posted December 07, 2022 02:06 AM
With all my intuition things going on lately I forgot my mom has a busload of spiritual stories.She has this guide voice that talks to her sometimes. I can't relate but it's interesting. She had a good upbringing while also having a chaotic upbringing. Her mom battled mental illness, and she had 5 other siblings. My mom having Capricorn moon was always a go getter with a strong will who would take matters into her own hands at a very young age. Was most rebellious child but also the most successful of her siblings.
She told me how she was walking home from school alone when she was seven. She said she could hear a voice (man I think) above her talk to her and basically tell her that she is still a small child and not an adult, like she needed a reminder from a higher consciousness.
As if it was implying you are still just a little girl this world isn't safe. You need to be looked out for, you shouldn't be looking after yourself when you are so small right now. People need to be keeping an eye on you.
Especially around the time and place my mom grew up. This voice came to her in the 60's a bit after the pedo vans were taking off and abducting children. There were some high profile cases in my mom's area. Hitch hiking was just starting to get more phased out more.
My mom has experienced in middle school men asking her for directions while she was on her bike and the guy in the car would be jacking off. The police was on top of it too after she reported it.
My mom said if she tried to hitch hike other women would tell her she shouldn't be doing that. It's crazy to think my dad hitched
hiked to HS sometimes wearing a Catholic school boy uniform!!
But anyways I am grateful that something higher than I can comprehend has always looked out for my mom.