Topic: 'Lucifer'
silverstone unregistered
posted March 31, 2007 04:29 PM
Who bears the light of the Morning Star Will break the dawn with Venus afar And the Virgin Darkness that was his throne Gives way to Light and all things known According to Stregherian beliefs of La Vecchia Religione Diana was the first created before all creation.In her was all things; out of herself, the first darkness was born, she divided herself into darkness and light. Dianus (Lucifer) her brother and son, herself and her other half, was the light. . . . . 'Italian Witchcraft' by R. Grimassi Here are some pages with a much more involved explanation:
***Christ With Horns "And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth." (Revelation 5:6) Comment Biblical scholars agree that "a Lamb" refers to the crucified Christ. Strangely, Jesus here appears to look devilish with horns and multiple eyes. How can this description of heaven inspire an image of a peaceful afterlife with all these ghastly beasts and spirits about? (See also Rev. 4) It should come to no surprise where some early Gnostic cults got the idea that, not only the Church, but Jesus represented Satan and the embodiment of Evil. And who do the literalists claim as the "seven Spirits of God"? ***There was never any real attempt in linking Lucifer with a Satan figure in the bible. Lucifer is just a translation for morning star and morning star was commonly used as an elevating description. Jesus himself is referred to as a morning star and the quote from the bible where people create the myth of Lucifer is in reference to Nebuchadnezzar. In fact to the Hebrew writers of the Torah and Tanakh there was no such thing as a head demon named Satan. The term Satan actually means adversary or someone with an opposing viewpoint in Hebrew. God causes good and evil to happen in the bible and it is considered to happen by his will. People make the mistake in assuming God or Gods are automatically good all the time. People only started thinking of Satan as an entity because they wanted to have a god that is all good. Even the New Testament uses the term Satan as adversary. When Jesus rebukes Peter and says "get behind me Satan" it's because Peter had an opposing viewpoint and not because he was possessed by Satan. There is alot to be said for this Lucifer, (Morning Star), to me probably a metaphor or symbology according to the light (aura of Lucifer). Represents the path of the the two snakes symbolizing Cosmic Energy. For example in Sanskrit the microcosmic form of the universe a universal energy known as Kundalini or to others the path of Lucifer or the path of the Qabbala (A Linking Ladder) etc.. It makes no difference as all lead to a combining of two forces to male/female to create a third force the Cosmic Great Eye (Third Force) which open one to a world of all possibilities which could be called the (Light of lucifer). The vital stream of the awakened acent up the spine via the central subtle channel the (Susumn) to the centre of the brain. Lucifer the combination of the Luna (Left) and the Solar (right). The link between the Satan and Lucifer is miss founded as the term Satan according to the Bible for example were workers for God. The only other link Satan could be the Egyptian Set- Set-hen or Sa--than-ten a possible name connected with the Seven Suffering. Mary Magdalene was once called 'Mary Lucifer', as was the Goddess Diana, known as 'Diana Luciferan'. ..It was only during the formation of modern Christainity by mysoginistic monks that the Lucifer energy was demoted to pure evil and lumped in with dieties such as Satan etc. 'the secret history of Lucifer' by Lynn Picknett ------------------ The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted March 31, 2007 06:20 PM
***....what is real when it comes to divine inspiration, be it literal christian, or the metaphysical gnosis, or the serpent; all seem to be messengers of god(s). These are a handful of associations...using gemantria (Crowley) the bible, wiki, and memory... keep in mind these are archetypal metaphor.... ------------ à (u?) LVX LUX Aleph Air the fool ox, I.N.R.I (gnostic) virgin serpent the sun (gen. ii.) Isis, Apophis, Osiris; IAO Ressurection Mourning (feminine) Triumpth of the Destroyer Rising of the Sun (Son, or messiah) bringer of the dawn light bearer dragon ------------ and these are but a few ancient attributions to Lucifer in various translations... only identifying a few of them. the methods for figuring the exact numbers are in 777. So we here have Lucifer being identified with the same power of the messiah or the sephiros. LVX also means light literally sometimes. It also seems that this may be a dirivitive from Adam & Eve. The characteristics of the feminine hebrew carrying over from Eve all the way to Mary Lucifer. In crowley's understanding the male, the female, & the "holy spirit" are always together & equal, thus the assumed likenesses of similar ideas, but not exact definitions.... The key to remember is taht the ancient language, as our own language, are piles of thousands of years of metaphors, so of the earlier traditions & stories dating so far back into antiquity they are all but vanished. This research is mind-blowing...finding that Lucifer is a positive pricipal in Hebrew. Diana sounds interesting, i will study that more...even Elohim is mistranslated as masculine in english when it is clearly BOTH. ***Oniromancer~
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fayte.m unregistered
posted March 31, 2007 06:57 PM
The character Lucifer was never evil. Even in the Bibles he never does any of the evil other so called angels do nor the evil that the imposter Lord does. Never is he associated with flames or stinging or death or destruction or involved in or ordering rape, murder and worse, as was Lord, or the so called angels of Lord.(Lord uses mqny names, but rarely just "God". Because he is not God, but the evil Demurge, the one of the Eden Zoo and the deceiver of humankind.  ------------------ ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted March 31, 2007 07:09 PM
Gnosticism several systems of Gnostic thought present the Demiurge as antagonistic to the will of the Supreme Being: his act of creation occurs in unconscious imitation of the divine model, and thus is fundamentally flawed, or else is formed with the malevolent intention of entrapping aspects of the divine in materiality. Thus, in such systems, the Demiurge acts as a solution to the problem of evil. In the Apocryphon of John circa 200AD (several versions of which are found in the Nag Hammadi library), the Demiurge has the name “Yaltabaoth,” and proclaims himself as God: “Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas (“fool”), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, ‘I am God and there is no other God beside me,’ for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.”[2] Yaldabaoth “Yaldabaoth” literally means “Child, come here” in a Semitic language. For example, the Hebrew word for “young girl” is “yalda,” and for “come” is “bo.” Thus, most probably “yaldabaoth” is a declension of “young girl” and “come,” together meaning “young girl, come hither” (the language’s identification as Hebrew itself is doubtful). Gnostic myth recounts that Sophia (Greek, literally meaning “wisdom”), the Demiurge’s mother and a partial aspect of the divine Pleroma or “Fullness,” desired to create something apart from the divine totality, and without the receipt of divine assent. In this abortive act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her deed, she wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. The Demiurge, isolated, did not behold his mother, nor anyone else, and thus concluded that only he himself existed, being ignorant of the superior levels of reality that were his birth-place.The Gnostic myths describing these events are full of intricate nuances portraying the declination of aspects of the divine into human form; this process occurs through the agency of the Demiurge who, having stolen a portion of power from his mother, sets about a work of creation in unconscious imitation of the superior Pleromatic realm. Thus Sophia’s power becomes enclosed within the material forms of humanity, themselves entrapped within the material universe: the goal of Gnostic movements was typically the awakening of this spark, which permitted a return by the subject to the superior, non-material realities which were its primal source. (See Sethian Gnosticism.) Under the name of Nebro, Yaldabaoth is called an angel in the apocryphal Gospel of Judas. He is first mentioned in “The Cosmos, Chaos, and the Underworld” as one of the twelve angels to come “into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld].” He comes from heaven, his “face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with blood.” Nebro’s name means rebel. Nebro creates six angels in addition to the angel Saklas to be his assistants. These six in turn create another twelve angels “with each one receiving a portion in the heavens.” Samael
“Samael” literally means “Blind God” or “God of the Blind” in Aramaic (Syriac sæmʕa-ʔel). But this being is considered not only blind, or ignorant of its own origins, but may in addition be evil; its name is also found in Judaica as the Angel of Death and in Christian demonology. This leads to a further comparison with Satan.
Another alternative title for the Demiurge, “Saklas,” is Aramaic for “fool” (Syriac sækla “the foolish one”). Yahweh
Some Gnostic philosophers (notably Marcion of Sinope and the Sethians) identify the Demiurge with Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, in opposition and contrast to the God of the New Testament. Still others equated the being with Satan. Catharism apparently inherited their idea of Satan as the creator of the evil world directly or indirectly from Gnosticism. Or, they may well have gotten the idea directly from the New Testament, which refers to Satan as “The God [‘ho theos’] of this age” in Second Corinthians 4:4. Also, the New Testament asserts that the “whole world lies in the power of the evil one” in 1 John 5:19. Though nowhere in the New Testament is the creator of the world or the universe identified as Satan, although Yahweh declares in Isaiah 45:7 that He “makes light and creates darkness [Hebrew "choshekh"]. Nor in the Old (see the Septuagint) or New Testament is nature or earth created by the creator referred to as evil.
For some Satan is in character being the Father of the original lie, as the creator of the physical world as we know it; having coerced the first sin representing human kind missing of the mark. This distinguishes the God of the Old Testament from the God of the New; the God of the New possessing a single purpose unblemished by the uncertainty that duality implies. Neoplatonism & Gnosticism
It appears that Gnosticism attributed falsehood, fallen or evil to the concept of a creator in at least the Judeo-Christian and Hellenic paganism traditions. Though sometimes the creator is from a fallen, ignorant or lesser rather than evil perspective in some Gnosticism traditions (see Valentinian). The Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus addressed within his works what he saw as un-Hellenic and blasphemious to the demiurge of Plato. An example of vilifing the Judeo-Christian creator would be to attribute the term “Kosmokrator” (found in the New Testament) to the Old Testament creator as the fallen Gnostic demiurge (see Marcion and the Cathars). Though this would be at one point also to diverge from Philo and Plato as well as the New Testament. If one sees the attribute of Creatorship as inherent in the concept of “God,” and therefore the title “The God of this Age” applied to Satan it becomes a powerful indicator that Satan is indeed the creator. Though this would indicate that all "Gods" where creators and also that any God that created people (Demiurge) was evil. Other modern-day Cathars see a further indication of this in the epithet “Kosmokrator” Koine Greek, kosmokratoras, which literally means cosmos-sovereign, or even cosmos-might, which is applied to Satan in Ephesians 6:12, as a possible further indication of the creatorship of Satan and his identity with the Demiurge.
This, however, would be incorrect, since “Kosmokrator”—with cosmos (Greek κόσμο and κράτορας ("kratia"), as in dēmokratikós, or "democratic" does not mean to create but to rule, direct or influence. The understanding of “Kosmokrator” incorrectly as a "creator" uses the Koine component for "cratic" or "krator" as to mean "creator" instead of rule. Koine Greek κοσμοκράτορας, which literally means "world-ruler" and is applied to Satan in Ephesians 6:12, ("against the world-rulers (κοσμοκράτορας/Δείτε επίσης the darkness of age") would, if mistranslated, lead to an indication of the power of Satan and his identity with the Demiurge. The same logic would lead to the mistranslation of the word democrat to mean "people creator" rather than "rule by the people". Where as demiurge would mean "people creator" rather than "people ruler" as the term Kosmokrator would imply the power to rule, direct or influence. This would also mean that by the Platonic divine ontology that the demiurge, being the agent of the one, as creator only, was not the true ruler of cosmos. The true ruler being the source, one or monad who's will the demiurge was fulfilling. This then would mean per Gnosticism, that the Monad was the "Kosmokrator” and therefore evil. Since the demiurge did the will of the one or Monad (see Plotinus). This usage also would vilify the logos[3] as it was used by Heraclitus. Logos being the ruling or guiding principle of the universe. Though it is speculative that the demiurge returned to the One or Monad once creation was complete (see Justin Martyr). This would also be a different understanding of St Paul's passage which was referring to men of power falling under the influence of evil as in the world-rulers (since the word Kosmokrators in Ephesians is plural meaning many rulers) of the darkness of the age.
For more: ------------------ ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted April 01, 2007 05:32 AM
Fayte I'll be back IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 03:21 AM
Bump BumpIP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted April 05, 2007 12:13 PM
fascinating, Silver  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted April 06, 2007 01:57 AM
Yes, Fascinating!IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted June 04, 2007 03:31 AM
I was reading this book the other day and found it very interesting, I scanned it to share... though these are not my actual theories, I find much food for thought:Page 411: Page 412: Page 413: Page 414: Page 415: ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted June 04, 2007 03:34 AM
continue...Page 416: Page 417: Page 418: Page 419: ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted June 04, 2007 08:38 AM
Silverstone  Additionally, and you may have said this already, but originally Morning Star was simply the name for the planet Venus and nothing more.
------------------ ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2007 01:47 AM
Silverstone, Thanks for posting. I read all the pages and the last page was not a spoiler. Hehehe.. i wud have loved to read that story as well. If you care of my opinion: Theres only one intelligence that runs this universe. I do not believe God has an equal and opposite negative God. We have to forget words, mathematics, expression when we describe God. Its the only reality which cannot be expressed in realistic terms hehehee.
Perhaps God wud have created our universe using creative forces and its possible that Lucifer is one such creative force. Or perhaps destructive hehehe per some cultures.
But nature has been merciful to us thats why I am alive and you too and right now we are communicating  God has a purpose for humanity and no one can interfere in that plan. Not even Lucifer.
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silverstone unregistered
posted June 06, 2007 12:39 AM
Thanks for your response Mannu and Fayte I'll post the other pages later, Mannu Fayte... I should clarify--While I feel these are not the true stories (what I've posted)... I feel that they are pieces to the puzzles. quote:
 ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2007 01:15 AM
Waves... Did the aliens really come for Gold here? Perhaps Annunaki, Lucifer etc...exists... Well time will tell  IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2007 01:15 AM
dpIP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted June 06, 2007 01:57 AM
Hey Mannu...  What do you mean? quote: Did the aliens really come for Gold here?
------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 45 From: always here and no where Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2007 02:06 AM
The world economy runs on Gold. When everything collapses only the country with more gold reserves will be superpower. It seems the aliens needed gold back in their home. When they found earth they were overjoyed, for theres plenty of gold reserves here. What they didn't have was labor. So one conspiracy theory states that humans were created from apes to dig gold. quote:
Shocking sequel to the best seller, "The Two Witnesses and the Religion Cover-up". Read this riveting story of two men as they continue in their pursuit of answers to the mystery of religion. Then they discover shocking evidence all over the earth of ancient artwork of aliens and flying saucers. Then Michael suddenly realizes that religions common themes, mimic today's science and our own pursuits of the same. He theorizes, unlike his religious spirit buddy, that the gods/angels are flesh and blood aliens. They came from up and gave us religious symbols that matched today's science. Their reason for creating us is easy to trace, just follow the gold. The space exploration today could only be made possible through the protection and use of gold. It can also repair and make ozone layers. Hence, our mystery and the answer comes full circle. They came from up and we are going up. All made possible with gold. Creating workers/robots and are recreation of ourselves is more evident today than ever.Up,gold,creating and last but not least our addiction to power through beauty of the flesh, lies behind the shocking discoveries of religions stronghold.Finally Michael ask the world. Could we be the gods/aliens/angels addicted to the outward beauty of mankind? Head molding, reincarnation and prophecy of our inevitable demise supports this reality. But will we want to be saved from ourselves if we are the aliens?I leave you with a famous quote from the Bible that confirms this possiblity" The angels which kept not their first estate but left it for a strange flesh and keep returning like a dog returning to vomit".
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silverstone unregistered
posted June 06, 2007 02:16 AM
Hmmm, very interesting, Mannu! ------------------ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost
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venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 20, 2008 11:21 AM
silverstone, which book are the scans from ?IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Moderator Posts: 46 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted April 20, 2008 05:18 PM
Very intense, thanks for posting it! IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 22, 2008 11:26 AM
um silverstone, would u please ???i want to buy this book, which is it ? IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted April 22, 2008 11:48 AM
Hi Venusdeindia,So sorry I didn't see your response here. The book is called "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life," but DON'T buy the book, I have both books, which you can view on the computer... e-mail me at my e-mail address above, next to the moderator names, and I'll sent you both attachments. Cheers, SilverStone *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * __________________________________________________________________________________________ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted April 22, 2008 11:10 PM
BUMPIP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 23, 2008 01:52 AM
thanx silverstone, i have sent an email  IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted April 23, 2008 01:52 AM
thanx silverstone, i have sent an email  IP: Logged | |