Topic: The Secret History of Lucifer
silverstone unregistered
posted April 21, 2008 03:16 AM
A good read: ‘Picknett's depth and range of knowledge is impressive... readers will encounter a thick, interesting and alternative view of an intriguing topic.’ Publishers Weekly The sequel to Mary Magdalene: Christianity's Hidden Goddess, The Secret History of Lucifer (2005) traces the literal demonisation of the Great Goddess, once the consort of none other than Yahweh in one of her manifestations. As the patriarchal religions took hold, the ancient goddesses became hated and feared as demons that sucked the life from men, embodiments of all that is hellish. Myths about the fall of Lucifer - once so intimately associated with the Morning/Evening Star, or Venus - permeated the thinking of medieval churchmen who were fanatically, even insanely, determined to root out what they perceived as female evil in the witchcraft hysteria. A misogynist rout, the witch hunts also undermined the whole of society, for the ruthless undermining of the Feminine also impinges on society as a whole. And if there were few genuine witches at the beginning of the massacres, by the end there must have been many more - for even Hell and Satan himself could be no worse than the depredations of the Church. Yet also underlying the Lucifer myth is the implicit psychopathy of Yahweh, a god so jealous and incapable of self control, so lacking in maturity that he could accept no challenge, and wreaked havoc on those who stood up to him. Is Lucifer the evil one - or Yahweh? Lucifer, the 'Light-Bearer', the bright Morning Star - and not the hateful embodiment of evil, Satan - represents the eternally questing, challenging and evolving mind of humanity, the spirit of progress and equality. Gradually, as the Church began to lose its grip in the aptly named Age of Enlightenment, came the rise of science and esoteric groups such as the Freemasons (in the 18th century the two were inextricably entwined). Freedom brings its own challenges, and a darker side emerged with the many quasi-satanic groups who enjoyed the thrills of black masses behind the lace curtains of suburbia. However, the 20th-century founder of the Church of Satan, Anton laVey, viewed the Christian Church in a markedly Luciferan way - although his practices were too strong for many tastes and his showmanship too brash. Altogether more profound was occultist Aleister Crowley - also an exhibitionist given to outrageous acts - whose philosophy of 'Every man and Woman is a Star' arguably provides would-be Luciferans with the rules. But as we enter a new millennium, the hard-won freedoms are being eroded in the west, and the bright light of Lucifer is being eclipsed... LONG LIVE LUCIFER - BUT TO HELL WITH SATAN! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9745 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 21, 2008 08:25 AM
Lucifer is never evil as the other angels are on the Bible.IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9745 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 21, 2008 08:44 AM
The Planets quote: Earlier Greeks did not realize what the planets were, but were quite disdainful towards them. They were referred to as "tramp stars," which is our word for "planets." Homer wrote of the morning and evening star (Venus) by two separate names, "Phospheros" and "Hesperos" -- he never knew that they were the same planet.It was Pythagoras in 550 B.C. who discovered that Phospheros and Hesperos were the same. IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted April 21, 2008 03:59 PM
This is all two fascinating. In my early teen years I was working through those same questions, as to who is evil...and whats Lucifer's role in life. I had to admit but he is one of my favorite "characters" in the Bible...His persona is very psychological and fascinatingIP: Logged |
Xodian Knowflake Posts: 1022 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 22, 2008 10:31 AM
Its interesting that Lucifer actually has been linked with the greek pagan god "Apollo." And for those who commonly mistake Apollo as the the god of Sun; No. Apollo isn't the god of the Sun. That's Helios whose position was later occupied by Apollo.Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light, truth, prophecy, medicine, healing, music, poetry, and the arts; And is credited with providing humans with enlightment. Why do you think the first mission to Space was appropriaetly named "Apollo" Lol! So there is more to Lucifer then meets the eye. IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted April 27, 2008 03:11 AM
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ListensToTrees unregistered
posted April 27, 2008 11:53 AM
I'm intrigued as to where the meaning of "Amen" originated from.Could it be the name of a secret god, the real god of the Bible? *Edited* to add: According to Stephen Mehler, Amen is the name of one of the 5 stages of the Sun, in ancient Khem (Egypt): quote: Kheper- "The Driller"- The DawnRa- "The Stubborn"- Noon Oon- "The Wise"- Afternoon Aten- "The Wiser"- Twilight Amen- "The Hidden"- Night
(Info. can be found 20 minutes into this amazing lecture): IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees unregistered
posted April 27, 2008 11:54 AM
Were "God" and "Satan" in on things together?I wouldn't trust either!  IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9745 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2008 07:13 PM
Lucifer is NOT Satan.  And God names: Silverstone!  Thanks for the book referral! I have just begun reading it!  IP: Logged |
silverstone unregistered
posted April 27, 2008 07:26 PM
Hi Lexx,I hope you enjoy it; I'm still reading it... and feel free to post a religious humor thread when you desire; I'll ensure nobody crosses the line  __________________________________________________________________________________________ Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.... The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. ~Robert Frost IP: Logged |
LEXX Knowflake Posts: 9745 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2008 08:06 PM
If the book continues as it has been so far, I will be buying it!  Thank you silverstone!  IP: Logged |
Thorshammer Newflake Posts: 0 From: Slc, Utah, USA Registered: Jul 2015
posted May 08, 2008 07:51 PM
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13466 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted February 28, 2017 12:29 AM
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1871 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted September 18, 2018 03:15 PM
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 1871 From: Registered: Nov 2016
posted September 18, 2018 07:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Xodian: Its interesting that Lucifer actually has been linked with the greek pagan god "Apollo." And for those who commonly mistake Apollo as the the god of Sun; No. Apollo isn't the god of the Sun. That's Helios whose position was later occupied by Apollo.Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light, truth, prophecy, medicine, healing, music, poetry, and the arts; And is credited with providing humans with enlightment. Why do you think the first mission to Space was appropriaetly named "Apollo" Lol! So there is more to Lucifer then meets the eye.
In light of Space, there was a space Mission in the 70s named on Apollo or Lucifer's behalf. Of course most of us also know there's a huge observatory in Vatican city known as Lucifer. For anyone interesed the mission has a namesake asteroid: 2228 Soyuz-Apollo IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 124947 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 15, 2018 09:00 AM
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ballerina Moderator Posts: 2146 From: A Place on Earth Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 02, 2019 02:32 PM
Interesting!------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone/Emeraldopal IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 124947 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 08, 2019 06:16 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 124947 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 07, 2020 01:04 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 124947 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 16, 2020 05:42 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 124947 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2020 06:38 PM
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PhoenixRising Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 11, 2020 12:56 PM
The answers has been provided already by many. This is 2020 now. No time to read but to focus on the now and increase your vibrations in the war we are at.
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