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  Feeling out touch with personal spirit

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Author Topic:   Feeling out touch with personal spirit

Posts: 1995
From: los angeles, ca, USA
Registered: Jun 2012

posted June 28, 2014 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for charlie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This might be wrong Forum which is on par for me..

I believe very strongly I have a Guardian Angel watching me or "someone". Or I don't believe, I know. Anyway, sometimes I can't feel its presence and it scares me. Are there any other ways of finding closeness without meditation? Or do they withdraw when one doesn't need guidance?

Edit: title should say "out of touch". My Virgo Asc was twitching at that one..

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Posts: 4733
From: CA
Registered: Oct 2010

posted June 29, 2014 04:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm tempted to move this to Uni-versal Codes as these seems purely metaphysical (dealing with spirits) and having nothing to do with religion (spiritual journeys, faith, visions of divine forces, etc). Nevertheless, some people do consider guardian angels religious (as opposed to a concept built into many religions) so I'm not certain yet.

As for what Guardian Angels do and how they act, that depends on which specific religion (and even denomination) or occult tradition you belong to. And I'm more curious why this presence scares you. (Are you sure it's an angel?)

If you're Eastern Orthodox or Catholic then your priest and the right icon (and note the symbols within it) should be very helpful as they have a well defined hierarchy of angels so in a sense you could appeal to this higher ranking angel in your spiritual journey. I know the Russian Orthodox have prayer books for praying to your own personal guardian angel (as well as to other saints and angels), daily if you wish it, and maybe that would be helpful to you. Ah, I found an Online example of an Eastern Orthodox prayer:

OTOH if you believe your angel is more just watching out for you without much care of religion then I suppose going somewhere contemplative (or does that count as meditation to you?). This could be natural beauty as much as man made beauty, but something to lift your spirits. Generally speaking most people think of angels as "higher vibrations" which are the vibrations of love, compassion, and things like that. I'd think meditation would help, just long enough to ask for an alternative.

Personally, if this angel is kindly to you then I don't see why you can't ask this angel to leave your presence if you feel uncomfortable, perhaps giving a "safe word" for "come" or "depart." After all, if it's against your will (or even without your permission) then it's not really protection but more of a psycho-stalker thing and perhaps you need an exorcist of sorts more than a way to get closer.

Do you have any idea why this angel is present in your life?

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Posts: 4733
From: CA
Registered: Oct 2010

posted June 29, 2014 04:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Btw, I couldn't but help think of this scene from Maleficent:

It cut off before it shows the delicious shock of the fairy who had cursed Princess Aurora being mistaken for her fairy godmother, and how the naive princess says how she always felt her presence and keeping her from danger...though it was, interesting enough, to keep her alive so that a curse could be fulfilled to punish the girl's father. Interesting (and perhaps a plot hole) that when Maleficent decided to revoke the curse and do all that she could to keep the curse from coming to pass (in short she became her fairy godmother after all) that she was unable to do if the fairy witch herself was possessed by the power of her own curse...(actually, I saw that movie as poetry of sorts, Disney is definitely getting better IMO).

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Posts: 4733
From: CA
Registered: Oct 2010

posted June 29, 2014 04:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PixieJane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thought I'd add if you just feel like your privacy is being violated as you do things you'd rather not have an audience for (a valid feeling, IMO, that anyone who loves you should respect) then keep in mind that it's no more awkward to them than how people feel when they see animals doing similar things.

We ARE animals. And if spiritual beings can't understand that then I'd question their worthiness to look out for us. (And if they don't like it then they can leave, and good riddance IMO.) Though I couldn't see how such beings could fail to understand it.

At least with me (and I know I'm not alone) I'm not freaked or disgusted or whatever by roosters mounting chickens (when I was a child I did chase roosters away from the chickens thinking I was saving the chickens from being killed until Granny explained what was going on to me...and telling me to stop before I got mauled by an angry rooster), dogs humping something (not to say I let them hump my leg or try to stick their snout up my butt, but I don't hold it against them either, it's their nature), nor do I hate my cat when I change the litter box, it's just part of being embodied in a biological form, and if I couldn't stand it for some reason then I wouldn't be around them in the first place. If I'm not in the mood to look at that I can certainly turn away easily enough rather than think "what a disgusting creature." Surely if a spirit cared for your well being then they're capable of noticing such things without being particularly bothered (and probably wonder why some people can't accept that about themselves), otherwise why hang around?

I have no idea why the presence of this angel bothers you but it sounds like you'd hope it would go away for awhile but not permanently so that possibility occurred to me.

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Posts: 1995
From: los angeles, ca, USA
Registered: Jun 2012

posted June 29, 2014 04:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for charlie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Pixie-you can move it was going to repost but waited for response. I will read the rest of what you wrote shortly.

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