posted October 01, 2018 10:11 AM
I don't think its all that unusual.Credo Mutwa speaks of many abductions here in Africa.
Many people think the extra terrestrial beings only affect westerners. Not so.
There is a story of the chief of the Basotho people here in South Africa hundreds of years ago.
The story goes that an elder Basotho chief was about to die and the "Abenzungu" (those who come from the sky)came and told him that his son would NOT be his successor.
Apparently these beings came in the form of Lions(yes I know). And the chief sent people to look for a boy(as instructed by these beings) who would succeed him.
Eventually the seekers found this boy and came back with him. He was not of royal blood But he was later going to be instrumental in letting Christianity into this sub-Saharan part of Africa.
The boy was later known as Mosheoshe. A very respected chief of the Basotho people to this very day.
I find it quite interesting that they(Aliens) become so invested in human affairs.
It begs the question as to whether they("Aliens") are a part of our evolved self- calling for our evolution?
Or are they maleficent? Misguided by the notion of being "separate" from us, trying to enslave humans for whatever energetic field they benefit from through fear, propaganda and the use of religion?(Reptilians)
There is so much to consider. No answer distinct and clear from another. All thrown together in a tangled affair of riddles and secret language.
Maybe the "truth" is according to each beings perspective and there is NO "one answer to all"?
Angels morph to reptiles. Some reptiles fascinated with human beings sexual energy? Some beings giving intelligence to some races(I.e Americans) whilst commuting with others through rituals of dancing and trances(i.e the Bushmen of South Africa who paint these beings clearly on stones)
In Africa, girls fall pregnant by these beings and the foetus literally disappears. Leaving many girls confused as to what is happening.
Many do not know of these things(or have not come to be " awakened") about Aliens and such. So they seek counsel by visiting Shamans and witchdoctors to understand this phenomenon that western doctors can't explain.
Its all very confusing. Where is "free will"? Where is " God"? Where is "Jesus"? In all this, where are the powerful and protective ancestors that our black people in this country over, continually offer blood animal sacrifices and drinking beer rituals in the name of?
I don't understand at all.