posted April 25, 2012 11:32 PM
Possibility of what gold is and what the Stone(Soul) of the Philosophers is.Transmuting the soul to Leo = Gold.
Leo (Prime Fire) is King.
Sagittarius (Elder Fire) is the Old Wise King.
Sagittarius could be the "Soul" of the Philosophers.
The sign is governed by Jupiter, a planet which is symbolically associated with temperate qualities which loosen, relax and expand. Sagittarius is also linked with the "element of fire," which represents outgoing, action-oriented energy that seeks spontaneous expression. As the mutable fire sign, governed by an expansive planet, the symbolic focus of the sign is connected to the principle of exploration and evolution. Correspondingly, Sagittarians are reputed to be drawn toward travel and philosophy, and to enjoy social contacts, meeting new people and exploring other cultures. They are said to be highly intelligent, broad-visioned, tolerant in their views, mainly concerned with the "big picture" but with little patience for the details.
"I have tried in my time to be a philosopher, but I don't know how; cheerfulness was always breaking in."
- Oliver Edwards
Ruled by Jupiter and associated with the ninth house, Sagittarius represents mutable fire energy. The evolutionary goal of Sagittarius is to develop faith and a sense of life's purpose so that he is sustained by optimism and hope. Sagittarius takes leaps of faith into exploring unknown cultures and philosophies; he goes on an educational and spiritual journey and develops an intuitive resonance with what generates faith for him. The Sagittarian quest is to sample a wide variety of perspectives, to grasp the wholeness of life, and to find his philosophical and spiritual place within it. Sagittarius learns and teaches, bestowing generosity and benevolence on others, and can become an inspirational force of faith for others. Optimism, good humor, adventurousness, and enthusiasm are hallmarks of Sagittarius.
As the episode begins, Lt. Worf fails to report to his Bridge duty station and Lt Commander Data and First Officer Commander William Riker (Leo) become concerned. Riker finds Worf's quarters filled with incense and burning candles while his Chief of Security sits before a small fire nearby in a nearly trance-like state.
A repentant Worf explains to Picard that he was attempting to reconnect with his Klingon spiritual beliefs by performing a Klingon ritual in an attempt to summon a vision of Kahless, the original messianic warrior who founded the Klingon Empire.
Michael Dorn (born December 9, 1952) is an American actor, and voice artist who is best known for his role as the Klingon Worf from the Star Trek franchise.
21 November – 21 December
This is one of my favorite episodes of next generation. Kahless says something to worf at the end that is special.
"Kahless left us, all of us, a powerful legacy. A way of thinking and acting that makes us Klingon. If his words hold wisdom and his philosophy is honorable, what does it matter if he returns? What is important is that we follow his teachings. Perhaps the words are more important than the man."
- Kahless
"Rightful Heir" is the 149th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The 23rd episode of the sixth season. *great episode*
Its also on Netflix. One of my best friends is a sagittarius.
Alchemical fire or calcinatio is the stage of a change process in which refinement is accomplished through heating. Calcinatio is a heating and drying process. Carl Jung spoke of fire as libido or psychic energy.
Standing in the fire means staying with painful feelings until they are fully understood; it means developing the stamina to resist frustration as well as anxiety; it means going all the way through whatever process has gotten us into the fire.