posted September 17, 2007 06:49 AM
Hi there everyOne!I am now reading another book by David Icke called "The Robot's Rebellion". I want to read them more or less in order so I can follow his train of thought as his researched developed. I am feeling pretty compelled by most of the information I have learned from him so far, by the way of reading and online documentaries. One of his earliest books, "Truth Vibrations" was just excellent.
David Icke's way of thinking definitely synchronizes with my own; my own endless questions, confusion, soul-sickness, feelings and intuition.
So many people are put off by his name because they associate it with a mad eccentric who promoted the idea of 'Reptilians'. But I want to tell you that there is so much more to him than this. In any case- these ideas- about Reptilians- are not from him personally but from his research. Perhaps he has been misled, perhaps it is true. I'll keep an open mind. 
I've read about a quarter of this book, The Robot's Rebellion now, and I am very pleased by it so far.
All the things that have bothered me about religion- the explanations given in this book- make sense to me.
After having a few powerful, spontaneous experiences through prayer as a little girl (I was praying for protection because of nightmares), my perspective on life would forever be influenced by this.
Words cannot describe what I felt. All I can say was an extremely overwhelming feeling of infinite love poured into me, into my soul, surrounding my whole being.
It was Pure Love.
And Pure Love has nothing to do with an angry, jealous, vengeful God asking for DESENSITIZING animal sacrifices or anything else.
I believe that was some other entity.
(It's all very confusing and we humans have not been given an easy ride with it all, but it is not our fault if we don't have the correct tools to see in the dark!)
Jesus was an Essene. A historian of the time wrote that these were some of the most honest people he ever knew.
The Essenes were vegetarian.
It makes a lot of sense that he could have been saved from dying on the cross, etc.
Don't be put off the information given in documentaries such as Zeitgeist.
Yes, his true teachings have been contaminated by ancient mythology originating way before he was born.
I feel he never wanted to be idolized in the way that he has; the same goes for Buddha.
He wanted us to have our own personal relationship with God/ Infinite Love.
I also feel he was a true teacher and channeler of love/ light.
Don't worry about all the confusion surrounding him and his life.
The basic teachings of Jesus are truly uplifting.
We must try and always listen to our hearts. Remember who you really are.
"No matter what they tell us....No matter what they do...No matter what they teach us- What we believe is true"

It would be nice to evolve some sort of telethapy of the heart; empathy. A feeling, knowing inside how we are all interconnected. Empathy/ love would be a a law unto itself.
I have been wondering- perhaps we are only 'Free' or have 'Free Will' in as much as we are spiritually awakened. We are like Gods in amnesia. This amnesia is the source of our soul-sickness.