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Author Topic:   Did Jesus die for our sins?`

Posts: 1587
From: Oz
Registered: Nov 2003

posted January 21, 2005 08:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sesame     Edit/Delete Message
I recently saw "The Passion of the Christ" for the first time, and I think I surprise some people by saying I didn't like it. Since this place is really cool for expressing opinions without fear of oppression, I thought I'd express my feelings here and see what you guys think.

So, I wondered, did Jesus really die for our sins, or was it because of our stupidity? I mean, the movie was blatent about our stupidity, but not so much for Jesus saving us. We are so stupid to let a murderer go but whip and spit on someone claiming to be the son of God. How unevolved is this? I believe we are all children of God, and Jesus was merely helping us see this, but we didn't. We thought he was arrogant or whatever, and that he needed to be crucified, but really why? That's the million dollar question.

OK, so a church-going friend of mine tried to argue for Jesus dieing for our sins, but I asked him whether Jesus asked us to crucify him. We did it of our own volition. If you knew you were to be crucified, but that your message would last over two thousand years, and maybe START taking effect over the Earth, would you let yourself be crucified? I don't think many would, and if you did, would it be to help the sins of the people crucifying you? "Father, they know not what they do" - that line was one of the few that made sense. The devils seemed completely out of place, and the pain and suffering just made me so angry. Why should I be angry by Jesus's life? He was LOVE. Magic. Wisdom. One of the first people to take God to the people, and so we treat him like that, and they make a movie about it.

So, I ask you, did you like the movie because it reminded you of ilfe back then, or it reminded you of the suffering Jesus went through on your behalf? How do we truly benefit from him dying? I mean, his message is still out there, so we are still benefiting, but its one of those situations where someone suffers and people say "well, we learned from it" and many more are saved, but still, the suffering was so harsh. I don't work on fear, pain, or suffering. I think Love is the only truly relatable emotion felt by all. All the rest are imposed.

I love you guys,

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posted January 21, 2005 09:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
Dean, as a Believer of God, I must state that I too have had alot of questions regarding this kind of thing in that past year of my life...I'm anxious to see other's responses to your very important question...

I'm questioning so many facets of my faith here of late...thank you for asking this...maybe the answers will help me as well...

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posted January 21, 2005 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for seeshells     Edit/Delete Message
Dean, I haven't seen the movie and do not want to because it is so harsh. I don't need to see it to be able to imagine it. Maybe from my religious teachings. But maybe it had to happen as it did to get the attention needed so the telling would continue for two thousand years. Seems our lessons are best learned in times of grief or hardships. For some reason they seem to touch us deeper when learned in this manner. I have always been told that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I didn't question this until I was grown and felt guilty when I did. We were taught not to question but to take it on faith. Now I can't tell you for certain yes or no but I truly pray that there was a more noble reason for His dying as he did and not just for our sins. Blessings. Sue

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
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posted January 21, 2005 05:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Dean,

I understand your thoughts. I heard from lot of people that the movie was too theatrical. It did bring some to the faith and thats what I like about the movie. I already had faith, but I still cried reliving the drama. I remembered Isaih the prophet of Old Testament saying "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

You mentioned, Jesus said "Father forgive them for they not what they do". This indicates a very very spiritual Jesus. Such men would not even curse their enemy. They only see God in each of them. How I strive to be like him? How indifferent I was all this time, in my dealings with my neighbors.

I always remember Jesus by his teachings and how he performed his miracles. If you notice his death, converted local jews and gentiles in to Christianity. It is hard for any one of us to go back in time. Do you remember how they used to bring doves and lambs. Not dead but live ones at the altar for sacrifises. This was stopped and not required because Jesus the lamb of God, himself was crucified. If Jesus was alive today and we were to ask him, what is the mission of your life on earth? I am sure he would reply I came here to "Teach".

Now his teaching include :
How to conquer death?
How to realize the divinity inside of you and let that light shine forth?
How to manifest, in any manner that you seek (flesh or light) after the resurrection.

How many of us are confident today that after we die, we would be raized up.
By following Jesus, we are ascending higher and higher spiritually, and one day, we could die and do raise our body just as him. We can manfiest as light or body anytime any where. I know it sounds like sciene fiction. But I do believe humanity is poised for a big change.
Did you ever put your hands on a broken washing machine, and asked it work? I know this sounds stupid, but I know a friend who did just that on a washing machine that was broken 2 weeks ago and it ran fine one day when he was too tired to drive and take it to a laundry mat. Its happening all over the world. I have seen cancer dissapear from X Rays. People have faith now. They are understanding their divinity better.

Creation is akin to when a gardener decides to create a Garden. He tills, sows, waters, cares for the plants. To everything theres a time. Time is itself a product of creation. In this case the gardener and his garden is time bound. But in case of our creator, time is a attribute of him/her and so he transcends it.

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Posts: 335
From: minneapolis minnesota USA
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posted January 22, 2005 12:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tracysalome     Edit/Delete Message
Dean, I thought that the movie lacked spiritual information and historical information. I think that if these elements had been added correctly, the movie would have touched far more people in the right way. As when the movie came out many people said that it was anti-sematic. Alot of people are not very well informed on religious issues and for that reason I think to many people it sent the wrong message or the same message that has been preached throughout society forever that jesus suffered for our sins- horribly.

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
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posted January 22, 2005 01:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message
We have to remember that the movie only talks about his passion. The last 12 hours of Jesus's life.
I think people must see a different movie on him if they want to understand other things.

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Posts: 335
From: minneapolis minnesota USA
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posted January 22, 2005 01:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tracysalome     Edit/Delete Message
I didn't really notice that was what the movie was supposed to be about I guess that i had more expectations. I still think that if those elements were added it would have been more insightful. It was really a bloodbath whether it happened to that extent or not, the violence seemed more the focal point.

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
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posted January 22, 2005 01:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message
Correct. I think a man would die if he received hundreds of blows and Jesus had to carry the cross to the hill... That part was overdone in the movie...

Also, I heard that in those days, the laws didn't allow anyone to be whipped more than 40 times. If they did, they believed they would Sin. And that is why the people would stop at 39.

Wonder what Mel Gibson was thinking. I heard he based his movie on St Dolorus's book. Now I haven't read it so I am not an expert.

But what I feel bad about is that I can't stand one slap or even a slap on my naked skin. I cry in pain and anger at the injustice done to me and raise my hand in return. And here is a guy not just taking slaps but even spit... Which planet is Jesus from to bear all this

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Posts: 548
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posted January 22, 2005 09:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JustAmanda     Edit/Delete Message
I saw the movie with some friends, and one girl Terri, she sat and ate her popcorn like it was just another horror film...Barbara sat on the edge of her seat through the whole thing and just stared, Donna sobbed and balled and clung to me and buried her head in my shoulder...I sat through the whole thing with a pen and notebook and took notes.

Not once did I flinch or turn my head at the grossness, and I left there thinking "my God, I just saw this horrific film and all I'm concerned about is whether or not these things ACTUALLY happened in my Bible, and WHERE is it written in my Bible??" I went back to my hotel room, as I was on a trip, and grabbed the Gideon Bible and went to work for about 2 hours. Thing is, I was angry...I left angry, angry that He had to go through all of that, angry that He suffered so, and His mother suffered and those close to Him...angry at Judas, yet pitied him...angry at Pilate, yet pitied him...angry that noone listened to Jesus when He told His disciples that this was going to happen! Just angry! Angry at the Sanhedrins and the Jews and the Pharisees and the Gentiles and all the other people in the Bible who disregarded this wonderful man, angry at them for allowing Him to be tortured and killed...angry at their ignorance and hatred for a man who only spread love ...He loved everyone He met..even his transgressors.

So, in the past year, I've wondered alot of things about the reality of it all...and I've always considered myself to be a very faithful person, yet, like someone mentioned here, we are told to just believe it...have faith and believe...but, how can I believe something that I have no way of showing you how it worked or happened? How do you convince people that God is real and He loves us and wants us to have fruitful lives? How do you convince non believers that you are not a fanatic, yet a follower of Christ, and try to love as He did/does? How do you do that, when all these hideous things keep happening in this world?

I feel a bit lost amid all this chaos...

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Posts: 8
From: kansas
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posted January 24, 2005 01:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for melomel     Edit/Delete Message
It took me a while to sit down and watch The Passion... I was afraid to see someone that I cherish and love go through all that pain. I cried the entire movie (documentary?). How can you handle that? I was angry, angry, angry. I could just feel the hatred flowing out of my heart; in the tears that I shed. And my twin, asked me WHY? WHY do you watch that if it will make you feel that way? And I can only reply by telling him that: I HAVE TO KNOW! Knowing how people portray the crucifixion, envisioning it really put it into perspective for me. The hidden message that we are all savors, we are all Jesus, we all have the gifts to heal. YES, the movie needed to approach that aspect! But it didn’t, and honestly, do you think anyone would have accepted that view any differently? As “iamthat” put it earlier, it sounds “science fiction” to hear of people doing amaxing things with there minds. Oh! How narrow minded the government still is; it’s really not much different, is it! So… the movie, was hard to accept, but for those that saw and heard His words in a different degree, a new angle, are beginning to look within themsElves, and truly see who they really are.

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Posts: 961
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Registered: Jan 2003

posted January 24, 2005 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat     Edit/Delete Message
I think Jesus died because he rocked the status quo. Nobody in power likes someone with alternative views.
I've struggled with the concept of Jesus dying for our sins. Frankly, I don't get it. I think he died because of our own ingnorance and we have to save our sorry Arses. ( I had to edit that word because there is censorship here! and it was "starred" out.)

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Posts: 1427
From: North Andover, MA
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posted January 25, 2005 04:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

Historical accuracy? Anti semitism? Lexigram ISRAEL, and cross reference it with the Lexigram for EARTHLINGS, if you want to spiral a little food for thought on that subject.

Are we missing the boat a little here?

I think that the point was to show what happens with a crowd mentality. What we are capable of doing to each other, and ultimately ourselves, as we are in fact, All One.

Jesus' mission was to show us to ourselves, at our best, worst and all that is inbetween. Truly he lived with one foot on Earth and the other in Heaven, as Linda was fond of saying. He tried to teach us that we are ALL God's children. That all the things He could do, We could do, and more things than those if we but had the Faith.

His very name is the Hebrew 4 lettered name for God (JHVH) which may be translated as meaning: That Which Was, That Which IS and That Which WILL BE. The only difference being the addition of the Hebrew letter Shin, which implies Spirit, Life Force, the Spark of God is that which is at our Center. (JHShVH) note the placement of the Shin at the Center of the Word. Some have said that the Heart Chakra is the seat of the Soul... there are 3 chakras below and 3 above, with the Heart chakra being the balancing point.

Did Jesus die for our sins? Well if not figuratvely, then certainly literally. He died because we, the people, killed Him. No?! There's a great line from a book by Katherine Kurtz: "The humans kill what they do not understand."

So, historical accuracy? I guess I wonder does it matter? Does watching the movie make you angry? Was that the point? Does it make us THINK and more importantly, FEEL? For sure! So I believe that Mel did what he set out to do. If we learn the lesson that we are meant to learn, we won't have to repeat the mistakes of the past.

(I know this is a bit rambly and tangential, but it's about 4 in the am here and I'm a wee bit tired.)

Blessings in Light...

"The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion

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posted January 25, 2005 07:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for maklhouf     Edit/Delete Message
Quite right, but he also died to illustrate the scapegoat motif, very strong in Jewish culture... being driven out with a burden of other's sins.
Ultimately he died for many reasons.

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
Registered: Sep 2004

posted January 25, 2005 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message
To Azelion's comment regarding Jesus ruling heart chakra, follows my response below:

Most people believe that Jesus rules the chakra between the brows. He guards the door to the sahaskara chakra (top of head).

He stands for knowledge. There is no better teacher than him on earth or in heaven above. It is said, that once his own father learnt a lesson from him.

I have come to know interesting facts about Jesus, I am not sure, whether I am right. So what I tried

GIA heres what relation of Jesus with Fish symbol is. Jesus Son of God abbreviated in Greek means Fish. The early underground christians drew a symbol of Fish on their doorstep. Some would draw the symbol on ground and quickly erase it when they met fellow christians

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Posts: 1427
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: Nov 2002

posted January 26, 2005 03:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message

A correction: I did not state that Jesus was ruler of the Heart chakra. What I said was that the Heart chakra has been called the seat of the Soul.

My reference to the center, or balance point was simply that the letter Shin, was inserted into the CENTER of the Hebrew 4 lettered name for God. (YHVH often transliterated as Yahweh or Jehova). The addition of the mother letter Shin makes the new word Jehoshua or more simply Joshua, whom we have come to call Jesus.

Just wanted to clarify my statement.


"The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion

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Posts: 1587
From: Oz
Registered: Nov 2003

posted January 26, 2005 07:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sesame     Edit/Delete Message
Yes, thanks everyone for your thoughtful replies. Since asking this, I have had answers formed in my mind, very much like mists though. Nothing substantial. I think what I'm trying to understand maybe, is that Jesus' death taght us what sin is. ie - his death, and everthing else we do that is not similar to "his way". By killing him we learnt how much we needed to learn. That we were wrong. That he was awesome, hence in a way we learnt that we do sin, and that he was somewhat a result. So in some ways he did die for us. It's interesting what I found this morning.

I was very late for work, and it was rainy. I had to catch a bus instead of a train (weird scheduling at my station). Anyhow, someone posted a letter on the wall of the bus station. It was a photocopy. It was pretty much bible stuff until the last few lines when it all of a sudden proclaimed that as Jesus was crucified he exclaimed "I am not the son of God, but his brother. You must choose which one you wish to follow and pray to him". I thought this was interesting as many people do seem to have this notion - that Jesus is either the middle man, or God in his own right and hence people pray to "the Lord" and not God. My own beliefs talk more of God than Jesus, but it's interesting that this person went on to say both Jesus and God informed them of this, and it is True. Well, who's to say what's the truth, but ultimately God and Jesus are one, as everything is one, but I think my point is that people make distinctions and live by them. This is their truth.

Nice to see you around Aselzion, and thanks for the info. Gia recently recounted a similar his/her story of Jesus' name but the Shin is new. He very much acted as a balance hey? The 18 - Spitiual/Material conflict. On a side point, the bible doesn't seem to refer to any moments where Jesus was into "Material" things. Maybe the Material world, but I think a lot along these lines was ommited. Numerology doesn't lie. Also people would relate more to a Jesus that learnt about selfishness, but of course, the church wouldn't want this. Also, where did he learn so much about rich people if not through some experience? Just some thoughts.

Heaps of Love,

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
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posted January 28, 2005 12:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message
I always remember that Jesus died not only that day but each day even today. He has died in the WTC bombing. He has died in the Iraq war and continues to die each day.

The whole drama has a undertone. That is just as the jews and romans were responsible for his crucifixion. Today a nation is responsible for killing each Jesus in another nation with out reason.

Like I said Jesus is a personification of the spirit world. God taking flesh to teach us on earth. Christ is also described as the creator of our universe in the bible.
We all ought to respect him in our own way.

On earth a woman completes a man and a man completes a woman. And that is the reason they marry. Or atleast they are still doing

When we introspect ourselves we realize within each of us is a man/woman. Within us is Christ/Father/Holyspirit.

Continued quest will make that frequency tune to a higer self. I am experiencing it every day of my journey which began last year.

Its a long way to go. But I will get there some day. Keep it going LLs. Ask more questions, I surely like to get to bottom of it. I guess its because of my 12th house Pluto.

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Posts: 932
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posted January 28, 2005 01:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BloodRedMoon     Edit/Delete Message
I just watched this on dvd a couple nights ago. Honestly, the whole movie made me ill. I really didn't think I'd be able to sit through the whole thing without throwing up. Once the scourging started I was so ill....

But not because of WHO it was happening to. Just because it was happening at all. i can't imagine anyone being treated like that - let alone a kind man.

There were parts I thought were brilliant - like when he fell with the cross as he was walking and it flashed to when he fell as a little kid with Mary running to him. That broke my heart because I'm a mother.

As for if Jesus died for our sins.. well I'm pagan and not a Christian. I tend to think he died because of human ego and stupidity.

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Posts: 1255
From: third rock from the Sun
Registered: Sep 2004

posted January 29, 2005 02:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for iAmThat     Edit/Delete Message

That broke my heart because I'm a mother.

How sweet
Indeed i was touched. Also I remembered seeing a painting of baby Jesus playing with Joseph's carpenter tool ( a nail 4-5 inches long). That moved me too.

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Posts: 961
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Registered: Jan 2003

posted January 29, 2005 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat     Edit/Delete Message
Later in the evening after I wrote my first reply I recalled at one time making sense of this idea of Jesus dying for our sins. In the movie The Whale Rider, a young girl comes to a Pacific Northwestern tribe in which their totem/anscestor is the Whale. In Native American beliefs the totem of the whale would not only be symbolic but literal. The whales are their anscestors. The whale rider was a great leader- wise and brave and was greatly admired.

The girl's grandfather was eager to find a tribal chief as his sucessor. His granddaughter excelled at every task that he presented to the boys, but she was overlooked because she was a girl. She even completed his ultimate task of finding a necklace that he dropped into the ocean when he wasn't around. The tribe was dying and no chief was to be found. He could not see a new way of being and regimently stuck to his old ways.
At the end of the movie, the girl cries out to her anscestors to help her. The tribe was "dying" they could not change. They replied - several whales (their anscestors) were beached and dying. (In my view, they were willing to die for her and the tribe "to get it right") The entire tribe desparately tried to save the whales, they kept them wet, they tried to pull them into the ocean. The chief (grandfather) felt helpless. They gave up. Finally, the girl approached the "alpha" whale, massaged it and them sat upon the whale. The whale responded as she rode the whale as far as she could so that the other whales would follow to safety. The grandfather realized her destiny as chief. In essence the whales were willing to die so that they may have life. But it was up to the girl to rise to the occasion as it is up to us to put aside our old ways and rise up to the challenge.

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Posts: 1587
From: Oz
Registered: Nov 2003

posted January 31, 2005 02:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sesame     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks so much for that Bio Kat, as I've seen the movie twice, and never quite understood any of that. I just thought it was a really beautiful movie with equalist and spiritual views.


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Posts: 961
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Registered: Jan 2003

posted January 31, 2005 07:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat     Edit/Delete Message
Your welcome!
Just my view...

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Posts: 366
From: The Crossroads of America
Registered: Mar 2003

posted February 01, 2005 11:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for divinia     Edit/Delete Message
Personally, I don't believe that Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins. It is my opinion that Jesus was here to show us how to live. I think that is the much more important lesson -- The Nagual Path of integrity comes to mind.


What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Heart--Shaped Cross

Posts: 7215
From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA
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posted February 02, 2005 12:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Heart--Shaped Cross     Edit/Delete Message
I think of Peter on his way to Rome.
He gets spooked, and he starts to turn back.
So, what does he see, but Jesus hauling the cross his way. Only Jesus doesn't stop, he carries it right on past him.

"Where are you going?" asks Peter.

"I'm going to Rome, to be crucified."

And Peter decides to follow him... again.

But, what if he didn't?

I think of Peter giving a disaffected shrug, and heading on his way. Maybe to go take bong hits over some kids garage.
And Christ there on the cross, giving him the ole' blood-drenched thumbs-up.
But, what's that in his hand?

"MENTOS, the fresh-maker!"

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Posts: 540
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posted February 02, 2005 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpbaby     Edit/Delete Message
Yes I think so too Divinia.
I never went to church as a child or even now as an adolescent. Therefor I've never read much about Jesus' teachings or the bible for that matter.

But I believe I've known and felt Jesus' divine ways throughout my life. And everyone else knows them as well despite race or religion. It's all but kindness and love in the highest form.

As for "Passions of the Christ" I've never seen it but heard it was slightly anti-semetic. I'll have to see it for myself, but did anyone else think that?

I've also read that Mel Gibson's father is anti-semetic and has argued saying the holocaust never happened. I don't know about Mel Gibson but in some cases the apple doesnt fall far....

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