posted March 07, 2012 11:59 AM Animal cruelty charges were filed today against an 18-year old Roseto man accused of carelessly allowing his puppy to be dragged from the back of a pickup truck last month.
The Bangor Police Department's charge of transporting animals in a cruel manner against Kyle Luckey was officially docketed today in the office of District Judge Todd Strohe in Bangor.
Bangor police officer Michael Hunsicker, who initiated the investigation into the dragging of Beretta, an Akita and Labrador mix, is listed on the summons as the officer handling the case.
Yesterday, Northampton County Assistant District Attorney Terry Houck told The Express-Times about plans to prosecute Luckey, whom he believes acted carelessly rather than maliciously.
If found guilty, Luckey faces a maximum sentence of $300 and up to 90 days in jail.
Trooper Colleen Shelly, an animal crimes investigator for the state police's Bureau of Criminal Investigation who primarily handled the investigation, is on the subpoena list.