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Author Topic:   DNA Activation, Repair etc

Posts: 822
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posted October 07, 2014 03:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From a romanian book i have read a long time ago called Inuaki - reptilianul din mine.

Real stuff.

This book is about a 7 year old boy brought by his mother to a psychiatrist because he is in contact with a voice from another Planet. The boy's name is David and despite his very young age on Earth, he holds the answers to the Universe, as you will see.

David tells the psychiatrist (her name is Aryana) that the voice he's hearing belongs to a being from another Planet. He calls the voice by his name, which is Aghton. They both came from another constellation and will keep contact until David will end his journey on Earth. He will stay here for about 200 years if we count the years like we do now, but soon we will understand time differently, David says. Before the first session ends he tells the psychiatrist that Aghton wants her to write a book so that his message is spread all over Earth.
David says that the Planet he came from is called Inua, and is located close to Orion. The beings from Inua are called Inuaki.
David describes Inua as a planet more beautiful than Earth. It has similar relief with: mountains, plants, waters, but the plants are different. And the trees from Inua have colors that look like our silver, only a little whiter. They have seasons, but don't have winter. They also have seas and oceans. The seas are called Avata and the oceans Surim.

The Inuakis are beings that stand 2m high, on 2 legs and walk just like us. They have soft skin just like ours, but look like lizards. They also have 2 hands, but with 3 fingers each. They also have a thick and powerful tail. Their skin is white and their eyes are golden-violet. No hair is found on their bodies.
They can communicate in two different ways: by speaking, like we do, and also by thelepaty. The Inuakis don't eat meat; only vegetables, fruits and seeds.

-At this point I was a little intrigued because everything seemed like a hoax made after the Aunnaki stories, and I was afraid that this book will be a fraud. But soon I found out this was not the case, so please have patience until the end. Allow me to present you something interesting before speaking about the connection between the Inuakis , Anunnakis and us.-

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posted October 07, 2014 03:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Now I will let David tell the story of his planet:

D: "Inua, long time ago, about 800,000 Earth years, was a planet just like Earth. It was inhabited by primitive creatures, vaguely resembling today's Inuaki. At one point, a ship landed on Inua, which had on board two strange beings, aggressive, but very advanced.They’ve studied the soil and water and took samples. Before leaving they took with them two inuaki children. Those who had contact with them, remained with the idea that had been visited by supernatural beings. This was due to both the vessel with which they came, but also to a special device which they left mounted into the ground. Given the low degree of evolution, the Inuakis began worshiping the device. A long time passed after this visit, about two generations..."
A: How did The creatures that came from space looked like?
D: They looked like today's Inuaki but their skin was dark grey and their eyes had the color of ash. On their backs, along the spine, they had large and thick spikes, greenish-brown color. Their skin was rough. And had a peculiar smell ...
Strange, like mice and sulfur.

At first, everyone thought they were good. The inuakis gained confidence, because the visitors came accompanied by similar beings with the inuakis from that time. Nobody realized that these were the descendants of those who they took with them in the past. Because of them, the interaction between the two species went easily. These new residents have brought progress to the planet and to the Inuakis.They brought tools, both simple and also sophisticated machinery. They taught Inuakis to use them and how to work with fire. Then, they chose a few and appointed them leaders, and taught them how to manage and control the population. But the Inuakis did not observe that the descendants, who were born since the colonization, were different. They were handier and more skilled, because the new residents combined their genetic material with that of the Inuakis. This way they created a new generation of Inuaki, cause they needed skilled workers who could use the tools they've brought.

A: What were they looking for on Inua?
D: They wanted gold, silicon, crystal and other types of ore. They were sending the materials home. They used them to build ship, and to sustain their specie.
A: And who were they?
D: They called themselves Anunnakki, and came from a Constellation named Draco."

David tells Aryana the history of Inua, and how the Anunnakis built a religion in order to control the Inuakis. He speaks about one point in history, after 30,000 years, when the Inuakis realized they were slaves and fought against the Anunnakis. After a long and bloody war, the Anunnakis pretended to leave Inua. But this was a lie, because they already had underground bases, where they fled. They gave the power to some faithful Inuakis. When the appointed Inuaki leaders died, their children would inherit the leadership, just like a monarchy.

The heirs were educated to serve the Anunnakis from childhood. In this way, the Anunnakis rulled Inua from underground for the next 200,000 years.

But finally, after so much time something good was about to happen, Inua was preparing to go through a vibrational leap. The new vibration no longer allowed the Anunnakis to stay. Their vibration was too low, so they finally left Inua. They went to other celestial bodies.

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posted October 07, 2014 03:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Next, David tells Aryana about how the Anunnakis controlled the Inuakis with chemicals and poisons spread through water, soil and air.


Aryana: "You said today you want to talk about Earth.
David : Yes. I wanted to tell you that what happened on Inua, I mean the colonization, happened on Earth too.
Aryana: Who colonized us?
D: The Anunnakis. About 500,000 years ago here came a craft who took soil and water samples, then left. Some time later more crafts came, bringing with them Inuakis took from Inua. The Anunnakkis considered it will be easier if Inuakis worked on Earth too, because the Earth's population was too primitive. In time, because they needed more working power and also because the Inuakis revolted againts them, they had no option but to take humans and put them to work.

(So, before this we knew that the Anunnakis worked themselves on Earth in the beginning, but in fact another reptilian races worked here as their slaves, the Inuakis).

But humans made things even worst because they had no skills, so this is how it came to the human genetic modification. Only that this time they took the genetic material from the Inuakis, not straight from them.

A: Then why don't we look like Inuakis?
D: The Anunnakis always keep what is perfectly adapted to the environment. Our appearance is adapted to the environment we come from; the body perfectly matches our planet's conditions. That was the first genetic modification.
Around 40,000 Years ago, on top of the existent DNA, the Anunnakis added their own genetic material, because the humans begun understanding who the Anunnakis really were. So they thought that by making us more similar to their structure we would accept them. But the second modification could not be done to the entire population. Therefore a mixture occured, between those who received the additional DNA directly from the Anunnakis, and those who had it from the Inuakis.
But there were also pure blood lines, and these families kept with holiness the Anunnaki blood conservation. They respect their origins, and do not accept blood mixtures. The Anunnakis never left Earth, just like it happened on Inua, they are here but hidden to our eyes. They are the ones who lead us from the shadows. They rule the world! Our governments are under their control.
Humans have inherited from them a part of their DNA and an area of the brain: the one responsible with the negative emotions and aggressiveness.
About 6500 years ago, due to a revolt of the masses, the Anunnakis decided to retire and work in the shadows. They've set up secret organizations, and put together today's religions. Next, they've trained priests and sent them to work in their benefit. They introduced truncated dogmas and truths. This proved to be a very good thing for them, because people begun to worship and obey them.
One purpose of these secret organizations is to transmit these truths. Today, these occult organizations are found all over the world. They work through governments, national institutions or companies, banking system, army and police, laws, education and media. They are everywhere, they rule the world.

A: And how did they manage these things?
D: They are an ancient race. Their knowledge is very extensive and well planned. They've mastered the matter and know all aspects of the universe. They are good astrologers and can influence the human mind, weather, energy and mood. They can do anything, anytime and whenever they want. They've used religion, inducing false or distorted perceptions, useful to them. They've made people believe that astrology is a satanic teaching.
They've induced to the people the idea that dreams are sent by the devil. In fact, the devil as we know it doesn't even exist. And dreams are actually gates to the Universe and the Matrix.
Earth has many beneficial areas and areas with transmitter capabilities. In all these areas gigantic monuments were placed in order to neutralize these benefic effects.
They've managed to rule the world with religions which used a malicious program of indoctrination, by annihilating human's intuition, by using politics, and especially by using the financial system. In fact, the Anunnakis ARE our money. They give us food, heat, schools, homes, holidays, health... everything.
The Royal families are their descendants. In our President's veins is their blood. In one way or another, they are all associated to these occult organizations. The Royal families and the presidents know their origins and respect it. We are born, we live, we work and we die... for them. Science is theirs too. In a certain extent, it took the place of religion.
Today's science has nothing to do with the truth and The Matrix. At some point in human evolution, doubts began to emerge about the religious dogma.
The Anunnakkis had to find a way to continue their supremacy and indoctrination. So, they've invented science. They are terrified that people will wake up.
Their access is blocked on other celestial bodies because they've reached that point where the Matrix is about to modify them. They will be extinct then transformed. They don't want this because they are scared. Since the 60s, Earth's karma began to clean up. More and more elevated entities were allowed to incarnate on Earth. Massive incarnations begun. After the 90s these incarnations have increased. The new arrivals were able to develop the so called paranormal abilities. Even though, between you and me, I don't understand why you call them this way, because this abilities are very normal. The new arrivals are a great threat to the Anunnakis, so starting with the 60s they begun to poison our food more and more every Year.
Everything we receive as food and drink, the medicines, the water we wash ourselves with, everything is programmed. All chemicals that are added to water and food, medicines, food additives, are all specially designed to make the human brain react to certain stimuli, or the contrary, not to react.
Vaccines are the biggest scam. My mom forced me to take one. So I've personally seen how the microbes introduced attacked me chakras; then it spread through my entire body, influencing my lymphatic system and glands in a bad way. I felt very sick.
The Anunnakkis don't want people to wake up and understand the truth. Therefore they poison us with false information and substances designed to keep us in lethargy.
These substances function as inhibitors of the pineal gland, blocking it. Human glands are very important. For example, if we would consciously activate the thymus gland we could extend our lives. Every gland has an important purpose. In order to properly adjust them, we need to take our information directly from the Matrix - not from Earth's lower field, like we do now. In Earth's lower field are stored all shape-thought-energies of low frequency. Because of the artificial blockages created by the Anunnakis we take our information from here only, instead of taking them from the Matrix where the true information is.
Here, the Anunnakis stored everything related to evil, fear, hatred, horror, phobia, death, and much more. They don't want us to understand that we exist beyond the body, that we are part of the Universal Consciousness that we are free and unlimited, just like the Creation.
The most toxic substance is found in the toothpaste, the fluoride. It has no effect on teeth. It is given to us intentionally, as an inhibitor of the pineal gland. It is 100% toxic.
But they know that soon these substances will be useless, so they've created new ways in order to interfere between us and the Matrix. They use relays, mobile phones and energetic bombardment with gamma radiation. They want to keep us enslaved forever. But I know for sure they will not succeed. The Matrix works to properly adjust Earth and until February 2013 everything will be stabilized. A new era will begin. An era of good and peace. I want you to know that human beings are good, and everyone created from the Inuakis DNA are special. Almost all of them will be present in the new era. I see them on the streets, I recognize them as brothers."

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Posts: 822
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posted October 07, 2014 03:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A: How can we find out who has Anunnaki blood?
D: Look in the eyes of the person you talk with, just the eyes. Ignore the smile and the gesture. Then ask yourself if that person is Inuaki or Anunnaki. You higher self will answer.
A: And what it will happen to those who have Anunnaki blood?
D: They have their own path. We must not interfere with the plans of the Matrix. They will not correspond to the new energy, their structure is different.
After the leap, on Earth will be only love, peace and harmony. Human beings must understand that the time of wars, conflicts and evil has passed.

If you want to help, then wish for the change to happen! Be active participants to the change. Unmask the Anunnakis and show them to the entire World! If you want to see them, you will! I can see them, and there are many people just like me. I am just a child and nobody listens to me, and those who see them don't speak because they are scared of what others may think. But this is a gift from the Creator and they have to use it. Those of you who see them, SPEAK! Point your finger at them! Those who see them have a higher access into the Matrix. This is achieved by understanding the connection between the body and the higher self.
A: I think you are talking about what we call the third eye.
D: If you want to call it an eye, then know this is the first one, not the third. We should rely only on the information received from it. The higher self is the truth. When you connect to the Matrix say: "I want to see the truth!" The higher self will know what to do. It will give you the truth piece by piece, not all together. The human brain can't handle so much information."

Later, in a third book from Aryana, called "Anunnaki versus Anunnaki" (her latest book that I’ve just bought and read few days ago), she was contacted by a human (in appearance) who presented himself as a reptilian member from a group who turned against the others long time ago. He said that they’ve split into two groups. One group remained the same and the other helps humanity since that day. Of course this is a huge lie! Please never fall for anything similar. They cannot feel remorse nor love so they would never try to help us. This is part of one of their new tactics so please be very selective with the new information from now on. Aryana said that she felt that person to be very negative and at one point his eyes turned green and cold. Her spine got shivers constantly while speaking to that very educated and cold being. What comes next is very intriguing and got me very worried.
He said that his group created in a parallel Universe a new Earth, of love and peace. He also said that very bad things will happen on Earth but at some point they will open portals all over the World to give us access to the new Earth.

This is a very disturbing and well planned, new, deceiving method!

The “new” planet is actually the old Earth, but in a parallel Universe and trapped in a timeless “now”. Once someone enters the portal he will not be able to return.
Just imagine, when the planet will suffer from all the big changes and disasters will be everywhere (natural or provoked - like nuclear strikes), the Reptilians will open portals to a fake new Earth. Imagine how many people will fall for a trick like this one! The Muslim people will hear “the calling of Allah or Mohamed” to the Gardens of Eden, the Christians “the call of God or Jesus”, the atheists will be attracted by an Earth without disasters, and so on. They can also trick people by informing them that the Governments found new inhabitable planets and the portals lead there. The recent news are filled with new planets discovered that can sustain life, something’s fishy with this amount of extraterrestrial news.
The people must be warned as soon as possible that the reptilians are using new methods of deceiving! People must understand that our place is here and whatever comes, Earth is our only home. We correspond to its vibration and we are energetically connected to it.

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Posts: 822
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posted October 07, 2014 03:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 07, 2014 04:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 07, 2014 05:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ilunatique     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


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From: Lyra
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posted October 07, 2014 05:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iQ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for posting this Ilunatique.
My take is that there could be a multitude of ET Species competing for Power and Control of Earth [Earth is a rare planet in the Universe with billions of sentient beings and allegedly an extensive network of subterranean Star Gates to not just different Stars but also to other Galaxies. ]
IMHO, Annunaki are just one of the Higher Level "Mafia". The Earth will never be destroyed, that is another "Doomsday Cult" trick of dark aliens. I suspect if the Earth is destroyed, the entire Universe will collapse, like a short circuit sending an EMP wave through the inner Star Gates of all Galaxies. The Earth may Transform in the present to a Higher Level but there is no question of shifting to another location. Same Location and different Dimension is possible but one should not trust an external ET to lead you there, their prime directive is to loot the Natural Kundalini of Human Beings in an Astral Zombie Zone/Purgatory. Humanity must respond by rooting ourselves more and more to Earth, by grounding further, by loving every country, every natural species, every time zone from the North Pole to the South Pole. If we love Earth, we own the Cosmos. Our Ascension should be more of "Inscension", becoming better and better as a Species.

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Posts: 9914
From: CA
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posted October 07, 2014 05:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ilunatique:
Later, in a third book from Aryana, called "Anunnaki versus Anunnaki" (her latest book that I’ve just bought and read few days ago), she was contacted by a human (in appearance) who presented himself as a reptilian member from a group who turned against the others long time ago. He said that they’ve split into two groups. One group remained the same and the other helps humanity since that day. Of course this is a huge lie! Please never fall for anything similar. They cannot feel remorse nor love so they would never try to help us. This is part of one of their new tactics so please be very selective with the new information from now on. Aryana said that she felt that person to be very negative and at one point his eyes turned green and cold. Her spine got shivers constantly while speaking to that very educated and cold being. What comes next is very intriguing and got me very worried.
He said that his group created in a parallel Universe a new Earth, of love and peace. He also said that very bad things will happen on Earth but at some point they will open portals all over the World to give us access to the new Earth.

This is a very disturbing and well planned, new, deceiving method!

The “new” planet is actually the old Earth, but in a parallel Universe and trapped in a timeless “now”. Once someone enters the portal he will not be able to return.
Just imagine, when the planet will suffer from all the big changes and disasters will be everywhere (natural or provoked - like nuclear strikes), the Reptilians will open portals to a fake new Earth. Imagine how many people will fall for a trick like this one! The Muslim people will hear “the calling of Allah or Mohamed” to the Gardens of Eden, the Christians “the call of God or Jesus”, the atheists will be attracted by an Earth without disasters, and so on. They can also trick people by informing them that the Governments found new inhabitable planets and the portals lead there. The recent news are filled with new planets discovered that can sustain life, something’s fishy with this amount of extraterrestrial news.
The people must be warned as soon as possible that the reptilians are using new methods of deceiving! People must understand that our place is here and whatever comes, Earth is our only home. We correspond to its vibration and we are energetically connected to it.

Maybe it was a deception as described here, or maybe the bad guys are trying to deceive us so we don't escape this prison. Who to believe?

If everyone was having visions as described to lure them in then that would be very suspicious to me.

OTOH, if there was no escape from this other world but there is from this one then why haven't we already been transported to the more secure worlds? And I have to say this warning of deception sounds more unbelievable and begs more questions than the deception they warn about.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted October 08, 2014 09:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting stuff.

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Posts: 907
From: Female bird from France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted October 25, 2014 09:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemBird82     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I've been interested in this kind of topic since I was very young, because I'm a AB- RH- proud Gemini gal.
First time I heard about it was in my small house at düsseldorf, where I was raised. My father used to told me that it wasn't really a big deal, I just... "should be careful about wounds", because not many people shared my blood type and now that I think about it, it was quite a simple and loving way to explain those things. My mother was from le pays basque (which may explain, well... a lot I think?) I even know a bit of euskara, oh it's such a funny language; for example, to say the word 'Island' in french you say Ile, in german it would be Insel and in spanish it's Isla but in basque language it's Uharte. Sadly, my mother wasn't with us for reasons that I don't consider necessary to mention. I don't know why I always loved my mother, even if she wasn't there. I used to have a 'picture' of her in my mind, she was like a very distant fairy for me. I find this, somehow related to the main topic, because I've never been a 'catharsis person'. So, if having a RH- AB- makes you less 'monkey' and hence, less emotional at a certain point, then I suppose I am lol and when I see a person passing through catharsis, I quite often say something like:" Hey!, you are living the problem and hurting yourself, you won't be able to solve anything with such attitute ". I think my words may sound a bit irritating for some, but well, when some of these people just continue with the self-suffering, I know there's nothing I can do to help. How sad.

And I'm glad to read the term 'hive-mind' here, because I experienced that bee-shark combo since a little girl, and I have to say that religious groups have it. I'm really sorry if you belong to some of those, I'll explain why I'm saying this.

Religious dudes made their dark entrance in my life so long ago, when they wanted to separate a loving father from her (gemini) daughter, only because mom wasn't there. In those days I learned about the 'false power', my father used to told me that there are some kind of "powers" in this world, that some of them are religion, 'the law' and money and all of those form part of something very common but sometimes not perceived: Appereance. The apperance is part of the material world and the material world is not what is real.

My battle with the hive-mind started when I was very young and these are some of the characteristics I noticed back then:
Any family that was a bit different, was a "bad family". Any child raised by just one parent was in "danger", anyone who is a bit different in any way, not really just physical or racial but even ideological or cultural is "evil, dangerous, inferior, a new age freak, a sinner or just a brainless atheist". The main enemy of a hive-mind is always a "dangerous person" that "should be corrected", in the more optimistic of the cases, of course.

All this dogmatic system is certainly toxic and my 'bad feelings' toward it increased while I learned more and more about politics, religion and their 'holy books', money, 'the law' and the rest of the false powers. I remember that when I was about 9 I had to learn how to 'dodge' a thousand of 'followers of Freud' and other dogmatic people ( with a special mention to lots of scorpio and cancer dudes in the religious side ) in order to stay with my father.
I had to... develop many many 'handwriting' styles, always had to draw the ground and the sun when I was asked to draw myself. Never walk with my arms crossed or any stuff like that, because it could have proved I wasn't normal or that I was suffering with an (OCD) among many other weird pre-conceptions. As you may know those dudes learned at some american or british university the meaning of body-language (lol) and ALMOST EVERYTHING leads to the same diagnostic: some kind of disorder. Just in case you haven't noticed, in most of cases the 'diagnostic' is totally intentional, (if not lucrative).

Sometimes followers of Freud are not average idiots, but top notch ones indeed.


From the church and religion to the actual Economy, everything seems to be very enslaving and even creppy...
Oh, I'm going off-topic again...

Well, hmmm...

( Ok, I think it continues hehe... )
I have to work, it's pilates time!

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Posts: 907
From: Female bird from France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted October 26, 2014 01:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemBird82     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 27, 2014 12:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where's the post that was made at 4:34 PM?

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Astro keen
posted October 28, 2014 07:36 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Whatever you've written is fascinating to read. Please elaborate more on your Helio and why you think it is revealing. Spell it out a little for people like me who haven't done their readings of all related topics, if you will.

You have very lovely eyes - first pic. Is that you in the 2nd pic?

From your own account, the dragon men are a force for good. So where does the evil come in?

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Posts: 200552
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted October 28, 2014 12:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 907
From: Female bird from France
Registered: Feb 2014

posted October 28, 2014 07:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemBird82     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Astro Keen,
From your own account, the dragon men are a force for good. So where does the evil come in?

Oh I never said such thing (hehe I hope this is not the reason why people says Gemini or mutable dominants are contradictory or double-speakers) Maybe I just didn't explain myself pretty well, apologies. I was just talking about past experiences, past feelings and some texts I had the opportunity to read long ago. (funny, every time I talk about something mundane or just get emotional, 'fate' force me to go technical and explain things in a more emotionally detached and rational way )

To make it clear, the Anunnaki seem to be some kind of 'experiment', a mix of two different races, they didn't have what we call a natural evolution process, but they weren't necessarily evil. However, Enlil was a truly misanthropist and there are many similitudes between sumerian clay tablets and the old testament, it's known that hebrews adopted a big part of the religious cult from sumeria. Orthodox doctrinal beliefs aside; according to gnostic texts as the Timaeus by Plato , some other gnostic terms , a couple of nice books as Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolph or the Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas, we can easily identify two different factions existing probably after the fall of Atlantis. 1) The faction of true light, gnosis and the return to One Universal God who at least theoretically speaking, should be beyond the realms of the material reality, which is only a shadow of the real world. 2) The faction of false light, the path to the Demiurge, where human beings chose a cult above gnosis (knowledge) and don't see life as a 'bridge' but chose to settle down in this material reality(bridge) and call the bridge 'home', forgetting their origin.

These two factions can be represented in:
1) Enki / Prometheus, the fire bringer
2) Enlil / Yhwh - However, some people associate yhwh with archangel michael, an "angel" (EL) at the service of Yaldabaoth/ Samael/ the gnostic Demiurge, creator of the material reality and the true deceiver of mankind who wanted to put a limit to its existance by prohibiting the fruit of gnosis.

Puting all together,
* If an Anunnaki trapped human beings in a physical body (material density), then at a certain point they should be a race of corporeal / physical beings made of flesh and bones as well, this may explain why semitic texts say "Then God said, let us make man in our image"- First of all, it never said the word "god", it said Elohim, which is a plural noun and hence suggesting there is more than one single individual speaking.
* Sumerian clay tablets were never meant to be a 'founder text' of a dogmatic movement. They are more likely a register of historical events.
* Annunaki can dream, just as human beigns and there are unknown things for them.
* It seems like laws of karma affect them, as it's narrated in a passage where an unknown being appears in dreams an awares Enki about the genocidal act his brother Enlil was about to commit.

To make it even more interesting, in Linda's Star Signs, she wrote that number 29 is a number of perhaps the heaviest Karma of all. But beside Linda's explanation, why is it so? for a long time this was a burning question in my mind, but today, as far as I know, this could only be possible if such karmic number would be related to the illusory material reality and its 'creator' or anything related to this specific faction.

blue eyed white winged snake = 236551546514561535435125 = 92 = 29 = 2
blue eyed white dragon = 47 = 29 = 2
material reality = 414521132513141 = 38 = 29 = 2
Yaldabaoth = 1134121745 = 29 = 2
Illusion = 13363175 = 29 = 2
Matter = 414452 = 20 = 2
Enemy = 55541 = 20 = 2

Anunnaki = 15655121 = 26 = 8
Death Cult = 451453634 = 35 = 26 = 8
And eight is the number of Saturn; karmic binds aside, Saturn is the planet of hierachical order, power, influence, money and control over others. But it wasn't the average 'power' the one I was trying to find, I knew it should be something like a perfect 80, a number appropiate enough for the kind of control of those who serve the faction of the material reality ( if what we know about the gnostic Demiurge is correct )

genetic alterations = 355541313452141753 = 80
copper-based blood = 3788522135423774 = 80
reptilian shapeshifter = 258413115351853518452 = 80

And now I have another question, why numerology? why the chaldean system is so precise? My personal guess is because they couldn't destroy it and so they tried to infiltrate it and created more systems. When you cannot destroy something, you infiltrate it.

Astro Keen, maybe you should visit this little thread

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posted October 28, 2014 08:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemBird82     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 28, 2014 11:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GemBird82:
Anunnaki = 15655121 = 26 = 8

Death Cult = 451453634 = 35 = 26 = 8

And eight is the number of Saturn.

Interesting. Though Saturn being 8 seems to be going by modern standards whereas a classical Kabbalistic standard included Saturn as 5 for finding the hour (not that it was the fifth hour automatically, rather it depended on the day which determined which heavenly body started the pattern but otherwise went through the list of Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in that order). But in that system Saturn is indeed used for evil.

Another system had Saturn as 7 (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, in that order). Interesting enough that 5/Mars was also often death and destruction and the number/planet of war (though sometimes protection) just as it was in the other system that had Saturn as 5 with a very similar meaning.

I've been curious why 8 is so radically different in the Chinese and Japanese standard. In China 8 is lucky and means wealth (which caused a stir in the US when China sent us some shirts with "88" for luck but are associated with "HH" for "Heil Hitler" among some white supremacists and neo-nazis here in the states so that someone raised a stink over it) and you might like that "28" represents "easy wealth" (assuming "82" counts as "28" rather than making it the opposite). Meanwhile "38" means "create wealth" but I hope no one gets any ideas the next time they handle a 38 Special. (Fu, god of happiness, is also represented by the planet Jupiter...the other 2 star gods were represented by actual stars, you can read more about that here if you want.)

In contrast, the number 8 represents torture in the Japanese system. I've heard you're supposed to avoid the number 8 and also 4 (four equals death) in Japanese gift giving (or tea pouring, etc) along with sharp objects (seen as likely to sever the relationship) among other things.

The number 4 represents "death" among both Japanese and Chinese. It's possible their linguistics had something to do with this, but I'm not so sure, especially given how much even one language tended to vary province to province back when these meanings for numbers came into being, and think maybe the belief of the numbers actually shaped the linguistics rather than the other way around.

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posted February 11, 2021 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
. Removed .

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posted February 22, 2021 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bump for IQ

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posted March 12, 2021 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 03, 2021 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
☆ Bump ☆

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posted April 16, 2021 07:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 03, 2021 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted June 10, 2021 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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