made to fit the distorted understanding of spiritually unevolved people. I will post our entire conversation below. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 09, 2007 06:48 PM
My first email to her was just a copy-paste of what I wrote in this thread.Here is what followed: Dear Steve I am very confused also. And I do react when people write and make these statements against Christ and do not quote Letter, page and line - that is all that is needed for me to look it up and see what you have mis-read - for believe me you have mis-read. Christ never threatens. As you say, Christ is LOVE. BUT when he descends to talk to us and is able to see what some of the world does to other parts of the world, or some people do to other people, he will naturally warn these people what they are doing to themselves because this is a UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS - electromagnetic universe. if you are unable to accept this is what Christ said. Don't give it a moment's worried thought. Move to another website. Whatever you think, you are still the child of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS - of God or whatever you want to call our Source of Being. You are still upheld in LOVE at all times - and your goal is still PERFFECTION and LIGHT With all love Recorder. Dear Recorder, Thank you for taking the time to appreciate my concern and to respond to me so kindly. What first struck me were the "warnings" on the first page, ''Woe to those by whom evil should come to a child?' And warn those who caused a child to stumble? Do you think you will evade the harvest of your actions..."
I dont think these are the words of Christ. Christ sees that nothing is done by men, but men are the fruit of the tree, God. If the fruit is bad, blame the tree. This is His message. Tuning into the power of thought means not focusing on future rewards or punishments for present illness (sin), but, believing ourselves whole and complete in this moment. Still, I was still open to the possibility that this was real. Then I read a letter: "Here were a tyrannical Dictator and a sect of people of the same mental and moral level - their spiritual vibrations, despite all the prayer and outward religious show, were as dark and dense and low as it is possible to attain in your world today. Hussein and these unruly people deserved each other." What is being said is that Saddam and the Iraqi people are equally corrupt, and that there is no greater corruption on this earth than that exhibited by Saddam and the Iraqi people. Not only is the author judging an entire nation of people, and denying that there are worse things to be than a citizen of Iraq (like, say, an utterly depraved child-murderer), he then goes on to say that they "deserved" what they got! This is supposed to be the voice of the Christ??? The law of attraction, whereby people get what they put out, is not a moral law, it is not a case of "deserving". Christ would say that we deserve compassion and love. For one thing, this is the thought which will attract compassion and love, and it is the kind of thought Christ would hold. If Christ were to believe that anyone deserves to suffer, that suffering would return to Christ, since, what one desires for others, one desires for oneself. I think you are either the victim of deception by an impostor in the spirit world, or, perhaps you are yourself a deceiver. In any case, I am taking your advice, and moving on. I hope you can see that this email came to you for a reason, and maybe you can be open to what I have said. But, I suppose, if you truly believe yourself to be the vessel of the second coming, nothing I say will be sufficient to shake that glorious delusion. Likewise, if you are a corrupt person who is deceiving others, you could care less. If you want to know what Christ would really say, I recommend to you the writings of Eva Bell Werber. Best Wishes, Stephen Wallace Coltin Thank you, Steve, for your reply. What you have overlooked and I am finding MANY, MANY PEOPLE re overlooking, is the fact that existence is a matter of distinct levels of consciousness created out of consciousness frequencies - just as a bass will produce its own tones, the cello another octave and the violin higher still. Christ made it clear to me that he DESCENDED - HE CAME RIGHT DOWN TO THE LOWEST FREQUENCIES POSSIBLE, in order to experience what was happening on earth and in each level of frequency of vibrationary CONSCIOUSNESS there were certain emotions, thoughts, pertaining to that level. And from that level, where people could understand the thoughts and emotions of that level, Christ spoke out clearly. Saddam terrorised people = but those people caused a great deal of trouble and murder - hence they deserved eachother. Since Saddam's death, it has become ever more clear how tragic it was that this man should have managed to quieten the unruly members of Iraq and created peace for others in which to pursue and develop their lives, and then Bush came along and destroyed this work and introduced such terror into the country. I am meeting many, many people who know Christ on many different spiritual levels. Hundeds have thanked me for bringing the true Christ to them - because Christ has spoken to the level to which they belong. I was trained over 40 years to understand the LEVEL TO WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO MINISTER. I was a very innocent woman and as I write to you, - for the first time I can see clearly the full reason why I was led (against all of my own attempts to escape it) into marriage with a man who taught me the seamy side of life - which I rejected. But at least I finally understood it. Now I can understand people who wrifte me having gone through it also. I can receive Christ when he pours out his grief over the children because he has descended and SEEN and MUST talk about it to people, begging them to rise up and stop the terrible trafficking of children. Of what use is it to the world to be of such pure vision that you cannot see what is happening and cannot therefore, reach out a hand to try to stop it? I accept that you and Eva Bell Werber are in contact with Christ on a highly spiritual level where such things do not exist. People's perceptions ae changing rapidly and some people are so universal in outlook that when speaking to them, one's individuality is lost to them. Each level is right for whoever attains it. If you see me only as 'deluded' then so be it. Perhaps afer this letter to you, you may see things somewhat differently. I can only continue to do what I was trained over 40 years to do and what was given me to write. If you have ascended to those levels where you are wholly free of the magnetic pull of this world, that is indeed wonderful and there is no reason why you should return to this earth consciousness unless you stumble upon an inspired reason to do so. Let us be at peace and extend love to theworld Recorder. Thank you for your response. You have given me much to think about, and I am not entirely sure what my position is on this. I express myself forcefully, but I want you to know that I am undecided here, and, if it happens that I am in the wrong, I will appreciate any further guidance you can provide. Of course, it is at your discretion, and I will understand if you do not think it is the most efficient use of your energies to discuss this point with me. I realize you that you must feel called to influence as many people as possible, and not tary over hard-case individuals, like myself. But, again, any discussion we could have on this would be appreciated. I am not just saying this to bait you into a discussion, so I can change your mind. I really am confused about this. Okay... I have often thought the things you are saying, "Everything is needful. Words find the ears for them," is one of my quotes. At the same time, as I read your response, I was reminded of another quote (I forget the author), "People will rise to the level of expectation you have for them." Perhaps, the more people embrace the higher levels, the sooner the masses will come around. That is how great movements have occurred in the past. First individuals, then groups, then the masses. But, I suppose, there are many people who will seek out teachers who expect little of them, rather than rise. Perhaps it is better if they come to you, than to someone else. Whereas I might reject your teaching on account of its lower vibration, another would reject mine because it appears to abstract and idealistic. I understand that. "Milk for babes, and meat for strong men." Still, I wonder... Are we really helping people by prostituting ourselves in this way; giving them what they will pay for, rather than the truth? It is romantic for Christ to descend and don the mantle of a wh*re, but who is it serving? Which appetites are being filled? I respect that you have studied 40 years, but it does not incline me to think of you as wise. We have all studied for millions of years. We have all become attached to one course of study or another, and we have all reached the point of leaving it behind to enter upon a higher course, many many times. That you have studied 40 years in this life suggests to me the possibility that your personal ego for this lifetime has had plenty of time to become attached to, and identified with, your present level of understanding. There are many providers of quick fixes, who are happy to meet a person on their level, without requiring them to alter their beliefs and lifestyles. There are many magic pills, and many thousands of people who will tell you how they have been helped by those pills. What these people do not know is that they have only set off down another dead end path. As Kafka writes, "A new prison is better than an old one." While you build prisons for people, according to their personal tastes and measurements, and see the smiles on their faces, ask yourself if you are really doing them a service, in the long run. Christ thought in terms of history. Somehow, I doubt that he spoke to people on their levels. If that were the case, would he have been rejected by everyone and crucified? And, for that matter, would he have risen again in our collective conscience and consciousness? With Love, Stephen
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Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 09, 2007 06:49 PM
Dear Steve Christ has sent me to those people who are awakening from their slumber in dogma and the churches and are now reaching out for spirituality. They are ready for milk. It is a hard struggle to leave behind the old images they believed in. I was hurt when you thought Christ would go through the HARDSHIP of descending through the lower levels of consciousness to reach the very poorest in spirit - and would see him as dressed in the mantle of a wh*re. Think, Stephen - if there are any hard, painful memories from the past for you and you go down into them again and take on that consciousness in order to understand and forgive and get rid of it out of your consciousness, would you consider you had returned and BECOME the person you were. Or Because Christ goes through the pain of descending does he BECOME THE PEOPLE HE REACHES, OR DOES HE SIMPLY EXPERIENCE AND UNDERSTAND yet still remain CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Who or what we are - is all a matter of perception and will. You are way off course when you speak of my 40 years of training - it embraced all the sciences and pain, suffeering, breaking down and being put together again, and finally losing the ego completely. We have to become careful of intellectualising - the ego thrives on intellect. With love to you also Steve - but I don't think that Christ's Letters will be of any good to you, don't irritate yourself with them. Don't build up karma through stupid resistance to them. Leave them alone.- you have gone ahead too quickly and missed out the most important early steps to Christ Consciousness Perhaps you'll find someone who will be ab le to fill you in on them and then you will truly see SPIRIT fully - intelligence and love in equilibrium. And that is all that matters - that you see the full spectrum of CONSCIOUSNESS and you ascend into true universal love and joy. Recorder Dear Recorder, We are Jesus. We are the ones who descended. Christ is undisturbed at the center. I am all for preaching to the unconverted; that is, speaking to the poor in spirit. But I do not know if you are correct, in believing that it is necessary to say that a person "deserves" to suffer, in order to reach these people. Couldn't you show compassion for their suffering, without telling them they deserve it? Is that what you call compassion? You may be accomplishing much, but you are strengthening their delusion of free will. You are corroborating and encouraging their belief that God and man are separate. That is what I think, and I believe these thoughts are guided by my heart. If you were hurt by anything i said, I assure you, you have not entirely discarded your ego. "The instant you believe yourself pure, you become impure." - karl jaspers Respectfully, Stephen
ps. its funny, we were just talking about this, and someone just wrote this to me: "God, Stephen, the way your brain and heart work in harmony is something I never met before."  IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Moderator Posts: 3600 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 09, 2007 06:54 PM
The fact that I repeatedly signed myself "Stephen" and she insisted on calling me "Steve", alone, tells me that this person is not of a high spiritual understanding. If she were, she would have noticed and respected my desire to be adressed by the name I signed myself as. I did her the courtesy of calling her "Recorder" despite the fact that I think she is recording bullsh!t, but she couldnt call me "Stephen"?
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