posted May 08, 2006 10:52 PM
I thought I would share this info...To the ancient Egyptians the pentacle had a specific meaning, when placed within a circle it represented the "duat" or afterlife it was also representative of the "vows" of the earth, from which everyday life and the afterlife originated....
~Fire, Air, water, and Earth with Spirit represent the pentacle....
The Pentacle is representative of the Virgin. The rose is associated with the Virgin Mary. The connection between the rose and the pentacle's direct associate with the planet Venus and its movement through the heavens.....
The physical shape of the rose also gives a good indication of the movements of Venus across the zodiac, when seen from earth during five returns of views to the sun (as seen from earth Venus passes the Sun to become an evening star, in other words, it rises after the Sun. After a specific period, it begins to fall back toward the Sun, crosses the Sun and then becomes a Morning Star-- it rises ahead of the Sun. This cycle is repeated time and time again, but the end of the fifth cycle, Venus will once again stand in the same part of the heavens it occupied at the start of the five cycles. This is the point at which the 5.8 ratio became apparent) Thus the pentacle very important in terms of movements of Venus as seen from the earth because this is the shape it describes within the zodiac across any eighty-year period....
(Ever since Sumerian times that band of the heavens through which the Sun, Moon and planets appear to travel as viewed from earth, which is called the plane of the Ecliptic, has been split into twelve sections. These are groups of stars within these sections, which have attracted specific names. These are the signs of the zodiac)
Gemini Virgo
This figure represents a some what simplified version of the pentacle formed by the planet Venus as it crosses and re-crosses the surface of the Sun, as seen form earth, during an eight year period. In fact, the five Venus and eight earth cycle period is not exact. So the pentacle “slips” a little during each eight year period, allowing the pentacle to move gradually around the zodiac.
This pentacle is never actually “seen” It can only be inferred and would have remained to ancient astronomers as one of the “mysteries” to the way Venus and the earth were tied together in a form of celestial harmony.
This is quite interesting:
The explanation for what Lucifer actually represents is to be found in Funk & Wagnall’s Encyclopedia. It says:
LUCIFER is PHOSPHOPUS (the light Bearer) in classical mythology, the name for the planet Venus as the Morning Star; the planet was personified (by the Greeks) as youth, the Sun of the dawn goddess Eos, and the brother Vesper, or Hesperus, the Evening Star. A verse in Isaiah 14:12 alludes to the king of Babylon as “Lucifer, son of the Morning”; in the belief that this verse contained a reference to the fall of Satan from heaven, the Fathers of the early Christian church attached the name Lucifer to Satan.
Venus appearing as a bright Morning Star would act as a herald to the first sun of the New Year and therefore would be a messenger of the end of winter
Ps- How do you guys like my pentacle? hehe... without fighting: