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  Rick Levine on Deep Astrology

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Author Topic:   Rick Levine on Deep Astrology
posted March 16, 2009 09:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

A renowned astrologer, astrological scholar and author, Rick is an active voice in the global Astrology community, giving professional talks and seminars around the world. He shares a special gift for bridging the gaps between Astrology and spirituality, science and religion, the head and the heart. In addition, Rick has a comprehensive understanding of the more hidden histories of Astrology from Kings and Queens to Freemasons to the Roman Catholic Church making his presentations and writing particularly rich.

Rick Levine’s special gift is to bridge the gaps between astrology, spirituality, science, and religion, while connecting the rational head with the feeling heart. His daily horoscopes are read on the Internet by millions on, AOL, and

With Jeff Jawer, he is the coauthor of Barnes and Noble’s Your Astrology Guide 2009. Rick is the cofounder of and a founding trustee of Kepler College in Seattle. Rick Levine maintains a consulting practice in Redmond, Washington, where he has lived for 15 years.

Rick's daily horoscopes appear on various partner websites including: AOL, MySpace, Google and hundreds more. As a result of his collaboration with, Rick Levine has become the most widely published horoscope author ... and for good reason. His ability to write authentic daily horoscopes is unsurpassed.

"It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was like, dancing with me. Like a kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I realized there's this entire life behind things, and....this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there's no reason to be afraid, ever".

~Quote from American Beauty

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posted June 19, 2015 08:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for HRH-FishAreFish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rick Levine is presenting at our NCGR (Minnesota STARS) group this weekend!

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posted June 19, 2015 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by HRH-FishAreFish:
Rick Levine is presenting at our NCGR (Minnesota STARS) group this weekend!

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 22, 2015 08:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by HRH-FishAreFish:
Rick Levine is presenting at our NCGR (Minnesota STARS) group this weekend!

Lucky you! How was it?

I listen to his Planet Pulse every day. He's so accurate, I even got my non-astrology-literate friend listening every day.

We have conversations like, "Well hey, didn't Rick SAY it was going to be like that?"

We call him Rick. First name basis.

Unfortunately, listenstotrees' link must've expired. There's nothing about him there.

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posted June 22, 2015 07:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the "reminder" that the Planet Pulse still beats. I had stopped listening last November 2014.

I printed my natal astrology chart for the first time, November 6, 2007... (Will spare the delineation here, LOL). My first basic materials were Mr. Alan Oken's book on Complete Astrology, with Mark Lerner's daily yahoo horoscopes.

I found Jeff Jawer's blog in wintery e.o. Feb 2008(?). I had a sense of feeling so deflated-- an absolute-nobody, with no more purpose left to my life. Jeff's particular blog entry impressed me that 'even if' I was invisible and that 'no one on earth knew I existed,' I was still alive and a member of the Collective Unconscious-- that if all our thoughts are connected at certain layers and levels, then the fact that I had awareness made a contribution, because I was a connected part of a whole. ~ (in a round-about way of saying here-- I would have to go back over my writings or any notes).

Then Jeff and Rick started DailyHoroscopes website, where they included their daily yt videos. I watched almost every day, and learned from them. I gained more in self-mastery (personal self) by applying their practical wisdoms each and every day. I learned when to put the lid on going off on some *cough* people who desperately deserved it sometimes! LOL.

So, these bros were my personal guides, learning to exercise better self-control, and developing more understanding of myself and others.

I also had the wonderful benefit of being a (self-taught) student with a copy of their natal charts. Not only did I learn more about self, but had a 'visual' of the effects of these transits on them also! ~~ personal appearance, emotional tones and attitudes, inspirational ebb and flows, behaviors between the two of them as partners... (That kind of learning was special and cool. I definitely appreciate Teachers who share their birthdata with curious hungry deep students of their craft and art.)

After a while, I became more knowledgeable about astrology transits.

(I ended my association with them in November 2014, after they took down their DailyHoroscope site, and StarIQ podcasts were in audio-files that the computer I use couldn't download!)

I stumbled on the shocking news that Jeff had just passed-away after a surprise-diagnosis of Lung Cancer from which he died in a relatively short span of weeks (early Feb 2014). I was deeply-affected by the news at that time-- and especially saddened for Rick!

Faith, I viewed the most-recent video (June 2015 Monthly), and it was excellent. Rick's communications skills are even-better, and Rick's looking ~buff!

I really really like his interpretation on Cancer, the Crab.

Sometimes when our Loved Ones pass, we 'lose' them in emotional and physical sense. This kind of sorrow needs to be thoroughly felt and processed, respected as part of the cycle, and mourned. Healing happens in layers, and over time.

And, I believe that each Soul that passes, eventually processes then there comes a Releasing of their Gifts INTO people who had mattered in their lifetime. It's like we become recipients of a spiritual inheritance from them-- individually and also for the Collective.

Like fireworks light up a dark night, that Soul's Gifts get rained down on those left-behind. Beauty and blessings come upon All who had played their significant-roles in this person's lifetime.

Rick was closest to him, in this respect of 'partnership'... And Rick's love respect and appreciation will be the oil in his Lamp, dispersing and dispensing the Light.

(His Bali location, River of Stars memorial to Jeff.)

(music) Bali Hai (Juanita Hall, 1958, R&H movie South Pacific) [3:41]

{sorry that this post is really rough...
Faith, the ~vibeys are sooooo strong right now. ugh. }

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 23, 2015 10:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thanks so much for writing ~ I've missed you since I tried to let my Pluto poem fall off the page. 'Will write more later.

I have a crush on Rick Levine.

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posted June 23, 2015 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Faith, you're sooo funny!!

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 23, 2015 11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh because of his hair?

Yeah but the stellium in Aries. Talk about alpha male! (Alpha -> A -> Aries.)


Hope you are well, mirage? Which vibeys do you mean, the planetary vibes or sonic bombardment? :/ Both maybe?

I love South Pacific!! Thanks for the video, I haven't seen that in a long time. Used to watch that when I was about 12. You've got to have a dream...if you don't have a're you gonna make your dream come true??

Yes...I actually discovered Jeff Jawer a day or two after he died. It was odd, I had been watching several astrologers on YouTube and couldn't find one that really gripped my interest. I adore Richard Tarnas, but extemporaneous speaking is not his strong suit. Then I found Jeff Jawer and HUZZAH, finally someone to watch!! I started watching some videos and reading articles. Then I looked up his birth info and found out about his recent death! So actually the first time I saw or heard Rick Levine, he was addressing a crowd for a monthly forecast, talking about Jeff's death.

I am so glad you've already gotten to know those two. There is something about them! Do you know what it is? I can't figure out why they have such an impact on me. Maybe they just bring the truth of astrology to life and kinda celebrate it ~ you know? Even when Rick is saying, in so many words, "Today is going to be brutal, kids!!!" I feel better because it's like we are all in this together, and he's usually accurate.

I'm so glad they stepped into your life when you needed them!

I'm only like seven years behind you, catching up with them. I love what you said about the Releasing of Gifts. I've heard something similar before...makes me wonder about what I might've received from those close to me. Certain blessings.

I could babble all night but I'll let you go. Always a pleasure, mirage!


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posted June 25, 2015 12:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love his hair!! It's special.

Such a treasure...

For me, when I watched the two of them, I perceived that there was a universal energy present, a metaphysical higher-realm that these two "Knew" and were in-touch with.

It wasn't "just" astrology, and not only the practical wisdom and advice. The 'comedy' they put out was excellent! (o gosh they would crack-me-up so often!).

There was a special-something they tapped that was crystal-clear and ineffable -- Went way-beyond the astrology but was funneled through using astrology. The symbolic language of astrology brought it down to earth, like a side-language, like noticing stars using peripheral-vision.

That's when I knew that I was 'like them'... This was part of my Identity. Whatever it was in the crystal-clear Beyond, is what I also Be. That 'heavenly place' IS Home. I found a soul group!

And I want to live and work and be happy moving among mystical~souls like that. Being IN that kind of energy allows much manifestation to occur through the metaphysical inner-workings. When we're connected and together, it amplifies!

When we make-real and act upon Higher Love and Believe we Touch Source's Heart through this, we can help bring Change and Lift our Beautiful Humanity into a Higher State of Being, by our Collective Understanding.

As In Heaven, So On Earth ... I think the more we can be Aware of the Kingdom of Heaven in us, and surrounding us etherically, and good-vibing it with other folks who are inwardly awakened--, when we meet with like-Beings--, then it intensifies the Light and Experience of Light that everyone else can reach out to.

We are.... Contagion!

*ahem* back on the planet here? LOL Truth is that it's been sonic hell and much wear-and-tear on my nervous-system (not the psychological one although the physical wears on that too!, but it's the physical sensitivity).

(The astro Neptune in my locality H3 close-square my Sun H6th-House of Health & immediate sense-Environment, may be 'heightening?' an already-sensitive and delicate system. sheesh, just born-that-way... It's actually an 'asset' but needs to find a good change in locality. o my.)

Had a FABULOUS day on Tuesday when the sonics were much-less. That's when I snap-out of negative downhill thinking, and I KNOW I'm fine. Days like that whets my appetite and increases self-confidence levels. I 'know' I'm okay... I'm NOT going to succumb, but Believe there's a Way! Just aaahhhhh, git me outta here!!!! L-M-J-A-O!!!!

Yes, I can imagine you and me being in a gab-fest! So true.

And you enjoy that with so many other people around here too, Faith. Whether you are mad, sad, or glad, you add so much here. Please don't stay away. You are very Special {hug}. You brighten our pores. *grin*

See you later!

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 25, 2015 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
***standing ovation****

YES !!!!! to everything you said.

I am SO THRILLED that you see it, about Jeff and Rick!!! And the way you can put it into words is just phenomenal! It's what I would say, if I could say it!

Oh I shouldn't write when I'm distracted but I have all this enthusiasm exploding from me and wanted to write while it's all fresh.

More to say later, thanks SO MUCH for this post, you made me happier than you probably know! Hope the woofers all die tomorrow!

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 26, 2015 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For reference~,_Rick,_Jeff

Short, sample video of them together (2:21)

Some random notes:

- Pholus on the composite MC So, together, they ignite things, spark big changes?

- Jeff's Leo Mars-Pluto trine Rick's Aries Mars-in-stellium. Cooperation galore. And all this is trine my Sag Neptune...I'm listening...

- Rick's chart, by itself, is pretty extraordinary. Capricorn Jupiter-Pholus at the apex of a yod with Uranus in Gemini and Saturn in Leo at the base. Then, Pallas is conjunct Kaali and Uranus, in the first house. I just don't know what to say, it's like a verbal disco ball that shoots off healing rays of ordered, patterned intelligence.

- Ricks' cardinal t-square overlaps and completes my own. His Cancer moon opposes my Cap sun; his Libra Neptune is conjunct my Pluto; his Aries stellium conjunct my Jupiter. Everyone sees why I'm hanging pin-ups of him in my closet, right?
Just kidding, no pin-ups.
Not available yet. *wink*

- Jeff's chart is very cool, too: I love the Jupiter-Kaali conjunction at 18 Libra, trine 3H Gemini Venus-Uranus-NN. I guess 1H Taurus Mercury square Mars-Pluto shows a willingness to adopt, hold to, and promote some challenging ideas (like astrology) against all odds.

-Jeff's sun is conjunct my draconic sun. And Rick's draconic sun is conjunct my moon.

- Both have draconic suns in Pisces. Their draconic, composite Pisces ASC is conjunct my moon, too. Hm! So that's that.

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 26, 2015 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi again, mirage

I don't want to quote you because I know, sometimes you like to remove your writing, but all of this was soooooo good! I will probably copy it in my journal. It's like a sermon.

^^ Cameo appearance by your incense guy

If only there was an IRS-legitimized Church of Astrology! I would be so devout! And I'd want you to be pastor. Okay? Rick can be an archbishop.

Anyway, I seem to go up and down that ladder of awareness, and it's rather frustrating to make it to a higher rung, slip down again.

Neptune transiting your 3H, squaring your 6H all makes sense that it'd an invisible aggravation! And, true, your fine-tuning is an always, I'm hoping-praying-faithing that you can move soon.

I didn't realize we both have 6H suns. See what I mean, my awareness isn't always "on."

I wish I had all my ducks in a row with transits...'can't tell why I'm feeling the way I do...maybe too much is happening at once. Or Pluto near my sun is monopolizing my attention, demanding an *exclusive relationship* as Pluto tends to.

Hope you have a nice day and weekend. Maybe these same huge winds that knocked out the power in my area got to your area and put the stereo systems to sleep for once.

Hope so!

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posted June 26, 2015 08:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Faith

[quote] I am SO THRILLED that you see it, about Jeff and Rick!!!
I've sensed it in you. That's why I wrote what I said. Takes one to know one? When you said you didn't know what that quality is, I knew what you were looking at.

Speaking of a different kind of looking-at, *AHEM* Did you tell your husband? LOL Gotta be the hair, the hair. *roll*

[quote] made me happier that you probably know. How's that, Faith??

[quote]Hope the woofers all die tomorrow!

random notes:
- Rick has "Venus Quintile Uranus"! *grin*
- Rick's middle name is 2598 Merlin...

My natal placements asteroids--
- 7885 Levine Taurus 9.21
- 3451 Mentor Taurus 10.59'58"
- Venus Taurus 12.38
Are ON their Composite Taurus Ascendant 10.07'!--
Their Composite Moon Virgo 21.48, and
Their Composite PoFortune 24.09 are
- ON my Moon Virgo 24.56

Removing my writings?...
~thanks for being so considerate. It would have been fine for you to quote the Sermon!

haha o gosh! I know I write/sound like a statesman/orator. (I can 'hear' that kind of impassioned speech in my head-heart-ethers while I connect and type it out as it pours out of my heart. e.g. MLKing~ IIII Have-A Dream.)

~I tend to remove if it wound up being OTT tooo personal (depends on where posted, and others sharing too), or if it really didn't fit and no one mentioned (I slip in and make the writing less involved).
(BTW, if I ever quote anything of yours you want deleted or changed, please feel free to ask. *Heart*)

No, it's not the tNeptune square Sun that makes a kind of ~irritableness... It's natal MarsCancer squaring my Moon & MC/IC.... and I'm having my Mars-Return right now. ugh. (I was up all night. Aggravated drug-drunks in bedroom window from 2:18am through 3:25am. bullies, threatening my security. (story in my main thread) )

I'll have to look again at your chart. Don't have it here, and having not slept, I think I may need a break. See you later!

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posted June 27, 2015 07:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey mirage!

Me again I swear you can just tell from the thread counts where I've shown up. I tend to haunt the same threads for a long time.

SO nifty about your Mentor conjunct Levine and Venus on their composite ASC! And the moon-moon/POF conjunction, too. You are "in like Flynn."

Let's see what I've got...kinda feel like I'm spinning a Wheel of Fortune when I'm hoping for sparkly asteroid placements...K:

Mentor 4 Aquarius
Mercury 5 Aquarius
Levine 10 Aquarius !!!
Merlin (cool name!) 24 Aquarius
Pr sun at 25 Aquarius

My pr Venus @ 24 Cap, on the composite MC.

I wonder why their 3H is empty. And in Cancer? But then, I guess Jeff's Saturn and Rick's moon fall there. And they do communicate with feeling, and it seems that water is a "conductor" for the spirit world.

"I've sensed it in you. That's why I wrote what I said."
Yes, I realized that. It's awfully nice of you to articulate so much of what I'm feeling, on my behalf, when I'm not finding the words.

"How's that, Faith??"
Oh, maybe you do realize my gratitude in advance! Hope so. But to elaborate ~ you painted my own feelings (which you share!) in a noble and Truthful light. You talk about sublime things with a kind of fluency and persuasion that is rare. It's just such a relief to me, that I know someone who can do this.


Well kinda like this song goes...

There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried
To write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over again....

Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing
And laughing again.....

Then it gets all mushy, you know. I'm not in it for that part, it's more the straining to articulate Universal things, and listening for others to do the same, that I relate to. And I'm so grateful when someone speaks those right words. has generously granted me a semisquare between my moon and Mercury, though the orb is wide...maybe that's why I'm stopped up? Oh and Saturn opposing Mercury. Who needs duct tape when you have Saturn?

Excuses aside, this isn't a problem I am resigned would be nice to break out and speak more from the heart eventually.


Did I tell my husband about my crush on Rick Levine?? My husband only knows I have an eye that wanders all the way over to Elvis and back to him again.

"No, it's not the tNeptune square Sun that makes a kind of ~irritableness"

Oh, I was talking about the transit afflicting you with sound waves.

"It's natal MarsCancer squaring my Moon & MC/IC...and I'm having my Mars-Return right now. ugh."

Tough placement.

"(story in my main thread)"

Which thread? ...Nevermind, I will go looking around.

I appreciate your explanation about deletions, and thanks for extending that option to me, that you'll delete whatever I want to poof. Ditto from me, let me know even if you want me to take down a whole post, I never mind...this is all transient conversation to me (except that which I copy down manually.)

Thanks for the chat, mirage! Wishing you peace, comfort, and a better sonic environment, as always.

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posted June 28, 2015 04:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Never listened to Rick. Maybe I should?

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posted June 30, 2015 07:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for HRH-FishAreFish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Faith:

Lucky you! How was it?

Faith, it was really fun! Rick Levine lived in Minneapolis in the '80s, so he holds a special connection to our astrology group as one of it's charter members. I also saw him lecture last March in Hawaii. It was shortly after Jeff passed away. If I remember right, he had to leave Hawaii earlier than scheduled to attend a memorial service for him. I saw two of his lectures in Hawaii, Peering into the Mind of God on Friday the 13th (last March) and the other was the Exploration into the Astrology of Beauty lecture on March 15th.

The lecture I saw in Minneapolis on the 19th of June was again Peering into the Mind of God, and even after having recently seen Rick speak on this topic he was still just as captivating. On Saturday, June 20th, he led an all day workshop titled, Interpreting Outer Planets in the Real World plus Where Rubber Meets the Road: Applying principles to interpret participants' charts. I quite enjoyed the later portion of the workshop, when we went through the charts of most of the folks in attendance. It most interesting to get acquainted with the charts of folks in our group. I even found out another astrologer in our group and I--although not the same year--share the same birthday.

Some pics of Rick that I took in Hawaii...

And another pic of Rick from his June 20th lecture at MNStars in Minneapolis...

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posted June 30, 2015 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow~~ How cool, HRH!

I've thought about moving to the NW US Area, and attend Astrology school. I want to gain my certification (thus increasing my self-confidence so I can feel more competent and comfortable to actually do some excellent research, and be able to do astrology charts for people on the side). heh-heh, would also make me a good 'sorcerers'/merlin assistant around an astrology office that needed help, too. Heard there was a course on how to teach astrology too? ... I'd be interested in learning to do that! (Simple-stuff, of course!)

Did you read our above posts? Rick's last name is conjunct my Mentor asteroid H5, near my Venus Taurus which quintiles my Uranus (He has this in his chart, too).

My H9 first-name is 26.24' Cancer on his 3rd House Cusp in his chart: MY asteroid Flammarion is at this degree at 26.09 Cancer in my 8th House Cancer, inbetween Uranus 25.02, and Jupiter 27.23!!

Rick's own asteroid 1021 Flammario is ONNNNNN his Midheaven! MAH has astro meaning as "ardent burning, setting the world on fire, and Mysteries of Spirit"...

I want that sooo much! My passion for those deep-things just gets deeper......

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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted June 30, 2015 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks so much for the pictures and report HRH Fish!

Can you tell us any more about Peering into the Mind of God?

I so seriously wish I could make it to Hawaii or Bali or ANYWHERE for one of these conferences. Would be a dream come true.

Maybe when my kids are older. I say that about a lot of things....

*looks up* *waves to mirage*

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posted July 01, 2015 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love the tropical view!

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posted July 01, 2015 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
*mirage waves back at Faith*

I'm the Wish-Fairy! *poof* You're going to have your Wish-Come-True!!

If you want to reverb anything back, I would just Wish to be able to make the correct Decisions for my life~~ no matter what or which wonky thoughts I'm having in my fantasies... I want the right-thing to happy over my puny thought-things.

I'm not going to stay attached to whatever I said above, if that's not what GOD wants for my life and directions....

I'm not afraid to be wrong... I only want things Right.

For me, most of all, I want to be Happy. Happiness is at the root of all manifestation. What makes you Happy?

And Faith?... If Happy means that YOU will be making that Connection.... Then I hope you fall into a breath-grabbing hysterical fit!


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From: Bella's Hair Salon
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posted July 02, 2015 09:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks mirage! I'm all packed for the tropics. All I need is myself and a credit card right?

Wishing that you will make the Right decisions.

Right, as you judge Right to be. May you have your wish!

^^ And that's my final say! lol

Oh I wish I believed in Right still...I think Neptune in Pisces is fogging up my mind? Something is just not working lately.

But I HOPE it is working for you.

I love your cute emojis.

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