Topic: The finite God of religions
sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted January 29, 2005 09:30 PM
I just had an epiphany! It might sound really simple, and completely obvious, and yet, it seems to make things a lot more clearer in my mind.I have always believed that religions worship the same God. That people are informed of God in their own languages and belief systems which end up forming their collective religion. However, I have just realised this is not so. People don't believe in the same God. Thay believe in their finite God. To illustrate further with some examples. People that follow Islam pray five times a day right? All pointing at Mecca on Earth. Now this example shows how people concentrate their attentions on a place on Earth, and their God Allah - most Merciful has certain attributes as explained in the Holy Quran. Now this religion is aimed at people on Earth and focuses them on Mecca a place on Earth. Other religions have their own places of reverence and may concentrate on them in their prayers. People also have places to worship like churches or Mosques etc. But, my point here is that every religion is worshiping their own God. My epiphany is why they do this. The reason is to remain close-minded. I mean this in no negative way whatsover (I do not wish to preseume open-mindedness is better). My point is merely that humans need to feel like they are enclosed - like a baby in a womb so to speak. By focusing on places on Earth, they can feel like there is no infinity. I hypothesise that many people fear infinity. This is not just a mechanism used by religions to increase their followers, but is already inherant in people. Ever since we lived in caves (or the womb) have we felt surrounded by warmth and walls. This also makes me wonder that tombs or mastabas were used for these purposes - indeed, Egyptian burial chambers often had instructions on how to make their ways through the Heavens, or underworld. If they did not have these instructions, it was thought they might get lost. So by us humans having religious structures to focus on we are able to understand more clearly our place in the universe and we are comforted by the finite limitations around us. Have you ever left religions to feel free but a little alone? That is because you are now within the infinity of creation. To believe in the one God that permeates all things and is in fact all things is to admire the scope of her infinite creation. To accept all faiths is to understand human history and the loving God that oversees all. To follow one faith is to narrow your focus into one aspect of what God has taught us. The added bonus is that you have company while you do this, but what would happen if you were adopted out to a devout religious family? Would you follow thier beliefs or still form your own? This is akin to small minority religions that believe their own thing in opposition to everyone else. Sometimes I guess it comes down to company and ideas you might have in common that help form groups. Even places like Lindaland land is like this where we all come and discuss Linda related (and other) topics. My point though is that people love limitations. They offer security and warmth. Hence religions can be formed with so much power. Which brings my on to another point concerning Holy wars. Holy wars have absoultely nothing to do with the one God right? I mean, it's like God is schizophrenic or something, and yet so many people claiming God says differnt things in order to attack other people. This is one of the limitations I speak of. Were people thinking more infinite they would understand that wars are pointless and that they are doing it because they like wars, not because God told them to. This is why their are so many differences in religion. It has NOTHING to do with God, and EVERYTHING to do with man. This is quite obvious, but now I understand more clearly why this is so. Because people love limitations. Because we want to feel special - sometimes in the wrong ways (ie. through violence). The best way we can be special is through love and tolerance, for how many people show these qualities endlessly? I also came to the understanding of why Budhism makes so much sense - it is NOT a religion but a way of life - an understanding that all is one and yet infinite. Buddha himself never seemed so much like a religious entity as he did of a philosopher helping people understand the universe in which we live. I do not advocate any beliefs but the ones you form individually, these are just some thoughts I arrive at a little while ago while trying to sleep. What do you guys think? Heaps of Love, Dean. IP: Logged |
future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 2708 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted January 29, 2005 10:59 PM
Wow, sesame... that this topic has come up right now is blowing my mind because i think about all of these things a lot. Just today I was at work and I was thinking about posting a thread on religious studies or something because... because of so many things that I don't have time to get into right now. I'd like to talk to you more about this. I have company right now, but I'll be in touch with you! So glad you posted this!  IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted January 30, 2005 01:30 AM
Well Said Dean. Thats my point too. Within a religion, some people feel that its a vocation from God to kill others who do not believe in their faith. Within a different group, they feel to place a book of God in the victims hand is their Vocation. Some believe they have a call to spread liberty in the world (Bush for instance) All this creates so much disharmony. So wonderful it will be when everyone believes in the ALL and love each other as ONE. The bad harmonics would dissapear and suddenly there will be a pulse recorded when that happens. I am sure that when the WTC happened someone would have measured that pulse or even so at a time when the last tsunami occurred. A few more such events and I am sure there will be a major surge  The temple of God is within each. Theres absolutely no need to turn your head towards Mecca when you are buried. All that is foolish. God does not wish to worshipped. It is we who need to be saved and hence it is we that need to keep his words. Now this may sound a contradiction to my point earlier. The fact is none of the scriptures have been directly written by God, but was inspired. God has great foresight and is clever enough to let things be as it is supposed to be. Did you ever wonder why God does not leave clear written instructions but leaves so many clues around the world. Its because if he did leave clearly written words, we would take it for granted. Just as some people take STDs for granted saying well theres enough drugs avail, lets keep doing it. You know what I mean. God is so powerful he could make a human being from a stone. And therefore we who are his children have been given a life must express our gratitude and we must appreciate it and not blaspheme him. (and why would we blaspheme? The conversation goes like this. I would say "oh why do I ever get hungry? Why did God create me? Wish that I was nonexistent. I would neither know happiness nor sadness.") I do not understand what void is like. It definitely is not powerful enough to swallow the ONE. May be there is no such thing as VOID in the same manner in which there is no such thing as INFINITY. The more I wonder about the above questions, the more I have hope that, because he has created me, in the same manner he will also be my refuge when I need him. He would honor me when I am dishonoured. Its nice to bounce Ideas. I learn so much.
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iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted January 30, 2005 02:27 AM
Well was retiring to bed and thought of this: Kingdom of God is within. The blip I mentioned that lives in each soul(kingdom) is love. It is the king of the soul. When the love becomes stronger, they would see Christ dwelling within. The same Christ that dwells in you, me, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Muhammed, ... We must preach love than our own personal truths around the world. It would be such a better place to live in. Who ever does not teach this truth lives in ignorance.
Christ(the son) is the way to the father and mother. The eternity is essentially made of one one God yet three. The mother God is omniscient. She is the thought that paints the roses red and the sky blue. The father God is the power and Christ (son) is the love. Each human is God in flesh. Therefore it is so wrong to say the tsunamis killed the hindus and muslims because they are not christians. IP: Logged |
LeoSweetHeart Knowflake Posts: 539 From: Registered: Nov 2004
posted January 30, 2005 05:41 AM
I agree Dean very insightful thoughts.I also wanted to add that even those who aren't religious seem to still behave this way. First with scientist/atheist people: they are searching endlessly for all the answers to the universe in their own ways so that everything becomes familiar and predictable. They can rely on their molecules and the nature of matter and energy..for them even the invisible world of subjective emotions scares them out of their comfort zone. I don't mean all scientist, just those in this category..but science in itself is still a box of comfort. Then there are those with money or fame. Their conforted with financial stability and all their earthly possessions to make life "safer". These people need their material possessions as some need religion. Not everyone fits in these categories, enough do that its worth checking out to see if the majority of people in the world have "something" that makes them feel safe in a big, mysterious universe. Very interesting  IP: Logged |
NeoKitty Knowflake Posts: 595 From: Heaven Registered: Dec 2004
posted January 30, 2005 05:39 PM
Great thoughts Dean  People do love limitations, alot think Spirituality is having to abide by limitations.I've known some who became very strict with their diet to become more spiritual- having RULES in their life became more important than LIVING life. It's a false sense of feeling safe. And this person once said "I got angry today- I am not very spiritual". "I need to stop getting angry" People think they have to place limits, it's a fear of the boundless. Your lifestyle and habbits change accordingly to your spiritual growth, not the other way around. People cling to others, beliefs and ideals, which gives them a sense of Identity. Alot of religious people I know ARE their religion! I do often listen to wisdom from Buddha, and Taoism more so because it does not condone beliefs, but a way of life- and the importance of mind, or no-mind rather.  ------------------ "And dreams, don't ever forget, are the first step in manifesting wishes into reality"-- Linda Goodman's Star Signs IP: Logged |
LeoSweetHeart Knowflake Posts: 539 From: Registered: Nov 2004
posted January 30, 2005 10:13 PM
yea I always been drawn to Buddhism and Taoism as well because its so open to everyone and everything. Yeah and rarely does disiplining yourself work in the long run without changing your mentality or spirituality from within. So true Neo Kitty   IP: Logged |
sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted January 31, 2005 02:05 AM
future_uncertain, my pleasure.Iamthat, what do you mean by "May be there is no such thing as VOID in the same manner in which there is no such thing as INFINITY." I mean, I don't believe their is a void (or vacuum) as their is always energy, but I definitely think infinity exists. Maybe you're saying because we can't find the limits of infinity, that it doesn't exist. Or something like that - unquantifiable. However, have you heard of the steady-state theory? Everything doesn't so much expand continuously, but the "space" is being filled at the same rate - hence the state of the univers remains steady. The Big Bang seems to have more validity, but I personally think the Big Bang is localised, and is filling in a gap on the overall steady state universe. If that makes sense. LeoSweetHeart, yes, as the thought progressed, I realised this line of thinking is very much human, and is probably applicable in all cases. You could say some insane people have no conception of limitations whatsoever - their mind is completely opened, so I think we do need some limits  Neo, Yes, I hear ya. Anger should be explored and dealt with, not bottled up or suppressed. It is a God-given emotion just kie any other. Yes, the mind and no-mind. Blows my mind anyway... You gotta love Buddha. I never understood why he was so big though, but then I believe it's cultural and metophoric. I believe the Indian Buddha was quite well-built. The big one is Japenese and I think because Japenese people thought being large meant being happy. Rubbing his tummy is good luck, well, so I tell my wife mine is too!  Dean. IP: Logged |
iAmThat Knowflake Posts: 1255 From: third rock from the Sun Registered: Sep 2004
posted January 31, 2005 03:36 AM
Dean, The Indian buddha was handsome. Even in a monks dress he had a certain charisma and someone would instantly recognize him as being something. Compare this to Jesus who was meek (IMO. Was Jesus really strong that he would carry the cross all alone during his passion. Or he only carried one leg of the cross. Whatever it may be.) But heres a interesting way in which the God and Godess wills things to be. Buddha didn't perform a single miracle, while Jesus did. Not a single miracle was reported even when the Buddha lived to his 80's. When he came to know of a woman grieving for her child who died, he simply asked her to go and get mustard seed from the house where there was no death. The woman ran door to door and she finally understood. She became his disciple (IMO) God works in a mysterious ways. He uses the fools to shame the wise and weak to shame the strong. He knows everyone, no one knows him.
God can shadow anyone, anytime. Everyone can call his name. Everyone can seek him. If you really love him, you would be ready to die in a same way as a moth dies in the flame. Regarding your feedback of infinity, I did hear about the theory. Since massive objects warps space time, the universe is shaped as a large bread loaf.
The laws of physics does not allow a steady state to continue. If God is thoughts and thoughts are equations then what is predicted by equations would come true. I am talking about laws of Entropy and Einsteins famous blunder. It is plausible to think that, the universe would start to turn on towards itself. Does this mean time would reverse? In the new existence would it be that, people would die first and then go to womb. If we who are God in our own realm and who think that this should be ruled out. Then would everything just collapse to the same single point where it originated from. "No one knows the hour but our father" - Isn't it he, the one who is Power knows how long he could hold the universe and keep it balanced? Scientists are sure that our universe is expanding so rapidly, that it will be too stretched out. Galaxies would start loosing their peculiar shape. The constellations (beautiful pictures in the sky that we know of) would be distorted. Think of this, when universe actually starts collapsing, there will be fireworks in the sky. It will be a spectacular vision with lots of noice. But it will be very uncomfortable to be on earth when that happens. May be theres a gate that will be opened by God, and we can take refuge there on the other side. Again, I didn't wish to scare readers.. Two years ago i thought of this. It may bot be relevant. But I thought I would share it anyways and see if any one else came with a likewise theory and where are they now  What I am convinced of --Well my own personal truth currently. I will let you know when version 2006 comes -- is that there exists a veil between our universe and heaven. A veil that we call space or vaccuum. So you have 4 dimentions on this side and X on the other. Someday I would like to know more about X.
The two systems are not much different. Only from the eyes of soul, during trance or meditation (Methods, other than drinking a few glasses of wine can heaven be experienced. Its impossible for a body to go to heaven. My memory fades me but years ago I saw a movie based on sacred scriptures about a Hindu rishi(guru), who actually went to heaven in Body without being dead. That defied logic or I must have not understood the story/movie. But then, God can shadow anyone and anythings possible. I didn't jump from my seat as the story unfolded before me. On a related note, I saw a movie made from sacred scriptures written account 1000 years ago of a woman lying in the bed and Goddess coming to her and taking her (her astral body, or call it whatever for a walk across the ocean. IP: Logged |
divinia Knowflake Posts: 366 From: The Crossroads of America Registered: Mar 2003
posted February 01, 2005 11:35 PM
I have been pondering a variation on this theme also. I believe that we worship a finite God (what I call a "God Construct"), because our minds can comprehend neither infinity nor the void. Most of us live in our minds (coupled with our physical senses) and cannot get beyond our own intellectual assumptions. I believe that The Architect in The Matrix II and III represents this God Construct of ours. In the third movie, The Oracle mentions that The Architect believes that the universe must be balanced between good and evil. It seems to me that this is the way most of us believe. In order to "win" in the movie, Neo had to go beyond his limitations (i.e., the limitations of being Neo) and become the Void/nothingness so that The Source/the one true thing could rush in.Of course, these are just my musings and I apologize for the incoherence of my thoughts. If anyone would like any food for thought, I would recommend thumbing through the following URL when s/he has the time. ------------------ Sincerely, divinia What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7215 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted February 02, 2005 12:55 AM
"The true men of old, They had no mind to fight Tao. They did not try, by their own contriving, to help Tao along.This window, it is nothing but a hole in the wall. But because of it The entire room is full of light." - Chuang Tzu
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