posted August 18, 2008 03:14 PM
Background: Most people I have met in my journey swears by this book; Short on time but will say this. This is one of the few books where "listening" can make you enlightened. Very few books in the world are such.
Note no one knows the author. Must be a rishi who created the characters of Janak and Ashtavakra, to drivel the concepts of duality, advaita and finally the ultimate truth -- silence. He must be J Krishnamurthi of his time who insisted time again that: The path itself is the destination
He does not beat around the bush but tells truth as it is. No meditation or kriya or karma or whatever is required but pure listening is required. It does not mean other masters who insisted those things are wrong. No, no two people are alike. What workds for goose does not work for gander. You keep trying various things . singing, dancing, ecstatic on your journey. Finally you might say "Ah this". A small satori or a big satori could happen to you.
Just relax, and savor. Who knows you may be one of those people who might get enlightened
Actually drop the whole idea of enlightenment. You are already that what you seek. Just right remembrance is required. When someone talks about your village. It reminds you of home doesn't it. Same way the truth spoken in this book might take you to the beyond.