posted December 20, 2008 12:36 PM
Please, allow me! "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home...."
The Ladybug Symbolizes Resurrection /
Meanings and Messages: protection, aloofness, earthiness, time for change
Lady Bug
The article for this month is on Lady Bugs, also called the ladybird beetle. It is always considered lucky to have on light on us and the killing of them was considered unlucky. How many held them carefully in their hands as children and help them get back into flight? Some traditions make wishes upon them, resting them upon the open palm. When they flew off, the wish was released to be fulfilled. Many believed that the lady bug would fly to one's true love. The appearance of the ladybug heralds a time of luck and protection in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled.
Lady bugs are also used in the control of aphids. They help pollination of flowers and plants. A true friend to agriculturists and horticulturists. The protection they offer can be a shielding from our own aggravations and pests. To take heed to not let the little things take over the larger picture of our lives.
Lady bug's appearance signals new happiness, often with material gains. A renewed sense of well being occurs, and higher goals and new heights can be more easily attained over the following months. Worries will begin to dissipate.
Often the female ladybug has seven spots, regardless of whether male or female, the number of spots should be counted if possible since the spots often indicate the number of gifts and wishes that will be fulfilled in the future. Whether a wish for love, job, or the fulfillment of dream, the ladybug signals a time in which there be opportunity to pursue and capture them in our lives.
A significant of the ladybug is the red and black coloring. Although there are other colored ladybugs. this appears to be the most prevalent. This coloring serves as a warning to predators. If attacked, it squirts a chemical from its knees, which is distasteful to those that would try and eat them. The characteristic might indicate that someone or something is preventing the fulfillment of a wish at this time. We may need to give a strong, clear warning.
There are different kids of ladybugs, and one beats it wings faster than a humming bird. The ladybug can indicate that we are trying to push too hard and to fast in fulfilling our wishes and dreams. We still have to work for them, but we also must allow our efforts to unfold and manifest in the time that is best for us. The lady bug can warn us not to push to hard that the wish will not be fulfilled at this particular time.
I do remember part of a rhyme that I used to sing as a child, although I do not remember the last part.. it starts off
~ Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home.......
Ladybugs do hibernate in wintertime, but they may emerge on a warm winters day to show us the promise of things to come.
The ladybug is a member of the beetle family. They are found in nearly all climates and latitudes. They are hemispheric in shape, have short legs and are usually bright colored with black, yellow or reddish markings. Most reproduce sexually and females lay eggs. Their life cycle requires about four weeks, so several generations are produced each summer. This ties the ladybug to the energies of renewal and regeneration. Those with this totem are usually family oriented with strong morals and social values.
The name lady bug originated in the middle ages when this beetle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called the "beetle of our lady." This links the ladybug to spiritual idealism and religious devotion. Past lives associated with religion or the church are common for those with this medicine and some form of daily meditation or prayer are recommended.
This tiny little beetle packs a powerful message. Because the life cycle of the adult ladybug is short it teaches us how to release our worry and enjoy our life to the fullest. When it appears in our life it is telling us to "let go and let God."
An adult ladybug can consume several thousand aphids and other scale insects within a few months. Since these can be harmful to crop production farmers and growers have long considered the ladybug a good omen. Because of its diet the ladybug often has parasites and those with this medicine need to take care of their digestive system.
The ladybug is one of the few beetles that are well liked by humans. Unlike other beetles, the ladybug stirs a feeling of joy within us. Its small size denotes a delicate and loving nature. It emanates the energy of harmlessness and can show us how to stop harming ourselves.
The shell on its back serves to protect it from predators. Its wings fold against the body protecting its soft underside. Ladybugs have keen instincts and feel vibrations through their legs. This enables them to sense the energy of whatever they touch and is another form of protection. In spite of its size it appears to be fearless. A messenger of promise, the ladybug reconnects us with the joy of living. Fear does not live within joy. The need to release our fears and return to love is one of the messages it carries.
Ladybug teaches us how to restore our faith and trust in great spirit. It initiates change where it is needed the most. When ladybug appears it is asking us to get out of our own way and allow great spirit to enter.
Wishes Fulfilled
The appearance of a Ladybug heralds a time of luck and
protection in which our wishes begin to be fulfilled.
Fall and Spring are the most abundance times for a person with a Ladybug totem.
Higher goals and new heights are possible with a Ladybug totem.
Worries begin to dissipate. New happiness comes about.
Their presence signals a time of shielding from our own aggravations and pests.
Its coloring, red and black, is a warning to predators
and we need to give that same clear warning to our enemies.
Stay back! I'm dangerous if attacked!
Lady bug is never the aggressor, but it will defend.
Ladybug also cautions not to try to hard or go to fast to fulfill our dreams.
Let things flow at their natural pace.
In the due course of time, our wishes will all come true.
Ladybug: The Ladybug is associated with spirituality and religious devotion. The name Ladybug originated in Europe during the Middle Ages, when insects were destroying the crops. Catholic farmers were said to have prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon after, Ladybugs appeared and began eating the pests and saved the crops from destruction. The farmers began to call the Ladybugs “the Beetles of Our Lady” and eventually they were known as Lady Beetles. The Ladybug's red wings are said to represent the Virgin's cloak and the black spots her joys and sorrows.
The Ladybug is widely considered a symbol of luck and is seen as a good omen when it comes calling. In Sweden, it is said that if one lands on a young woman's hand, she will soon get married. In France, it is said that if you are ill when one lands on you, it will fly away with your illness.
Ladybugs are also considered to be symbols of fire and the Sun.
Ladybug teaches life is short and it teaches to let go of ones' worries and fears, to trust in spirit and enjoy life. It brings the gifts of renewal and regeneration. The message of the Ladybug could be asking you to “Let go and let God”.