posted March 25, 2011 11:10 PM
Scriptures are all quoted in figurative language..Ami is right it is not a concept.
He is one amongst us!
let us study the scriptures for some is a good explanation that I found.Revelation 13:1-10
Verse 1
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the names of blasphemy."
In prophetic terminology the word sea is used to symbolize nations. In verse one, he rises out of the nations with seven heads and ten horns. Seven heads in particular means seven people with the names of blasphemy. The term horn signifies power and authority and crown represents that they are kings. So he rises out of the nations with 7 leaders and 10 horns (areas) of power and authority with 10 crowns.
So lets get this straight, 7 heads with the names of blasphemy, 10 horns and upon the horns 10 crowns.
Crowns represent kingship or an award. In spiritual terms crowns are rewards. For example, in heaven believers are rewarded with crowns of righteousness, or a crown of martyrdom. In political terminology the word crown would mean the highest office, kingship, or presidency.
At first glance, there seems to be more horns and crowns than people to wear them. There are 7 leaders with 10 awards/positions and areas of power and authority.
Verse 2
" And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the mouth of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority."
Here is an assortment of animals and animals are symbolic of people or things. We know the dragon is Satan. There are many references in the Bible referring to Satan as a dragon, and even in my area of the Alien Agenda, we know that the dragons are known as Draconians or Dracos.
This is where churches start using animal terminology to fit ideas or past kingdoms that rose to power and fell. The Prophet Daniel referred to kingdoms as different types of animals.
And this is where I saw in the Bible Codes something much different for this age.
In the Bible Codes, a leopard signifies terrorism, terrorist, or false prophet. The bear represents socialism/communism, and the lion represents God, as one of His titles being "Lion of Judah," or it can be used to describe one of His own people someone who follows Him and acts within His authority.
So in verse 2 we are seeing that a leader rises who is a terrorist with a communistic agenda and speaks as if he is God or one of God's. He has the mouth of a lion. He speaks of and for God. Naturally in terms of speaking of the beast, he is apostate. He is not really of God or speaking for God. He is apostate and false, but that is not the impression he gives the people he is ruling over. They think He is a believer, a Christian, when he is really an apostate beast and terrorist pushing a communistic agenda, but he does it masking himself as one of God's own people and acting like he is under God's authority. Hitler quoted Scripture the whole time he was in power. Beasts love to quote Scripture because it dumbs people down, and they cannot get past it to see what kind of person or leader they really are behind all the religious rhetoric.
Verse 3
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."
There are different interpretations on this particular passage. The beast himself dies and comes back to life, or a nation itself gets destroyed and yet comes back to power, it is healed. In chapter 17, it tells us that the heads represent a succession of leaders.
From what I have seen in the Bible Codes, the most dominant interpretation is the one where he dies, "as it were wounded to death," meaning a fake death, and then he comes back. I have never seen a country in the codes be destroyed and then come back in a short amount of time, and we know that is impossible in such a short period of time for that to happen. In this instance, we are not dealing with a lot of time. I am not saying it cannot happen, I am just telling you what I have been shown in the codes, and I have not seen that aspect in them.
What I see in the codes is the near death of a world leader, played out as a real death with a formal funeral, when he really just suffers a near death experience because something wounds him and puts him close to death. He literally just goes away and then comes back later as the Antichrist. He is taken to the space station or somewhere in space off the earth. It may look like a real death, but he is not dead, he is just in a coma.
Verse 4..
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"
Who are "they?" They are the 10 horns. When they see him die and come back, they realize he is unstoppable and they cannot defeat him if they themselves even wanted to try. He is powerful and has everything at his disposal to keep everyone else in subjection to him. He is from a powerful country and has a powerful military, and they are in awe he came back to life.
At this point, they are also afraid of him. They know no one can come up against him and win, especially because of his dying and coming back showing the world he is "immortal." And it gets better, because he does not just come back acting like he is immortal, he comes back acting like he is God Himself.
Not so amazingly, these leaders worship the dragon. In the first part of the verse, it reveals they are Satan worshipers. They worship the dragon. They are all part of the brotherhood, occult, secret societies, illuminati, or whatever. The bottom line is they worship Satan.
In Daniel 11, the prophet describes the Antichrist as a god of forces and understanding dark sentences. These are occultic terms. The "god of forces" is the occult, and dark sentences are cryptic speech with hidden and dark meanings.
Verses 5 and 6...
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months."
"And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
When he comes back as a beast, he is bold and arrogant and blasphemes the Most High God. He even attacks and speaks against "them that dwell in heaven." And he is given a three and a half year reign, 42 months."
He does not resume the former position of power that he held before his untimely fake death, because while he is gone that position is filled with someone else. When he returns, he gets control and rule over the whole world. Of course there are those who will rebel against it, but in a nutshell, he becomes the leader of a one world government.
42 Months
A critical piece of information provided by the Revelation prophecy is
that after the healing of the beast's wound the healed beast would be
given authority to continue a further 42 months.
The cryptic reference '42 months' is likely a New Testament reference to
the period cryptically described in Daniel chapter 4 as 'seven times'.
Both terms refer to a time period of 2,520 years. The period of time from
when Cyrus released the Jews to the end-time grafting of the Jewish faith
back into the Olive Tree.
[ NB: While it is easy to derive the period of 2,520 years from
'seven times', ie 7 years x 360(days per year), it is more
difficult to derive this period from '42 months'.
The notion of '42 months' may be easily equated to 1,260
years, ie 42 x 30 days and the application of the day/year
principle, but the doubling of this value to provide 2,520
years could be questioned.
The notion of '42 months' can also be interpreted as
'42 New Moons'. (In the Old Testament the one Hebrew word
is either rendered 'month(s)' or 'New Moon(s)'.)
The topic of 'New Moons' has been poorly understood, refer
to NEW MOON - Chodesh - Explained!).
NB: The existence of only six 'New Moons' per year would
mean that '42 New Moons' would also equate to 7 years
(and therefore 2,520 years). ]
Under that which came upon
the ancient nation of Israel by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar and his army.
The wound having been healed when the Jews were released from captivity
by the Medo-Persian Empire.
The first beast gets 42 months to rule.
standing the literal meaning of '42 months' allows the reader to
perceive that the near mortal wound was in reality
Verse 7..
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
How does he do it? Martial Law. Notice it's the first beast here that is given power to overcome the saints and make war against them. The whole chip enforcement part comes through the second beast. The actual war against the Saints comes from the first beast. There are two different persecutions mentioned, the war of the saints, and then the chip enforcement that enslaves the whole world, saints or not.
He is given global authority to go after all the saints of Yahweh, not just through martial law here in America, but the entire world.
This takes place during what most people call the first half of the tribulation period.
Verses 8-9
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
If any man have an ear, let him hear.
Here's one of those mysteries of Yahweh's being revealed. Before the earth was even created, He knew who would be born and who would be His.
And before He even spoke the first word to recreate the earth and place Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He had every person who would ever be born and follow Him written in what He calls His "Book of Life."
It is those people, whose names are not written in the Book of Life who will worship Satan, this global world leader, as God.
And in the last verse talking about the first beast, verse 10 it says:
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Who is it talking about here? People in general or the beast? The beast. He made war against the saints. He had them captured, imprisoned and then killed. Or even just captured and taken immediately to be killed. And Yahweh is telling him, "You have killed by the sword and now you are going to die by the sword."
"Here is the patience and the faith of the saints." Whenever we see that in the book of Revelation or told to have patience like in chapter 14:12 or in 6:11, we know justice is around the corner or already emitted. And in verse 10, Yahweh is telling us, that the beast who led His people into captivity and killed them is now going to fall victim at the same sword he held against His people. For now, his country will burn, and he will have to flee to survive. The 10 nation alliance he was a part of has betrayed him and Babylon