posted July 10, 2007 06:25 PM
Doggone Good Dog Tip #108Q: It's heating up outside. What kind of precautions should you take to ensure your furry friend doesn't succumb to the high temps?
A: With summer upon us, your babies do need special care. As usual, the breed, age and general health of your pet will come into play. But here's a general roundup of things to keep in mind for a fabulously cool summer. First, never leave your pet in the car--it takes just a matter of minutes for a vehicle to heat up to unbearable temps. Before letting your pals hit the sand or asphalt, do a touch test yourself to make sure your dog won't burn the pads of his/her feet. Also, make sure to provide lots of cold and fresh water and shade breaks throughout the day, too. Kiddie pools and hoses are fun ways to keep refreshed--and get in some playtime.
It's true, one day last week, we had 100+ degrees. Jasmine (my dog) wanted to play ball.....we went out front and the driveway was so hot, it burned MY feet!!! So I made Jasmine go swimming instead.