posted July 25, 2016 03:09 PM
Not really my cat, there my friends cats but I'm there so often there practically mine. Anyway, normally they stay within there defined territory which is the backyard or the front yard.
But lately they've been roaming much further into the neighbors yard. I caught three of them in the neighbors garage and a couple of them crossing the street.
The neighbors are okay with them, as they've either:
a) Had lived with cats at one time.
b) They would like to have pets for there kids, but don't want to carry the full time responsibility of having pets.
Specifically the one neibour where the cats entered the garage.
I'm thinking its probably because she rescued two strays, she was able to integrate them with the other cats and
now there territory has expanded beyond the house.
I'm just more worried about them crossing the street. Some of them actually look both ways, lol. But the others don't know what cars are and don't look first.
Its a residential street so it's not a big amount of traffic but not all the drivers are
Its nice to let them out and play outside, but not all over the neighborhood.
Any ideas other then putting up a fence?
Gemini Sun,
Capricorn Rising
Aries Moon
Gemini Mercury
Venus Taurus
Mars Cancer