posted January 22, 2011 02:55 AM
LOL... I know it is not a joking matter, but having a Lab and knowing what they get into, I really love this show. It is on National Geo Wild and is called "My Dog Ate What?"
I can tell you, that I have been on the wrong end of dogs having to vomit tampons, chocolate, underwear or having to assist in surgeries where we removed; batteries, condoms, string and my personal favorite- when the doc slowly pushed a corn cob down the last 5 inches of intestine and told me to just "pull it out".. WITHOUT GLOVES.. ewww.. I told him I would BRB and put on gloves. It took me a few years before I would eat corn again.. especially from a cob... it was GREEN.
Ahhh... the days of being an ER vet tech.
Anyway- I am watching an old episode where the family has a labrador retriever that eats everything so the house is lab proofed.. UNTIL they eat corn for dinner.. cob falls to the ground and in 1.1 seconds flat.. the dog ate it.. corn skewer an all.
That is why our house has almost nothing below 4 feet (was 3 feet until the Destructor was able to reach it). Gotta love these crazy pups