Topic: Entity Possession
26taurus unregistered
posted January 11, 2009 11:26 AM
D, I responded to you in the thread in Pilgrim's Progress. Hope all is well. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 12, 2009 06:33 AM
this woman has written a book which is amazing. here is a video of herSue Allen i highly recommend her very good book i havent finished dr sagan s book but so far i find it very interesting. thank u guys for sharing. IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 18, 2009 10:18 PM
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VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 19, 2009 05:22 AM
@26taurus and D for DefiantThanks for sharing valuable information and your experience. Well i believe everyone has this kind of experience. Yogi's have more knowledge on this as they control their body better then anyone. Well in many reading related to yoga and people who were yogi's i found that they go through all this issues and later with time they overcome and control their body then any normal person. It's said that a yogi has power to view others thought's and entities. They can leave their body whenever they wish[no yogi goes against nature, they are worshiper's of nature and depart from the human body exactly when they are meant to be]. ------------------ ahaaaaaa IP: Logged |
VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 20, 2009 11:29 AM
@26taurus and D for Defiant I'm waiting for any new info on this, just anything on this.What happened you don't have anything to share on this anymore. ------------------ ahaaaaaa IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted January 20, 2009 02:09 PM
Hi Viinay. This subject still interests me, I just have nothing more to add. IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 20, 2009 03:43 PM
People create their own hell.IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 20, 2009 10:42 PM
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D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 20, 2009 11:13 PM
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2009 12:09 AM
People create their own hell and heaven and none of which really exists.It was my way of saying "we create our own problems". When we look back in perspective we find that all our miseries were because of our own actions and thoughts. Buddha used to say "People are what they think". Hypnotists can put a stone in your hand and make you drop that stone by making you believe that stone is red hot and it burns. These people who are supposed to be possessed may have been victims of the culture they grew in or could have gotten bodily handicaps from genes of their parents , i can think of so many reasons. I know that only Masters can handle the most difficult cases of bringing these people back from a state of hopelessness because they could work on those peoples consciousness (whatsoever is left). They could perform some kind of psychic surgery. Its a vast topic to talk about. Also modern psychologists/paratherapists/psychoanalysts have made tremendous progress in this area, starting with Freud, Jung and the rest. Most cases of exorcism has been reported to be deep psychological issue with the victim. Hurt relationships or expectations. It had nothing to do with devil possession or they being helped because priests read bible verses. It is foolish to do such things. IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 21, 2009 04:01 AM
mannu,if someone hurt you with his car, we can dismiss it simply by seeing it for what it is, i.e. an illusion? no hurt, no broken legs, just an illusion? IP: Logged |
VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 21, 2009 10:54 AM
@26taurus Take your own time, just one request any info on this please share with this newcomer, you can post or mail me.Once again thanks for the topic you raised and info you shared. @D for Defiant Great going friend, good to read your mesg. ------------------ ahaaaaaa
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2009 02:00 PM
praecipua, Nope the physical reality is as real as the unseen. I ain't a philospher who believes that the world is illusion. If you drop a stone on my feet surely I will bleed. The indian yogis suggests to live as if the world is unreal. Illusive, ever changing...if you cling you are in misery.. Christians have said it too " be in the world but not of it".Whats your point?
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D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 21, 2009 09:37 PM
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2009 01:13 AM
Its all mostly bulls. Anyone can write crap. No time to defend my arguments. But the author surely provides fuel for thoughts.IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted January 22, 2009 03:52 AM
"Anyone can write crap" are u admitting your error here?ok, just kidding, i wanted to see if i could write crap too. more seriously, my point was to ask if reality was an illusion. only. i think that i believed for a while that our tangible reality wasn't real because i had opened up to another "unseen" reality. but i must admit that now i believe that the two realities are closely linked and we cant dismiss one for the other. having said that, i think it is justified to believe that "entities" or fragments or some "things" can communicate from one reality to the other. i believe that some "things" can also have their own agenda, like in the tangible reality different person can have different interest. therefore to me, it is plauisible to think that "entities" can have the means and the desire to control some people or some events in our tangible reality. this is my point IP: Logged |
VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 22, 2009 10:26 AM
@26taurus Hey where are you, didn't find anything new on this topic @D for Defiant You provide information in different insight,I appreciate it. It interests more to read. @praecipua ["Entities" can have the means and the desire to control some people or some events in our tangible reality.] Well this point makes some sense i believe, they are not just a thing they too can have desire. I agree with you praecipua. You had any incident regarding entity. Hey by the way one more suggestion, read about J.C.Bose and his works you will know more interesting on this so called desire and feeling can happen to what extent around things surrounding us. J.C.Bose was a physicist, biologist, botanist,archaeologist and writer. Linda Goodman too mentioned about him and his discoveries in her book. His one of important discovery was regarding plant's life for which he invented crescograph which showed that plants responded to various stimuli as if they had nervous systems like that of living beings.His experiments proved that plants growth is faster in pleasant music and its growth retards in noise or harsh sound. Bose showed a plant treated with care and affection gives out a different vibration compared to a plant subjected to torture. Sadly during his lifetime he didn't get the credit for his enormous contribution in many fields. He too is like Tesla when it comes to getting appreciation and credit for the exceptional work and dicoveries they do. ====================================== Go through this link Check these links: ====================================== ------------------ ahaaaaaa IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 22, 2009 10:47 AM
praecipua, I too took that expression "everything is illusion" for granted because I heard so many people say it. But the day I took this world to be real, I cud easily discern the unreal from the real. The Mohemmedans says Jesus's body was made of light. But whose isn't? When we go deep down everything is electrons and photons and bosons and meons and all the "ons" LOL. Jesus too must have felt the crucifixion pain. Our physical body is at the most gross layer and as you go underneath it is made of etheric bodies and other stuff all interconnected with each other. If the sun explodes everyone will die before even the earth explodes Just as they say Jesus or Buddha can be found everywhere but the bodies, perhaps so is the desires that must be everywhere seeking a body to fulfill it. I don't think desires can be fulfilled without bodies. And this we call ghosts perhaps someone who uses another body to fulfil there desire. To kill someone lets say or to take revenge. I can't say more right now because firstly I haven't much time and also because I have decided not to share much with people here because they don't even remember what was said earlier on. They move to next before digesting the earlier. And also these things must be discussed preferrably in a nice setting at a natural place like hilltop or near a river ..hehehe... We have to feel each others presence or energy if you call it, then it just does not become a discussion it becomes a participation or communion with the cosmos.
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D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 23, 2009 12:03 AM
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D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 23, 2009 12:24 AM
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 23, 2009 04:10 AM
Sorry, I have yet to bump in to a ghost so will never accept anyones belief system. Only strong love creates a poltergeist effects in a room like breaking of jars, stopping of watches or other paranormal effects etc. Wheres my fantasy ghost? IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 23, 2009 04:16 AM
Gee I can't see my changes after posting. Cud be internet cached pages or I must be working on IE6. Mozilla firefox works much betterIP: Logged |
VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 24, 2009 05:14 AM
@D for DefiantHey again thanks for new update on this. By the way i was just a bit curious regrading you, Can i know some thing about you like your name and your occupation and about your academic background, i guess probably you must be doctor with science background and i believe you are a very experienced person who has seen lot of things in world. You are very good at giving insight in quite unique ways. Well anything you can mail me This thread is getting real interesting, Well credit for all of you guys[26 taurus, D, Mannu] for sharing your views,
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26taurus unregistered
posted January 24, 2009 08:34 PM
i think the info at the link in this thread fits nicely in this one too. Thanks starr33!
quote: It is completely unfathomable to me that people can live in today's world and look at the atrocities committed by human beings and at the same time deny the existence of dark forces and the fact that they can influence, even possess, human beings. How can you possibly look at child molesters and serial killers and think that a benevolent God created people with the propensity to commit such acts? How can you possibly believe that if we ignore evil and focus on light and love, people will one day wake up and be perfect? Why do you think I challenged the powers that be, including casting out evil spirits, instead of telling my disciples to just love everybody?What I did tell my disciples to do was to respond to every situation with love—meaning divine love. I demonstrated what divine love means, but unfortunately many people in the New Age community have not understood the nature of divine love. They have created a graven image, a golden calf, of what they want love to be like, yet what they dance around is a form of human love that is always gentle and thus never challenges any imperfections, including dark forces and people’s egos. The simple fact is that if you are not willing to look for the beam in your own eye – to challenge your own ego – you don't want anyone else to do so either. Thus, you create the standard that a true spiritual leader should be "loving" and never challenge anyone's ego. Yet if a spiritual teacher is not challenging your ego, how can he help you overcome that ego?
quote: Many New Age people have taken the tendency to judge into the opposite extreme by perverting the Mother. They have created a false image of love as being gentle and never challenging anything, including, of course, their own egos. They believe that as long as they never challenge any imperfections, and in fact ignore anything not positive or pleasant, they will be saved and they will raise the planet. Likewise, the Christians believe that as long as they ignore or run away from the devil, they will be saved and bring the kingdom of God to Earth.I trust the more perceptive seekers can see that this is essentially the same reaction taken into the two relative extremes defined by the duality consciousness. Whether you say everything not in the Bible is of the devil or say there is no devil, you are refusing to reach for the mind of Christ that will empower you to discern between Christ truth and dualistic lies. My point is that many New Age people think that because they are always being gentle, they are not being as judgmental as fundamentalist Christians. Yet the New Age people are just as judgmental, they have simply adopted a different standard, namely human love, as the standard by which they judge everyone and everything.
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VinayM19 Knowflake Posts: 63 From: Planet Earth Registered: May 2009
posted January 27, 2009 05:33 AM
@26taurusHey did you finish the book by Samuel Sagan, and did you get the book The Inner Life. ------------------ ahaaaaaa IP: Logged |