posted June 10, 2005 11:47 PM
Hi Sheaa ~ wasn't sure if you wanted me to reply here or there ~
nice to hear from you and I hope everything with you is going well too.
Maybe we could go to Egypt together one day. I could hop over to England and meet you there or meet somewhere on the way to Egypt. That would be neat.
Anyhow......things with me have been going pretty good. (i think).
I just finished the Spring semester at school and I just found out today that I got all "A"'s!!!! 
Right now I am temping for 2 weeks at Restoration Hardware's Corporate Office as the receptionist. It is okay but boring and a long day.
On June 20 I start summer school. I am taking Trigonometry.
I am currently volunteering every Saturday at Wildcare. I take care of and feed many baby birds. I love it and it is very rewarding although it is tiring and endless work. Eventually I want to work in the clinic with other animals.
Jasmine is good. Thank you for asking about us.