Topic: The Bible
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 01:23 AM
Ok, so I was born in Peru and went to a Catholic school... I have been around very religious people but my dad (thank God/Universe) always taught me not to be a follower but just learn from different cultures and their religions and always follow my heart by recognizing right from wrong.Very simple rule!With that said, I took my religion classes in school without never making this religion mine and I never had the need to follow any other religion, to me religion was nothing else than a way to control the masses by fear and that was that. But, I did recognize that there are some many nice teachings for kids that have come out of the bile and were taught to me as a kid as well to recognize good from bad. Little piece and bits used very well for this purpose. Last year I started to experience some big changes in the way I think, well, it has been for a couple years but I started my search last year with a really strong and stubborn attitude, to make a story short I have talked to so many people about our existence and where we come from , where are me headed, who do we really are and I am still confused with my feelings about religion and the roll we play in this life. So... I always thought that the Bible was a book written by man and it really meant nothing else than putting some nice words together to adore a God that will keep the people in power still in power for generations to come, but it never ocurred to me that this teachings were going to lack love between a man and a woman as a 50/50 unity. Here is my question: Can anyone point me to a place in the bible where this is truely apparent and shows man and women coming together as a unity and not women used as a reproductive machine? I would really apprecite that. Thank you. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 281 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 03, 2007 01:29 AM
here is a video link, from our wonderful member ListensToTrees... Jesus knew we needed no churches, or religions.. he taught to all, no one excluded..
But those in POwer, took over, and changed things, to suit their needs, and to suppress the people.. in all religions there is good and bad..focus on the good, and what is true in your heart.. not what Man has written, but what is within all of Us, the Truth. ... LOve and Reverence to ALL... . IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 01:38 AM
Thank you Lotus... I'll watch Can't sleep!  IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 281 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 03, 2007 01:40 AM
You're Welcome, I'm a bit frazzled mySelf, lol So much turmoil, makes me uneasy..but ah, I have faith we can all overcome this, if we put our Minds to it..M O M Mind Over Matter...We create, let's create something awesome! IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5388 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 03, 2007 01:48 AM
Now thats a very Nurturing thought there Lotus!!!M O M Mind Over Matter... IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 281 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 03, 2007 01:51 AM
Solane Star, we can do it!We can turn this mess around with M O M the one that was forgotten.. the Holy Ghost, she's the Most, hehe I think I am over-tired, LOL LOve LOve LOve IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5388 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 03, 2007 01:55 AM
We can Lotus, but one also needs there Beauty Rest also!!! Sweet Dreams Lotus!!! 
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 281 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 03, 2007 02:02 AM
Ggod Night.. to ALLLOve LOve LOve IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 02:07 AM
oh yes, I saw that video earlier and a couple other ones under that same topic. Very nice...But so many things that don't click to me, how can Men/Women let all the dark feelings take over? how did men do this more so than women, why did women let it happen? I know we can not generalize but it seems that way. where do their astrological map fall into all this? Does Jesus have an astrological chart? Pardon my uneducated self on these topics but as I said before I never paid much attention because I was not a religious person.IP: Logged |
MUSTANG Knowflake Posts: 908 From: Registered: Jun 2006
posted September 03, 2007 04:07 AM
The bible is good and all, but I think there are a lot of parts that are missing. That makes me mad! The vatican has all of these writings that they guard like gold; it's like Fort Knox. That makes me leery. Who do they think they are to not let us see ALL that was written? And what the Hell are they hiding?------------------ Sun Aqua, Moon Sagg, Asc Taurus IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees Knowflake Posts: 3935 From: Infinity Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 03, 2007 04:23 AM
I don't know what they are hiding. No-one really does unless they have been there.I'm reading David Icke right now....that explains things, but his work is not everyone's cup of tea. We can draw conclusions on the evidence we have in front of us, but few actually know. The answer is just to keep searching, but never forget to balance both mind and intuition; never ignore what your heart tells you. This world in which we live is just one of many. I am looking forward to moving onto the next, but first I have work to do and 2 boys to raise! As long as we do our best, we will be infinitely rewarded. Here on Earth our consciousness level is severely restricted. Rising above that is quite a task. There are so many different levels. But here is what I believe, in a nutshell: "Infinite Love is the only truth; everything else is illusion!" IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 2746 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted September 03, 2007 08:43 AM
>>>>Can anyone point me to a place in the bible where this is truely apparent and shows man and women coming together as a unity and not women used as a reproductive machine?Well bible is a collection of books for religious study and references. Didn't Abraham not dump his wife Sarah even though she could not bear him a child. Isn't it because he loved her. Ultimately they did find grace in God's eyes and they bore a child. I believe it was a trial they both had to go thru for God's grace. A great story of unity in my eyes. it was customary for jews to marry at young age to keep the strengh of the clan. The messiah was supposed to be born from the clan. I can't think of a story of the type of Romeo and Juliet.... hmmm good question.
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NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 10:11 AM
quote: "Infinite Love is the only truth; everything else is illusion!"
Well, I agree with the infinite love remark, I love people, I help others as much as I can, I take care of my two kids by myself, my mother and some adopted friends. But is this love you are talking about a far away love and we are really suppose to be by ourselves? giving love to everyone and only using intimacy to reproduce? or is there really suppose to be a partnership between men and women? And why is the bible not teaching about that? (couples) Isn't this suppose to be the nucleaus of our society? the strenght and basics if it... even same sex partnerships but both brought together as the very fundamental idea , the base of the future? Maybe women were the ones that were made wrong and we have some kind of defect, after all comparing how we are wired usually we are the ones that want to come in a relationship, with committment when men are usually the oppositte. (key word=usually) IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 10:12 AM
quote: Didn't Abraham not dump his wife Sarah even though she could not bear him a child. Isn't it because he loved her. Ultimately they did find grace in God's eyes and they bore a child. I believe it was a trial they both had to go thru for God's grace. A great story of unity in my eyes.
I don't remember this one, I have to read about this, did he have another 5 wifes as well? LOL IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees Knowflake Posts: 3935 From: Infinity Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 03, 2007 10:24 AM
Errr......I would like to know the real answer to those questions also..... But I do have my own philosophy and that is people should do what feels right for them. Only one law is important "If it harms none, do what you will". Simple statement, but it does require a lot of pondering. We are 'social creatures' and we benefit from sharing and intimacy. A monogamous relationship helps build up trust and self-esteem. I think 'open relationships' cause to much trouble to peoples feelings for the vast, vast majority of society and therefore are bad for emotional well-being. Many fall into that sort of thing to go along with what the other person wants as they have low self-esteem. This is a generalization- each individual is unique and therefor I am not one to pass judgment. I can only speak from what I have seen. I think there are health benefits from having someone to share with, hold close, etc plus sex boosts the immune system. On the other hand, destructive relationships are bad for the health! Perhaps there is no "right" or "wrong" answer. But politicians always want to throw people into categories and find ways to "cure" society of its various problems.
I suppose looking at things from a wider perspective as I have just done, would take more effort for them! IP: Logged |
naiad Knowflake Posts: 1645 From: Registered: Sep 2006
posted September 03, 2007 10:31 AM
quote: Didn't Abraham not dump his wife Sarah even though she could not bear him a child. Isn't it because he loved her.
if all women could be so lucky, and have a man who doesn't dump them.  i suppose it's asking much too much to have a man who honors you for who you are, who treats you with respect and kindness. sorry, i know those kind of men, who think they're doing you a 'favor' by not 'dumping' you. what a pleasant term. Jesus was a rebel in his day because he allowed women to worship with men, and be equal participants in such worship. the bible would have us believe otherwise. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 03, 2007 12:29 PM
Jesus was the only one who treated women as equals to my knowledge. Abraham whor@d his wife/sister out for the night to King Abimelech because he was afraid for his own sorry butt. Fortunately King Abimelech did not touch her when he discovered she was not only Abraham's sister but his wife too. The king was shocked indeed. Abraham and his wife were brother and sister. quote: "And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife. (Genesis 20:12)""Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen. (Deuteronomy 27:22)"
Men owned their wives and children.Yet lord supposedly allowed Abraham to commit these moral crimes. ------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ Everything changes. Fear not the changes. "My body is physically disabled, but I am not my body nor am I its disabilities!" }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 03, 2007 12:50 PM
quote: Does Jesus have an astrological chart?
Here is one of several versions:
quote: The bible is good and all, but I think there are a lot of parts that are missing. That makes me mad! The vatican has all of these writings that they guard like gold; it's like Fort Knox. That makes me leery. Who do they think they are to not let us see ALL that was written? And what the Hell are they hiding?
In addition to the Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls; quote:
The Missing Parts of the King James Bible The Apocrypha Unknown to almost all of the over two billion people who claim the Bible as their spiritual foundation is that there are several books and two sections missing missing from all but a few versions of that Bible. Perhaps one of the best kept secrets of the modern Protestant church is that the Bible used by that body is not the original King James Bible. That translation, completed in 1611, and the Bibles published for the use of the clergy and the church members until late in the 19th Century, contained 80 books. Although attempts to remove the 14 books known as the Apocrypha from the Bible began immediately after the King James translation was completed they remained in the Bible until the end of the 19th Century. There is no doubt that the 14 books of the Apocrypha were controversial, but it cannot be denied they were included in the original King James Bible. The concept of the Protestant Church about the Apocrypha is virtually non-existent, with the general understanding that only the Catholic Church uses it. One would be hard-pressed to find any members of the clergy even aware that these books were ever included in the King James Bible. There are 155,683 words and over 5,700 verses contained in 168 chapters now missing from the King James translation of the Bible due to the exclusion of the Apocrypha. Although this only happened just over a hundred years ago, their existence as fully accepted scripture is virtually unknown.
See here for more details: ------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ Everything changes. Fear not the changes. "My body is physically disabled, but I am not my body nor am I its disabilities!" }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 281 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted September 03, 2007 01:47 PM
How is it, that we do not know when Jesus was born? The 3 Wise Men knew!? We have DOB's for many other's of that time period and before...666, is the number of a Man, Beast.. Man/Woman is the Beast, we are the opposite of Heaven, we must know our Soul, Our True Divinity, not the illusion of this World.. In plain sight, his birthday has been there 06-06-0006, this is what I believe..we are our own worst enemy, look around you, it is imperative that we wake-up, to Truth, Through Forgiveness and LOve..we must over- Come this mess, we have made.. Our Promise for Tomorrow, and no more sorrow.. LOve to ALL. ... IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 05:11 PM
Well, I always thought he was born Dec 25th LOL D*mn....where have I been living? under a rock? I wonder why it never ocurred to me to question these things, maybe because I really never gave them any credibility, after all , men wrote the bible for a controlling purpose and not a spiritual purpose, so "rebel" me decided to block it out of my life. It took many sleepless nights of feeling sorry for myself and wondering why I was born to die and be turn to dust to finally decide to look for an alternative answer. Too many questions... IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 05:15 PM
ok, so according to this chart his focal point is on himself and his personal concerns, after all the majority of his planets are in the bottom left corner whch means that LOLhey I am just aplying here what I am learning from you guys!  He is also in the beginning of his journey as a soul?????? is that right Tim?  IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 05:16 PM
Hey, there is also a Yod in his chart, although I don't know what that means LOLWhere did you get this chart from Fayte? IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 03, 2007 07:14 PM
Private research amongst scholars, consulting with clergy, including Spiritualist ministers, and a high ranking Roman Catholic Bishop,a professional astrologer, and many others involved in research into this matter. The consensus is this seems a possibility due in part to the season, the eclipse a few days before, and Picean with Aquarian ascendant. There were many other factors considered but I am not going to compromise the research which is still ongoing. No one here need argue with me, I simply posted here the chart I found to be most valid.------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ Everything changes. Fear not the changes. "My body is physically disabled, but I am not my body nor am I its disabilities!" }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged |
NAM Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Sunny place. Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 03, 2007 07:29 PM
No arguing at all Fayte, just wondering.Tha's all. I will be the first to admit, I know nothing LOL But I am ok with that, this is why I ask the questions.IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted September 03, 2007 07:31 PM
Sun in Pisces, Moon in CancerThis astrological combination is a very harmonious one. Much about you is fluid and receptive. Your emotional nature is highly developed, and your sympathies extend to the universe at large. However, you are most at peace with yourself in your own home, where your sensitivity of heart and mind are best expressed. There is always a danger in your life of withdrawing into a life of introspection and suspended activity. One who is as receptive as you should choose your environment carefully and with discrimination. You must always be aware of the dangers in being too receptive to the thoughts and feelings of others. You may meet with psychic experiences, as you can transcend the confines of self and take on the form of another. By using your will to screen out detrimental influences, your sensitive nature will not be exploited or open to the entrance of harmful forces. This is the key to a happier existence. Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the First House At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aquarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Uranus is located in the first house. You were born with a natural disposition to be humane, sympathetic, original and refined in your dealings with others. Among your features is the ability to understand human nature in a sympathetic manner. Unfortunately, you do not always act upon your intuitions and may become rationalistic at times when swift and prompt determination is required. The common Aquarian is good and kindly, but usually led astray by eccentric and bizarre companions. Your tastes are refined and your discrimination keen. You have a natural inclination toward the esoteric and mystical side of life and you could develop some clairvoyant abilities. Basically you are a lover of freedom; in the realization of this desire you may go to extremes. Although changeable in appearance, your life is guided by very definite and fixed principles, one of which is a constant demand for personal freedom. In love you are a strange character. You can easily be emotionally attracted to one person and yet unpredictably terminate relationships. As an inventor you have no rival; your problem is that sometimes you lack the practical ability to implement your creations. Professionally you will be successful in any of the following fields of activity: modern science, electrical work, photography, archaeology, astrology, radio etc. You have intense interest in all unusual, occult, metaphysical subjects. Always humanistic, you possess the genius and power to see the future more lucidly than others. Uranus may incline you to participate in movements connected with social or educational reform. Your life will be full of ups and downs in search for intellectual freedom and liberation of the spontaneous-creative impulse. Sun in the Second House The Sun was found in the second house at the time of your birth. This position makes financial matters - and the act of physical conquest and possession - the central motivation of your existence. It is virtually a necessity that you address yourself to gaining material security. The obligations of giving still exist for you as a real difficulty which you must learn to deal with. You should enjoy your own wealth and also instruct yourself in the art of giving. You wish to be respected in financial matters and like to be regarded as a person who is self- sufficient. There exists a great amount of faith in your abilities; you believe that no matter what happens, you will always endure financially. These influences of the Sun grant strong possibilities for success in life. Your weaknesses in money include a tendency to be very demonstrative, a desire for money because of the power it wields. As you reach mature age, the doors of opportunity will open for you through persons highly placed in government. Don't miss the chance. Saturn in the Second House Saturn is found in the second house at the time of your birth. This is not a very favorable astrological circumstance for the general course of financial matters in your life. It might be difficult to maintain a relatively fair position because of financial losses. You might also take financial matters too serious, and burden yourself with worries about them. Your arduous and dedicated work might produce little for you financially, but it does help to strengthen your self-worth and your appreciation of other values. Therefore, do not be discouraged. Saturn often grants a fairly normal financial status at an older age if one exerts oneself in this direction. If you make an effort to acquire greater enthusiasm in business, coupled with more liberality, life will change by the same degree. Venus in the Third House Venus was in the third house of your horoscope at the time of birth. You are keenly interested in the creative arts, and your thoughts and words are surrounded by a halo of beauty, taste, and proportion. Your mind actually feels the emotions connected with nature and the higher aspects of things human. Venus here augurs pleasant and kind relations with members of your family; the disposition of your intellect is congenial, youthful, and attractive. The keys to a better integration of both your mental and emotional functions consist of deepening your personal relationships and of turning the mind inward so that you may be able to know the world better by means of true self-knowledge. Moon in the Sixth House The Moon was found in your sixth house at the time of birth. Among other things, this indicates that throughout life your work duties will be varied, multiple, and require contact with many people. Healthwise, this may denote a propensity to suffer through excessive changes and motivations. Psychologically, this position inclines you to act through subordinate roles rather than those of leadership. A final psychological trait is a secret desire to become known professionally. Astrological Data used for Short Report - Personal Portrait for Y (male) born on 16 March -4 greg. local time 3:39 am in Bethlehem, ISRL U.T. 01:18:12 35e12, 31n43 sid. time 15:12:49 Planetary positions planet sign degree motion Sun Pisces 25°28'12 in house 2 direct Moon Cancer 18°29'39 in house 6 direct Mercury Pisces 21°12'50 in house 2 direct Venus Taurus 10°14'44 in house 3 direct Mars Scorpio 9°29'26 in house 9 direct Jupiter Taurus 2°07'34 in house 3 direct Saturn Aries 7°15'09 in house 2 direct Uranus Pisces 10°43'25 in house 1 direct Neptune Scorpio 9°11'51 in house 9 retrograde Pluto Virgo 13°05'35 end of house 7 retrograde True Node Aries 0°47'56 in house 2 retrograde Planets at the end of a house are interpreted in the next house. House positions (Placidus) Ascendant Aquarius 3°05'12 2nd House Pisces 14°22'06 3rd House Aries 21°39'04 Imum Coeli Taurus 20°41'44 5th House Gemini 14°32'00 6th House Cancer 7°09'31 Descendant Leo 3°05'12 8th House Virgo 14°22'06 9th House Libra 21°39'04 Medium Coeli Scorpio 20°41'44 11th House Sagittarius 14°32'00 12th House Capricorn 7°09'31 Major aspects Sun Trine Moon 6°59 Sun Conjunction Mercury 4°15 Sun Sextile Ascendant 7°37 Moon Trine Mercury 2°43 Moon Trine Uranus 7°46 Moon Sextile Pluto 5°24 Venus Opposition Mars 0°45 Venus Sextile Uranus 0°29 Venus Opposition Neptune 1°03 Venus Trine Pluto 2°51 Mars Quincunx Saturn 2°14 Mars Trine Uranus 1°14 Mars Conjunction Neptune 0°18 Mars Sextile Pluto 3°36 Jupiter Square Ascendant 0°58 Saturn Quincunx Neptune 1°57 Saturn Sextile Ascendant 4°10 Uranus Trine Neptune 1°32 Uranus Opposition Pluto 2°22 Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°54 Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle). ------------------ "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over and start a rehab for the damned!" ~Judgement Must Be Balanced With Compassion~ ~Do Not Seek Wealth From The Suffering, Or The Dire Needs Of Others~ ~Assumption Is The Bane Of Understanding~ ~ if you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got.~ Everything changes. Fear not the changes. "My body is physically disabled, but I am not my body nor am I its disabilities!" }><}}}(*> <*){{{><{ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ IP: Logged | |