Topic: The Christ Letters are not FAKE--to Mannu and others with ears to hear
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 04:32 AM
quote: he had bestowed upon the recorder the generous opportunity to succumb to his demands to revise her truth to fit his world view
I can't blame you, naiad. You really have no idea what you are talking about. Try to hear me. Please. I did not call her an imposter because I felt her views were wrong. That is your misconception. You formed an idea of what was going on, and you got carried away, and now you cannot see what actually happened, even when it is spelled out for you. Take a breath. I called her an imposter because she admitted to me that what she is posting (and signing the name of "Jesus Christ" to) is not what she believes to be true, nor is it what she believes Jesus Christ would say. What I myself believe was never the issue. If I merely disagreed with her version of Christ, I would have said so. I would have thought she was mistaken. I would not have called her a liar and an imposter. I would have said she is mistaken, and I would have proceeded to make my case. This is how I have always responded to everyone who I disagreed with on matters which are not matters of opinion. In fact, I don't think I have ever called anyone an "imposter" in my life, until now. This is the first one I met who actually confessed it to me. Okay, I've said all there is to say about this. Either you will see what is really going on, or you won't. There's nothing more I can say. Peace, s IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 04:36 AM
lol, Actually, its been brought to my attention that I did, in fact, sign myself "HSC, Genius" at least once. I was sort of kidding, but whatever.IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 17, 2007 08:29 AM
The first post in this thread was initially posted by Moira in the thread I started. I replied to her there, before she decided to repost her personal attack here, under the guise of supporting the so-called Christ Letters. It's only fair that I repost my response to her here. I have edited it somewhat, for clarity's sake, but the original is still posted in the other thread, if anyone wishes to compare them. Many of my thoughts are highly original and will appear odd to most people at first glance, so, if anyone finds a saying of mine unintelligible, please, do me the courtesy of allowing me to explain it. I am at a point now where nearly every sentence I write expresses the culmination of an entire thought process. To explain everything would take far more pages than most people are willing to read. I have full confidence in my ability to explain any thought, so, please, if you suspect that I don't know what I am talking about, give me the opportunity to show you a series of compelling reasons to support any claim I make. Thank you. - hsc Moira,
You have made several unjust accusations about my character. quote: HSC keeps making references to "God" --God doesn't exist--we are all gods/ goddesses in potentia.
Okay, so, everyone who speaks of God, is a false teacher? If that is what you think, you have misunderstood all the great spiritual teachers who ever lived. When a true teacher speaks of God, he knows full well that he is speaking of a spiritual reality, and not a material one. Your words seem to imply that, because God is not a material reality, God does not exist. That is to miss the point of what God is. "God is and is not." - the Upanishads. The "absence" of God proves His existence, and the notion of God is His existence (in the form of the Holy Spirit). "Who has ears to hear, let them hear." quote: His view of the baptism of Jesus is filtered through his belief system and it is far more distorted than the Christ Letters could ever be.
My "view" of the Baptism is a vision, a dream; it is provisional and speculative; it is not set in stone, as dogmas are. It is personally helpful to me, and it is shared because it may be helpful to someone else. Yes, it is filtered through my understanding (I do not have a belief system, only a symbolic, religious language for interpreting my secular experience), because I do not accept things from others without subjecting them to my own understanding. You are invited to do the same, and to discard my vision (or anyone else's) if it does not ring true for you. The essential meaning of my vision about the Baptism is that love awakened Christ to his purpose, and to the ultimate purpose of life. I'm sorry if you feel this is "far more distorted than the Christ Letters could ever be" with their talk of deserving suffering. quote: Jesus in Christ Consciousness has retained much of his humaness--or he would not be interested in descending through layers and layers of lower vibratory consciousness to speak to us.
On the contrary, it is precisely Christ's divine nature which is interested in descending to speak with us. "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." His human nature wanted nothing to do with us, "Lord, if it be possible, then let this cup pass from me, but, if it is your will, let me drink it. Not my will, but thy will be done." Enlightened souls do not have to take on the heavy vibrations of time and matter in order to communicate with us. They can easily manipulate matter because of their wisdom and love. It is energy to them, and it has become spiritualized to their consciousness, so it is harmless to them. They have attained a level of understanding which allows them to serve, and still know that they are ruling; to sacrifice, and still feel that they are being blessed. This is why they can descend and remain undisturbed. Otherwise, they could be no help to us. Indeed, many visions of Christ have proven false because they could not manifest without becoming corrupted. quote: I have not been scared away from these boards.
No one is trying to scare you, but someone is trying to help you. quote: As for HSC, I believe that he is a Jesus-wannabe-imposter--far too caught up in his own ego vibrations of sorrow and suffering to have clear and dynamic communication with Christ.
You want to talk about wannabe-imposters? First of all, Moira, I am not the one with a website claiming to be the second coming. Nor have I made any wildly self-aggrandizing claims like the following: "I am the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene--here in my last incarnation." (- moira) I am just a seeker, sincerely trying to understand the message of the Christ. Yes, I want to be like Him. He said "follow me," didn't He? We are supposed to try to understand truth from that high level, and speak from that level to the best of our ability. If you want to see every attempt to reach for the stars as "posing", that is your limitation, not mine. I don't know where you get off casting aspersions about my ego vibrations. I have been presenting a metaphysics which leaves no room for the ego - it doesnt even exist! quote: Jesus would never have hung this thread up to air like HSC did.
Jesus went into the cities and ascended the Mount of Olives to speak to the people. He knew what he had to say was important, and he said so. I think what I am saying is important, and I am saying so. You want to accuse me of being self-righteous, - why? Because I had the audacity to start a thread? quote: I am not moved by a childish tantrum. Christ Consciousness still nevertheless, extends his love to HSC.
That's right, Moira. He loves rapists and child-murderers, and, yes, he even loves me, despite the fact that I raise my voice (which you call a childish tantrum - very mature, btw; clearly, this is your last incarnation) to defend his true teaching. quote: Posting the photo of himself only proves my point further: EGO DOMINATION is all can see there.
LOL. You couldnt resist. Yes, I posted my photo. It must be because I am narcissistic and power-hungry, lol. Nevermind the fact that messoelf showed interest in me and asked me my sun sign. I dont see anything egotistical about being open. In the "real world" you can see the face of the person you are talking to. I show my face because it makes things more "real". I want to be seen, and I want to see who I am talking to. I'm am also known to give more than I am asked for ("if someone asks you to walk a mile with them, walk two"). I'm not surprised that people might suspect me of unflattering motives, but I am surprised that you would conclude that posting my photos, lol, "proves" that all I can see here is an opportunity for ego domination. Wow, you really are feeling threatened, aren't you? For the record, I have had to deal with these kind of impulsive judgements my whole life. It is not new to me, and I recognize it from a mile away. I am very Plutonian and Uranian, and I naturally do things differently, which, time and again, is misinterpretted by people who assume that I must have this or that motive (usually a bad one) for doing something, simply because it is the motive most people would have. "He is doing something different!! He must be trying to stand out. It must be because he wants attention. He must just want attention because he is an egotistical jerk. He couldn't possibly have something important to say, and be trying to get our attention for that reason." Always, the majority of people cannot see anything other than their own small-minded projections. It's depressing, but I'm used to it. quote: I will continue to post and ignore him.
... And continue to make unfounded, negative, and public condemnations of my character to Mannu (ostensibly), so that, at my expense, the two of you may feel superior in your complicit "acceptance" and "tolerance" of deliberately flawed teachings. You go girl! quote: Furthermore I know that you understand that I posted the link to the Christ Letters here as a blessing and a gift, for all to either take or leave.
I assumed that your intention was pure. I appreciated your gesture and thanked you. But, unfortunately (for both of us), your vision is clouded. I am not sorry I tried to help you see. But I will leave you alone now, if my attempts to help are only going to be met with hostility and judgments. quote: I can tell you this, the Recorder of the Christ Letters is quoted in books written by Masters who have now Ascended. She is not a FAKE!
So you've said, repeatedly. "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!" Have you any idea how many people are claiming to be channeling Ascended Masters? You believe some but not all of them, right? So, what is your criterea of truth? The only reason I can see to accept channeled material (and I do not say accept that it is what it claims to be - which we may never be in a position to know for sure - but, to even accept it as worthy of instructing us) is if it resonates with our highest understanding of love and truth. A teaching that speaks ONLY of love and understanding is of a high order. A teaching that speaks of people deserving to suffer is of a low order. You seem to agree with me, and you were even constrained to argue that the recorder must have made a mistake!! When I pointed out to you the fact that the Recorder did not correct that mistake when it was brought to her (and that she, rather, proceeded to defend it, and to openly - at least, to me, but not on her website - confess to and defend the deliberate distortion of higher wisdom), you decided it was time to ignore me, lol. Suit yourself. "There are none so blind as those who will not see." But this is still the most important point in our discussion so far, and unless you can argue that the Recorder is correct in saying people deserve to suffer, and that she is correct in saying the truth ought to be distorted, in order to minister to low level people - which is what she thinks of her readers (of you!), in case you failed to pick up on that admission, - unless you are willing to do that, you ought to renounce this Recorder. Either embrace her for what she is (and admits to being) or find another teacher; one who does not feel "called" to dumb-down her teaching, and divest it of what is best in it, and closest to the true spirit of Christ. hsc
ps. If it makes any difference, I was lucky enough to speak with a highly gifted, highly respected (and highly expensive) psychic, - the kind with a waiting list, - about two years ago. She told me she had never read for anyone so gifted. She encoraged me several times to study channelling, and told me I was going to be a famous author (I didnt even tell her that I am a writer). She gave me her personal email address, which, she says, she very rarely gives out. Anyway, since the simple wisdom in my words isnt enough, maybe something glamorous like that will get your attention. You seem to be greatly impressed by that sort of thing. I also have about a dozen placements/aspects in my chart that are said by astrologers to be good for channelling.
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naiad Knowflake Posts: 1645 From: Registered: Sep 2006
posted March 17, 2007 11:33 AM
dear HSC ~i wasn't questioning your actions. i was making a statement about them. quote: Moira posted the link. I warmly thanked her for sharing (something most people rarely do). I appreciated her intention.
this to me is an attempt to display how profusley you thanked Moira. saying that i missed something that you had profusely done, is not sarcastic. i really did miss it. i cannot find it and i'm sorry. perhaps you can show me where you did you such a thing. quote: Okay, so you clearly disagree with the explanations I gave. But you are unwilling, or unable, to say why. Instead, you are content to just repeat your accusations against me, without taking into account any of the new information I provided. You think I was "rude" to expose a fraud. This is your position, am I right?
i haven't disagreed with your explanations. i am not questioning whether anyone is a fraud or isn't. not even you. that is your opinion, contrary to the opinions of others. some people will choose not to believe you HSC, and they will be distressed at your attempt to enlighten them by bashing their beliefs into the ground. a lot of people believe that Linda Goodman's ideas are dangerous and invalid, and that is their right to believe that. same with astrology. a good example of this is the global unity forum. people spend untold amounts of time and a lot of hate in trying to convince each other that they are wrong. everyone agrees that people will disagree. and they continually ask that the disagreements be made civilly, not with insults and claims of superiority. quote: Don't shoot the messenger who tried to help her.
i haven't done anything of the sort. quote: but I am perplexed by your utter disregard of everything I just said in my last post.
i haven't disregaded anything you've said. and i'm not debating what it is you believe. i've only stated that it is an opinion -- nothing more. and that others have opinions that differ from yours. this is a place where people come to share and discuss opinions. Universal Codes seemed to be a place where people could do that without being attacked. i held it in high esteem for that reason. i love that people feel comfortable enough here to share, lovingly, things that they hold dear to their hearts and souls. there isn't much dogma or intolerance here, a rare thing to find, anywhere, these days. you are being intolerant of something that Moira lovingly shared, and touting your opinion of such as indisputable law. i'm not disputing your opinion, nor do i wish to. so trying to argue with me about it is a useless endeavor. quote: You have only ignored the facts and logic I carefully and patiently set before you, and proceeded to reiterate your unfair claims, without making a case to support them. Whatsmore, you seem very proud of yourself. Good for you.
i have ignored nothing. as i said i don't wish to dispute your opinions of what you consider facts and logic. that you think my claims are unfair is your opinion. that others think your claims unfair is their opinion. that's fine. as i said, this was a nice place because people felt they could share opinions without being attacked for them. i hope that it can remain that way, without people fearing a dogmatic reprimand for sharing what is important to them. quote: he had bestowed upon the recorder the generous opportunity to succumb to his demands to revise her truth to fit his world view --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can't blame you, naiad. You really have no idea what you are talking about.
i'm sorry you misunderstood. my response was to acoustic god, who had said the following ~ quote: Of course HSC could have just questioned the offending text, but the first argument against him would naturally be that he wasn't understanding what the Recorder was saying, so he went to the Recorder first, and gave her multiple opportunities to correct the communication to his satisfaction, but it never happened. He wanted people to know that he'd given her a chance, and he wanted people to know what happened in those interactions.
if you wish to debate your interpretation of the recorder's words and intentions i wish you well. it isn't my desire to do that, nor was it ever. i would submit that the recorder doesn't consider herself an imposter and liar, despite what you say. neither do other people here consider her that. again, that is your opinion of her words. quote: I was lucky enough to speak with a highly gifted, highly respected (and highly expensive) psychic...She gave me her personal email address, which, she says, she very rarely gives out.
perhaps she doesn't share her email address for fear that someone will take personal and private emails that she exchanges in good faith, and make a mockery of her. just perhaps. but that's merely my opinion, not divine, enlightened truth. IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 2764 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 17, 2007 04:09 PM
Hi Naiad, I got a feeling it was a "thanks but no thanks" from HSC. I think you will read that at "What will Jesus say?" post to read that exchange. Stephen,
If you ever met Jesus and see him sneezing, will you cease to call him Son of God? Or if you had a chance to spend whole day with him when he was here on earth bodily, and you walked with him, laughed with him and suddenly he had to answer natures call. Will you consider him as someone ordinaire human? When we go with a microscope there will be faults with everyone, including Jesus in body. We must overlook these small things. Moira said clearly, the letters are a great place to begin. I had my own theories before I read the letter, and then the wisdom in some of them confirmed my affirmations. It also does not mean I subscribe to all the views in them. It was indeed a blessing for me. Didn't the disciples come running to Jesus one day, "Teacher, theres another one preaching in your name?" Didn't his response make it clear that he had no issue with it? So why do you have an issue I do not understand. I guess you like to pull people in to your beliefs. That will never happen. Its not you but the scorpio star sign in you. Each one is unique and we must respect their individuality. Also, I do not want to add my own interpretations of the Recorder. But she did tell you often that you are misreading. Perhaps she has to write volumes of letters or articles. And mistakes do happen. Who are we to judge. Sydney Sheldon used to write every day for a long time and then edit and reedit several times before it became a novel. Will you ever sue Jesus for allowing inconsistencies in the bible? The recorder also maitained the level of people she needs to address and the level of mastership that she herself has attained. If you are an expert Tango dancer, why do you need to go to a Tango master? She/he will refuse to make you a student. So first give it time not just one day or two to reach a judgement about the master. And then decide. Makes sense? Also Im going offline a bit, once you do find a master, stay with him/her. Don't double time. Atleast in the beginning stages until you are ready. But its bad to slander your master after you have received training with them. It speaks low of your character. Yes you may share with a student about your feeling of the master any point. But they must ask first. You seemed to have thrust your opinion on this site. That speaks volumes of your own character. If you are blaming the recorder for saying such a thing against the Iraqi people in general. I am sure you would have argued with the angels from God too about why Soddom and Gamorrah must be destroyed. But the destruction did take place did n't it? You must compare apples with apples and not apples with oranges? Peace, Mannu IP: Logged |
mezzoelf1 Knowflake Posts: 119 From: Registered: Jan 2007
posted March 17, 2007 06:35 PM
Right - know this is NOT a site about/for Xianity. But! There is nowt wrong with a bit of healthy debate and all of us bring different views and experiences inc. the influence of organised religion. Its no different than if we were talking about Hindism or Buddhism. All these claims about the 'voice of Jesus' and his teachings - really not necessary. His simple message of LOVE and COMPASSION are all we need - not letters or anything else! And if you're not a Xian, LOVE and COMPASSION still apply to spiritual development. Jesus never judged 'let him who is without sin cast the first stone...' no one who understands this can possibly suggest a nation of people 'deserve' their suffering! 'LOVE YOUR ENEMY' - so simple yet so difficult! If we all managed this then we would have peace on earth xxx IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3592 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 18, 2007 02:04 AM
hmmm Well since everyone here knows Jesus so well... how evil is it of me to say I hope I'm there on the day that one of you slips up and says "I can't stand *a certain* web site" so I can see Karma do it's work? I like Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson. I also like Oprah. How many threads have I seen here in LL about how one of these is misleading charlatan? I think easily around twenty. I might make a few comments in an effort to reveal to someone something they might have missed. I might even ask them some questions to find out why they feel that way. They will more often then most stand by their opinion, no matter how ridiculous it seems to me. I will roll my eyes and go with life. I would NOT SAY: ~As for YOU, I believe that YOU ARE a Jesus-wannabe-imposter--far too caught up in YOUR own ego vibrations of sorrow and suffering to have clear and dynamic communication with Christ. Jesus would never have hung this thread up to air like YOU did. I am not moved by a childish tantrum. Christ Consciousness still nevertheless, extends his love to YOU.~Talk about arrogant. And why are any of you defending this comment as ok? If someone here said this to YOU, would you think YOU DESERVED IT? Would you think it was wrong if someone here stood up for you and SAID IT WAS WRONG??? What is with the loyalty to this web-site? Is this a family member of someone? Was this some advertising attempt gone bad? I don't want to fight with people but I really don't understand why everyone is defending this "author" so strongly. Who cares? I like Oprah, I think she is good and wise and tries. MANY other people think she is opportunistic whack-job. This entire thread is about Moira attacking HSC and Naiad getting p.o.'ed with my taking a rude tone toward Moira because I didn't like her cruel comment toward HSC. Unless you guys have something against Steve, just drop it. Maybe Moira was having a bad day, maybe Naiad was too. I know I was just ****** at reading the Jesus wanna-be comment. Sheesh how boring. Do you guys wanna rumble or something? I'm not trying to upset anyone or get in the last word. I just want to uplift things a bit. This thread is DARK. Let's all just go. If you want to argue that the original site is really cool, then go to the thread about what an "Imposter" she (the web-site guru) is and argue all of her good points. Maybe Moira is really a nice person and this comment was unusual and out of character for her. Once again, I will say that if someone made that comment to YOU, you would not think I that my response was so terrible. If, on the other hand, this is just a war against Steve and this is about choosing sides, let me know. I don't really care if he is right or he is wrong. He's usually right, and I am just happy that people exist in this world who are willing to investigate things and question them. Not every bad guy is willing to put on the Marilyn Manson costume. And some would say that even those who wear the costume are not always what they seem. It takes investigation. These are the things we are here to discuss. WHAT IS WITH THIS WEBSITE??? Do people have an "interest" in the site? Oh, *sigh* I've probably started more **** . Either way, I'm not talking to you at all in this situation Elf, and Mannu, you've creeped me out a bit from the beginning but I don't know you so I try not to judge by my first impression! I always assume I will eventually learn more about you. Naiad, I liked your Fairies on the other thread, I would have made a comment, but I didn't want to show up on your pretty thread and make you think of these "unpleasantries". I'm not here to make enemies, but I will stand up for my friends. I just can't think of any reasonable person not understanding that. That is why I said I understood your reasoning for commenting to me in support for Moira, although I reserved the right to continue to believe that what she said in this instance was very wrong. If you are still reading this, I've gotta give you some respect, because I'm quite bored with myself right now. I hope this clears everything up.
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 18, 2007 02:14 AM
I dont want to debate this anymore. I've had Mars and Chiron transiting my first house, squaring my sun/venus/mc/uranus for the past few days. Chiron is going to continue squaring my stellium for the next few weeks. I feel so charged lately, I can barely cope. I think I might be having a "hypo-manic episode", lol.Although there are things you've said I admire and agree with, I still take issue with many of your comments, naiad and Mannu, and I can still see all the "arguments" I could use to explain my perceptions and actions, but I need to take a step back for now. For the record, Mannu, I was genuine in my thanking Moira. Not in the sense that I expected to find the link useful, but, at least, in the sense that I could genuinely appreciate her impulse to share. Maybe you still doubt this, but it is the truth. I don't want to be a source of negativity. I really do have love for everyone of you. We are all such complex creatures. I'm sorry, if I went too far in some things. My thoughts and feelings are very closely linked, and there is a great deal of passion in me, which is extremely difficult to control. I am not sure what I think and feel about all of this, though there are some things I remain convinced of. Maybe in the future we will be able to pick up some of these themes again, with less hostility. I'm crying right now. I really do love everyone, and see us all as children. I wish I could see it all the time. love s
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Mannu Knowflake Posts: 2764 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 18, 2007 04:56 AM
Stephen, Remember its you who controls the stars and not the stars that control you. Being passionate is not bad, after all you are expressing or radiating what you believe in. But with too much passion theres a chance of being annihilated, unless the intellect takes over. Well I too am looking forward to hear more of you here but not this topic please Cheers, Mannu MysticMelody: I have known Stephen more than I would have known Moira. To answer your question, its not about loyalty. I, and perhaps other people here are trying to live the message of "Love and Compassion." This place must be a where everyone is heard. And if we disagree, it must be done with respect. My perception of Stephen creating a thread to debunk the Recorder, was firstly akin to throwing water on what Moira had expressed. One spiritual truth says "Always imagine that the other person is you." So if I was her, I would have felt bad too if someone sabotages my post that means something to me. I think any one who is compassionate enough will try to support Moira first. I don't want to sound too far stretched by that statement but thats my spiritual truth. I made a point before, there are people who are getting enlightened even in the presence of unlightened or false teachers. The reason being heart to heart connection exists. Our earth is in that situation right now. Oprah would have touched some people in so many ways and for others she would not make any difference. Why can't we all come to an understanding about our diversity? I have met many people (who I wanted to know more about) who came here and decided to leave this place because of dirty politics. At first I never spoke about it, but the pattern seems to be continuing and its quite irritating. Cheers, Mannu
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 18, 2007 07:05 AM
Dear Mannu,We are all gods in the making, but none of us rule the stars just yet. The proverb goes, "A wise man rules by the stars, a fool is ruled by them." To rule by the stars is not the same as to rule the stars. It means one acknowledges their rulership, and begins to work with them. The stars and planets (called "gods" by the ancients) demand our utmost respect. It takes particularly rare self-awareness and self-mastery to work with the energies of the outer planets. These are, by their nature, unconscious energies, which behave in ways that defy human understanding, and which, from time to time, disrupt our lives rather profoundly and remarkably. Most people do not have these planets especially strong in their charts, which would explain why they might believe themselves rulers over them. They are able to go through life ignoring and repressing them, without suffering significant consequences themselves, or causing too much of a stir with others. I don't know about you, but I have my Solar Stellium in Scorpio (Pluto ruled) and Moon in Aquarius (Uranus Ruled), with my Stellium centering on Uranus, Moon closely semi-square Neptune (moon is in the 1st, and both are singletons), and The Ascendant squaring Pluto. The Sun and Moon are both parallel Uranus, and the Ascendant is parallel Neptune. This is just the big three (Sun, Moon, Ascendant). My point is that I've got more than my fair share of outer planetary energies to cope with, and more passion and intellect than I could possibly know what to do with (especially at the age of 28). I thank you for understanding the hardships I face, and for bearing with me, as I learn to handle these extremely powerful energies. It is not the least bit easy. In fact, it is so difficult, it would probably require wholesale transcendence on a daily basis, to keep from getting carried away in some pretty shocking ways. I am not dealing with common inner-planetary issues, so, it would hardly suffice to let my intellect (Mercury) take over. There are no easy answers for me. Which is why I'm sure you can understand how it might appear insensitive, to be told that I rule the stars. I don't rule the stars, Mannu. God rules the stars. I am merely humbled by them. Again and again and again. Love to you, HSC
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 18, 2007 07:20 AM
"Always imagine that the other person is you." I would want to know the truth. But I can't speak for Moira.
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sesame Moderator Posts: 1587 From: Oz Registered: Nov 2003
posted March 18, 2007 09:44 AM
Yeah, hey, this is an interesting thread in its own right! I just wanted to add a few things, and hope they're not flammable.I feel most people (in my mind) want to help the world, and pass knowledge on to other people. Jesus is one that has done so, and is probably the most well known to us, and since he was also called the only Son of God, and in fact was God, and maybe the holy ghost, adds some more "weight" as to who he was (is) and what he was here to do. That said, I personally believe we are all One in a practical sense - not just theoretical. He wasn't the only son. This was the biggest lie in His Story. Other than Eve eating the apple (but I still can't really come to terms with that whole story, but the book "Ishmael" makes it a LOT easier to understand). Anyhow, I feel that Stephen's issue is with someone claiming something that doesn't sit right with him (to put it mildly). I also feel that Stephen (by his words) has a tendency to want to help the world understand fundamental truths about life that they won't get from this person - to mention the suffering. I too have feelings like this, that the world needs more understanding and compassion, and Love! Now, I'm not picking sides, but do agree to a certain extent Mannus opinion that all people have valid opinions. I also believe that people who read something and act foolishly - ie give money away and later regret it - to the extent that they could become mentally unsound, not a nice thing to do. I would like people to maintain what little sanity they can hold within this world for as long as they can. Anyhow, opinions are a hairy thing. We all have them. Sometimes we express them. Sometimes we are judged by them. Sometimes (unfortunately?) they change! What happens then? What happens when someone says something that changes your point of view? Do you eat humble pie, or sulk, or deny it? Does anyone really care? This is where ego comes in. Ego is your point of view. To change your view is to have a "flaky" ego (somewhat). But it is also paramount to evolving and understanding. There are no truths, only ruts! Well, no substantive ones - only objective. Your truths shall set you free, mine might not. I feel like I'm too cliched sometimes. Anyhow, my last paragraph is this. We each live our own existences with what little brain power we have. We each use our soul to aid us in our decisions, and to move our minds and bodies to do something. The soul is Universal. To say differently is the true blasphemy. God is in all, and how? What is the soul? Words are merely tools to convey feelings and thoughts. They are collections of symbols with a (somewhat) common understanding that is (somewhat) helpful in transmitting communication. We are all the same regardless of the symbols we transmit. If you read something and decide to change the world through charities, then so be it. If you read the same thing and feel the need to type about it on a forum then so be it. All actions are choices and need to be remembered as such. I'm being extremely theoretical and scattered right now (getting a little tired), but my point is (well another one) that people make up their own minds about anything. Love is all - positivity, compassion, understanding, and humility are all assets that should be used in order to rub off to other people, so they may pass on. Criticism and negativity are two words I don't like using or seeing. They are just as valid to exist as Love and Peace, but my own personal opinion is that I don't use them for the reason stated above - they could spread. For every negativity, their is a positive - yin and yang. Kharma and Dharma - well, not sure if these go like that, but you get my point(s). I'm gonna sleep now... Heaps of Love, Dean. ------------------ I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don't even know it. Sue Monk Kidd, "The Secret Life of Bees", p79 Logically Magical Logic is Magically Logical Magic! (and vice versa!) IP: Logged |
naiad Knowflake Posts: 1645 From: Registered: Sep 2006
posted March 18, 2007 11:34 AM
there was a great interchange of energy here. we all expressed our hearts, our truths, what is meaningful to us.our tears are intermingled now...our souls have communicated and have connected. this is a family....individuals, sharing ourselves, allowing each other our heartfelt moments...listening and finding ways to love each other. thanks and peace everyone. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 18, 2007 11:37 AM
Thank you for saying that, naiad, and so so beautifully. Thank you. Blessings of love to you, S
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MysticMelody Moderator Posts: 3592 From: Registered: Dec 2005
posted March 18, 2007 12:53 PM
Hi Everybody Nice vibe in here Mannu, I think our views on this are close enough to understand each other. "So if I was her, I would have felt bad too" is a good enough point even if I don't completely agree with your total context. For me it wasn't about politics, although I often feel I'm forced to choose my words correctly due to opposition. It was about friendship. I hope politics won't ruin Our chances of getting to know each other. Sesame, I have always enjoyed your vibe. Naiad, exactly. I was really happy to read what you said. Steve ------------------ "Did you ever get the chance to dance along the light of day?" IP: Logged |
Mannu Knowflake Posts: 2764 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 21, 2007 05:00 AM
MysticMelody, Well looking forward to know you too Sesame, I always like to read your writings. It hits the nail on the important things
Hope you are going good as well. You brought an important subject. I will like to add my own viewpoints. To understand oneness, we have to reliquish our ego and our islands and identities and etc. Its very very important. Why do you think the moon tides affects us psychologically? Its not just gravity but inside we are all wired to gether at the subtlest level which we can't imagine. Same with the sun and the stars. Sun produces weather changes and affects our body. W.r.t stars, well Linda spoke of star signs so I can't add much there. The more the distance grows the more we believe that its impossible we are connected. That is what human eyes are made to believe. But when seen thru the eyes of soul, we are all wired up at the subtlest level. When we flow with the nature as two, theres seperation. When we flow with nature as one theres unity. The nature will give grace to us. Jesus walking on water is not impossible. Jesus was one with the universal consciousness. He never thought himself as seperate from 'God'. You say you have issues with your outer planets. Just give in. Do not struggle. When theres stuggle theres seperateness and stumbling blocks. When we give in, first comes harmony and later unity. Mind, body and soul are not three, but one. When you consider it as three theres conflict. When you consider that Mind body and soul work in harmony thats seperation too. If you consider them as one theres unity. When you consider Glove and hand within the glove , thats seperation. While if you consider hand and glove as one theres unity. It will take lots of practice to reach that state of being as you rightly said. May be theres a god assigned to the stars or whatever, but when you flow with them as one, feel connected to them as one, even they will obey you (hence I said you must rule the stars. I had to emphasize the ruling , majority human beings understands the language of arrogance) Oh oh...another debate on that last statement is it?
Man as a rule is a fool When it is hot asking for cool When it is cool asking for hot Always asking for what is not?
Cheers Mannu
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7248 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted March 21, 2007 09:20 PM
Mannu,Interesting thoughts. quote: When you consider Glove and hand within the glove, thats separation. While if you consider hand and glove as one theres unity.
Hmmm. I'll have to think about that one. Then again, maybe I'll have to not think about it. IP: Logged |
moiraHISbeloved Knowflake Posts: 36 From: Registered: Mar 2007
posted March 22, 2007 04:23 PM
Hello everyone, I have been away because I have several sites that I attend to for those who wish to walk the Lion Path. I see by some of the threads here that my presence caused quite a stir over the past few weeks. There is an upcoming Lion Path cycle starting in July 2007, cycle ruler Pure Sothis, and I am busy helping people with preparations for the sessions. HSC, I have not retreated to an 'echo-chamber'... I am happy that my presence if nothing else informed a few people here about the Lion Path -- I know that the path was very special to Linda Goodman and that is why she mentioned it in her books and also chose Musaios (Kyril Demys) to compose the cantos for Gooberz. As far as the Christ Letters are concerned, I wrote a heart-felt letter to the recorder about some issues that I felt were blatantly missing and overlooked in the messages and asked if she could share some of her thoughts. It took her over a week to reply. Her reply was brief, somewhat blunt and she did not answer my questions. I felt as if I was being blown off. I am sorry if I caused any unrest in the hearts of those here. I knew that there were some here who were ready for the message of the Lion Path. Also I was hoping I could locate some other Lion Pathers from the 80's and 90's and also some of Musaios' acoustic acupuncture tapes for re-recording. IP: Logged | |