posted May 29, 2013 10:24 PM
From the OOber Galaxy
Topic Canto SixEmeraldopal
Posts: 1977
From: U
Registered: Apr 2011
posted May 29, 2013 05:25 AM Click Here to See the Profile for Emeraldopal Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Take Me To Your Leader
after awhile..
my flaming worship of Judaism's traditional,
ancient wise
and emphasis on learning--stopped burning
when I began to realize why the Jews of old
failed to recognize
the man from the one from whom
they awaited deliverance
my former awe considerably cooled, when I saw
how they'd been fooled
by their own High Priests--those self-serving
who feared the Golden Rule would expose their
and their brass
and so ridiculed and rejected
the humble carpenter from Nazareth
when he rode into Jerusalem on a lowly ass
not at the head of a powerful Army, on a snow
white steed
after all, a Messiah's business is to lead,
not to plead
and surely not to bleed--on a cross.
this man was a freak, who championed the weak
defended the meek--and turned the other cheek
to Ceasar
it certainly had not been Moses' fashion
to show enemies compassion
Moses parted the Red Sea--and set their
people free
what kind of Messiah spends all his time
forgiving miserable sinners?
Abraham and David and Moses were winners
but Jesus was a loser, whose promises proved
impotent, empty and hollow
no god--only a man
a crucified prophet is a Saviour for fools
and Jesus broke all their messianic rules
then, following my Hebrew disillusion
came the end of my Inner Pilgrimage to the
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my fascination for the Catholic ritual's deep
buried somewhere behind Roman Church Law
ceased to magnetize me, when I clearly saw
that the Church is hiding more than mystery
from the light
such as, the reason for the marble tiles, in
the Pope's bathroom
inscribed with the twelve signs of the
Zodiac, from Aries through Pisces
from the Ram through the Fish
the real reason behind the sacrilegious
surgery of 300 A.D.
the murders of the bloody Inquisition
and the Council of Constantinople, in
430 A.D.--that time
of misguided dedication
when those allegedly infallible ones, in Rome
performed the shameful spiritual castration
of removing from the Bible all previous
reference to reincarnation
carving away their own foundation
leaving dull, sterile replace
former faith
not to mention..
the well kept secret of the true symbolism
behind the mystical marriage of the Nuns to
yes, Catholicism's ritual hides much mystery
behind Church history
and has also hidden Truth
but disillusioning me
even more than Catholicism's light tossing
of the logic of the Cause and Effect of the
doctrine of Karma
contained in the ancient precepts of
was the attitude taken by the Roman Vatican
toward Hitler's Nazi nation
when the Jews--and others--were being tossed
fiery furnaces
like so many helpless, struggling ants
tossed into flaming Matchstick Forts
and so..
the growing bubble of religious delusion
of the babbling dogmatic confusion
of Judaism's blindness--Catholic hypocrisy
swelled even larger with my observation
of the Protestant protesting bureaucracy
and the sterility of ritual, lacking mystical
in those plain-Jane churches
of methinks thou dost protest too much
then finally burst wide open
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leaving me with the limp, rubbery pieces
of my former balloon of all these
with seemingly, nowhere to turn
yet, still burning to learn--the Truth ..
after skipping and hopping
and starting and stopping
and tiptoeing and gliding
and walking and floating
and swimming and running
and crawling and falling
in and out of Synagogues, Catholic Masses--
and Protestant classes
in empty theology
I wandered next through Egyptian Mythology
and during that lingering spiritual crisis..
was deeply stirred
by the tragic fate of those Twin Souls
known as Osiris and Isis
an unsolved mystery
of ancient history..that still haunts me
in a strange, inexplicable way
..then one fine day
I stumbled on a brighter path, far from the
Holy Ghost's invisible wrath
and far from a vengeful god's angry
retribution of
"an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth"
a path which still leads me
slowly...toward enlightenment and Truth
through the time-tested teachings
of re-birth and astrology..even containing
a hint
to the final solution of all the confusion
in the Isis-Osiris mythology
yes, I wandered, at last, on the path of
the stars
and there I stayed--and there I remain,
through Sun and rain
part-time mystic, and full-time agnostic,
guided by Mars
yet..still secret druid
chanting deeper rites
of moonlit nights
All my love, with all my Heart
All my love, with all my Heart