posted May 15, 2011 01:57 PM FAIRBANKS — A bizarre break-in occurred at the borough animal shelter early Wednesday morning, and the perp stayed on.
Shelter workers discovered the interloper shortly after arriving at 7:30 a.m. — a large black, tan and white husky mix — casually mixing it up with the staked sled dogs. There have been break-ins before security alarms and cameras were installed, but never by a dog.
Shelter staff dubbed the stray “Albert,” but a more apropos moniker might be Digger.
The cunning canine was caught on surveillance cameras at the Fairbanks North Star Borough facility at the corner of Peger and Davis roads.
Homelessness obviously didn’t appeal to Albert. Possibly, as one pundit said, he was looking for a new “leash on life.”
Surveillance tapes pick up Albert’s modus operandi about 1 a.m. as he begins casing the joint, sniffing around the building and the perimeter of the fenced in dog yard.Occasionally he walks out to Peger Road, perhaps looking to catch a ride. But he always comes back. As the night wears on, Albert starts looking in shelter windows.
“He was trying to get in the legal way,” joked Sandy Besser, animal control manager. By 6:30 a.m., Albert formulates a new plan and starts digging a hole under the high dog yard wire fence.
“He probably heard about what good care animals get here,” said Sandy Klimaschesky, shelter operations supervisor.
After checking out the inner area, Albert used his considerable digging skills to successfully dig under an inner fence where more than a half dozen chained sled dogs reside. The dogs were excited, Besser said, but Albert just went on sniffing around and saying hello to everyone.
Albert can’t be classified as a burglar or a thief since no crime was committed.
He weighs 75 pounds, has a longer than average body, one brown and one slightly bluish white eye, and a high arching tail ending in a white tip. Personality-wise, Albert is described as a laid-back gentleman with a strong stoic bent. He is in good health, has no microchip implanted, is not neutered and is estimated to be 2 years old.
Whatever his motives for breaking in, Albert now has the opportunity to find a new home.
Strays are held for three days before they can be released for adoption.
Today, Albert is in a holding pen, waiting for adoption.
The Animal Shelter is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday.
Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Dog digs its way into Fairbanks animal shelter