posted November 09, 2005 08:13 PM
I really enjoyed reading this, especially about the Cats. It reminded me of the time I was suffering menstral cramps. My friends cat jumped on my lap and purred deeply for about twenty minutes, after that, no more pain. And also, now I know why I talk to spiders in the bathroom, insects in the backyard, moths in the lamp shades, and birds in the trees. It's because they are listening.
The animals hold a very specific vibration of energy, and each species of animal holds a specific vibration of energy. This is why certain people are attracted to perhaps cats and others to dogs. Some people like the slippery slimy ones, others like the creepy crawly ones. It is because all of the kingdom, insect and anima, hold a specific vibration. These vibrations resonate with the energy fields of human beings and human beings also fit into certain vibratory groups that tend to gravitate towards the animal vibration that best supports them. In the day and age that you are presently living in the consciousness of the animal kingdom has increased in its vibration. This means that the energy emitted from the animal's energy fields are having more of an impact on the energy fields of humans. Now this has been measured scientifically with interaction with dolphins and interaction with chimpanzees and we do believe that recently it was made known publicly that the DNA of chimpanzees is 98% identical to that of humans, so you can monkey around as much as you want to and there is no harm in it (laughter) It is always important to remember this because the animals do have certain aspects of their genetic make up that resonates with the genetic aspect of a human's structure genetically. The reason for this is because you have links to specific species and this goes back to us speaking in the beginning now of certain people being drawn to specific animals. The dolphins and the whales, the cats and the elephants are originally from what is known as Sirius. That is their origin and these specific creatures bring with them tremendous gifts of enlightenment at this time. The dolphins are choosing more and more to interact with humans; it is not the other way around. When one goes out into the ocean the dolphins come to greet the humans, they make the conscious decision to interact with humans and this is a magnificent gift and blessing. Whales are beginning to interact in the same way, however it is at a distance, but there are places on your globe where there are now having whale sightings where previously this was not experienced. Elephants are also now becoming recognised as a valuable aspect of healing humanities consciousness. Scientists are now beginning to study the activity of the brains of elephants. Their capacity for memory has always baffled scientists. An elephant always remembers where it was born, the precise place where it was born, it remembers this. Their ability to find their way is also an incredible aspect that scientists are trying to fathom out, to see how this can be utilised to support human beings in retaining more memory.
And cats are also an incredible species, all of the cat family, not just the domestic fluffy ones. Perhaps you have noticed that cats like to sit on a person's lap and knead their cardigan or their trousers, when the cats are doing this they are creating a bond with you. Cats do this, or kittens at least when they are suckling from the mothe rand the movement of the paws backwards and forwards is drawing energy out as well as milk out of the mother's body. When a cat is doing this it is drawing energy from the body that is no longer supporting you but also coding you with new energy. And this is where cats are so powerful in healing their owners, or healing a person who has come to visit. And those of you who are practising therapists perhaps have a cat who enjoys being a part of the session. The reason for this is because they work through the session with you and with your client. So next time your client comes over do not put the cat out of the room. Allow the cat to do what it needs to do, and dogs also are known to do this.
Now we will speak more generally of the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom at this time is helping humanity to raise their consciousness in understanding intellectually, as well as emotionally that they are a part of your evolution. As humans learn to open their hearts and their minds to the blessings and the gifts that the animal kingdom bring, so a whole new world of experience will present itself. Animals hold an immense amount of wisdom, animals are not limited to a bark or to a meow. They are not limited to a whinny or to a roar, animals communicate just like you do, the only difference is that they do it telepathically. Humans have to learn how to communicate with animals, not the other way around. Animals have been communicating with you for eons of time, you have forgotten how to listen. So our suggestion to you at this time is to begin by consciously setting the intention to open your consciousness consciously to receiving messages or guidance from the animals in your immediate environment. You do not hav to have a domestic pet in order to do this. Speak to the birds who come to your garden. Speak to the butterflies, the ladybirds, everything that comes to experience your world as well. By developing this relationship you will begin to see more. And you will realise that you have always heard them but you have not listened. There is an area in the brain, in the center of the brain, known as the corpus collusum, which is the part of the brain that is being exercised at this time in building telepathic communication. And not only with animals but with your fellow human species as well. As the corpus collusum becomes stronger so it allows you to also receive more guidance and messages from your guides and your angels, so the exercises that you do building this expands your ability to communicate beyond what you have come, or become accustomed to. There are specific animals that are playing a vital role in the shifting of consciousness at this time. The one species that we will speak of now is the lion.
The lion represents the masculine energy of this world. The lion brings the teachings of truth. Now when we say it brings a teaching of truth we mean that by observing this creature in its natural habitat you begin to connect with it. By observing this creature in a caged environment you connect with the creature, but there is something else that is brought in. Lions in their natural environment teach a very raw truth. They teach the art of survival, but not survival motivated by fear or desperation but the natural cycle of survival. This activates the base chakra of the body, also known as the root chakra. The will to live, the will to experience truth is then activated and the lion consciousness or the lion archetype is born inside of you. By experiencing a lion in captivity this creature then begins to bring out for the individual all of the issues around feeling and being limited. Your own processes of having been held captive, either through not being able to express yourself as a child or not being given the freedom to experience life as you would have liked to. So this is the difference when it comes to working with lions in their natural environment and captive lions. It is even more intense when you are working with animals, or connecting with animals that are in for instance, a circus environment. Because then you as a human are being asked to support that creature. Creatures that have been taken into circus environments lose their will to be an individual. Their survival instincts are completely squashed. Sometimes however the animal snaps because they too are psysic beings, they too have psychological aspects of themselves that become traumatised and this is when you will hear of perhaps an elephant breaking loose and running rampant through the city, destroying motor cars or buildings and even harming people, or a bear that gets out, or a lion that gets out. There is nothing to blame on the creature, it is the human's choice. The human that has come forward and taken the animal out of its natural environment and caged it, put it into an identity that does not fit it. An animal is not meant to perform tricks to amuse human beings. Animals were meant to be here to teach humans the lesson of unconditional love. The animals are here to teach humans the importance of service, they are also here to teach humans the importance of balance.
Now the elephants are holding the feminine energy for the planet. They bring and teach the power of being in alignment with one's femininity, regardless of your gender. Female power allows the inner goddess, ones intuition to also build a new relationship with one's environment, inside and out. The purpose of having the masculine and feminine energy balanced is so that the mind and the heart can work together. They were not ever meant to be separate but in the world that you are presently living in everything is so linear, everything is so logical, everything is so masculine, that people have lost touch with their elephant side. We would suggest that you observe elephants either in their natural environment or perhaps on a video and see how they stand together, yet set very firm boundaries. When there are young ones, the females stick together and generally they move in tribes of females with not many males. This is not because they are feminist in any way but because the feminine power needs to stand together, because it keeps the creative force of life alive. If the feminine aspect is consumed by masculine energy it is then overridden by the outer world. And this is what has happened in your business world already.
This is why initially when the esoteric movement came forward it was generally more females than males, because the feminine energy had to be built to a point where it could stand as an individual source but would then attract the male energy and so develop a balance as opposed to one consuming the other.
Now the dolphins hold and protect the inner child consciousness. The inner child consciousness is basically your memories of your childhood, it is the time that one spent in those earlier years developing ones identity. The dolphins work with reactivating the true memory of your original blueprint that you were born into this world with. Dolphins remind humanity of the importance of work and play. Having fun and not taking life so seriously. Perhaps this is why they come from Sirius, yes? (laughter)
Now you will also notice that more and more information will be released on the benefits of utilising animals for rehabilitating children who have been abused as well as people who have been exposed to substance abuse. We have light workers around the world already working on these projects and those of you present here this evening who have a very deep affinity with the animal kingdom observe the animals that you work with, the animals that you interact with, because they will now speak in a more conscious way to you, because they will now be aware that you are more aware of the fact that you can communicate with them.
The animals have been through a number of stages of development through their evolutionary cycle, and now as they stand equal to man in consciousness it is time to turn ones heart to a deeper understanding of a consciousness that is equal and at times more evolved but is simply in a different form to what the human is accustomed to seeing. Now humans don’t only reject the sacredness and consciousness of animals, humans do it with their own kind, and this is usually with children, but that is another subject on it own, so we'd better stick to the topic of this evening. By acknowledging a creature as a living consciousness, as you acknowledge a creature of having rights, as you do, you will begin to shift the way you observe them, the way you interact with them.
You will also find yourself in positions at times where you are wanting to tell others of this amazing discovery that you have made. And you can also tell them that the animal’s right, just like humans right, is the right to life. If you were born, you have a right to life, and no person has the power to deny anybody or anything this right. The more you learn about nature, the more you will understand that there is a divine and very natural process in place that ensures that balance is kept and humans need to learn the same process.
Humans have invaded the animal's world. As the human race increases in population so they invade more and more and more of nature and so animals are forced to move into areas where humans are as well. Then humans have the audacity to take their lives. Please Beloved Ones, you share this earth together, God gave the earth to all of you. Not just humans. It was said humans would have dominion over animals, but it was never said humans would have the power or the right to abuse them. Dominion and abuse are two very different energies. Infant animals taken from their mothers, have their energy fields shattered, and this is why there have also been reports of animals turning on their trainers, turning on their owners, because their energy body was not given sufficient time to complete its process of being properly structured. So humans need to understand that they have interfered to a great deal in contributing to certain animals at times behaving out of character. It is unfair for humans to blame the animal and to put the animal down, especially when the animal has been bred specifically to fight or to kill. The animals goes with what it is programmed to do, just like the human being, all of you have been programmed. Every single one of you in this room has been programmed, by your parents, by your teachers, you have been conditioned by society, and you behave in certain ways, depending on what your program is and was. There is not one single person in this room that is in full and complete alignment with their pure identity and blueprint, and in fact it is almost impossible for this to be a reality, because there is far too much outer stimuli that affects you on levels that you are not at this time consciously aware of. Do you understand? Therefore the animals are affected by it as well.
Now when humanities collective consciousness is being motivated by fear this also impacts on the animals consciousness and the animals become restless, or perhaps there are incidents that happen where animals do behave out of character. This is because everything impacts on everything else. When it was the time of the September 11th and there was that immense wave of shock and fear that swept the earth, the animal kingdom felt this. The initial stages of the war that has just happened in Iraq there was also a wave of fear and panic that washed over the world and the animals felt this. And it is through this that animals are also able to support humanity, because also at this time the animals draw on the energy of Mother Earth, they also draw on the energy of Father Sky and they all project an energy of love out to counteract the wave of fear. So the animal consciousness as a whole is helping humanity to step out of being motivated by fear and to learn to be motivated by love.
Study your animals, look at how they behave. They are unconditional in their approach to their owners, a dog is hit, it does not sulk for a week, it does not ignore you for a month. It may not be sure how to approach you when it sees you again, and may crouch in the corner, tail between legs, but you look into that animals eyes and there is still love there. And this is what humanity has forgotten. Humanity has become so involved in their petty concerns that they have lost touch with the essence of love. Love is the glue that keeps your world together, and when love is lacking everything will fall apart. There is two programmes that are broadcast on television. We do believe that it is known as the Discovery Channel and National Geographic. Take time to watch these programs with the animals, the information that is given about the animals natures, their habitats will educate you more than you could ever realise. Because every creature has a message for humans. The Native American Indians always spoke of the animal medicine. An owl for instance has the ability to see in all directions, the owl has the ability to see in the dark and has a very, very keen sense of hearing. Therefore the medicine of that owl is the ability to see through deception, to be aware of everything that is happening in your environment and to also develop the senses of clairaudience and clairvoyance.
The medicine of the horse is power. Watching a horse racing through the fields, it is freedom. This is the medicine that it brings, so if you find all of a sudden wherever you go that there is a certain animal that seems to be appearing all over the place, by knowing what that animal's qualities are, you are able to benefit from its medicine. Not just animals, but insects as well. Eagles are able to see very, very far distances, therefore the eagle brings you the medicine of unlimited vision. Think now of the animal that you are most attracted to, how much do you know about that animal, and we assure you that the more you learn about that animal, the more you will learn about yourself. Every person has nine animal totems, these are qualities, gifts that are being brought to you by the animal kingdom to help you as a human being on your path, to learn, to grow, to heal and to be protected. Study this and you will find that it will help you tremendously. Or you might find that at some time in your life to start thinking about a specific animal or suddenly you want to get yourself a dog or you want a bird. Stop and ask yourself, what does the dog represent, what does the bird represent?. And this will give you further insight to the purpose of that animal coming to be a part of your life. All of sudden you get the urge to want to swim with the dolphins, why? Or you want to watch the turtles laying their eggs on the beach, why? Look deeper into your actions and your motivations and you will find the keys of wisdom that the animal kingdom is bringing. The more of you who become aware of this the more you serve the animal kingdom and they too can evolve even further because they are now being supported. Humans are opening their minds, humans are listening. You have all experienced the frustration of trying to speak to someone and they do not hear you. It is the same. And you will find ironically enough that as you develop this relationship with the animal kingdom you automatically are able to tune into your guides a lot easier, you will be able to tap into your inner consciousness a lot easier and you will find answers to your questions so much easier, because every creature on you planet represents a specific quality of energy.
Lord Kuthumi on Animals Through Michelle Eloff 29 May 2003
No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.
- Elizabeth Bowen