posted November 16, 2012 06:56 PM
Orcas have never been known to attack humans in the wild, but that doesn't mean they can't scare a person who happens to be swimming in their domain. The accompanying soundless video, shot in New Zealand, shows a spear fisherman being frightened from a small bay, while a much braver dog (watch from the 42-second mark) swims with the orcas briefly until finally being pursued to shore by a large orca.This occurred in Matheson Bay near the Auckland community of Leigh. Viewers can also see a man and a child coming to watch the orcas, which are practically within arm's reach, from the rocky shore. The dog, once it emerges from the
an be seen barking and seems to want to go back in, but chooses to stay ashore.
Writes Candace Calloway Whiting, a marine mammal expert, in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
"Most likely neither the diver nor the dog were in danger from these killer whales because orcas are unknown to have ever intentionally harmed a human in the wild, nor attacked dogs either as far as I am aware--and these were most likely the fish eating type that specializes in hunting rays in the shallows around this part of New Zealand.
"Orcas pretty much stick to their accustomed menus, and human or dog are not on it; they just may be as curious about us as we are about them."