posted January 04, 2011 05:14 PM Hawaiians believe that we all come into this world with a bowl of light. There is a bowl of light within each of us. This is our connection to spirit. As we move through life, we tend to pick up pohaku’s (rocks or stones) that block our light. The pohaku’s are in the form of negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt or guilt. Also limiting beliefs, such as feelings of being undeserving or unworthy, fears of failure, rejection or abandonment.
Sometimes we meet people that don’t seem to have a bowl of light within them, so we think they are nasty! It isn’t that they don’t have a bowl of light within, it’s just that they may have so many pohaku’s blocking the light that it appears that way. Remember, there is a bowl of light within each of us.
How do you know you have some pohaku’s in your bowl of light? That’s easy. You can feel it. If you can think of an event in your life that you still feel some anger or guilt about, then you haven’t let it go. If you have feelings of being undeserving or fear of failure, these negative emotions are in your bowl.
The opposite is true as well. After we assist you in clearing or releasing the negative emotions from your bowl of light, you will feel the peace and calm, that we all so desire. You will also learn the process to clear the pohaku’s from your bowl of light.
An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.
~Orlando A. Battista.