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Author Topic:   kitty problem

Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 12, 2004 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
One of the new cats to my home, Boris, has a bit of a problem: diarrhea/loose stools.

He's probably 10-12 years old, a big orange tabby, 13 pounds, in good health, and maintains his weight. Loves to eat. A real sweetheart.

He's been to the vet a couple of times, and nothing is noticably wrong with him. The next steps, if I choose them, are rounds of blood tests, and surgery.

I don't want to put a healthy cat through that sort of trauma. Surgery to find of it maybe there's something wrong? No.

I'm going to try using some psyllium as a bulking agent.

And, I have read that enzymes for cats can help out the digestive process a lot. Could anyone recommend a good brand? There are products that contain animal bits, and there are products that contain plants and acidopholis.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 12, 2004 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Actually Trillian, psyllium is used as a natural laxative. (LOL..the poopologist in me is coming out here). Metamucil, Fibercon..etc..all use psyllium to promote bowel movements, so in actuality it will cause little Boris to poop more.

The vets didn't find anything wrong in their parasite screening and fecal check? Does Boris go outside as well? How about the food, sometimes the food disagrees with certain cats. Like if I use too much of the Dental Diet, my orange boy Fletcher just eats it like candy. The result is really runny stool.

I have to mix it with other things.

One thing you might try is a bit of chicken broth and rice. They love that and it helps bulk up the stool.

How often is he having the loose stool? The only other thing I would recommend, aside from the fecal and possibly a culture and sensitivity (not invasive, just a swab up the rear end and then it is sent to someone like me. The swab is run on a agar plate, incubated for 24 hours and checked to see what kind of bacteria is present. Outdoor cats run the possibility of contact with campylobacter, e. coli and other icky organisms - also entamoeba parasites as well as giardia are also not uncommon). A stool sample should be submitted as well so that a fecal float can be set up. This just allows any eggs present to float to the top onto a cover slip so that the diagnostic peep can check it out under the microscope.

A screening of the blood work wouldn't hurt either. Again, it's just a slight sting with the needle, but the blood is easy to collect and then can be run for diseases such as Leukemia, it does help in the end.

Surgery should be the very last option. You can even opt for x-rays and possibly an ultrasound to check out what is going on inside.

Good luck and keep us posted

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Posts: 5180
From: www.Heaven.Home
Registered: Mar 2002

posted July 12, 2004 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Great advice Pid

Hugs for Boris

If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot

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Posts: 1274
From: California
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posted July 12, 2004 10:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nephthys     Edit/Delete Message
When my dogs or cats got the "D" word, I have always been told by the Vet to give a bland diet; white rice and plain chicken.

I have also given "Seacure" which was originally formulated for humans, but given to animals as well, and approved by the Whole Dog Journal. WDJ had a great article about it last year. Seacure has worked to combat my new puppies' diahreaah when she was little.

Click here for Seacure

Click here for Whole Dog Journal

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 13, 2004 09:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Pid,
Yes, I knew that about psyllium, but I had read about a man who used it with some success for his pet's diarrhea, so I was willing to try it too.

The vet did check his stool for parasites, and found nothing. And I had been giving him Dr. Shulze's Intestinal Formula #2, which is charcoal, flax seeds and other things designed to pull out any parasites and/or infections in the bowel.

He is not an outdoor cat, except for short exercise periods, maybe half an hour to an hour, with me and the other cats. We all troop outside (I live in the country) and they stay under my watch. And yes--they listen to me and almost always come when I call them.

His previous owners let him out unattended. Grrrrr. I found out, after he and his mate came to me, that their shots were 4 years out of date! I was furious, because they let them both outside to wander, and they lived in the country, too. Once Boris came home with a BB in his shoulder (it's still there).

His stool is almost always loose, but sometimes it's runny, too. Normally he goes twice a day, but there have been brief period where he has had 'the runs' four or five times a day, which prompted vet visits.

Food: The cats eat Purina One, and each gets a little Fancy Feast each day. They each have their own favorites, so in the evening they get a treat, two get a little bit of turkey, the other two get a bit of cat-sip milk.

I have no true loyalty to Purina--I use it because my family's business when I was growing up was farm and animal supplies, and purina was our main brand. I'm not opposed to changing their food at all, and am open to recommendations.

And I'll certainly try giving him the rice and chicken broth,especially instead of canned food, but does that also mean eliminating their dry food? It's always out, so they can graze as they like.

I'll get the blood tests, no problem. It's surgery that I don't want to do...seems an awful thing to do to a cat who is happy and content. If it's something like irritable bowel syndrome in a cat, which they tell me is possible, there's nothing that can fix that and he'll have gone through surgery for nothing.

Nephthys, thank you, I will check into that too! The Vet advised me against changing his diet at this time, and commented that often cats with loose stool do better on the cheap food products--but they are filled with cr!p and I won't give them that sort of food. The vet also said that if I do change the food, to do so gradually over a week or so.

Thank you so much Pid and Nephthys and Juni...your help and well-wishes mean so much.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 13, 2004 06:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Trillian,

Well, it sounds like you are doing everything right. I don't think the food has too much to do with it, other than it could be that the Purina brand or type might be too rich. Maybe try the mature cat version or a more bland version.

I do the same thing that you do - keep out the dry food so they have access to it all day. I also give them a Friskies cookie (They know the C word too LOL) and sometimes they get a bite of canned food as a special treat.

My orange boy does get diarrhea once in a while like your Boris. Fletcher has a tendency to get a bit irritable in the bowels, nothing physically wrong, just a touch of tummy troubles. Mostly his poop is pretty loose- maybe it is an Orange cat thing. Now Fat Phoebe..well, she has no problem.. other than being a feline watermelon with a head.

Maybe Boris is just having a touch of GI upset, blood work will show that- cats get irritable bowel syndrome like humans- so it could just be an age thing. Is he a Virgo cat? LOL..sorry, but it just sounds so Virgo to have tummy troubles.

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 13, 2004 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Feline watermelon with a head. That describes Boris' partner Sasha! She's a little butterball, long hair too. Pretty thing, she's glaring at me right now because she wants attention and she's too timid to come over to me while my original two cats are also in the room.

I'm going to follow your advice. The Vet gave him something to help the diarrhea, to take for a week, so if I don't see any difference after that and making him some rice/broth, I will make an appt. for the blood tests.

Is Fletcher a mellow cat? 'Cause Boris is the most laid-back kitty I have ever known, totally unflappable, at least on the outside.

Unfortunately, no idea what sign he or Sasha are. Boris was rescued from the shelter, and Sasha was rescued from the streets. I suspect both were abused at one time. But I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he were a Virgo, and had a nervous tummy.

My other two cats, Mincin is most likely a Scorpio, and Dannion is allll Gemini.

Thanks so much for all your help, Pid. Your insight is greatly appreciated. I hope the Universe does something lovely for you in return.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 14, 2004 12:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Trillian,

Ah..thank you!!! I love being able to help. I spent most of my working years in Vet Med and thought of become an ER vet, but the universe had other plans. I am happy to have provided some insight and comfort.

Fletcher is kind of a meow cat..He actually sort of chirps, or grumbles, like a little old man. He likes to sit out on the balcony and watch the sunset- I picture him as one of those little grumpy old men that is really a sweetie at heart.

He loves to sleep with me and when it is time for bed he runs full tilt to and jumps right near my pillow. Then he walks around going "Meuh...Meuh.." that is feline for "Yo...get in bed and pet me now". He loves to play and he is missing one of his canines from his accident with a car before I got him. So his lip sometimes gets stuck over the missing tooth, making him look like Elvis.

Little Miss Melon, well she is a Cancer kitty, full of emotions, loves to be loved and LOVES food. I see her more like Garfield, sitting next to the bowl, chomping like she is eating bon bons while watching TV. LOL...she is fun to squeeze, but she is tempermental.

You have 4 cats? Oh, I miss having a house of cats. All mine are rejected rehabs too. I seemed to collect the misfits whenever I work at an ER vet place. That is why my bro nicknamed me "Queen of the Island of the Misfits" but instead of broken toys I pick the broken animals

Actually, his son is just like ME!! He LOVES animals and has to stop and talk to each one. I used to do that as a kid (ummm, yeah..okay, I still do). I would walk up to an animal and introduce myself LOL...geek girl!!!

Please keep us posted Tril

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 14, 2004 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Oh Pid, I do the same thing--introduce myself to animals, tell them how lovely it is to meet them.

Yup, 4 kitties. Boris and Sasha came to me last fall, when friends were getting divorced and had no place for them to go. It was supposed to be foster care...but, I rarely hear from them, they have not contributed to their care (except for a little food at the very beginning), and they never come to visit the cats. And I was very angry when I found out their shots had been so overdue.

So. The cats are mine now. Even if they asked for them back, I wouldn't give them. They've been through too much, I don't know their dubious beginnings, but they've been through too many people, so now they can stay with me. I love 'em.

Mincin and Dannion have been with me nearly their entire lives, both were strays. Like you, I will probaby never get a pet that isn't a stray or from a shelter.

I'll keep you posted on Boris, thank you again.

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 15, 2004 08:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Just a quick update. I gave Boris the medicine from the vet for two days, and it made things worse for the poor little guy. So I will discontinue its use.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 15, 2004 07:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Oh no,what medicine is it Tril? Is it an antibiotic? Sometimes the broad spectrum AB's will cause an initial bout of diarrhea.

If you have the name, I can look up some information for ya

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 15, 2004 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks pid, but unfortunately I don't know what it's called. It's a green liquid, chalky appearance, but it separates and must be shaken. They only gave me a little bit.

I'll call the Vet's office tomorrow and ask. I figured it was just something like a cat's version of Pepto. But it turned his bowels into brown liquid.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 16, 2004 01:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
ewwwwww, that is terrible. I am so sorry for little Boris (I love that name- I think all orange cats need a name like that. My last one was named Syndey)

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 16, 2004 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks Pid. I can't take any of the credit for naming him, but yeah, it's a cool name. So is Fletcher.

The medicine was 'amphoril.' Not sure if I spelled that right. It's not an antibiotic, it's specifically for diarrhea. Weird, isn't it, that it should make things worse? I made an appt. for him to have blood tests.

Maybe it's simply a nervous tummy. I dunno.
We'll see what happens with the blood test.

Thanks for your well wishes. They mean a lot to me. And Boris.

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Posts: 621
From: Vancouver USA
Registered: May 2004

posted July 16, 2004 04:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Trillian. Give Boris a good scratchin' for me I loooove the kitties!

I introduce myself to animals too. They usually take an instant liking to me... though I think it's because I keep my nails long.

If it's a nervous stomach you think he has...

Many vets are now selling a product (can't remember what it's called) that's sorta like a Glade Plug-in. Aromatherapy for animals. It's got animal pharamones (sp?) in it that calm them.

My Mau Kitty has no trouble in the food area. He'll eat ANYTHING. Tomatoes, popcicles, he LOVES sour cream, cooked carrots and any kind of cooked meat. He'll even growl at our older kitty (Little) when she comes in for a bite. I have to make sure to save some for her. She doesn't eat anything but the occasional little helping of steak or bacon, aside from her dry cat food. She really doesn't go for the wet stuff... but Mau Kitty LOVES it.

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 18, 2004 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks LS...I'll ask the vet about those. And thanks for the lovin' for Boris. He too would eat nearly anything you'd let him.

He goes to the Vet this week for the blood test.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 20, 2004 04:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Tril,

How is Mr. Boris doing? I hope things are going well and I wish Boris the best on his blood work.

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 20, 2004 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Hey Pid, funny that you should refer to him as "Mr. Boris," because that's what I call him! He seems to like it too.

Thanks for caring...his tests are tomorrow, so I'll let you know.

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 21, 2004 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
I am sending lots of warm thoughts and love to Mr. Boris....

LOL..yeah, for some reason I address animals as Mr. or is kind of kooky. I have a nickname for Fletcher - Mr. Woobie and Phoebe, Mrs. Woobie (or Ms. Watermelon belly).

Take care

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 21, 2004 08:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Wow. My boy T.C., my big furry boy who I lost last fall...his nickname was Woobie, too! He would come to me whether I called him T.C. or Woobie. Once in a while I called him Fuzzy Muffins.

Boris is fine. The Vet said his bloodwork is all good, he has the blood of a kitten. She said an option is for him to take Prednisone (sp?) which is what they would use to treat Inflammatory Bowel. It's hard to diagnose but if that's his problem, he will respond.

I decided to wait on the drug...dunno why, I'm just not a fan of drugs. I want to try feeding him the rice and chicken broth and see how that works. If not, there is a prescription waiting for me. She (Vet) seemed to be comfortable with all this, because she too thinks Boris is in otherwise good health.

So my mind is at ease. I can live with his poop so long as he is well.

What are your thoughts on the Prednisone, Pid, if you don't mind me asking?

to you for being so caring.

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Posts: 5180
From: www.Heaven.Home
Registered: Mar 2002

posted July 21, 2004 08:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Fantastic news Trillian...

If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot

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Posts: 2367
From: Annapolis, Maryland USA
Registered: May 2002

posted July 21, 2004 10:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pidaua     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Trillian!!!
YIPPPEEEE!!! I am so happy for Mr. Boris (and for you...his mommy).

I like Pred (that is it's nickname) but only when necessary. Usually the doc will put him on an initial loading dose (1 pill twice a day for 3 days, then 1 pill twice a day every other day..then 1 pill every other day for maintenance).

It is a steroid and helps with the inflammation. That is what is causing the loose stool. When the bowel is irritated or inflammed the cells cannot absorb the liquid in the normal manner, so the liquid stays and comes out in the form of diarrhea.

I will look up a few things for you tomorrow. There is no hurry, but in the meantime you are doing the right thing with a "bland" diet.

The one thing about Pred is that the animal will need access to alot of water. Pred makes them thirsty. I used to use pred on my mom's dog (she just passed away) when she had her allergic reaction to flea bites. She lived to a really ripe old age (the poor thing came into the ER place I first worked at with Parvo and then developed Kennel Cough)it is a miracle she lived 14 years.

I'll post the info for you tomorrow after I look through some of my books.

I am sooooooo happy for you Tril. You called TC Woobie too? That is so cool - we have a lot in common.

Hi Juni..How are you doing? How are the animals.

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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 22, 2004 03:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you Juni and Pid. Yeah, I'm very relieved to know that he is ok.

I was a little disillusioned this a.m. when I stopped at the grocery store. Being a vegetarian, I have no need to buy chicken broth. And when I read the ingredients I was shocked: MSG, partially hydrogenated do humans survive eating that cr*p?? And why does chicken broth even need it?? Jeez, it should be fine on its own. Oh, I know, MSG is a money-saver. Use it, and you can use less chicken. But it's damn awful stuff.

I can't give him that, it'll completely upset the balance in his tummy. I'll see if I can find a healthier version at another store or at the health food store.

for your mom's dog.

for you and Juni. Thanks so much for caring.

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Posts: 3562
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posted July 22, 2004 03:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aphrodite     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Trillian,

Homemade chicken soup can be easily made. You can purchase a part or two (since it's just for Mr. Boris), and simmer it for an hour. Then add in a few tablespoons of rice and simmer again until very soft.

Hugs and Kisses for Boris and his Mum


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Posts: 2107
From: The Boundless
Registered: Mar 2003

posted July 22, 2004 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you Amy!
*smacks head*

Now why didn't I think of that??

Such a simple solution. I should start making this for all the cats instead of their little bit of canned food in the morning. Probably be a lot healthier for them.

Hugs and Love to Willard and his Mum.

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