posted December 23, 2013 09:07 AM
UPDATE: Thanks to pledges from Seattle Dog Spot and other supporters of the OAS dogs, the reward for information leading to the whereabouts of these dogs has been upped to $2000.00.This is a large amount of money, and we are hopeful that there is someone in Forks, Washington who knows where the dogs are and will do the right thing and let us know where they have been taken. They could be suffering greatly at this time, and crossing state lines with a truck load of dogs without health certificates is not only dangerous but illegal.
Initial Post:
The dogs of Olympic Animal Sanctuary have been stealthily moved during the night, perhaps for weeks, but definitely all but a few have gone in the last two days.
If there was EVER any doubt in anyone’s mind that OAS is not operating as a 501c3 nonprofit is legally required to operate, this fact alone should be enough to seal the deal.
Dogs Deserve Better has been offered two donations for a private investigator to find out where they have been moved to, but it may be faster and easier to simply offer a reward for this information.
Rescue groups like DDB who have placed dogs with OAS under the false impression that this was indeed a sanctuary will now be frantic as to the welfare of their dogs.
Are they sitting out in a field somewhere, still in their crates? Have they been dumped? Are they crammed in Markwell’s semi, without food or water and ventilation? Are they being hidden in another warehouse away from protestors and those caring enough to stand up and say NO MORE?
If ANYONE out there has credible information that will lead to the location of these dogs, please call us ASAP at 814-207-4586, and leave a message. Or, send us an e-mail to If your information leads us to the dogs, we will gladly pay you the reward of $500.00. Your name will not be released and you will remain anonymous.
If any other groups wants to offer money to grow the reward pot, we will be happy to throw in our lot with yours. Just let us know.
For the disturbing, just released article from, visit this link. The new photos taken are tear-inducing, and confirm, for the 100th time, what has been going on behind the closed doors of this supposed ‘sanctuary.’
If you have a heart and soul and know information about the location and current welfare of these dogs, please pass it along to DDB or any of the groups involved ASAP. Thank you.
UPDATE: Confirmation that the dogs are gone exists in these two articles, one from the Peninsula Daily News and one from, who has photos of the empty, disgusting, and garbage-filled warehouse.