posted November 21, 2002 06:02 AM
I would strongly advise you to rethink that. What are your difficulties with your current religion, if I may be so bold as to ask?My impression is that Christianity contains many simplifications that are not the final truth. It is an easy-to-understand religion, and it's tailor-made for the person who wants a simple, easy to apply approach to life. My apologies to any Christians who might be reading; this only my opinion, and I am not trying to be controversial.
What makes you think that one religion will be any better than the other? Religion is only a man-made set of ideas. It is suitable if you are content not to look beyond your nose. I am thought of as being 'in' a religion, but I don't constrain myself to it. I recognise it as a kind of work of art, but I don't take what it says as literal truths.
I think we are born into particular religions because of the particular character of it aligns with our own, and so there is a natural advantage in staying with it - we progress more quickly through it.
If you are feeling disappointed about something, the last thing you need to do is blame the Divine for it. Take responsibility for your actions.
If you know for sure that you will progress by making a change, all well and good. But don't make such a change because you have 'learned to enough to distrust' your religion.
I would be wary of the people who propagate religion; more than once, they have let me down. But I don’t believe that takes anything away from the religion itself. I read carefully my religious texts, and I read between the lines, to see what the Divine REALLY had to say, before some ditz tried to force his own ideas onto it.
"God's OK, it's his fan clubs that worry me."
Often, I disagree with what I read, but overall, I can recognise useful truths when I see them, because I take the time and trouble to look.
Why go jumping into something new just because you are somehow disappointed? Learn to open yourself spiritually. I have some knowledge of Christianity, and think that while they have many good features, such as adherence to ethics and morals, they do not progress very far. Too many of them are fanatical, and it has set back the world's progress by hundreds of years.
That's why the highest among them needlessly renounce their Christianity and find more intellectual religions.
If everyone would stick with his religion and take the time and trouble to understand it, maybe religion would be raised to the level of something useful. As it is though, everyone wants to rush into the latest sensation, blame God for everything, and never make any solid progress.
I think there are various improvements that can be made to all religions, Christianity included, and it is the duty of each person in each religion to pick it up, dust it off, and show it to the rest of the world proudly, as something useful. Ultimately, recognize that being spiritual will give you infinitely more understand and power than religion ever will. Religion is just a toy, a pretty thing, a set of social conventions, for people who have real spiritual knowledge and power.
So stay with whatever religion you have, and start doing your duty by really looking for the truths in it.